Pósters de emociones - Feelings Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn feelings with these colorful Spanish posters.
They can be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used:
aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Spanish Feelings Bundle
You may also like:
Mini libro de sentimientos/emociones (My Feelings Mini Book in Spanish)
Ruedas de emociones - Spanish Feelings Wheels
Sopa de letras de emociones (Emotions Word Search)
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!
Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Día Internacional de la Mujer PowerPoint with Discussion Questions and Decor in SPANISH
By Class Plus
Fomenta el pensamiento crítico y los debates significativos con tus estudiantes este Día Internacional de la Mujer utilizando esta atractiva presentación de PowerPoint y el paquete de decoración. Diseñado para fomentar la reflexión, este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar la rica historia y el significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer mediante diapositivas interactivas y preguntas que invitan a la reflexión. Cada diapositiva profundiza en temas importantes, desde el papel histórico y moderno de la mujer hasta los estereotipos, la igualdad de género y otros temas. Los estudiantes también tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las mujeres que les inspiran, ya sean miembros de su familia o personajes públicos, lo que les permitirá establecer vínculos personales con la celebración.
Crea el ambiente adecuado con una vibrante decoración para el aula que genere una atmósfera de empoderamiento. Este recurso es perfecto para crear un entorno animado e inclusivo para tu clase o para todo el centro escolar, garantizando que se celebre, reconozca y honre a todas las mujeres.
Ideal para los tablones de anuncios o las puertas de las aulas, la decoración ayuda a los estudiantes no sólo a comprometerse con el contenido, sino también a sumergirse en un espacio lleno de energía, celebración y respeto. Inspira un sentimiento de unidad y aprecio desde el momento en que entran en el aula.
Cuando los estudiantes, compañeros o padres vean el aula decorada, sabrán inmediatamente que forman parte de un acto especial centrado en la igualdad, los derechos humanos y los logros de las mujeres.
Este recurso incluye:
**Decor: **
**Letras **(Feliz Día de la Mujer):
**Imágenes en Punto: **18 diseños a color
Tarjetas Póster: 6 medias páginas a color
Formatos de la Presentación:
Google Slides
JPG images
¡Feliz día de la Mujer!
SPANISH ALPHABET POSTERS!!! Cute checker themed posters!
By La Llama Bilingüe
This trendy set of SPANISH alphabet posters will be perfect for your new classroom decor!
It comes in FIVE checker backgrounds: pink, green, blue, purple, and yellow.
Just print and go!
Classroom Decor Real World Color Posters - English and Spanish
By Keeper of Kinders
Bright and vibrant color posters featuring real world pictures to help your young learners associate color words with the color.
Each poster is 8.5x11 for easy printing and laminate for future use.
Real world pictures aide ELL students in associating colors and words.
Looking for other languages? Find them here:
English only class decor posters
English and French class decor posters
Check out my other listings here and don't forget to earn TeachShare credits by leaving a review for Keeper of Kinders!
Feliz Navidad Banners - Christmas Bulletin Board & Holiday Door Decorations
By Kimberly
✏️Are you looking for beautiful Feliz Navidad / Las Posadas / Holiday banners for your bulletin board, wall, hallway, online learning backdrop, or Spanish classroom? Then this is the PERFECT resource is for you!
✏️Celebrate in style! These banners are easy to assemble! Simply print, cut, and decorate! You may print onto card stock for extra durability. Hole punch and thread with string or yarn to hang across your classroom or staple / tape directly onto your bulletin board!
✏️SAVE TIME and create a holiday environment your students and parents will love!
⭐️This resource comes in 4 styles! Mix and match to create customized banners that you can use for years to come!
⭐️Check out the preview and video preview for a sneak peek!
✅ Includes (52 pages):
☑ Green banner / Font 1 (13 pages)
☑ Green banner / Font 2 (13 pages)
☑ Red banner / Font 1 (13 pages)
☑ Red banner / Font 2 (13 pages)
⭐️Looking for more Feliz Navidad activities?
