Instructional Technology Posters

LEGO EV3 Robots Poster Set (Sensors)

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

This is the second in my series of LEGO EV3 Classroom Posters. This set of (6) 18x24 posters ready to print. This set covers the SENSORS for your robot. Included are: Touch Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Color Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Infrared Sensor and Temperature Sensor.

Also, check out my first series of posters here:


LEGO EV3 Robots Poster Set (Motors & Action Blocks)

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

Are you looking for some LEGO Robotics posters for your room? Here they are!! This set includes (11) 18x24 posters ready to print. You get posters for the Medium Motor, the Large Motor, Move Steering vs. Tank Move, Move Steering, Tank Move, Motor Ports, Stopping Options, Motor Options, Wait Blocks, Loop Block, and Switch Block.

2020 Update - If you're using the new EV3-C platform, I've just uploaded a poster set for that program.
EV3-C Poster Set
