3rd Grade Place slug Handouts

Rounding Freebie! Rounding Tool to show when to round up or round down

By E•Fish•ient Teaching

Are you ready to teach rounding in your classroom? This is the perfect resource
to give to your students. This is a freebie for all users. It is a quick printable that you can laminate or just give to each of your students to help them when they are learning about rounding. They can use this number line to help them decide if they should round up or round down. There are three number lines to a page, so it won't take up too much room on their desk. Give your students the tools they need to be successful at rounding.

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Look at my other rounding resources...

Estimation to nearest 100 with addition and subtraction

Rounding to 10s and 100s Bundle

Rounding & Three Digit Addition & Subtraction Unit with Assessment

Estimation to nearest 10 with addition and subtraction


Math (Decimals Addition and Mapping Skills)

By Beth Hammett

How far can you walk your dog? 4 easy-to-read maps with streets and buildings for students to label, along with miles marked using place digit decimals. Comes with dogs, food and water bowls, empty bowls, two different bones, and four dog houses to color and cut to illustrate dog walks. Also, there is a math handout sheet for writing down and adding decimals. Uses real-life, interactive math skills to teach decimals and mapping! Use for test prep, introducing adding decimals, and mapping skills.


Place Value Practice Worksheet - Up to Hundreds Place

By A Teachers Sidekick

Students will practice place value and number sense with numbers up to the hundred place. Students will need to write the number in word form, expanded form, put the number in a place value chart, and draw the number with base 10 blocks. This is a great product for morning work and even a quick informative assessment. I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review.


Number Sense and Place Value Practice Worksheet - Up to Hundreds Place

By A Teachers Sidekick

Students will have to write the number in word form, expanded form, put it in a place value chart, and draw it in base 10 blocks. This would be a great product for morning work, and even a quick assessment. I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review.


Comparing 2 and 3 Digit Numbers Activity

By A Teachers Sidekick

Students will compare 2 and 3-digit numbers using <,>, or =. They will also draw the numbers in base 10 blocks to help with comparing. I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review.