Feliz Navidad Growing Bundle
⭐️Looking for Hispanic Heritage activities?
Hispanic Heritage Month Growing Bundle
⭐️Looking for Cinco de Mayo activities?
Cinco de Mayo Growing Bundle
⭐️Looking for Day of the Dead activities?
Day of the Dead Growing Bundle
❤️ Customer Tips:
⭐️Don't forget, you can earn TeachShare credits towards future purchases by leaving a review of this resource! Thank you for your valuable time and feedback!
⭐️Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
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If you have any questions, please contact me: teacher.kimberly.repe@gmail.com
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. Wishing you a wonderful school year! ❤️
- Kimberly
Carteles de géneros de lectura | Spanish Reading Genre Posters | Classroom Decor
By SPO Resources
Muestra estos coloridos pósters de géneros de lectura en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender y comprender los diferentes tipos de géneros de lectura. Cada póster de género literario incluye definiciones amigables para los estudiantes y gráficos memorables, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a identificar y recordar los tipos de géneros en textos de ficción y no ficción.
¡Prepara tu aula para el éxito con estos carteles interactivos a los que los estudiantes pueden recurrir durante todo el año, haciendo que la exploración de géneros sea divertida y sencilla!
⭐ Click here to access the English version of these posters.
¿Estás buscando una forma de darle vida a tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización o al tablero de anuncios de la biblioteca del aula?
¡Mejora la decoración de tu aula de Lengua y Literatura con este completo conjunto de carteles de géneros! Estos carteles vibrantes y atractivos no solo agregarán un toque significativo a tu espacio, sino que también ayudarán a tus estudiantes a comprender fácilmente los diferentes tipos de géneros a medida que se sumergen en la lectura.
¿Listo para mejorar las habilidades de comprensión lectora de tus estudiantes?
¡Descubre la magia de enseñar los tipos de género! Capacita a tus estudiantes para que sean lectores activos ayudándoles a comprender los elementos únicos de cada género, para que sepan exactamente qué buscar mientras leen. Además, presentar una variedad de géneros puede ayudar a tus lectores reticentes a explorar y encontrar géneros que realmente disfruten.
Carteles de géneros incluidos:
Ten en cuenta: Hay dos carteles con el mismo contenido pero títulos diferentes disponibles para tu preferencia. Elige entre "Texto Expositivo" y "Texto Informativo" para un cartel, y "Cuento popular", "Cuento folclórico", y "Literatura tradicional” para otro. Selecciona los títulos que mejor se adapten a tu plan de estudios y enfoque de enseñanza.
Incluido en el paquete:
25 carteles de géneros de lectura disponibles en los siguientes formatos:
★ Carteles de tamaño completo (11" x 8.5")
★ Mini carteles (5" x 4")
★ Pared de palabras de carteles digitales de géneros
★ Carteles de géneros editables
TEN EN CUENTA: Solo las definiciones son editables. Los gráficos, encabezados y el título no son editables.
Pared de palabras de géneros digitales
Presentamos la Pared de Palabras de Géneros Digitales:
¿Por qué enseñar los tipos de géneros?
¡Descubre el poder de enseñar los tipos de géneros! Al sumergirte en diversos géneros con tus estudiantes, podrás potenciar sus habilidades de comprensión lectora y brindarles las herramientas esenciales para navegar por diferentes tipos de textos. Este conocimiento amplía los horizontes de lectura, especialmente para los lectores reticentes que buscan su género perfecto.
Enseñar los tipos de géneros también empodera a tus estudiantes para realizar selecciones de libros bien informadas que se alineen con sus intereses y habilidades. Es una manera fantástica de fomentar el pensamiento crítico y preparar a tus estudiantes para futuros desafíos académicos. ¡Prepárate para encender el amor por la lectura y ver a tus estudiantes prosperar!
