Spanish Bulletin Board Ideas

World Language Valentine’s Day Bulletin Board | February Classroom Decor

By Ashley Braun

Celebrate love worldwide with this festive Valentine’s bulletin board! Featuring “I Love You” in 18 different languages, it's the perfect way to spread love and cultural appreciation. Ideal for bulletin boards, door decorations, or classroom decor.


• 6 colors of hearts featuring “I Love You” in 18 different languages

• Hearts come in full color, colored outlines, or black outlines for coloring

• Black or white title options available in English, Spanish, French, or German


Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Decor, Worksheets & Crafts

By Class Plus

Celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer con este BUNDLE de la Colección del Día Internacional de la Mujer, ¡todo en uno! Diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo, este recurso te ofrece todo lo que necesitas: PPT, decoración, hojas de trabajo y manualidades, listos para usar en cuestión de minutos. Celébralo con confianza, sabiendo que estás inspirando a tus estudiantes con actividades significativas que destacan el papel vital de la mujer en la sociedad. Este paquete presenta a los estudiantes el Día de la Mujer mediante actividades atractivas que fomentan la escritura, la comprensión, la reflexión y el auto-descubrimiento. Es una forma excelente de empoderar a los niños y suscitar conversaciones importantes sobre el impacto de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia.

Sorprende a las mujeres de tu comunidad escolar, a los maestros, a las madres y a los estudiantes con manualidades y decoración bien pensadas. Este recurso único hará que su día sea aún más memorable, aportando alegría y sonrisas sinceras al aula.

Transforma tu clase con decoraciones creativas y llamativas y divertidas manualidades que a los niños les encantará hacer. Estos llamativos materiales seguro que impresionan, fomentando tanto la creatividad como el aprecio por el Día de la Mujer.

Esta colección incluye:

  • Recurso 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint & Decor
  • Recurso 2: Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad
  • Recurso 3: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica
  • Recurso 4: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides
  • Recurso 5: Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir
  • Recurso 6: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta
  • Recurso 7: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí...

¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!


El Holocausto Manualidad Mariposa Monarca, Actividad de Escritura y Reflexión

By Class Plus

Inspira a tus estudiantes a reflexionar y a desarrollar su pensamiento crítico con Holocaust Manualidad, La Mariposa Monarca. Este recurso único permite a los estudiantes crear hermosas mariposas monarca, que sirven como conmovedor homenaje a las víctimas del Holocausto. Inspirada en el poderoso poema de Pavel Friedman y en el Proyecto Mariposa, esta actividad fomenta la exploración de la resiliencia, la esperanza y el recuerdo, ayudando a los estudiantes a conectar profundamente con este trágico capítulo de la historia.

Los maestros pueden integrar perfectamente esta actividad en sus clases. A medida que los estudiantes crean sus mariposas, se les pedirá que reflexionen sobre este evento, fomentando una comprensión más profunda del impacto del Holocausto. Mejora la participación en clase e inspira debates reflexivos con este significativo recurso.

Este recurso incluye:

  • Mariposa Monarca, Versión Pequeña 
  • Mariposa Monarca, Versión Grande
  • Mariposa Monarca, Versión Vacía

¡Enseña a tus estudiantes más allá de los hechos!


International Women's Day Activities BUNDLE, Craft and Printable Writing Prompt

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women's Day Activity. Celebrate International Women’s Day with this engaging resource. This versatile package is perfect for honoring the achievements of women, whether widely known or personally meaningful. Invite your students to reflect on and recognize women who have made significant impacts or inspired them personally. The butterfly and daisy craft projects are ideal for decorating your classroom or school, adding a vibrant tribute to the women who inspire your students.

The resource also includes printable writing prompts that guide students in expressing their thoughts on women’s roles and contributions. This activity not only celebrates women’s achievements but also fosters a deeper understanding of their vital impact on society.

Make International Women’s Day special with this inspiring resource, designed to educate and celebrate the remarkable contributions of women.

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.

This resource includes:

  • Page 1: International Women’s Day: All About Her (English and Spanish Version)
  • Page 2: Women are ... Acrostic (English and Spanish Version)
  • Page 3: Happy Women's Day Craft: Butterfly Version (English and Spanish Version)
  • Page 4: Happy Women's Day Craft: Daisy Version (English and Spanish Version)
  • Page 5: Daisy Leaves (English and Spanish Version)
  • Page 6: Center of the Daisy (English and Spanish Version)

Happy Women's Day!


Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad, Manualidad y Actividad de Escritura

By Class Plus

Celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer con este atractivo recurso de actividades, manualidades e instrucciones imprimibles para el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Este versátil paquete es perfecto para rendir homenaje a los logros de las mujeres, ya sean ampliamente reconocidas o personalmente significativas. Invita a tus estudiantes a reflexionar y reconocer a las mujeres que han tenido un impacto relevante o que les han inspirado personalmente. Estos proyectos de manualidades con mariposas y margaritas son ideales para decorar la clase o el centro escolar, añadiendo un vibrante tributo a las mujeres que inspiran a los estudiantes.

El recurso también incluye sugerencias de escritura imprimibles que guían a los estudiantes a la hora de expresar sus pensamientos sobre el papel y las contribuciones de las mujeres. Esta actividad no sólo celebra los logros de las mujeres, sino que también fomenta una comprensión más profunda de su impacto vital en la sociedad.

Haz que el Día Internacional de la Mujer sea especial con este recurso inspirador, diseñado para educar y celebrar las notables contribuciones de las mujeres.

Este recurso incluye:

  • Todo sobre ella
  • Las mujeres son... Acróstico
  • Manualidad del Día de la Mujer (Versión Flor)
  • Manualidad del Día de la Mujer (Versión Mariposa)
  • Pétalos de la flor
  • Parte central de la flor

¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!


International Women’s Day Banners, Pennants and Biography Research BUNDLE

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day pennants and banners. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools. This resource is ideal for honoring the lives and achievements of women, whether they are widely recognized or not. Encourage students to identify women who have made a significant difference in the world and those they admire and love. Transform the classroom or school into a vibrant display by decorating it with pictures and names of these inspirational women. This serves as a meaningful tribute that fosters appreciation and respect.

The Biography Research Worksheet offers a valuable tool for students to gather information about influential women throughout history. Students can utilize books and articles as references to complete their worksheets, enhancing their research skills and deepening their understanding.

For a visually appealing project, use colorful paper of choice. Printing the pennants on cardstock is highly recommended to ensure durability and quality. Celebrate the achievements of women and inspire students with this engaging International Women’s Day resource!

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.

This resource includes:

  • Eight (16) International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white and another one to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate, teacher, friend, etc. (English and Spanish Version)
  • Biography (2) Research Worksheets. (English and Spanish Versions)

Happy Women’s Day!


Día Internacional de la Mujer, Banderines e Investigación Biográfica

By Class Plus

Este recurso es ideal para honrar la vida y los logros de las mujeres, tanto si son ampliamente reconocidos como si no. Anima a los estudiantes a identificar a las mujeres que han marcado una diferencia significativa en el mundo y a las que admiran y quieren. Transforme el aula o la escuela en una vibrante exposición decorándola con fotos y nombres de estas mujeres inspiradoras. Es un homenaje significativo que fomenta el aprecio y el respeto.

La Ficha de investigación biográfica es una valiosa herramienta para que los estudiantes recopilen información sobre mujeres influyentes a lo largo de la historia. Los estudiantes pueden utilizar libros y artículos como referencias para completar sus hojas de trabajo, mejorando sus habilidades de investigación y profundizando su comprensión.

Para que el proyecto resulte visualmente atractivo, utiliza el papel de colores que prefieras. Se recomienda imprimir los banderines en cartulina para garantizar su durabilidad y calidad. Celebra los logros de las mujeres e inspira a los estudiantes con este atractivo recurso para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.

Este recurso incluye:

  • Ocho banderines del Día Internacional de la Mujer en blanco y negro. Un banderín casi vacío para el estudiante lo pueda completar de acuerdo a su criterio o gusto.
  • Una hoja de Investigación Biográfica en blanco y negro.

-** Ocho banderines diferentes:**

  1. La mujer más importante de mi vida
  2. Mi artista favorita
  3. Mi científica favorita
  4. Mi política favorita
  5. Mi deportista favorita
  6. Mi figura histórica favorita
  7. Mi escritora favorita
  8. Mi mujer favorita ________

¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!


International Women’s Day PowerPoint BUNDLE with Discussion Questions & Decor

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Promote critical thinking and meaningful discussions with your students this International Women's Day using this engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack. Designed to foster reflection, this resource helps students explore the rich history and significance of International Women's Day through interactive slides and thought-provoking questions. Each slide delves into important topics, from women's historical and modern roles to stereotypes, gender equality, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on women who inspire them, whether a family member or a public figure, sparking personal connections to the celebration.

