¿Prefieres? - 190 Spanish graphics for "this or that" type questions
By Frenchified
Do you start off your class with a quick poll or check-in question? This set of graphics can be used from day one to get students using Spanish. This set has 190 different graphics that you can use in Desmos, Nearpod, Peardeck, or on a social media post to get input from your students. Each graphic gives them a choice of two different things. You can use it in different levels by adjusting the task.
Level 1 - from the beginning, you can have them just choose between option A and option B. Get lots of comprehensible input by having a class discussion about who prefers what. Later on, have them write complete sentences starting with "Prefiero...."
Level 2 - have students start to add more detail to their responses. Tell them to include details - where, when, with whom. Have them write more complex sentences explaining why they prefer something.
Level 3 - have students make their choice and then talk about the last time they ______.
Some graphics have very basic vocabulary, some have more advanced items - but all are easy to understand due to the images. There are also some cultural graphics mixed in.
Combine this set with the freebie set of 10 for 200 different graphics - enough for the entire school year!
Reflexive Verbs Spanish Sorting Activity and Worksheets
By Senorita Creativa
Do your students struggle to grasp the difference between the reflexive and non-reflexive verbs? This sentence-sorting activity will give them hands-on practice with this often tricky topic! In this activity, your students will sort the given list of 20 English sentences into two categories: reflexive or not reflexive. You could easily adapt this activity for other tenses, simply by providing your own list. In addition to the hands-on practice, this resource also includes two worksheet versions of the same sentences.
This resource contains:
This activity works well individually and in small groups and would be a great introductory activity (by using inductive reasoning), application, or review activity. Although designed for use in levels one and two, it also makes a great review for Spanish three or four.
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
Gráficas para cuentos infantiles
Gráficas para cuentos infantiles
Here is the translation of the provided text to Spanish:
- The Three Little Pigs
- Rapunzel
- Hansel and Gretel
- Snow White
- Beauty and the Beast
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Sleeping Beauty
- Goldilocks
- Superheroes
- Don Quixote
- Puss in Boots
- Pinocchio
Here is the translation of the provided text to English:
- Los 3 cerditos
- Rapunzel
- Hansel y Gretel
- Blanca Nieves
- Bella y la Bestia
- Caperucita Roja
- La Bella Durmiente
- Ricitos de Oro
- Superhéroes
- Don Quijote de la Mancha
- El Gato con Botas
- Pinocho
Spanish Back to School Summer Reflection Printable Activity
By KJ Inspired Resources
This Spanish back to school summer reflections activity is a great get to know you activity for the first week of school! This product is designed to encompass students’ creativity and get them thinking about their back to school goals while reflecting on their favorite summer memories. This PDF is designed to look like a journal or scrapbook page for students to add their flair to!
⭐Save 20% with the After Summer Break Bundle!⭐
⭐Save 25% with the Back to School Mega Bundle!⭐
Sentence Stems Included:
More Back to School Resources...
Find Someone Who
Would You Rather
Stand Up Sit Down
More Spanish Bundles...
Mega Activity Growing Bundle
Stand Up Growing Bundle
Find Someone Who Growing Bundle
AP Spanish Unit 6 Intro Resources to Start Global Challenges
By Specialty Spanish
Unit 6 of AP® Spanish explores environmental, political and global challenges. Use these 5 resources to introduce the topic and get students interested and talking about it right away! Take away the stress of starting a new unit- you have everything you need to set the stage for this last unit!
First- the "Hook" activity! A Google Slides presentation with provocative images of different global challenges. In each slide, in the speaker notes, there is a speaking prompt the teacher can read to students. Use this as a turn and talk activity to involve everyone at once!
Next, a vocabulary list that introduces words that will be important to have for the unit to better understand the different sources students will examine in class. Included with this vocab list is a pre-made Quizlet for student practice!
Third, there are 2 vocab activities for students to practice using the new words. I usually assign these for homework, but they can be used as in class activities as well.
Last, your essential questions! Guide your unit with these questions.
All of these resources can be edited and customized to meet the needs of your students! You will find each resource linked on a Google Doc.
**These 5 resources are INCLUDED in the full unit 6 lesson plans. They are linked below if you want step-by-step daily plans with every activity you need (plus answer keys and rubrics) linked right in!
Who can use this product?
How Can I use this product?
What's included in this product?
Visit my store to see other AP® resources! Follow me to find out about new products, sales and free stuff!