Este recurso está diseñado para apoyarte durante todo el año mientras introduces nuevos géneros literarios y enseñas sus elementos y características. Los estudiantes pueden consultar y recordar fácilmente cada tipo de género al mostrar los atractivos carteles de referencia visual en tu pared de enfoque de alfabetización. Con gráficos llamativos, tus estudiantes estarán comprometidos y emocionados por explorar el mundo de los géneros.
Si eres un maestro de primaria con el objetivo de mejorar la comprensión de los tipos de géneros de tus estudiantes y crear una experiencia de aprendizaje emocionante en torno a diferentes géneros, ¡estos carteles son perfectos para ti! Son herramientas llamativas y poderosas para profundizar la comprensión de tus estudiantes sobre varios géneros.
Diseñados específicamente para maestros de K-3, estos carteles proporcionan una referencia visual significativa para que los estudiantes mejoren sus habilidades de lectura y desarrollen un amor por explorar géneros.
Formas de utilizarlos:
Aquí tienes algunas formas fantásticas de aprovechar al máximo estos Carteles de Género:
Estos carteles de género son un recurso versátil que aportará alegría, participación y claridad a tu enseñanza de géneros. ¡Deja volar tu creatividad mientras exploras todas las formas de incorporarlos en tu práctica docente!
Al realizar la compra, recibirás un archivo ZIP que contiene un PDF, una página de acceso digital y dos presentaciones de PowerPoint.
El PDF incluye:
2 archivos PPTX
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These posters are absolutely wonderful! I love the option to edit in certain areas on the posters in case there are things I want to add to suit my class!” -Marissa T. 2nd Grade
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Great genre posters, I use them on a weekly basis as we go over the genre of the week. Very student friendly.” -Brenda V. 3rd Grade
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“This is amazing! I love using the posters as a display in my classroom, and it really helps my students understand the genres we cover.” -Madeleine C. 2nd Grade
You may also like:
⭐ Spanish Classroom Library Labels by Genre & Topic
⭐ Bilingual Classroom Library Labels- English & Spanish
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts
⭐ Bundle of Genre Anchor Charts & Genre Posters
⭐ Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at samantha@sporesources.com. I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only.
Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Get ready to foster a positive learning environment where genre exploration becomes effortless and enjoyable with these reading genre posters in Spanish!
English to Spanish Math Symbols - Bilingual ESL Flashcards (Math Voocabulary)
By Zaazoua Mostapha
Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual mathematic symbols.
Each label takes up 1/15 of a page. There are 112 important Math Symbols for a total of 8 pages. Check out the thumbnail and the preview of some pages in the pictures. They each feature the English and the Spanish name of the math symbol in big, bold black letters. To help aid meaning, I've included clear illustrations of the symbols.
The 112 symbols included are: Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, Equal, Approximately equal, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal, Less than or equal, Square brackets, Parentheses, Angle, Right angle, Curly brackets, Plus or minus, Not equal to, Square root, Percent, Infinity, Integral, Sum of, Equivalent to, Implies, For all, Belongs to, Pi, Empty set, Absolute value, Not belong to, Power, Fourth root, Cube Root, Per-mille, Equation, Function...and more
Use these 112 fun and colorful cards to explore math symbols in English and Spanish - use them as flashcards, a bulletin board or wall display, a memory matching game, or the foundation for more difficult practice of your choice like recognizing math symbols and many more.
Complementary resources:
The bundle:
Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.
Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.
If you have any requests we can help.
¿Estuviste ausente? - Absent student form
By Senorita Creativa
Are you looking for a better way to deal with your students when they return from being absent? Then look no further! This freebie will help you organize your absent students in a flash! © 2016 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
4 Esquinas | 4 Corners Posters | Printables
By En La Clase con Profe G.
Grab these 4 Corners posters and print on different colored paper to add another level of engagement to your classroom activities!
For an in-depth explanation of Terms of Use for this resource, please download it here.
Mexico Floral Classroom Decor
❤ BILINGUAL- SPANISH AND ENGLISH versions of templates.