Set the tone with vibrant classroom decorations that create an empowering atmosphere. This resource is perfect for creating a lively and inclusive environment for your class or the entire school, ensuring that all women are celebrated, recognized, and honored.

Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom.

When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they'll immediately know they're part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women.

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1: International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 8: Inspiring Women (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men) (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 10: I Don't Stereotype Women (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women's Day (English and Spanish Version)

**Decor: **(English and Spanish Version)

  • Letters (Happy Women's Day):

    • Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color)
    • Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color)
    • Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color)
  • Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs

  • Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color

Presentations Formats:

  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

Happy Women’s Day!


Día Internacional de la Mujer PowerPoint with Discussion Questions and Decor in SPANISH

By Class Plus

Fomenta el pensamiento crítico y los debates significativos con tus estudiantes este Día Internacional de la Mujer utilizando esta atractiva presentación de PowerPoint y el paquete de decoración. Diseñado para fomentar la reflexión, este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar la rica historia y el significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer mediante diapositivas interactivas y preguntas que invitan a la reflexión. Cada diapositiva profundiza en temas importantes, desde el papel histórico y moderno de la mujer hasta los estereotipos, la igualdad de género y otros temas. Los estudiantes también tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las mujeres que les inspiran, ya sean miembros de su familia o personajes públicos, lo que les permitirá establecer vínculos personales con la celebración.

Crea el ambiente adecuado con una vibrante decoración para el aula que genere una atmósfera de empoderamiento. Este recurso es perfecto para crear un entorno animado e inclusivo para tu clase o para todo el centro escolar, garantizando que se celebre, reconozca y honre a todas las mujeres.

Ideal para los tablones de anuncios o las puertas de las aulas, la decoración ayuda a los estudiantes no sólo a comprometerse con el contenido, sino también a sumergirse en un espacio lleno de energía, celebración y respeto. Inspira un sentimiento de unidad y aprecio desde el momento en que entran en el aula.

Cuando los estudiantes, compañeros o padres vean el aula decorada, sabrán inmediatamente que forman parte de un acto especial centrado en la igualdad, los derechos humanos y los logros de las mujeres.

Este recurso incluye:


  • Diapositiva 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer
  • Diapositiva 2: Por qué celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer...
  • Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte I
  • Diapositiva 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte II
  • Diapositiva 5: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte III
  • Diapositiva 6: El Papel de la Mujer en el Pasado
  • Diapositiva 7: El Papel de la Mujer en el Presente
  • Diapositiva 8: Mujeres que Inspiran…
  • Diapositiva 9: Cómo Promover La Igualdad de Género (Mujeres - Hombres)
  • Diapositiva 10: Yo No Estereotipo a las Mujeres
  • Diapositiva 11: Hemos aprendido sobre… El Día Internacional de la Mujer

**Decor: **

  • **Letras **(Feliz Día de la Mujer):

    • Tamaño grande: 1 letra por página (17 páginas a color)
    • Tamaño mediano: 2 letras por página (8 páginas a color)
    • Tamaño pequeño: 3 letras por página (6 páginas en color)
  • **Imágenes en Punto: **18 diseños a color

  • Tarjetas Póster: 6 medias páginas a color

    Formatos de la Presentación:

  • Powerpoint

  • PDF

  • Google Slides

  • Keynote

  • JPG images

¡Feliz día de la Mujer!


English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual English/Spanish vocabulary sight word labels!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. Each card features the word in English and Spanish. To help aid meaning, I've included high-quality illustrations and pictures.

These picture and word vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or Spanish language learning!

You'll Get:

  • Bilingual ESL Classroom Supply Labels English/Spanish
  • Body Parts In English & Spanish ESL Flash Cards
  • Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual Jobs & Professions Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations
  • English / Spanish Math Symbols Flashcards
  • 0 to 100 Numbers Flashcards: English/Spanish

Be sure to check out my other printables! It is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).

Numbers from 0 to 100 in spanish - Flashcards for Classroom

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Colorful 0 to 100 in Spanish Flashcards

You'll get:

  1. 15 pages ready to print pdf file, with 7 cards per page.
  2. 15 High-quality PNGs, each PNG has 7 cards.

