Food Allergies Awareness Education, Activities, Signs for BACK TO SCHOOL
By Teaching Dinos
Do you have students with food allergies in your classroom? If so, this is the Ultimate Food Allergy Awareness Education Guide and Resource for the elementary school classroom, perfect for back to school! It includes digital resources that can be used in Google Classroom, as well as printable options to fit your different teaching needs.
Students will be educated on what food allergies are, the top 9 allergens - with mention of mustard as becoming more common, signs of a reaction and what classmates can do if a reaction occurs, how to be a good friend to someone with food allergies, and ways to keep their food allergic friends safe.
****Click on the preview to see what's included**
►Food Allergy Presentation Google Slides and PDF- Engaging narrated presentation featuring a silly duck, named Quackers who learns about food allergies with your students. The digital education portion is just under ten minutes long and includes a song to help students remember allergens and ways to keep food allergic students safe. (34 Slides or 34 Page PDF)
►Digital activities - Students answer questions on food allergies by moving symbols over the correct answers, or writing in a text box. Everything digital is narrated with audio as an option for students, which will especially help the early elementary grades. (33 Slides)
►Printable Activites in Color and BW - with an answer key available. These are different than the digital activities, though some ideas may overlap. Pick and choose the activities most appropriate for your student's level. (33 Pages)
►Posters, Signs, Tags - reinforcing the lesson on food allergies with the Food Allergy Song, Top 9 Allergens, and a list of ways to keep friends with allergies safe. We are a _____Free Classroom for your doors and classrooms including the following allergens: Dairy, Egg, Wheat (additional Gluten Free sign), Soy, Peanut, Tree Nut, Shellfish, Fish, Corn, Sesame, Mustard, Latex, Fragrances. Template for you to make your own custom sign (not editable, you can print and write in the allergens you need). Tags for bookbags, lunches, field trips, whatever you need to pin them on. Includes the allergens and blank templates to write in what you need as well. There are additional tags that say "I am Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy Free, and Lactose Intolerant" for students that don't fit the typical IgE allergy. There are also tags that read, "Allergy Alert Epinephrine Inside" and "Allergy Alert Emergency Medication Inside." (25 Pages)
►Answer Keys - for both digital and PDF activities. (5 pages and 10 pages)
►Teacher Education & Resources Packet - discussing ways to keep your student safe and some considerations to make as a teacher and classroom with a student with food allergies. Includes resources for educators as well. (22 pages)
Why do you need this in your classroom?
15% of all food allergic children have had a reaction in school. Over 40% of food allergic children have experienced a severe reaction. Children with food allergies NEED the help of their classmates and teacher if they experience a food allergic reaction!
Help educate your students on this important and necessary topic! It’s an important step towards awareness, increased inclusivity of food allergic students, and helping aid in keeping students safe so they can have the opportunity to learn the best they are able, without fear of their own safety.
✅You may download this as a printable PDF, use the Google Slides in Google Classroom, send copies out to your students, or download as a PowerPoint to upload to Microsoft Teams.
✅The Google Slides version of this resource are fillable, meaning students can type in pre-made text boxes and move symbols to correct answers. It is NOT editable due to the clip artists’ terms of use. If you have any questions, please contact me at before purchasing.
✅You will need Google Drive in order to access this resource. Your students will also need Gmail accounts so they can access it. Sharing via Google Classroom is recommended, but sharing through Gmail is another option. Of course you can always use the print version instead.
✅With this purchase, TeachShare will automatically make a copy of your folder, create a TPT folder in your Drive, and add the folder to your Google Drive. In this process, TPT will need your permission to briefly access your Google Drive. Here is a link to more information:
✅When assigning this activity to students, make sure you are logged into the account in which the resources were installed.
✅ Please make sure your district does not block outside audio on your google drive. If your district does block outside audio, it is not necessary to benefit from the full resource. All the text is included and could be read instead.
⚠️This is not an editable document.
⭐⭐⭐Food Allergy BOOM CARDS™ - If you would prefer a more condensed version of this unit, take a look at our Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ Education presentation and digital activities hosted through BOOM Learning™. These do not contain printables, resources, posters...etc. This is strictly the presentation and self-grading and reinforcing, digital activities. Check out the Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ by clicking HERE. ⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐
Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TPT. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!!