Here are a few other resources that may be helpful!
✅Unit 6 Global Challenges Complete Lesson Plans
✅End of Year Bundle
Find me on
Instagram: @specialtyspanish
Blog: www.specialtyspanish.com
Sign up for my FREE Resource Library HERE!
Pinterest: @specialtyspanish
Email: Jamie@SpecialtySpanish.com
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Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.
By Ms Garcia Store
El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:
126 sílabas directas
80 sílabas inversas
65 sílabas trabadas
41 diptongos e hiatos
8 triptongos
Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.
Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura. A la izquierda se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente para un rápido acceso a cualquiera de elllas. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo. A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:
En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.
Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.
Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene una segunda versión disponible en el siguiente link: Silabario Interactivo PPTM. Esa otra versión te permite a parte mostrar sílabas en orden aleatorio de entre cualquiera de las categorías o de entre todas ellas. El formato de ese otro archivo es PowerPoint con Macros habilitados (PPTM). Son las Macros las que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, te ruego que te conformes con esta primera versión del silabario, que está realmente bien .
La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.
Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
¿Prefieres? - 10 Spanish graphics for "this or that" type questions FREEBIE
By Frenchified
Do you start off your class with a quick poll or check-in question? This set of graphics can be used from day one to get students using Spanish. This sampler has 10 different graphics that you can use in Desmos, Nearpod, Peardeck, or on a social media post to get input from your students. Each graphic gives them a choice of two different things. You can use it in different levels by adjusting the task.
Level 1 - from the beginning, you can have them just choose between option A and option B. Get lots of comprehensible input by having a class discussion about who prefers what. Later on, have them write complete sentences starting with "Prefiero..."
Level 2 - have students start to add more detail to their responses. Tell them to include details - where, when, with whom. Have them write more complex sentences explaining why they prefer something.
Level 3 - have students make their choice and then talk about the last time they ______.
Some graphics have very basic vocabulary, some have more advanced items - but all are easy to understand due to the images. There are also some cultural graphics mixed in.
If you like the freebie sampler of 10, there is another set of 190 - so you'd have enough to make it through the entire school year using one per day!
Qué Me Gusta | Sorting Activity for Spanish Likes and Dislikes
By Senorita Creativa
Do your students struggle to write sentences about their likes and dislikes? This word-sorting activity will give them hands-on practice with this often tricky topic! In this activity, your students will sort the given list of 36 Spanish words into three categories: Me Gusta, Me Da Igual, and No Me Gusta. You could easily adapt this activity for other words, simply by providing your own list. In addition to the hands-on practice, each resource also includes two worksheet versions with the same words.
This resource contains:
This activity works well individually and in small groups and would be a great introductory activity (by using inductive reasoning), application, or review activity. Although designed for use in level one, it also makes a great review for Spanish two.
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
Como Escribir una Novela o Cuento
Una guía que lleva a los estudiantes a planificar una obra literaria.
☀️La guía se puede usar para novelas o para cuentos.
Incluye ejemplos y pasos para facilitar el proceso.
Todo lo que necesitas para guiar a tus estudiantes en el proceso de la escritura de un cuento o novela.
☀️Como Escribir una Novela o Cuento
☀️Includes my personal examples for a book I have published.
Spanish Back to School Summer Reflection Printable Activity
By KJ Inspired Resources
This Spanish back to school summer reflections activity is a great get to know you activity for the first week of school! This product is designed to encompass students’ creativity and get them thinking about their back to school goals while reflecting on their favorite summer memories. This PDF is designed to look like a journal or scrapbook page for students to add their flair to!
⭐Save 20% with the After Summer Break Bundle!⭐
⭐Save 25% with the Back to School Mega Bundle!⭐
Sentence Stems Included:
More Back to School Resources...
Find Someone Who
Would You Rather
Stand Up Sit Down
More Spanish Bundles...
Mega Activity Growing Bundle
Stand Up Growing Bundle
Find Someone Who Growing Bundle
AP Spanish Unit 5 Intro Activities Factors That Influence Quality of Life
By Specialty Spanish
This Google bundle includes 3 resources that AP® Spanish students need to begin Unit 5: Factors That Influence Quality of Life (Los factores que influyen en la calidad de vida). Use these resources for distance learners digitally or print them for in-person learners. Vocabulary, unit organizer and first writing prompt included! All of these products are fully customizable and can be assigned in Google Classroom (or another learning platform) and can be printed as handouts.
