Early Intervention Interactive Notebooks

RTI Binder for Interventions and Data Collection

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

By popular demand, I have adapted my SPED binder for general education teacher needs! Introducing the RTI Binder. Here, you can create your RTI plan, track progress, keep up with meetings/conferences, keep a log of communication, and have student info all at your finger tips. Edit the forms digitally and print them out to submit to parents and administration as documentation.

You will be prompted to make a copy of the binder to add to your Google Drive. The binder includes 67 editable pages:

An editable cover with a beautiful, muted color scheme with clickable tabs

A "Student Info" page with space for student name, guardian, phone number, and email

An "RTI Plan" link page with clickable links to 20 editable, printable RTI Plan pages (links work in PRESENT MODE)

A "Progress Monitoring" link page with clickable links to 40 progress monitoring data collection pages (links work in PRESENT MODE)

A "Meeting Schedule" page to keep track of data meetings, parent meetings, and more.

A "Conference Log" page that can be used to track student service minutes or parent conferences

A "User Guide" to help you understand each section of the binder along with my social media contact information if you need any extra support!


Errorless Adapted Number Five Book-- Counting, Subitizing, Number Recognition

By Emily Juneau

Number recognition and subitizing exposure and practice that is engaging for your students!

How to Use: Students independently work through this errorless adapted book by placing the number on each page.

Skills Worked On:



-Number Recognition

How to use in your Classroom:

-Soft Landing/Morning Tub Activity

-Independent Differentiated Work


- Extra Skill Practice in Intervention


Errorless Adapted Number Four Book-- Counting, Subitizing, Number Recognition

By Emily Juneau

Number recognition and subitizing exposure and practice that is engaging for your students!

How to Use: Students independently work through this errorless adapted book by placing the number on each page.

Skills Worked On:



-Number Recognition

How to use in your Classroom:

-Soft Landing/Morning Tub Activity

-Independent Differentiated Work


- Extra Skill Practice in Intervention


Errorless Adapted Number Three Book-- Counting, Subitizing, Number Recognition

By Emily Juneau

Number recognition and subitizing exposure and practice that is engaging for your students!

How to Use: Students independently work through this errorless adapted book by placing the number on each page.

Skills Worked On:



-Number Recognition

How to use in your Classroom:

-Soft Landing/Morning Tub Activity

-Independent Differentiated Work


- Extra Skill Practice in Intervention


BUNDLED Adapted Errorless Number Books 1-5 --Number Recognition, Subitizing

By Emily Juneau

Number recognition and subitizing exposure and practice that is engaging for your students!

How to Use: Students independently work through this errorless adapted book by placing the number on each page.

Skills Worked On:



-Number Recognition

How to use in your Classroom:

-Soft Landing/Morning Tub Activity

-Independent Differentiated Work


- Extra Skill Practice in Intervention