Related Products:
⭐Food Allergy Posters, Signs, Tags for Classroom Awareness
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⭐HATCHET Novel Building Brick Challenge Task Cards with STEAM STEM Sequencing
⭐Adventure STEM Building Challenge Task Cards BUNDLE for Elementary Students
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Classroom Rules 15 Color Posters 15 Black and White Bulletin Board Set
By Oops Math is Fun
Classroom rules posters, classroom expectations, classroom management, back to school, classroom decor, student behavior, teaching resources
Create a positive and structured learning environment with this set of 15 Classroom Rules and Expectations Posters. Designed to engage and inform, these posters are perfect for any classroom setting. Each poster features a key rule or expectation along with corresponding clip art to help students easily understand and remember the guidelines.
Key Features:
Rules Included:
How to Use:
This set of Classroom Rules and Expectations Posters is an essential tool for establishing a respectful and productive classroom environment. Download now and make your classroom a positive space for learning and growth!
Copyright © OOPS! Math is Fun [2024]. All rights reserved. This digital product is the sole creation of OOPS! Math is Fun and is intended for personal use by a single individual only. Redistribution, posting online, resale, or sharing of this product, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from OOPS! Math is Fun. Any unauthorized use or distribution may result in legal action.
Amazing resource! The variety of rules covered is comprehensive and the visual appeal is spot on. Thanks for including a black & white version.
Exactly what I needed for the start of the school year. The posters are clear, colorful, and easy to read.
Morning Greetings Choices Posters Signs Social Distance Greeting
By Kaylor Creations
Start your year and everyday with a positive and welcoming tone!
Good Morning! Would you like a big bear hug? A happening high five? Or just a simple smile and hello? These morning greeting allow your students to choose how they would like to be greeted every morning!
These colorful and clever signs will create a positive learning environment and allow you to build relationships with your students before they even enter the classroom! What a motivator to learn!
Post in on the door as you welcome student into class. They will point to their greeting of choice as they enter the room. They can choose from these greeting gestures: hug, wave, high five, fist bump, hand shake and smile.
What makes these unique? Each greeting comes with a whimsical alliteration description!
Great for Back to School!
(Make sure to "View Preview" to see what makes this resource unique and to take a sneak peek)
French Growth Mindset Posters-Pensées Positives-Décor-Mentalité de croissance
By La trousse de Madame
French Growth Mindset Posters
Do you struggle to find colourful, engaging, and unique classroom decor elements to add to your French classroom? I created these Growth Mindset Posters with you in mind. Engaging, child-centered, and colorful posters to foster the love of learning and to instill a sense of positivity in your students as they stretch their thinking. A growth mindset means that students learn to recognize that challenge, mistakes, and even frustration can all lead to leaps in learning!
What do you get in this set?
12 Large posters with colored background
12 Large posters with white background for easier printing
12 Small posters with colored background
12 Small posters with white background for easier printing
Les affiches 'Growth Mindset' ou 'Pensées positives' sont l'essentiel dans la salle de classe cette année. Les élèves adorent encourager les autres et donner la motivation à leur copains. Les affiches dans cette ressource sont bons pour les étudiants de Maternelle à la 3e année.
Le jeu d'affiches inclus:
12 affiches large avec l'arrière plan colore
12 affiches large avec arrière plan en noir et blanc
12 petites affiches avec arrière plan colore
12 petites affiches avec arrière plan en noir et blanc
French Growth Mindset Expressions:
Mon cerveau est un muscle que j’entraine
Toutes mes idées m’aident à apprendre
J’accepte les défis et les difficultés
Je peux toujours m’améliorer!
J’essaye de nouvelles stratégies!
Je suis capable de faire des choses difficiles!
Mon cerveau grandit quand je me pousse!
J’aperçois les changements dans mes pensées
Je crois en moi!
Je célèbre les nouveaux défis!
Les erreurs m’aident à grandir!
Je ne comprends pas encore
Appropriate audience:
I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6
I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?
J’utilise cette saffiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6eannée. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelquechose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.
Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!
♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name
If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.
If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.