This resource is INCLUDED in the complete lesson plans linked below!!
Who can use this resource?
How can this product be used?
What's included in this product?
Please visit my store to see other AP® Spanish products you may like! Click here to follow me on TeachShare to find out about Freebies, Sales and New Resources!
Other resources you may like:
AP®Spanish Lesson Plans Unit 5 Factors That Influence Quality of Life
Check out this bundle on the How-To's of the Open-ended responses for the AP® Test!
AP®Spanish: Unit 5 The World of Work Bundle
AP®Spanish Unit 5: Interview Project: How Does Work Affect our Quality of Life?
Find me on
Instagram: @specialtyspanish
Blog: www.specialtyspanish.com
Email: Jamie@SpecialtySpanish.com
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Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.
By Ms Garcia Store
El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:
126 sílabas directas
80 sílabas inversas
65 sílabas trabadas
41 diptongos e hiatos
8 triptongos
Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.
Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura.
A la izquierda de la sílaba se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente. Al hacer click sobre estas, las sílabas se mostrarán en orden aleatorio. Mostrándolas aleatoriamente puedes jugar con tus alumnos a que te lean o escriban las sílabas que van apareciendo. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo, donde podrás seleccionar la sílaba que quieras.
A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:
En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.
Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.
Importante:Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene Macros que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, o no estás habituado al uso de este tipo de archivos (pptm), te recomiendo que te conformes con la primera versión del silabario, que es exactamente igual a esta versión salvo por la opción de mostrar las sílabas en orden aleatorio, y no tiene Macros.
La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.
Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Gender of Irregular Nouns Spanish Sorting Activity and Worksheets
By Senorita Creativa
Do your students struggle to grasp the difference between masculine and feminine irregular nouns? This noun-sorting activity will give them hands-on practice with this often tricky topic! In this activity, your students will sort the given list of 36 Spanish irregular nouns into two categories: masculine or feminine. You could easily adapt this activity for other nouns or adjectives, simply by providing your own list. In addition to the hands-on practice, this resource also includes two worksheet versions with the same nouns.
This resource contains:
This activity works well individually and in small groups and would be a great introductory activity (by using inductive reasoning), application, or review activity. Although designed for use in level one, it also makes a great review for Spanish two or three.
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
BUNDLE Proyectos para la clase de Hispanohablantes Español 3 y 4
I believe in Game Based Learning and Project Based Learning in the classroom. This bundle is part of my PBL Program.
➡️PBL makes learning more engaging and relevant to students because they work on projects that interest and motivate them. It encourages active participation and a sense of ownership over their learning.
➡️PBL promotes teamwork and collaboration. Students work together on projects, which helps them develop communication and interpersonal skills.
❤ These projects will impact the dynamic in your classroom for a positive turn.
Many of these projects can be conducted alone or in groups.
SAVE 30% with this BUNDLE!
Bundle of Hispanic PROJECTS
A different approach to writing a story or working with leyendas.
These quick projects can be used for:
**⭐⭐**Extra Practice
**⭐⭐**Extra Credit
**⭐⭐**Cultural Enhancement in the classroom
**⭐⭐**Better student writing
**⭐⭐**Art Component
**⭐⭐**Advanced students that need a more hands-on activity
and so many other ways!
Easy-to-use, rubrics, examples, and versatile topics.
❤ Follow my Instagram (This is my most active outlet)
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This product can not be shared, duplicated, re-distributed, sold, or given away for free– in parts or in total- in person or online. Emailing or sharing this product, or the file where you might store it, is prohibited. Sharing the link to this product in my TeachShare store for others to purchase is allowed and appreciated.
Please Leave FEEDBACK so you will earn TeachShare credits, which may be applied to your future purchases.
Thank you,
Ariana Perez-Urbina
Spanish Peer Edit and Writing Paper
By Specialty Spanish
Do your students need more feedback? Use this combo to make it easier for peers to give quality feedback on their classmates' writing. This product is perfect for use with distance learning and for in-person instruction!
This product contains fun notebook paper with numbered lines. It also contains a peer edit sheet. The peer edit sheet contains specific areas of grammar for students to look for, and a spot for comments and line number referencing. Some topics include: checking that each sentence has a verb, checking to see if the ending of the verb is correct, checking to find sequencing words, key words and transition words.
Which students can use this:
How could this product be used?
What this product includes:
Visit my store to find other helpful writing activities and guides! Follow my store for updates, sales and free stuff!