Beautiful flower banners, templates and much more.
Also, includes Frida banner to mix and max your décor along with posters, classroom jobs, table numbers, newsletter, about me, syllabus template, student info sheet, toolbox supplies and much much more!
Follow my Instagram (This is my most active Outlet)
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TeachShare Store
This product can not be shared, duplicated, re-distributed, sold, or given away for free– in parts or in total- in person or online. Emailing or sharing this product, or the file where you might store it, is prohibited. Sharing the link to this product in my TeachShare store for others to purchase is allowed and appreciated.
⭐️Please Leave FEEDBACK so you will earn TeachShare credits, which may be applied to your future purchases.
**FOLLOW StoreSTORE ** so that you can receive notifications of new products (up to 50% OFF) and sale.
Thank you,
Ariana Perez-Urbina
KINDNESS JAR - Lesson & Craft - Gratitude Empathy & Compliment - SPANISH VERSION
By All Therapy Resources
The following mini-lesson and craft activity is great to help students express their gratitude and appreciation and give compliments to those around them! This activity is a creative and beautiful way to encourage a kindness mindset within a school or education setting. It is encouraging for the class community so see the jar be filled with acts of kindness, compliments and good deeds over time!
This activity can help to foster a positive, encouraging, constructive environment that can help to build growth mindset, personal character and reduce bullying. This is a great initiative for a whole class or even entire school approach to bring about systemic change.
This mini-lesson includes:
- What is a Kindness Jar?
- Kindness Questionnaire
- Impact of Kindness
- The process – what to do
- Giving someone a sincere compliment
- Compliment Templates
- Designated Class Kindness Time
- My Kindness Pledge
- Acts of Kindness Ideas
- My Kindness Jars (templates)
Check out some of our best sellers below! Don't forget to follow our store!
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!
Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!
TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Pages - October Activities
By Learn smartly
Welcome to our Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Pages collection, a celebration of the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities. Hispanic Heritage Month, observed from September 15th to October 15th, provides an opportunity to honor and learn about the vibrant tapestry of Latin American heritage and its influence on the world.
Explore, color, and celebrate with us as we honor the diversity and heritage that make the Hispanic and Latinx communities so vibrant and extraordinary. Start coloring your way through this colorful journey of discovery and appreciation.
What's Included:
Click here to follow my store and never miss a sale.
Be sure to Check out this Hispanic Heritage Month product:
Hispanic Heritage Month bulletin board - Hispanic Heritage Month Classroom Decor
Spanish End of Year | Cell Phone Memories Photo Book | Bulletin Board or Book
By Teach Savvy Store
This Spanish end-of-the-year iPhone Memory activity is the perfect printable to help students wrap up and reflect on their school year! After students fill out their memories worksheet, cut out the iphones and create a bulletin board or class book. :)
✨Spanish Bundle✨
What's Included
Either choose a color iPhone or let students choose a color they prefer
Students can either draw or write to fill up their “photo album”
Use the editable template to create your own memory choices OR to let students create their own
Display on a hallway bulletin board to help with recruitment
You may also like...
Spanish Christmas Ornament Writing Activity
Spanish Valentines Coloring Pages
End of the Year Resources
Classroom Decor
College Acceptance Bulletin Board Spanish & English
By Specialty Spanish
Do you teach high school seniors? Check out this EASY and wonderful bulletin board idea! With minimal work, you personalize this display and create a classroom display to honor your seniors’ accomplishments and inspire your younger students at the same time!
Seniors are SO excited when their acceptance letters begin to come in! They’ve worked hard for the past 4 years! And the younger students love to look at the names of the different colleges and universities students from their school have applied to and been accepted to! Highlight their scholarships too!
Who can use this product?
How can I use this product?
What’s included in this product?
Other resources you may like:
Spanish Expression of the Week Posters
Spanish/English All About My Teacher Fill in the Blank End of Year Activity
Spanish Slang Bundle! Fun Resources!