All About Me Gallery Walk: Build Your Own Mystery Pizza! 10 Game Stations
By TaughtOught Homeschooling
This ten-station All About Me-themed Gallery Walk will introduce a slice of humor into your first day or week of school! Students will get to know each other, you as teacher will get to know your students (and plus they will think you are SUPER cool).
What needs to be prepared?
How do we play?
Students visit each of the ten stations. They read the All About Me question and choose an answer. Then, they mark the answer on their recording sheet. Each answer correlates to a pizza ingredient. Once all stations are completed, students will have 10 ingredients total ( . . . and maybe some of them are grosser than others). These are the ingredients they use to draw and color their goofy pizza on the included coloring sheet.
What can this game be used for?
What’s included?
By Queen's Educational Resources
Growth Mindset Posters (Volume 4)
This resource includes:
---- 16 Growth Mindset Posters
The 16 posters come in three formats:
8.5 x 11 PDF file
11 x 14 PDF file
11 x 14 JPEG
Growth Mindset Motivational Posters
There are 16 Growth Mindset posters to print and display in your classroom. These posters are excellent for all ages and grades! These amazing posters can enhance the appearance of your classroom, encourage your students to have a growth mindset, and think positive in every situation. You can print them out on gloss/photo paper and/or laminate for optimal quality.
This resource is also included in the following discounted bundles:
Growth Mindset Poster Bundle (Volumes 1-4)
This same resource is also sold in different themes!
Growth Mindset POSTERS:
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 1: (Colorful)
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 2: (Black and Blue)
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 3: (Colored Pencils)
---- Growth Mindset Poster Bundle (Volumes 1-4)
Other Growth Mindset resource(s) you might be interested in:
---- Growth Mindset BUNDLE
---- Growth Mindset and Mindfulness Lesson BUNDLE
---- Growth Mindset In-depth Lesson Plan and PowerPoint PACKET
---- Mindfulness In-depth Lesson Plan and PowerPoint PACKET
---- Growth Mindset Text Message Conversation Worksheets
---- Growth Mindset Bookmarks
---- Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Scenario Task Cards and Worksheets
---- Growth Mindset Quote Analysis Worksheets, Bulletin Board Task Pages, and Rubric
---- Growth Mindset Sticky Note Partner Activity
---- Growth Mindset Writing Prompt Worksheets, Bulletin Board, and Rubric
---- Growth Mindset Activity Packet
Growth Mindset POSTERS:
---- Motivational Water Color Growth Mindset Posters
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 1: (Colorful)
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 2: (Black and Blue)
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 3: (Colored Pencils)
---- Growth Mindset Posters Volume 4: (Black and White)
---- Growth Mindset Poster Bundle (Volumes 1-4)
---- Growth Mindset Vocabulary Word Wall/Bulletin Board
Created by © Queen's Educational Resources / All Rights Reserved
Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.
Interested in realistic kids, teens, and adults clipart? Check out my CLIPART GALLERY!
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❤️ Reviews and Ratings: Reviews and Ratings are extremely important to me. Your time to rate this product and write a review will greatly be appreciated! ;-)
Calming Corner Printable - Self Compassion Affirmation Cards
By Clodagh
Calming Corner Printables - Self Compassion Affirmation Cards
Boost your students' confidence and emotional wellbeing with these Self Compassion Affirmation Cards. Perfect for any calming corner, these 24 beautifully designed printables are ideal for fostering a positive and supportive classroom environment.
Product Description:
Nurture self love and positivity in your students with these Self Compassion Affirmation Cards. This set of 24 calming corner printables features empowering statements like "I am capable and strong" and "I believe in myself," designed to build self-esteem and encourage a positive mindset.
How to Use:
Why Choose These Self Compassion Affirmation Cards? Our affirmation cards are a powerful tool for promoting emotional wellbeing and self compassion among students. Perfect for any calming corner, these printables help children develop resilience and a positive outlook, making them an invaluable resource for teachers and parents alike.
Like what you see? Follow along at Captivating Kids where you'll get heaps of inspiration and all the low down on new resources!
I'd also love to connect on social media and see the resources in action!
Looking for more Calm Down Corner resources?
Check out this Calm Down Corner Bundle!
