By MsNerdWood
This project is designed for students to create their own original artist/band and to market their newly formed artist(s). It is appropriate for middle school students (grad 6-8) and is always a crowd pleaser!
Students submit a band/artist portfolio which includes a profile about their artist/band, a concert poster, album cover art, and a jingle. The jingle can be performed using an instrumental track to a piece that they enjoy. Included are some examples of products that they could write a jingle about. A rubric for assessment purposes is included and you could even extend this project further by creating an art assessment piece for the album cover art and concert poster.
This assignment typically takes approximately 5-10 classes to complete, from introducing it to completing the final jingle performances. It is handy to have students to complete a rough copy of their work before submitting their good copy to ensure their best quality work is submitted.