3rd Grade Engineering Handouts

ELA/STEAM Activity for How to Catch a Snowman

By A Teachers Sidekick

How to Catch a Snowman by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton, is a fictional winter story about kids trying to catch a clever snowman. The book lends itself to many ways to integrate STEAM, ELA, Math, and even Science activities to accompany the book. In this product, there are activities centered around STEAM, and ELA. You will need to get some supplies for students to build for the STEAM part and you can either build (or buy) a snowman yourself for the kids to try to trap or have them build one. (I would recommend things like bathroom paper tubes, pipe cleaners, and things like that).

Students will first read the book as a whole class and then focus on some story elements from the story. Once they have completed that, they will begin creating a plan to catch the snowman! (I would recommend having the students in groups). Then once students have completed their plan, they can then begin building their trap to catch the snowman. They will then test it and once they test it, they will complete the form that has them reflect on their build.

I always begin the activities the week before Christmas break as a way to help keep students engaged during the crazy week as they get ready for Christmas. I then return to the book when we get back from break to help refocus my students into the routine of school. I hope you enjoy these activities.