Birthday Bulletin Board Display Editable Back to School Classroom Decor
By Golden State Kinders
Never forget a birthday with this colorful Birthday Bulletin Board Display! It includes editable cards where you can type in your students' names and birthdays. The display comes in a variety of styles to match your classroom decor. These are perfect for the back to school season and will help everyone get to know each other. Your students will love seeing their birthdays displayed in the classroom!
⭐What's Included in this Birthday Bulletin Board Display?
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Golden State Kinders
By Fortunate in Fifth Grade
How do you keep track of your student's birthdays? I print and laminate these cards, use a wet-erase marker, and write the date of the student's birthday and the student's name. I then post them on a wall in my classroom. The students love looking at the month and seeing whose birthday is coming up. When the year is over - just wipe them with a wet paper towel or baby wipe and they are ready to go for next year!
Looking for more classroom décor and organization? Check out my Chalkboard Birthday Chart and my Editable Classroom Checklists.
Also, follow me and be notified when new products are uploaded.
Engage Your 5 Senses with These Adorable Animal Posters
By Inspired By MlG
Spark Curiosity and Learning with the "Learn the 5 Senses Using Animals" Poster!
Unleash a World of Discovery
Looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce children to the five senses? Look no further than our captivating "Learn the 5 Senses Using Animals" poster! This educational resource is perfect for classrooms, homeschooling environments, or any curious mind that wants to explore the fascinating world of sensory perception.
Engaging Animal Examples
Our vibrant poster goes beyond basic definitions. It brings the five senses to life by showcasing how different animals utilize them in remarkable ways. From the eagles' telescopic vision that allows them to spot prey from miles away to the bloodhound's superhuman sense of smell used for tracking, this poster ignites curiosity and motivates students to learn more.
Multiple Learning Benefits
A Gateway to Scientific Exploration
This poster is more than just a reference tool. It's a gateway to a deeper understanding of the natural world. By showcasing the incredible sensory adaptations of animals, it sparks a fascination with science and the amazing diversity of life on Earth.
Order Today and Embark on a Sensory Adventure!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform learning into an exciting adventure. Order your "Learn the 5 Senses Using Animals" poster today and watch as your students embark on a journey of sensory discovery!
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☺ Don’t quite see what you are looking for? Leave me a note in the “Ask a Question” tab. I would be happy to create a product to meet the needs of you and your students.
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Cafeteria Worker Appreciation Thank You Cards Posters
By Dotty's Printables
We've included a eight different templates so that every student can choose between - or mix and match the templates.
Simply print, have kids color and decorate the black and white thank you cards, and they are ready to go.
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By Colourful Communicators
A practical and effective visual tool to increase independence for AAC users and support them in advocating for themselves and their 'voice' when they don't have access to their device. Our non speaking learners can often experience times where their device/AAC tool is in their bag or out of reach and their teachers/carers haven't thought to retrieve it for them. In instances like this, they may not be able to communicate that they need their device and sadly, miss out on many opportunities to engage, participate and express their needs, thoughts, and ideas.
Having this simple prompt card/reminder provides learners with a way of getting someone's attention and accessing their 'voice'.
Print, laminate, and attach to their desk, wheelchair, wall, visual schedule, or lanyard/keychain- anywhere that is easily accessible for them!
2 options available- 'I need my device please' and 'I need my AAC'. 4 sizes available for each option.
Please feel free to email me if you are looking for particular sizing or visual, and I will see what I can do :-) -
Please remember to place feedback and check out/follow my store for lots more wonderful resources and visual supports!
Thank you! :-)
Editable Science binder cover coloring page |Personalized Notebook Journal Label
By The Students Palace
This customizable set is perfect for personalizing students' binders while offering a fun and creative coloring activity. Designed with charming fall-themed illustrations, each cover can be easily edited to include the student’s name, making it a unique and personal back-to-school essential.
Related Product :
40 Pages
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution ( PPTX + PDF + PNG ) that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
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School supplies you will need print and go ClipArt pack
By Sarah's Sketches & Scholars
How much valuable teaching time is lost when students can’t quickly find the supplies they need? Interruptions can add up throughout the day, disrupting the flow of lessons and reducing learning opportunities. These school supply ClipArt cards are designed to empower students to become independent learners, reinforcing their understanding of the English language while encouraging them to take charge of their own supplies.
What’s Included in this School supplies you will need pack?
