Instructional Technology Research


By French Made Fun!

Cette tâche de recherche rapide et simple amènera vos élèves à explorer la vie des 23 premiers ministres canadiens, de Sir John A. MacDonald à Justin Trudeau. Chaque page de ce document contient un premier ministre différent et invite à découvrir leur histoire, leur impact et une citation célèbre. Chaque page est une feuille de travail de style infographique qui invite les élèves à remplir les trous pour fournir des informations relatives à leur premier ministre. Explorez l'histoire politique du Canada!

C'est une excellente activité à laisser avec un enseignant suppléant, et ils paraissent bien sur une chronologie sur votre mur avant les entretiens parents-enseignants. 

Cette activité est destinée aux classes de la 3e à la 5e année et est idéale comme outil pour enseigner les compétences de recherche au début de l'année scolaire.

Les élèves peuvent colorier leur premier ministre sur chaque page, et vous pouvez choisir de les faire présenter à leurs pairs !


Learning about Design - Elements of Art, Shapes & Colors | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Design: Elements of Art, Shapes & Color is a three-part lesson to give students an introduction to design. This is perfect for a technology class that focuses on web design or graphic design, or for an art class. The first lesson has students create a PowerPoint (or Google Slides presentation) to define the Seven Elements of Art in their own words and give picture examples of three areas of design for each. In the second lesson, students complete a short WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about how designers use shapes to convey a message. Finally, in the third lesson, students explore how designers use color by researching information on the Internet and completing a color chart. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Seven Elements of Art PowerPoint Project - Student Expectations & Rubric

• Seven Elements of Art Project Sample (as .pdf)

• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Student Worksheet

• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Teacher Answer Key

• How Designers Use Color Research Chart – Student Worksheet

• How Designers Us Color Research Chart – Teacher Answer Key

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By French Made Fun!

Vous souhaitez intégrer l’apprentissage par projet et par inquisition dans votre classe, tout en abordant du matériel d’études sociales ? Cet ensemble comprend toutes les ressources de ma boutique qui permettront à vos élèves d'explorer les cartes, la politique, l'histoire, l'économie, la citoyenneté, l'environnement et leur apprentissage social et émotionnel.

J'enseigne avec une approche transdisciplinaire et j'aborde mes projets et activités sous plusieurs angles pour que vos élèves puissent lire, écrire, rechercher, s'amuser et créer des projets individuellement et en petits groupes qui vous épateront !

Ce bundle comprend les 14 ressources suivantes :

  • La position géographique (71 pages): A detailed look at cartography, geography and the history of mapping.
  • Règles, droits et démocratie canadienne (10 pages): A detailed look at democracy, rules, voting and the political system in Canada.
  • Plateformes et politique canadienne (24 pages): Lead an election in your classroom with this project-based approach!
  • Brochure touristique (30 pages): Canadian Provinces research project.
  • Les secteurs industriels (20 pages + kahoot link): The Canadian Industrial sectors are covered and a link to a Kahoot. A surveying project ties social studies outcomes in with math outcomes with a 14 page student work-book.
  • Les autochtones au Canada (50+ pages!): A 2-week long unit on Aboriginals in Canada (my favorite document in my TeachShare store - by far!)
  • Symboles et identité (60+ pages!): A 2-week long unit on Canadian symbolism, identity & patriotism
  • Oh Canada! (10 pages): A cross-curricular writing, reading and researching activity getting students to rewrite the National Anthem.
  • La journée du chandail rose (50+ pages): A unit on bullying.
  • Recherche sur les premiers ministres canadiens (23 pages): A small research project on Canadian prime ministers.
  • Dans l'oeil du dragon (44 pages): A project-based unit on designing an invention and showing it to a panel of dragons!
  • BurgerLove! (60 pages): A project-based look at food waste and the Canadian economy.
  • Le jour du souvenir (45 pages): An in-depth look at the history of war and peace.

Like what you see but want to see more? Send me a message to request specific lessons and activities & Subscribe to my TeachShare Store to stay in the loop!

Take care of each other and HAVE FUN!

♡ Mme. Kaitlyn


Creating Timelines using Tiki-Toki (a free Web 2.0 tool) | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Creating a Timeline using Tiki-Toki utilizes the free Web 2.0 tool which allows students to create timelines online and then share their finished product. No download is required to use the product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.

In these lessons, students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their projects. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations.

Also included is a list of 10 easy project ideas to allow the teacher and student a choice in how to demonstrate knowledge of Tiki-Toki and the lesson content. Use one or let students choose from several! General project instructions and expectations, along with a grading rubric are also included.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Quick Getting Started Tutorial for Students

• Student Expectations, Project Instructions and Rubric

• List of 10 easy project ideas to choose from

Related Products
⭐ Creative Presentation Projects using Web 2.0 Tool Prezi
⭐ Create a Comic in the Web 2.0 Tool Storyboard That
⭐ Create a Video using Animoto

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Computer Hardware & Software - Build a Computer | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Teach the basics of computer hardware and software while letting students explore what's inside the computer! This unit helps students explore and understand the basic components inside the computer. This is perfect for any technology class in upper elementary or middle school. All files provided are fully editable, allowing teachers to make modifications for differentiation or personalization if they choose.

A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (fully editable) is included to introduce the topic to the class and can be used as a whole class presentation or provided to students to explore on their own. The first part of the assignment involves students identifying and defining the parts of the computer, using either MS PowerPoint or Google Slides to create a presentation. Next, students research specific computer hardware components and “build” two different computers, using either MS Excel or Google Sheets, and remaining within a given budget. A template in Excel that can also be opened in Sheets is provided. Teacher and student resources are included with instructions, sites for research and lesson extension ideas. A basic grading rubric for each project, is also included.

The projects can be completed individually, or students can work in pairs. These projects were created for grades 7-8 but could also be used with upper elementary students.

Materials Required

· Access to computers for each student (or small group)

· Internet access

· Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel OR Google Slides and Sheets

Project Duration (approximate, per topic)

· PowerPoint presentation: .5-1 (50 minute) class period

· Definitions – Student Presentation project: 1-2 (50 minute) class periods

· Research and “Build” Computers project: 2 (50 minute) class periods

Files Included with this Lesson

· Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

· Computer Components PowerPoint Presentation (editable)

· Student Definitions Presentation Project Expectations & Grading Rubric (editable)

· “Build a Computer” Project Student Expectations & Grading Rubric (editable)

· MS Excel Template for project – can be opened in Google Sheets (editable)

My 7th and 8th graders loved this project - particularly when they got to take apart and reassemble old computers that were donated to us at the end of the unit! I hope your students enjoy it as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Information Technology
⭐ History of Computers - Group Research & Presentation Project
⭐ Webquest Scavenger Hunt - History of Computers

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Exploring the Road to College - Poster Project

By Innovations in Technology

It's never too early to start thinking about college! This project based learning activity has students explore a college of their choice, research information about majors, classes, what life at college will be like and what it will cost and compile that data into Microsoft Word. Using that information, students create a poster to showcase their college of choice in a poster using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs that is suitable to print and display.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included:

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• College Research Worksheet

• College Poster Project Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

• College Poster Template (Microsoft Word /Google Docs)

• College Poster Project Example

A fun activity that gets kids thinking about their future!

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Mobile Apps - Research and Design Your Own App | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Students love their phones and all the apps that are available for them! This lesson lets students research some of the most popular apps and learn more about the software engineers who created them, and then create an app of their own. A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation starts the lesson as students learn about how apps are designed. Next, students work individually, with a partner, or in small groups to research an assigned app and create a presentation in their choice of software (suggestions and web tutorials are included). Next, students present their findings to the class. Finally, students work together to create their own app, using App Inventor (free software from MIT). Links to teacher instructions for App Inventor set up (provided by MIT) are included in the provided teacher resources below. All files are fully editable, allowing the teacher to customize the lessons. Additional resources and extension lesson ideas include free sites for students to create their own mobile app.

Perfect for a technology, engineering, or business class, this project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Introduction to App Design & Creation PowerPoint Presentation (fully editable)

• App List for Assignment (fully editable in MS Word)

• Popular Apps and the Software Engineers(s) Who Designed Them – Individual Project Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric (fully editable in MS Word)

• Popular Apps and the Software Engineers(s) Who Designed Them – Partner/Team Project Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric (fully editable in MS Word)

• Project Sign Up Sheet – 3 versions: individual, partner and team (fully editable in MS Word)

• Creating an App in AppInventor – Project Expectations and Grading Rubric (fully editable in MS Word)

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