Visit my store to see other products you might like! Click here to follow me on TeachShare to find out about Freebies, Sales and New Resources!
Find me on
Instagram: @specialtyspanish
Blog: www.specialtyspanish.com
Sign up HERE for my free resource library!
Email: contactspecialtyspanish@gmail.com
Please consider leaving a review! Your feedback helps me to improve, and you can earn credit towards free TeachShare products for every review that you leave!
Spanish Language John 3 16 Bible Verse Bookmarks, Salvation Scripture Cards Gift
By Eden Digital Arts
Set of four printable bookmarks with John 3:16 (Juan 3:16) scripture in the Spanish language from La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español) RVR, and watercolor painted forest and mountains landscape illustrations. Each bookmark has the same verse Juan 3:16, but different illustrations.
These bookmarks could be given out as gifts for Birthdays, baptism, dedication, or any other special occasion, given out at a prayer meeting, used as a hang gift tag, or tag for a gift basket, or instead of cards, used as page tags for books and journals, party favors, printed on sticker paper and used as stickers, added to cards and letters, and more.
For best results, please print on thick card stock paper.
Files include:
1 Pdf US-letter size page 8.5” by 11”.
Each bookmark measures 7" by 2.1, four bookmarks total.
Check out my store for similar items you might like :)
Please follow my store to receive notifications when I post new items.
For use by one teacher, please do not share or sell the file.
By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece
Coming from a school with a large ESL population of Spanish Speakers AND spending years in an REP Math Class, one of our biggest obstacles came from the language barrier. This glossary can help to overcome that barrier! 100 English & Spanish Definitions are included in this PowerPoint file. Each word is on it's own slide, so you can print out what's needed for your current unit. Great for a Word Wall or even Center Posters.
I uploaded this as a PowerPoint file so that you could edit colors and/or add more words that you need in your room.
I hope this helps!!
Feliz Año Nuevo para Colorear Actividad Zentangle
By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot
Feliz Año Nuevo para Colorear Actividad Zentangle
El comienzo de la clase
Finalistas tempranos
Niños que necesitan garabatear
Follow me to be notified as I upload new activities weekly!
Heritage Month Activities: Heritage Months
Holiday Activities: Holidays
Bulletin Boards & Wall Décor: Bulletin Boards & Wall Décor
Spanish Classroom Decor | Weekly Calendar | Days of Week & Events
By Ashley Braun
A weekly calendar in Spanish complete with over 160 calendar cards for all major holidays, celebrations, and school events. Perfect for calendar talk, introducing holidays, and reinforcing the date in Spanish. Customizable to include your choice of holidays and fit your school’s weekly schedule of events.
Los Dias de la Semana | Classroom Decor | Spanish Edition
By My Mindful Classroom
Transform your Spanish classroom with the captivating "Los Días de la Semana" Classroom Decor. This digital download features a pastel boho theme palette, perfect for bulletin boards and Spanish classrooms. Instantly enhance your learning environment with vibrant posters showcasing each day of the week. Engage your students with clear Spanish text and charming graphics. Download now for immediate access and create an inviting atmosphere that sparks enthusiasm for language learning.
Set Includes:
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Affirmation Station | Afirmaciones Positivas | Classroom Decor Spanish
Bienvenidos Banner | Banderin Pastel Boho Classroom Decor | Spanish Edition
Retro Fall Bulletin Board | Spanish Edition | Hola Otoño
For personal and teaching purposes only.
Email me: mymindfulclassroomok@gmail.com
Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram
If you like this digital file kindly leave a review. Thanks and Happy Teaching!
Folder de Vocabulario en español - Vocabulary Review Activity Folder in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This resource comes in a zip file for easy printing and contains the following documents:
Vocabulary included:
You may also like:
Juegos de mesa - Vocabulary Board Games in Spanish
End of the Year Vocabulary Review Activities in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!
Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️