✅40 hand-drawn PNG ClipArt Images: Perfect to insert into daily slides or PowerPoint use,
✅PDF Format: Easy to PRINT and GO,
✅Editable PowerPoint: To copy & paste the images with ease.
Why You’ll Love This Visual Supply Label pack?
❤ Promotes Communication: Ideal for students who cannot read, these visual aids facilitate communication and support diverse learners.
❤ No Prep Required: Simply PRINT, and you’re ready to go—saving you valuable time in your busy day!
❤ Encourages Independence: Students learn to locate and manage their own materials, reducing reliance on the teacher and fostering responsibility.
❤ Increased Interaction: With fewer interruptions, you'll have more one-on-one or group time to engage with students, enhancing their learning experience.
❤ Catering to Visual Learners: The visual format supports different learning styles, making it easier for all students to thrive.
Say goodbye to chaos and hello to a well-organised classroom!
Have Suggestions?
We love to hear your feedback! Let us know what you’d like to see added to this growing bundle when you leave a review. Don’t forget to follow my store, Sarah's Sketches & Scholars. Remember to rate this product for TeachShare credits!
Halloween Bulletin Board Letters, Borders, & Craft - Halloween Writing - October
By Teaching Works
Looking to create a festive fall bulletin board that’s both fun and educational? This Fall & Halloween Bulletin Board Kit is packed with everything you need to bring spooky creativity to your classroom! Featuring over 100 pieces, including Halloween writing and drawing activities, borders, banners, and decor, this kit is perfect for crafting a fall or Halloween bulletin board that showcases your students' work while adding festive flair. Whether you're highlighting student writing or creating a classroom display, this resource offers unlimited combinations for your fall bulletin board ideas.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Watch the Video Preview to see every item included in this resource! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️ SAVE with our HUGE Halloween Classroom BUNDLE! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
What’s Included in This Fall & Halloween Bulletin Board Set:
Calligraphy Lettering:
SPOOKTACULAR Banner Letters:
Bulletin Board Borders (12 total):
Patterned & Solid Banner Pieces (15 total):
10 Halloween-Themed Decor Pieces:
10 Halloween Writing Pages:
2 "My Halloween Costume" Pages:
Why You’ll Love This Fall & Halloween Bulletin Board Set:
Ways to Use This Halloween Bulletin Board Set:
This Fall & Halloween Bulletin Board Kit provides everything you need to create a one-of-a-kind fall bulletin board that’s not just cute, but also academically meaningful. With so many customizable elements, you’ll have endless ways to bring creativity and excitement into your classroom this season, making it a SPOOKTACULAR space for students to showcase their work!
KHD Extended License No. 24/273364376/T
➡️ You may also like our other Halloween Resources
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Copyright © Amy Pinkerton at Teaching Works. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.
Welcome Signs | Welcome to Fourth Grade Posters | Back to School | 4th Grade
By Jane G Learning
Especially for Fourth Grade! 72 Grade Four or Fourth Grade themed signs (or posters) and banners - perfect for Back-to-School and throughout the 4th Grade year. Great for setting the scene with Welcome Back to School displays and Bulletin Boards.
72 Fourth Grade Signs or Posters per set. 18 different sayings in 4 different versions:
All posters are designed to print at 8 1/2" x 11" US Letter-Size. They can be printed 2 to a page (or smaller) if needed by selecting printing preferences at time of printing.
If A4 preferred then Fit to Size should be selected at time of printing to adjust.
The file is a secured pdf. Please note it is non-editable due to clipart license terms.
Please feel feel to contact me in the Q & A section on TeachShare or email me with any questions you may have. I am happy to help.
Click here to follow me for updates, new products and freebies.
All rights reserved by Jane Gallen ©Jane G Learning. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. This product is to be used only by the original person downloading. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. Additional licenses at discounted prices are available. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view unless transmitted for distance learning with the teacher's own class or families. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
4th Grade Signs | Fourth Grade Signs | Class Signs | Welcome Posters | Back to School Decor | Back to School Posters | Grade 4 Posters | Welcome Back to School Posters | Welcome to Grade Four | Classroom Decor | Back to School | Chalkboard Decor | Grade Four Theme | Back to School Posters | Beginning of the Year | Class Posters | Welcome Signs | Back to School Decor | Back to School Signs | Grade 4 Signs | Welcome Back to School Signs | Grade 4 Posters | Welcome to 4th Grade
Growth Mindset and Motivation Poster Decor Set - Bulletin Board - Shabby Chic
By All Therapy Resources
This 20 poster set is a perfect way to bright any classroom! Empower, encourage and motivate students with this beautiful set of décor which encourages a growth mindset!
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you.
WORKBOOKS – Just print!
Behaviour and Feelings Workbook
Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
Emotions & Self Care Workbook
My Anger Management Workbook
Puberty Lesson and Activity Book
Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say
Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook
Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game
Stranger Danger Education
Road Safety Social Story
Fire Safety Social Story
Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book
How My Engine Runs Social Story
Teaching Children about Personal Space
Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness
When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story
Understanding Divorce Social Story
Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story
Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story
Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection
Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates
Increasing a Child's Attention Span
Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem
Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies
Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies
Recognising Defences in Children
Anger Management Plan
Anger Management Activity Worksheets
Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity
My Anger Management Workbook
Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts
Understanding Behavioural Triggers
Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)
Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)
Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)
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TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here:
STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?
• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.
• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.
100th Day of School Printable Decoration, 100th Day of School Celebration Banner
By Beth Kinane
Make your 100th day of school celebration extra special with this vibrant and versatile printable decor set! Perfect for classroom bulletin boards, door decor, or party photo props, this set includes everything you need to create a festive and engaging atmosphere for students and staff alike.
What's Included:
This pdf can be printed on 8.5x11 paper (I recommend cardstock for best quality). Easily hang the banner with a hole punch and string and the pennant props can be assembled with just some tape and a straw or craft stick.
Why You'll Love It:
Take a look at some of my other printable resources:
*Valentine's Day Vocabulary Write the Room
*Snowman Craft Template Freebie
*100th Day of School Printable Decorations
*Football/Superbowl Printable Decorations
*Valentine's Day Printable Banner
*Valentine's Day Placemat Printable Activity
-1 PDF file for personal use.
-Files come in PDF format. You must have the ability to download files on your device to use.
The graphics in this set may be used for personal and single classroom use. This may be used by you in your home OR in your personal classroom.
- You MAY NOT alter, resell, re-license or redistribute these files.
- You MAY NOT copy my designs for any reason.
- You MAY NOT upload this file to any print-on-demand sites such as Amazon Merch, Zazzle, Printful, Printify, etc.
If you have any questions about what is acceptable use, please feel free to contact me.
-You are responsible for having the proper software to download, unzip, and use these files.
-By purchasing and downloading this product, you agree to the terms listed above & my complete terms of use.
-You may not share, resell, or redistribute this collection as is or individually under any circumstances.
I reserve all copyrights and intellectual property rights to my files, images, and designs. By purchasing this listing you confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions listed above.
Birthday Tracker | Classroom Decor Birthday Cake Display Bulletin Board
By The Fun Sheep
This Printable Birthday Calendar with a Cake Board Décor Display by “The Fun Sheep” is the perfect tool for remembering and celebrating the special days of family, friends, co-workers, and more
Each month features a delightful cake with candles ready to be filled with students' names. It's perfect for classroom use, labeling the candles with your students' names and sticking them to their birthday month cake.
Hang it on the wall or display it on your classroom door, celebrating and acknowledging your students' special days. It's a fantastic way to foster a sense of belonging and make every child feel valued
What comes in the product:
- 1 Birthday Tracker Page
- 12 Month Cakes and Candles in multiple different colors (12 Pages)
- 13 pages to print
- A4 paper Size
- Best to print on card stock (Colors will vary depending on printer used)
Your opinion is very important, Feel free to leave your review.
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Classroom Center Signs | Editable Classroom Decor Posters | Back to School
By Innovative Classroom Ideas
54 pages of editable center station signs and cards are included in this set of center signs to help organize center management. Signs included: Art Center, Arts & Crafts Center, Block & Building Center, Block Center, Books Center, Building Center, Circle Time, Computer Center, Construction Center, Cooking Center, and more. Enhance your classroom’s visual appeal and promote a structured learning environment.
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Terms of Use: By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you are allowed to use the product for personal use as you like, but you are not allowed to resell or redistribute.
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