Need more activities for writing? Take a look at these!
Future Tense Writing Group Challenge
Our Vacation Group Writing Challenge (Preterite and Imperfect)
Download my FREE Spanish Words that Add Sophistication google doc from my store to help your students produce higher quality writing!
Please leave a review to earn free products on TeachShare!
Aventura Silábica: Bundle Educativo para Todo Tipo de Sílabas
By Ms Garcia Store
¡Bienvenidos, profesores y padres comprometidos a hacer que el aprendizaje sea emocionante! Presentamos nuestro "Aventura Silábica: Bundle Educativo para Todo Tipo de Sílabas". Este completo paquete educativo está especialmente diseñado para brindar actividades dinámicas y efectivas que ayudarán a los alumnos de primaria a dominar las sílabas en español.
Contenido del Bundle:
Dirigido a Profesores y Padres: Este bundle está cuidadosamente diseñado para profesores y padres comprometidos que desean proporcionar a sus alumnos de primaria actividades educativas envolventes y efectivas para el aprendizaje de las sílabas en español. ¡Prepárense para embarcarse en una aventura educativa que hará que el proceso de aprendizaje sea divertido y significativo para todos!
Preterite vs Imperfect Spanish Sorting Activity and Worksheets
By Senorita Creativa
Do your students struggle to grasp the difference between the preterite and imperfect tenses? This verb-sorting activity will give them hands-on practice with this often tricky topic! In this activity, your students will sort the given list of 20 English sentences into two categories: preterite or imperfect. You could easily adapt this activity for other tenses, simply by providing your own list. In addition to the hands-on practice, this resource also includes two worksheet versions of the same sentences.
This resource contains:
This activity works well individually and in small groups and would be a great introductory activity (by using inductive reasoning), application, or review activity. Although designed for use in level two, it also makes a great review for Spanish three or four.
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
This bundle includes many activities, project, reading opportunities, workbooks
to help students practice and feel comfortable with reading and writing in Spanish.
Save more than 35% off by purchasing this BUNDLE!
AP Spanish Exam Test Prep Review Charts For Each Unit 3 Versions
By Specialty Spanish
AP Spanish® teachers, make Back To School a breeze! Plan ahead for review for the AP Spanish® Exam! These review charts are working documents in which students can write the essential questions and notes about all the sources you examine in class. You can assign digitally in Google Classroom or print these charts. These attractive graphic organizers make a perfect, personalized study guide for the cultural comparison, or any type of unit assessment you may give in class!
These charts are easily customizable for both teacher and student. There is a colorful version for students who prefer to type. And there is a black and white version for students who prefer paper copies. **And by "live and learn" experience, my students requested a 3rd version, made in Google Docs. (They liked how the typing looked better in Google Docs!) Your students now can use any of the versions!
Assign these in Google Classroom at the beginning of Unit 1. Ask students to save their copy of the review charts, and add to it during the course of each unit. This way, they will have a study guide for each unit's assessments as we go through the year, and their review for the AP Exam will already be done! This will free up more time for other types of practice and test prep!
Who can use this product?
How can I use this product?
What's included in this product?
Visit my store to see other products you might like! Click here to follow me on TeachShare to find out about Freebies, Sales and New Resources!
Other resources you may like:
-How To Tutorial Bundle for Open-Ended Response tasks on the AP®Test!
-AP Spanish Exam Prep Mega Bundle
-AP Spanish Lesson Plans for the Whole Year without a Textbook
Find me on
Instagram: @specialtyspanish
Blog: www.specialtyspanish.com
Sign up for my FREE Resource Library HERE!
Pinterest: @specialtyspanish
Email: Jamie@SpecialtySpanish.com
Please consider leaving a review! Your feedback helps me to improve, and you can earn credit towards free TeachShare products for every review that you leave!
Saber y Conocer - Spanish Sorting Activity and Worksheets
By Senorita Creativa
Do your students struggle to grasp the difference between saber and conocer? This verb-sorting activity will give them hands-on practice with this often tricky topic! In this activity, your students will sort the given list of 20 English sentences into two categories: saber or conocer. You could easily adapt this activity for other tenses, simply by providing your own list. In addition to the hands-on practice, this resource also includes two worksheet versions of the same sentences.
This resource contains:
This activity works well individually and in small groups and would be a great introductory activity (by using inductive reasoning), application, or review activity. Although designed for use in level two, it also makes a great review for Spanish three or four.
© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved