10th Grade World History Independent Work Packet

History of Ancient Egypt Guided Reading * 2 Pages * 5th-11th Grade

By Christa Nonnemaker

Students will love learning about the history of Ancient Egypt by through this two-page Guided Reading summary of the main eras from 3000 BC through 700 BC. Many of the monumental buildings and structures such as the pyramids, mortuary temples, statues and obelisks came from this period.

Students will be able to answer questions as they read based on Guided Reading questions on the right. Colorful graphics keep the students engaged.

An additional page provides a timeline to help students visualize the timeframe. A list of Historical Terms is also included. Additionally there is a bonus page with a map of ancient Egypt so students can better visualize the places mentioned in the Guided Reading.


WebQuest - History of Tennis- Sports Series Web Quest

By Quick Assignment Central

This WebQuest includes 10 questions - each with a link for students to explore to find the answer to the questions.

Includes a comprehensive answer key.

Written at a 9th grade level but suitable for many grades.


Calendar System of Maya: Mayan Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

Unlock the Mayan Time Machine: Unveiling the Secrets of Their Genius Calendar System

Journey through time with the Maya! This captivating reading comprehension worksheet delves into the intricate mechanisms and enduring legacy of the Mayan calendar system. Explore its remarkable accuracy, complex cycles, and fascinating connection to their worldview. Unravel mysteries with primary sources, answer thought-provoking questions, and discover how the Maya mastered time like no other civilization.

What's Inside:

  • Immersive reading passage: Transports students to the heart of the ancient Maya, exploring their sophisticated understanding of time and its deep cultural significance.
  • Diverse question types: Multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions assess comprehension, analysis, and critical thinking skills.
  • Primary source analysis: Decipher an excerpt from a Mayan book, strengthening historical understanding and source evaluation skills.
  • Unveiling hidden layers: Explore the Haab, Tzolkin, and Long Count calendars, each revealing unique functions and symbolic meanings.
  • Beyond timekeeping: Understand how the Mayan calendar system was woven into their agriculture, rituals, and profound connection to the cosmos.
  • Comprehensive answer key: Save time and ensure accuracy with a detailed answer key for all questions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast the functions of the Haab, Tzolkin, and Long Count calendars.
  • Analyze the remarkable accuracy of the Mayan calendar system and the methods used to achieve it.
  • Explore the intricate connections between the Mayan calendar, celestial cycles, and their worldview.
  • Understand how the calendar system influenced daily life, agricultural practices, and religious ceremonies.
  • Appreciate the enduring legacy of the Mayan calendar system and its relevance to modern understandings of time.
  • Develop critical reading, comprehension, and analytical thinking skills.

Common Core Standards Addressed:

  • RI.4.1, RI.5.1, RI.6.1: Read closely and determine what the text says explicitly and implicitly.
  • RI.4.2, RI.5.2, RI.6.2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development.
  • RI.4.3, RI.5.3, RI.6.3: Analyze how and why authors use evidence to support their claims.
  • RI.4.7, RI.5.7, RI.6.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information.
  • WHST.4.2, WHST.5.2, WHST.6.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information.

US History Cold War - Significant Cold War Leaders stations-gallery walk

By Yugen Learning

Dive deep into the gripping no prep Cold War. Era of U.S. history with this immersive middle or high school stations/gallery walk activity. Equip your students to uncover the personalities, beliefs, and decisions that steered global politics for decades.

Leaders Included:

- Harry Truman

- Joseph Stalin

- Nikita Khrushchev

- John F. Kennedy

- Ronald Reagan

- Erich Honecker

- Leonid Brezhnev

- Richard Nixon

- John F. Kennedy

- Mikhail Gorbachev

- Winston Churchill

- Deng Xiaoping

- Fidel Castro

- Lech Wałęsa

What's Inside?

Biographical Snapshot:

  • Birth and Death: Set the timeline for these monumental figures.
  • Major Roles/Titles: Delve into their official capacities and designations.
  • Brief Background: A glimpse into their early life and the path that led them to power.

Major Contributions or Actions:

  • Engage with 1-3 pivotal events or policies, from Truman's Doctrine to Gorbachev's transformative 'perestroika' and 'glasnost'.


  • Immerse in profound quotes offering a direct window into their worldviews and ideologies.

Challenges and Controversies:

  • Dive into the struggles and debates that marked their leadership, enriching the narrative.

Legacy and Impact:

  • Analyze their mark on the Cold War, their lasting influences, and how historians regard them today.

BONUS: Editable Retrieval Chart:

  • Customize the leader list according to your class's needs or curriculum focus. This flexibility ensures the gallery walk seamlessly integrates with your teaching plan.

Common Core Outcomes:

For Grades 6-8:

  • Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.5, RH.6-8.7, RH.6-8.10

For Grades 9-12:

  • Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 9-10 & 11-12: RH.9-10.1, RH.9-10.2, RH.11-12.1, RH.11-12.2, RH.9-10.4, RH.11-12.4, RH.9-10.7, RH.11-12.8, RH.9-10.10, RH.11-12.10

Why Choose This Activity?

  • Vivid Learning: Transcend from mere facts to experiencing history.
  • Critical Thinking: Foster analysis, evaluation, and deep discussions among students.
  • Classroom Flexibility: Suitable for diverse learning setups, ensuring easy adaptability.

Don't merely narrate the Cold War – let your students live its intrigues and strategies. This comprehensive activity is designed to instill a nuanced appreciation of this era's dynamics.

Seize this unique Cold War Figures Gallery Walk Activity and set your classroom alight with the thrill of history!

Enjoy this resource! Don't forget to follow my store for more awesome products and rate this product for your TeachShare credits :)

People that have purchased this resource have also purchased -

US History Cold War | The Cold War overview Jigsaw Activity

World War Two - Pacific US Land Battles gallery walk

World War Two - Pacific US Naval Battles gallery walk

US Civil War - Significant Battles gallery walk

Enjoy and please leave a review.


WebQuest - Haiti Earthquake (2010) - Disaster Series

By Quick Assignment Central

This WebQuest assignment includes 10 engaging questions that guide students in exploring the causes, effects, geography, history, and impacts of each event. Students can easily find the information they need using the provided links.

Written at a 7th-grade level, it's suitable for a wide range of learners.

Be sure to visit my store for more WebQuests and a variety of other assignments on different


Boom or Bust Impact of the Industrial Revolution Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

Boom or Bust? Unveiling the Complex Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Engage your students in a critical analysis of the Industrial Revolution with this comprehensive reading comprehension worksheet! This resource delves into both the positive advancements and negative consequences of this transformative era.

What's Included:

  • Informative reading passage exploring the rise of factories, technological innovations, economic growth, and societal changes.
  • Primary source analysis with questions to guide student comprehension.
  • Graphic organizer to categorize positive and negative consequences.
  • Varied assessment activities:
    • Multiple Choice Questions
    • Matching Definitions & Terms
    • Fill-in-the-Blank exercises
    • Short Answer prompts encouraging critical thinking
  • Answer Key for easy grading

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to identify key inventions and advancements of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Students will analyze the economic, social, and environmental impacts of industrialization.
  • Students will develop critical thinking skills by evaluating the positive and negative consequences of historical events.

Common Core Standards Addressed:

  • RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says or when analyzing its content.
  • RI.6.8: Distinguish between cause and effect relationships in a text.
  • RI.7.2: Determine the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development.
  • RI.8.3: Analyze various perspectives in a text, including those of the author, narrator, and characters.

Why Buy This Resource?

  • Ready-to-Use: Download, print, and get teaching!
  • Engaging & Informative: Captures student interest with a balanced presentation of both positive and negative aspects.
  • Varied Activities: Assesses student understanding through a mix of question formats.
  • Answer Key Included: Saves valuable grading time.

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential?
Explore my store, More Lessons, Less Planning for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded!

Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!


Australian History - Freedom Ride 1965 - Guided reading, Source, Scholarship

By Yugen Learning

Looking for top middle and high school grade civil rights worksheet to enhance history students' document-source analysis and reading literacy. This ready-to-use, no prep printable available in Story, Source, Scholarship worksheet on 'Freedom Ride 1965' is the right solution for your Civil Rights program.

Story, Source, Scholarship is a powerful tool (click and read why) on the the top strategies for fostering document/source skills and comprehension in history education.


  • An overarching question aligned with the curriculum.
  • Guided Reading Story: A concise passage detailing the context and knowledge of the Freedom Ride of 1965.
  • Source: Two to three primary and secondary sources related to the Freedom Ride to challenge students.
  • Scholarship: Insights from renowned historians in the field.
  • Three distinct questions for each section: story, source, and scholarship.
  • Detailed instructions for each activity.
  • An example procedure to guide students.
  • Collaborative partner share activities.
  • All sheets are A3 in size for easy use.

Have you ever struggled to teach the intricate details of the Freedom Ride of 1965 and its impact on Aboriginal Rights in Australia? This no-prep resource is designed to guide your students through the pivotal events, using the innovative Story, Source, Scholarship (SSS) format to answer Was the Freedom Ride of 1965 effective in changing Aborignal Rights in Australia?. This approach not only teaches the content but also hones source skills and introduces students to historical scholarship in a single activity!

Benefits of Using this Resource:

  • Enhances student notetaking skills.
  • Guided Reading skills
  • Sharpens the ability to identify key concepts within a paragraph.
  • Develops the skill of linking sources to the overarching question.
  • Highlights the significance of historical scholarship in interpreting events.
  • Introduces students to historians for future research.

Why the SSS Approach?

Curious about the pedagogy behind the Story, Source, Scholarship approach? Discover its success by clicking to read my blog post here:

Every year, as I embarked on the journey of teaching historical enquiry, I sought a method that would encapsulate the essence of historical study and its structure. I needed an engaging and efficient way to teach these key skills. The traditional lecture method left my students disengaged. That's when the SSS approach came to the rescue!

This resource is a testament to the effectiveness of the SSS approach. It's interactive, engaging, and provides a comprehensive understanding of the Freedom Ride of 1965 and its implications. It's a game-changer for introducing students to the multifaceted nature of historical events.

Australian Curriculum Links:

Investigating rights and freedoms (1945–the present)

  • The origins and significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including Australia's involvement in the development of the declaration (ACDSEH023)
  • The background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations (ACDSEH104)
  • The US civil rights movement and its influence on Australia (ACDSEH105)
  • The significance of one of the following for the civil rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1962 right to vote federally; 1967 referendum; reconciliation; Mabo decision; Bringing Them Home Report (the Stolen Generations); the Apology (ACDSEH106)
  • Methods used by civil rights activists to achieve change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and the role of ONE individual or group in the struggle (ACDSEH134)
  • Torres Strait Islander Peoples: 1962 right to vote federally; 1967 Referendum; Reconciliation; Mabo decision; Bringing Them Home Report (the Stolen Generations), the Apology (ACDSEH106)

Common Core Outcomes:

For Grades 6-8: Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.5, RH.6-8.7, RH.6-8.10 For Grades 9-12: Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 9-10 & 11-12: RH.9-10.1, RH.9-10.2, RH.11-12.1, RH.11-12.2, RH.9-10.4, RH.11-12.4, RH.9-10.7, RH.11-12.8, RH.9-10.10, RH.11-12.10

This resource is a comprehensive, self-contained lesson that's perfect for students who've missed classes or for teachers in need of a no-prep lesson plan. Dive deep into the Freedom Ride of 1965 and its impact on Aboriginal Rights in Australia with the SSS approach!.

Enjoy this resource! Don't forget to follow my store for more awesome products and rate this product for your TeachShare credits :)

People that have purchased this resource have also purchased -

US History focused curriculum resources

✅ ➡ USA History

✅ ➡ USA History Unit One

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Two

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Three

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Four

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Five

✅ ➡ American Revolution

✅ ➡ ⚔ US Civil War

US, Australia & UK History Curriculum resources

Medieval History

☥ Ancient History

Medieval History

✅ ➡ World War One

✅ ➡ Nazi Germany

✅ ➡ ✈ World War Two

✅ ➡ v ☭️ Cold War

✅ ➡ Australian History

✅ ➡ ⚙ Industrial Revolution

World Geography


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Industrial Revolution - Steam Engine - Important Inventions

By Quick Assignment Central

Discover an Important Invention from the Industrial Revolution with This Engaging Assignment!

This is one assignment from a series of 15 (check out my store for the others or a bundle deal for all) that explores groundbreaking discoveries and inventions from the Industrial Revolution. Perfect for engaging students and fostering curiosity about the transformative ideas and innovations that reshaped industries and societies.

Each assignment is:

  • Written at a 7th-grade ESOL level – accessible for English learners yet suitable for a wide range of learners.
  • 4 Paragraphs – clear, engaging, and packed with fascinating information.
  • 4 Comprehension Questions – with an included answer key.

Dive into the series to spark a deeper appreciation for the innovations that revolutionized the modern world. Check out my store for more engaging resources and bundle deals!


Heroes of 9/11 September 11th Guided Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

Remembering the Heroes of 9/11: A Tribute to Courage & Resilience

Honor the heroes of September 11th with this engaging reading comprehension worksheet! This age-appropriate resource explores the bravery of first responders and ordinary citizens who risked their lives during the horrific attacks. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the events, the heroes' actions, and the lasting impact of their courage.

What's Included:

  • A compelling narrative that recounts the heroism displayed on 9/11.
  • Primary source excerpts from first responders, adding a personal touch to the story.
  • Thought-provoking questions that encourage critical thinking and analysis.
  • A variety of assessment formats (multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, short answer) to ensure comprehension.
  • A detailed answer key for efficient grading.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to identify the different roles played by first responders during 9/11.
  • Students will be able to analyze the challenges faced by first responders and ordinary citizens.
  • Students will be able to explain how everyday people demonstrated courage and selflessness.
  • Students will be able to recognize the lasting legacy of the heroes of 9/11.

Common Core Standards Addressed:

  • RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
  • RI.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RI.7.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RI.7.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, providing an objective summary of the text.
  • RI.7.3: Analyze in detail the sequences of events or ideas described in a text.

Why Buy This Resource?

  • Honors the Heroes: This worksheet fosters a respectful understanding of the events and the bravery displayed by first responders and citizens.
  • Encourages Critical Thinking: Thought-provoking questions guide students to analyze the text, consider different perspectives, and reflect on the heroes' impact.
  • Standards-Aligned: Aligned with key Common Core reading comprehension standards for upper grades.
  • Teacher-Friendly: The clear structure, answer key, and engaging content make this worksheet easy to integrate into your lesson plans.

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!

Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!

Related Product

Post 9/11 America Reading Bundle

  • Dive deeper into the complexities of post-9/11 America with this 8-part reading comprehension bundle exploring security, immigration, war on terror, and more!

Russian Revolution: Analyze "Rasputin" song for historical accuracy

By Yugen Learning

Attention history teachers! Discover an engaging, fun and no prep lesson that will captivate your students' interest in the Russian Revolution! Introducing "Analyzing 'Rasputin' Song: Unraveling Russian History!"

Dive into the melodious world of Boney M's iconic hit, "Rasputin," as students explore the lyrics to unravel the captivating story of Grigori Rasputin and its connection to this historic event. With a ready-to-use proforma sheet and collaborative group discussions, your students will actively analyze historical evidence, debate conflicting viewpoints, and draw their own conclusions. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through Russian history that will leave your students humming and debating for days to come. Don't miss out on this engaging and interactive lesson – grab your copy today and bring the Russian Revolution to life in your classroom!


  • Complete Lesson plan to guide you

  • A3 size preform that includes the lyrics divided by verses and a grid for student analysis

  • lesson plan includes link to YouTube version of the song with the lyrics

Enjoy this resource! Don't forget to follow my store for more awesome products and rate this product for your TeachShare credits :)

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Russian Revolution - Quick history challenge questions

Russian Revolution and Stalinist Russia 1894 - 1953

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Industrial Revolution - Adam Smith (1723–1790) - Influential People

By Quick Assignment Central

Discover an Influential Person from the Industrial Revolution with This Engaging Assignment!

This is one assignment from a series of 15 (check out my store for the others or a bundle deal for all) that explores the lives and contributions of influential individuals from the Industrial Revolution. Perfect for engaging students and fostering curiosity about the people whose ideas and actions reshaped industries and societies.

Each assignment is:

  • Written at a 7th-grade ESOL level – accessible for English learners yet suitable for a wide range of learners.
  • 4 Paragraphs – clear, engaging, and packed with fascinating information.
  • 4 Comprehension Questions – with an included answer key.

Dive into the series to spark a deeper appreciation for the individuals who revolutionized the modern world. Check out my store for more engaging resources and bundle deals!


Harlem Hellfighters: WWI World War I Guided Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

Harlem Hellfighters: Bravery Beyond the Battlefield in WWI

Dive into the inspiring story of the 369th Infantry Regiment, the Harlem Hellfighters, who fought for their country while facing prejudice and segregation.

Explore their remarkable journey:

  • Overcoming Discrimination: Witness their unwavering determination despite facing prejudice within the US military.
  • Fighting Under the French Command: Discover how their attachment to the French Army allowed them to showcase their combat prowess.
  • Bravery and Achievements: Analyze their exceptional record, including the longest time spent in combat and numerous French military decorations.
  • Pioneering Role in Jazz Music: Learn how the regimental band introduced jazz to Europe, leaving a lasting cultural impact.

Engage students with:

  • Compelling narrative: A captivating exploration of the fight against discrimination and the 369th's remarkable service.
  • Primary source analysis: Gain a firsthand perspective through a soldier's letter from the battlefield.
  • Critical thinking questions: Multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer challenges to solidify understanding.
  • Clear answer key: Ensures a smooth learning experience for both teachers and students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the experiences of African American soldiers during WWI.
  • Understand the impact of prejudice and segregation on military service.
  • Evaluate the contributions of the Harlem Hellfighters to the war effort.
  • Recognize the cultural significance of the regimental band's role in introducing jazz music to Europe.

Common Core State Standards Addressed:

  • RI.6.1, RI.7.1, RI.8.1, RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and draw inferences from the text.
  • RI.6.2, RI.7.2, RI.8.2, RI.9-10.2, RI.11-12.2: Determine the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
  • RI.6.3, RI.7.3, RI.8.3, RI.9-10.3, RI.11-12.3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of the text.
  • W.6.2, W.7.2, W.8.2, W.9-10.2, W.11-12.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately.

Why Choose This Resource?

  • Ready-to-use: A no-prep addition to your US History or World War I unit, perfect for engaging students in critical thinking and historical analysis.
  • Compelling and Diverse: Highlights an often overlooked story of courage and resilience in the fight for equality.
  • Promotes Social Awareness: Encourages discussions about prejudice, discrimination, and the ongoing fight for social justice.
  • Standards-Aligned: Directly addresses key reading comprehension and critical thinking skills outlined in the Common Core State Standards.

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom!

Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!


American Revolution History - Significant Battles stations-gallery walk activity

By Yugen Learning

These no-prep activity worksheets for middle/high school students for the US War of Independence significant battles. Immersive for middle or high school stations/gallery walk activity. This resource allows students to get understanding of the major battles including their significance. Gallery walks get your students up and moving about, creating great of energy and engagement.