Visit our Store Homeschoolingprints for more language, different designs and sizes, and other Vocabulary resources.


Spanish Animals' Names Vocabulary Flashcards

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by Considering these Spanish animals' names flashcards!

Each label takes up 1/12 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 118 flashcards for a total of 10 pages (12 cards per page). Check out the preview to see what it looks like. They each feature the Spanish name of the animal and to help aid meaning, I've included beautiful illustrations.

Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.


  • This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.
  • All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial friendly.

Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual animal names labels (cards)!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 119 words for a total of 8 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and Spanish. To help aid meaning, I've included beautiful high-resolution illustrations.

These classroom vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or Spanish language learning! They will help a lot.

Supplementary Resources:

  • Classroom Objects English-Spanish Flash Cards.
  • Jobs & Occupation English-Spanish Flash Cards.
  • English / Spanish Math Symbols Flashcards

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle.

Other languages:

  • Animals Names Flash Cards English/Chinese
  • Animals Names Flash Cards English/Russian
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Vietnamese
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/French
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Hebrew
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Korean

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).
  • All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial-friendly.

Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual animal names labels (cards)!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 119 words for a total of 8 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and Spanish. To help aid meaning, I've included beautiful high-resolution illustrations.

These classroom vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or Spanish language learning! They will help a lot.

Supplementary Resources:

  • Classroom Objects English-Spanish Flash Cards.
  • Jobs & Occupation English-Spanish Flash Cards.
  • English / Spanish Math Symbols Flashcards

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle.

Other languages:

  • Animals Names Flash Cards English/Chinese
  • Animals Names Flash Cards English/Russian
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Vietnamese
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/French
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Hebrew
  • Animals Names Flashcards English/Korean

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).
  • All clipart is sourced from free clipart sites that state they are commercial-friendly.

Bilingual Jobs & Professions Flashcards: English/Spanish Names and Illustrations

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual jobs and occupations vocabulary labels!

Each flashcard takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 70 different jobs for a total of 5 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and Spanish. To help aid meaning, I've included high-quality illustrations for each profession.

The flashcards are designed to be visually appealing and easy to use, with clear and legible text and images that help learners to easily connect the name of the job with its corresponding picture. The flashcards cover a wide range of professions, including doctor, lawyer, chef, teacher, engineer, and many more.

Whether you are a teacher looking for a fun and engaging way to teach jobs and occupations vocabulary to your students, or a language learner looking to improve your knowledge of English and Spanish vocabulary related to work and careers, these flashcards are an excellent resource. They are easy to print and use, and can be used both in the classroom and for self-study.

Supplementary Resources:

  • Classroom Objects English-Spanish Flash Cards.
  • Animal Name' Flash Cards English/Spanish.
  • English / Spanish Math Symbols Flashcards

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle.

Other languages:

  • Jobs & Occupations Vocabulary FlashCards English/Russian
  • Jobs & Occupations Vocabulary FlashCards English/Arabic
  • Jobs & Occupations Vocabulary FlashCards English/Chinese

Be sure to check out my other printables! Definitely, something is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).

Bilingual Body Parts In English & Spanish ESL Flash Cards Vocabulary Printable

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual Body Parts names vocabulary flashcards!

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page so they are nice and big, but not too obtrusive. There are 59 words for a total of 4 pages. Check out the preview to see what it looks like. Each card features the word in English and Spanish. To help aid meaning, I've included high-quality illustrations.

These Body Parts vocabulary flashcards are perfect for any student new to English or Spanish language learning!

Supplementary Resources:

  • Bilingual ESL Classroom Supply Labels English/Spanish
  • Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual Jobs & Professions Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual 0 to 100 Numbers Flashcards: English/Spanish Names and Digits

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards Bundle

Be sure to check out my other printables! It is going to help your students or kids Click HERE!


  • This product is only to be used by the buyer. It is illegal to share this product in any form (email, printout, etc).

English to Spanish Math Symbols - Bilingual ESL Flashcards (Math Voocabulary)

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual mathematic symbols.

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page. There are 112 important Math Symbols for a total of 8 pages. Check out the thumbnail and the preview of some pages in the pictures. They each feature the English and the Spanish name of the math symbol in big, bold black letters. To help aid meaning, I've included clear illustrations of the symbols.

The 112 symbols included are: Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, Equal, Approximately equal, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal, Less than or equal, Square brackets, Parentheses, Angle, Right angle, Curly brackets, Plus or minus, Not equal to, Square root, Percent, Infinity, Integral, Sum of, Equivalent to, Implies, For all, Belongs to, Pi, Empty set, Absolute value, Not belong to, Power, Fourth root, Cube Root, Per-mille, Equation, Function...and more

Use these 112 fun and colorful cards to explore math symbols in English and Spanish - use them as flashcards, a bulletin board or wall display, a memory matching game, or the foundation for more difficult practice of your choice like recognizing math symbols and many more.

Complementary resources:

  • Bilingual ESL Classroom Supply Labels English/Spanish
  • Body Parts In English & Spanish ESL Flash Cards
  • Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual Jobs & Professions Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual 0 to 100 Numbers Flashcards: English/Spanish Names and Digits

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle.

Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.

Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.

If you have any requests we can help.


English to Spanish Math Symbols - Bilingual ESL Flashcards (Math Voocabulary)

By Zaazoua Mostapha

Make your ESL classroom look different from a regular education room by considering these bilingual mathematic symbols.

Each label takes up 1/15 of a page. There are 112 important Math Symbols for a total of 8 pages. Check out the thumbnail and the preview of some pages in the pictures. They each feature the English and the Spanish name of the math symbol in big, bold black letters. To help aid meaning, I've included clear illustrations of the symbols.

The 112 symbols included are: Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, Equal, Approximately equal, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal, Less than or equal, Square brackets, Parentheses, Angle, Right angle, Curly brackets, Plus or minus, Not equal to, Square root, Percent, Infinity, Integral, Sum of, Equivalent to, Implies, For all, Belongs to, Pi, Empty set, Absolute value, Not belong to, Power, Fourth root, Cube Root, Per-mille, Equation, Function...and more

Use these 112 fun and colorful cards to explore math symbols in English and Spanish - use them as flashcards, a bulletin board or wall display, a memory matching game, or the foundation for more difficult practice of your choice like recognizing math symbols and many more.

Complementary resources:

  • Bilingual ESL Classroom Supply Labels English/Spanish
  • Body Parts In English & Spanish ESL Flash Cards
  • Bilingual ESL Animal Flashcards English/Spanish Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual Jobs & Professions Flashcards: English/French Names and Illustrations
  • Bilingual 0 to 100 Numbers Flashcards: English/Spanish Names and Digits

The bundle:

  • English/Spanish Sight Words Vocabulary Flashcards Growing Bundle.

Also, I'm open to suggestions about other words to add to this set.

Note: This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.

If you have any requests we can help.


Papá Noel Manualidad de la Generosidad, Actividad de Escritura de Santa

By Class Plus

A los niños les encanta Papá Noel porque trae golosinas, regalos y alegría, además de valiosas lecciones sobre generosidad. Esta atractiva manualidad de Papá Noel es perfecta para enseñar a los niños la importancia de repartir alegría y ser generosos. La manualidad Generosidad de Papá Noel muestra que, aunque recibir regalos de Papá Noel y de otras personas es maravilloso durante la Navidad, dar también aporta felicidad y permite a los niños experimentar la alegría de ayudar a los demás.

Los estudiantes disfrutarán coloreando, decorando, recortando y montando la manualidad, a la vez que escriben y dibujan sobre sus actos de generosidad. Esta simpática manualidad de Papá Noel es una encantadora decoración para el aula o para la nevera de los estudiantes en casa.

Mejora tus clases navideñas con esta divertida y significativa manualidad sobre la generosidad, que enseña importantes lecciones de vida y añade alegría a las fiestas.

Este recurso incluye: Una manualidad de Santa Claus

¡Feliz Navidad!


Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Pages - October Activities

By Learn smartly

Welcome to our Hispanic Heritage Month Coloring Pages collection, a celebration of the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic and Latinx communities. Hispanic Heritage Month, observed from September 15th to October 15th, provides an opportunity to honor and learn about the vibrant tapestry of Latin American heritage and its influence on the world.

Explore, color, and celebrate with us as we honor the diversity and heritage that make the Hispanic and Latinx communities so vibrant and extraordinary. Start coloring your way through this colorful journey of discovery and appreciation.

What's Included:

  • Size 8.5x11 in
  • PDF
  • 17 pages

Click here to follow my store and never miss a sale.

Be sure to Check out this Hispanic Heritage Month product:

Hispanic Heritage Month bulletin board - Hispanic Heritage Month Classroom Decor
