Astronomy Bulletin Board Ideas

Total Solar Eclipse 2024 Collaborative Art Project Colorable Eclipse Glasses

By Pearlie Janes Creations

Transform your classroom into an artistic celebration of the celestial event of the decade – the Total Solar Eclipse 2024! Engage your students in a memorable collaborative art project that combines creativity, education, and a touch of astronomical wonder.

Key Features:

  1. Collaborative Masterpiece: Ignite a sense of unity among your students as they contribute to a stunning collaborative artwork that captures the essence of the Total Solar Eclipse. Each student's unique touch combines to create a visually striking masterpiece.
  2. Colorable Eclipse Glasses: Spark your students' imagination with colorable eclipse glasses included for each participant. Allow them to express their creativity by coloring in these specially designed glasses, adding a personalized touch to the artwork.
  3. Page Dimensions: The project page is conveniently sized at 11 by 8.5 inches, making it a perfect fit for standard letter-sized paper. Easily printable and adaptable for bulletin board displays, this project seamlessly integrates into your classroom environment.
  4. Educational and Fun: Seamlessly weave science into art by incorporating information about the Total Solar Eclipse 2024. Use this project as an opportunity to educate your students about celestial events while fostering their artistic expression.

Why Choose Our Project:

  • Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate art and science in your classroom with this unique project tailored for the Total Solar Eclipse 2024.
  • Printable and Ready-to-Use: The 11 by 8.5-inch dimensions make printing and displaying a breeze. Get your classroom bulletin board ready in no time!
  • Interactive Learning: Promote engagement and understanding by combining hands-on creativity with educational content. Watch as your students become enthusiastic participants in both art and science.

Phases of the Moon Science Anchor Chart - Moon Phases Poster

By That One Cheerful Classroom

This bright and fun colored anchor chart make learning about phases of the moon in science fun and practical. This anchor chart shows a visual to help students understand the difference between the moon phases. You can use the poster during small group, circle time, whole group, or as a visual on the wall for independent work.


  • Phases of the Moon Anchor Chart
  • Instructions for printing

It is ideal for use with a poster printer, but if you do not have a poster printer, there are instructions on how to print the poster on 8.5 x 11 paper, assemble it, and laminate it for year after year use!


Copyright © That One Cheerful Classroom

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


"Out of This World" Bulletin Board Kit

By History Guru

"Out of This World" Bulletin Board Kit

Introducing the "Out of This World" Bulletin Board Kit, the ultimate tool for showcasing your students' stellar work! Designed with busy teachers in mind, this kit will transform your classroom into an intergalactic gallery that inspires awe and excitement. With vibrant, outer space-themed letters and adorable planet cut-outs, this bulletin board set will not only display your students' achievements but also ignite their curiosity about the cosmos.
My "Out of This World" Bulletin Board Kit includes everything you need to create an eye-catching and educational display. The bold, colorful letters spell out motivational phrases that encourage students to aim high and reach for the stars. The charming planet cut-outs add a touch of whimsy and wonder, making your bulletin board both informative and fun. Each piece is crafted from durable materials, ensuring that your display will stand the test of time and maintain its bright, inviting appearance.
But this kit is more than just a display; it's a gateway to deeper learning and engagement. Use the space-themed elements to spark discussions about astronomy, science, and exploration. Encourage students to write their own space stories or create art projects inspired by the planets and stars. With the "Out of This World" Bulletin Board Kit, you'll not only celebrate your students' hard work but also cultivate a classroom environment where learning is an adventure. Elevate your teaching and inspire your students to reach for the stars with this fantastic, versatile bulletin board set.


Total Solar Eclipse 2024 Vocabulary Matching Activity

By Pearlie Janes Creations

Elevate your lessons with our Solar Eclipse Matching Activity! This hands-on and creative resource encourages student engagement as they cut out vibrant suns and moons and pair them together on black construction paper to create solar eclipses. Reinforce vocabulary comprehension by matching each sun with its corresponding moon based on definitions. Bring the magic of the Eclipse of 2024 to your classroom!