What is Included:

  • Map of significant US War of Independence battles
  • Detailed Significant Battles of: Lexington and Concord , Bunker Hill, Long Island, Trenton, Saratoga, Germantown, Monmouth, Charleston, Yorktown.
  • Each battlefield sheet covers the following information: Location, Date, forces involved, objective, battle, total causalities, significance and interesting facts.
  • Student Table to collate

The research can form the basis for an extended answer on questions on the impact of battles, the effectiveness of tactics, and significance on the home front of their outcomes for propaganda purists.

Enjoy this resource! Don't forget to follow my store for more awesome products and rate this product for your TeachShare credits :)

People that have purchased this resource have also purchased -

World War Two - Pacific US Land Battles gallery walk

World War Two - Pacific US Naval Battles gallery walk

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Enjoy and please leave a review.


Cold War Series - Solidarity Movement in Poland (1980-1989) - Important Events

By Quick Assignment Central

Explore a Key Event from the Cold War with This Engaging Assignment!

Dive into the history of the Cold War with this focused 4-paragraph assignment, part of a 25-assignment series exploring the most pivotal events of this global conflict.

Each assignment provides a concise and accessible overview of a significant event, highlighting the key people, decisions, and outcomes that defined the Cold War era.

To reinforce learning, this assignment includes 4 comprehension questions that encourage critical thinking and deeper connections to the material.

An answer key is included for easy grading, making this a ready-to-use resource. Use it as a standalone activity or as part of the complete series.

Check my store for the full set and other engaging history resources!


Iran Hostage Crisis and its Enduring Impact Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

  • Step into the shoes of history detectives and unravel the complexities of the Iran Hostage Crisis! This interactive worksheet delves into the 444-day ordeal of 52 American captives, exploring the crisis's roots in the 1950s coup, its escalation during the Cold War, and the extraordinary efforts that finally brought our citizens home.
  • Go beyond the headlines with primary source excerpts from hostages like Barbara Daly Simmons, offering intimate glimpses into their resilience and humanity. Analyze diplomatic failures, failed rescue attempts, and the final breakthrough through engaging multiple-choice, true/false, and thought-provoking short answer questions.
  • Teacher-friendly, this resource comes complete with an answer key, saving you valuable time and boosting classroom discussions. Download today and watch your students become history detectives, deciphering the legacy of a crisis that continues to shape the world!

Nazi Germany - Was appeasement right - Guided reading, Source, Scholars

By Yugen Learning

This no prep comprehensive and engaging middle and high school grade Nazi Germany WW2 printable worksheet to enhance history students' document-source analysis and reading literacy. This ready to use Story, Source, Scholarship worksheet on 'Was appeasement the right policy?' is the right solution for your Nazi Germany program.

Story, Source, Scholarship is a powerful tool (click and read why) on the the top strategies for fostering document/source skills and comprehension in history education.

The sheet will develop student:

· comprehension and note taking skills

· Ability to identify key concept of a paragraph

· The skill of identify links between sources and the question

· Importance of historical scholarship can be used to help interpret events

· Introduces student to historians they can use for future research

**The video preview is of a different topic but it shows the process the student will follow in the task design.

When I started my procedure of historical enquiry unit each year, I wanted to introduce the all three skills. I was looking for a way to tell students about what the study of historical involves, how it is structured. But...I needed a way to explicitly teach the key skills concept that was engaging and efficient. When I just talked at students, they looked disinterested.

What is Included:

• Overarching question linked to curriculum

• Guided Reading: A short passage explain the context and knowledge of the historical event or question

• Two to three primary and secondary sources that link to the story to extend students

• Two to three views from prominent historians in that field of study.

• Three questions to complete, one for each of the story, source, and scholarship questions.

• Clear instruction for each task within the activity

• Example Procedure

• Partner Share Activities

• Sheets are A3 in size

The task will cover all the content for a good, detailed understanding of the event or question. It is an excellent resources for absent students who need to covered missed work as it is a self contained, no-prep lesson.

Australian Curriculum links.

  • Overview of the causes and course of World War II ACDSEH024

Common Core Outcomes:

For Grades 6-8:

  • RH.6-8.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
  • RH.6-8.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
  • RH.6-8.6: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
  • RH.6-8.9: Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.

For Grades 9-12:

  • RH.9-10.1 & RH.11-12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
  • RH.9-10.2 & RH.11-12.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
  • RH.9-10.6 & RH.11-12.6: Evaluate authors’ differing points of view on the same historical event or issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence.

• RH.9-10.9 & RH.11-12.9: Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.

Enjoy this resource! Don't forget to follow my store for more awesome products and rate this product for your TeachShare credits :)

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US History focused curriculum resources

✅ ➡ USA History

✅ ➡ USA History Unit One

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Two

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Three

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Four

✅ ➡ USA History Unit Five

✅ ➡ American Revolution

✅ ➡ ⚔ US Civil War

US, Australia & UK History Curriculum resources

Medieval History

☥ Ancient History

Medieval History

✅ ➡ World War One

✅ ➡ Nazi Germany

✅ ➡ ✈ World War Two

✅ ➡ v ☭️ Cold War

✅ ➡ Australian History

✅ ➡ ⚙ Industrial Revolution

World Geography


Subscribe to my Teaching Newsletter for a History Teachers AI guide and one of my best selling history resources.


World War 2 Series - Fall of France (June 1940) - WWII

By Quick Assignment Central

Explore Key Events from World War II with This Engaging Assignment!

Dive into the history of World War II with this 4-paragraph assignment, part of a 25-assignment series covering the most pivotal events of the war.

Written at a 7th-grade ESOL level, it’s accessible for a wide range of learners and designed to build understanding and critical thinking.

Each assignment provides a clear and concise overview of a significant event, highlighting the key people, decisions, and outcomes that shaped history.

To reinforce learning, the assignment includes 4 comprehension questions that encourage reflection and deeper connections to the material.

An answer key is included for easy grading, making this a convenient, ready-to-use resource. Use it on its own or as part of the series.

Check my store for the full set and other engaging history resources!


Open Door Policy US Expansionism Primary Source Reading Comprehension Worksheet

By More Lessons Less Planning

The Open Door Policy: U.S. Trade Expansion in China - History Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Help your students dive into one of the most significant moments in U.S. foreign policy with this engaging reading comprehension worksheet focusing on The Open Door Policy and U.S. trade expansion in China. This resource allows students to explore the complexities of U.S.-China relations, economic imperialism, and the impact of foreign powers on China's sovereignty at the turn of the 20th century.

In this worksheet, students will gain insight into:

  • The motivations behind Secretary of State John Hay’s Open Door Policy, which aimed to ensure equal trade access for foreign nations while safeguarding U.S. economic interests in China.
  • The Boxer Rebellion, a nationalist uprising that emerged in response to foreign exploitation and control, and how it shaped the aftermath of the Open Door Policy.
  • The long-term consequences of U.S. involvement in China and how this policy set the stage for future global interactions.

What’s Included:

  • Multiple-choice questions to check students' understanding of key events and concepts.
  • Matching activities to reinforce important figures, terms, and events.
  • Fill-in-the-blank exercises to solidify essential knowledge.
  • Short-answer questions to encourage critical thinking and deeper analysis of U.S. foreign policy.
  • Primary source analysis of John Hay's Open Door Notes (1899), challenging students to think critically about the U.S.’s role in international trade and China's response to foreign influence.

This resource is designed to challenge students with complex themes while developing their critical reading skills. It's a perfect tool for sparking class discussions, individual work, or even substitute plans.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the motivations and effects of the Open Door Policy in U.S.-China relations.
  • Evaluate the implications of foreign powers on China's sovereignty during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Understand the consequences of the Open Door Policy for China, the U.S., and the broader region.
  • Connect U.S. trade policies to the rise of anti-foreign sentiment and nationalist movements in China.

Common Core Standards:

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.2: Determine the central ideas of a source and provide an accurate summary.
  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.9: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Courses This Resource Is Perfect For:

  • U.S. History (High School)
  • AP World History
  • World History (Grades 9-12)
  • Social Studies (Grades 9-12)

This worksheet offers deeper learning and is ideal for sparking classroom discussion or as a sub plan. Your students will explore U.S. foreign policy, trade, and the complexities of imperialism during a pivotal time in history.

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there’s something for every classroom!

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Civil Rights Australian History Aboriginal 1920s to 1967 Guided reading, slides

By Yugen Learning

This no-prep activity with lesson plans and printable and digital worksheets and slide deck for Aboriginal fight for equality in Australia from the 1920s to the landmark 1967 Referendum and Indigenous rights and equality. Perfectly tailored for your Australian History programs, this resource is designed to engage both middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students, providing a thorough exploration of the Indigenous activism and challenges faced during this transformative era.

Students will delve into topics such as:

  • The formation and impact of advocacy groups like the Australian Aborigines' League and the Aborigines Progressive Association in the 1920s.
  • The significance of the 1938 Day of Mourning and its implications for Indigenous rights.
  • The monumental 1946 Pilbara Strike and its role in highlighting Indigenous land rights and working conditions.
  • The rise of influential bodies like FCAATSI in the 1950s and their contributions to the Indigenous rights movement.
  • The groundbreaking 1965 Freedom Ride and its role in exposing racial segregation and discrimination.

Resource provides:

  • Editable introductory slide deck with 5 slides
  • Detailed lesson plan with extension activities suggestions
  • Printable Version
  • Digital Version
  • Dual coding - combining visuals and text for enhanced student recall.
  • Detailed 300-word narrative capturing the essence of the era.
  • Activities focused on annotation and summarization skills.
  • A4 size page for easy printing.

Australian Curriculum links;

  • The US civil rights movement and its influence on Australia ACDSEH105

  • Methods used by civil rights activists to achieve change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and the role of ONE individual or group in the struggle ACDSEH134

  • Background to the struggle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples for rights and freedoms before 1965, including the 1938 Day of Mourning and the Stolen Generations ACDSEH104

  • The continuing nature of efforts to secure civil rights and freedoms in Australia and throughout the world, such as the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) ACDSEH143

Common Core Outcomes:

For Grades 6-8: Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.5, RH.6-8.7, RH.6-8.10 For Grades 9-12: Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 9-10 & 11-12: RH.9-10.1, RH.9-10.2, RH.11-12.1, RH.11-12.2, RH.9-10.4, RH.11-12.4, RH.9-10.7, RH.11-12.8, RH.9-10.10, RH.11-12.10

Guided reading is a powerful tool for literacy and comprehension in history class. This method enriches students' understanding, promotes critical thinking, and hones their ability to extract and synthesize vital information from texts. Through group discussions and diverse source exposure, guided reading encourages active participation, broadens vocabulary, and refines reading fluency. Boost your students’ literacy skills as they delve into an event that profoundly influenced the discourse on Indigenous rights in Australia!

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Compare and Contrast - Industrial Revolution in Great Britain Vs United States

By Quick Assignment Central

Transform your classroom with this versatile assignment, featuring two concise, information-packed readings—each just 4 paragraphs long and written at a 7th-grade level, making them ideal for a wide range of students, including high school English language learners. The readings provide detailed content that challenges students to think critically as they answer four compare-and-contrast questions, building essential skills.

Whether you're facilitating partner projects or encouraging independent work, this adaptable assignment is a perfect fit for your teaching needs.

Includes a comprehensive answer key.

Don't miss out—check out my store for even more engaging and thought-provoking assignments tailored to elevate your students' learning experience!
