3rd Grade Women's History Month Google Apps

Día Internacional de la Mujer PowerPoint with Discussion Questions and Decor in SPANISH

By Class Plus

Fomenta el pensamiento crítico y los debates significativos con tus estudiantes este Día Internacional de la Mujer utilizando esta atractiva presentación de PowerPoint y el paquete de decoración. Diseñado para fomentar la reflexión, este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar la rica historia y el significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer mediante diapositivas interactivas y preguntas que invitan a la reflexión. Cada diapositiva profundiza en temas importantes, desde el papel histórico y moderno de la mujer hasta los estereotipos, la igualdad de género y otros temas. Los estudiantes también tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las mujeres que les inspiran, ya sean miembros de su familia o personajes públicos, lo que les permitirá establecer vínculos personales con la celebración.

Crea el ambiente adecuado con una vibrante decoración para el aula que genere una atmósfera de empoderamiento. Este recurso es perfecto para crear un entorno animado e inclusivo para tu clase o para todo el centro escolar, garantizando que se celebre, reconozca y honre a todas las mujeres.

Ideal para los tablones de anuncios o las puertas de las aulas, la decoración ayuda a los estudiantes no sólo a comprometerse con el contenido, sino también a sumergirse en un espacio lleno de energía, celebración y respeto. Inspira un sentimiento de unidad y aprecio desde el momento en que entran en el aula.

Cuando los estudiantes, compañeros o padres vean el aula decorada, sabrán inmediatamente que forman parte de un acto especial centrado en la igualdad, los derechos humanos y los logros de las mujeres.

Este recurso incluye:


  • Diapositiva 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer
  • Diapositiva 2: Por qué celebramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer...
  • Diapositiva 3: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte I
  • Diapositiva 4: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte II
  • Diapositiva 5: Historia del Día Internacional de la Mujer Parte III
  • Diapositiva 6: El Papel de la Mujer en el Pasado
  • Diapositiva 7: El Papel de la Mujer en el Presente
  • Diapositiva 8: Mujeres que Inspiran…
  • Diapositiva 9: Cómo Promover La Igualdad de Género (Mujeres - Hombres)
  • Diapositiva 10: Yo No Estereotipo a las Mujeres
  • Diapositiva 11: Hemos aprendido sobre… El Día Internacional de la Mujer

**Decor: **

  • **Letras **(Feliz Día de la Mujer):

    • Tamaño grande: 1 letra por página (17 páginas a color)
    • Tamaño mediano: 2 letras por página (8 páginas a color)
    • Tamaño pequeño: 3 letras por página (6 páginas en color)
  • **Imágenes en Punto: **18 diseños a color

  • Tarjetas Póster: 6 medias páginas a color

    Formatos de la Presentación:

  • Powerpoint

  • PDF

  • Google Slides

  • Keynote

  • JPG images

¡Feliz día de la Mujer!


Women's Suffrage & Rights Movement 4th Grade Book Club Report Template & Lesson

By TaughtOught Homeschooling

If you are looking to explore non-fiction text structures, this "What Is the Women's Rights Movement?" book report project digital product for 3rd and 4th-grade students is perfect. It's designed to enhance non-fiction reading comprehension and book report writing skills!

This resource includes:

  • Comprehensive Google Slides digital lesson for reading comprehension and book report writing support
  • 9-page printable PDF book report flip book template

Please see the product preview for more visual details.

NOTE: You need a (free) Google account to access the digital lesson, and you will need access to the book "What Is the Women's Rights Movement?" to complete the digital and printable activities.

Students will dive into the historical context of Women's Rights, gaining a deeper understanding of this significant event in American history. The digital lesson guides students through key facts, timelines, and the impact of these events.

How to use this resource:

  • Have students read the book, "What Is the Women's Rights Movement?"
  • Print the book report flip book template
  • Open and present the Google Slides digital lesson
  • Follow the intuitive prompts, which will take you through each step of the book report. For example, if it's time to work on the "facts" page, there is a series of multiple-choice questions on specific facts detailed in the text that will help refresh the students' memories and comprehension. Then students can fill in the facts they found most interesting.
  • Have fun guessing the mystery puzzle between each section of the book report!

The printable PDF book report flip book template provides creative book report ideas, such as summarizing the events, using critical thinking skills, and creating a timeline. It can be used with any non-fiction book. Students will also use a book review template to evaluate Women's Rights significance. Overall, this project offers an engaging way for students to explore non-fiction text structures while learning about a crucial event in history.

The non-fiction book report flip book pages include:

   ✏book title info

   ✏rating & review



   ✏text ideas

   ✏series of events

   ✏making life connections

   ✏what I learned

   ✏questions I have

   ✏setting & subject

   ✏interesting event

   ✏important event

If you liked this product, you might also like . . .

   ✏What Were the Salem Witch Trials? Non-Fiction Book Report Project 4th Grade

   ✏Non-Fiction Book Report Template Project 4th Grade | What is Climate Change?

I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! Follow my store to be updated about new products and sales. Don’t forget to leave feedback to earn credits toward future purchases by heading to MY PURCHASES in your TeachShare account. 

Connect with me!

❤️  Teacher Bethanie @TaughtOught Homeschooling


Anne Frank Digital Timeline Research and Sorting Activity Digital & Print

By Creative Primary Literacy

A great digital research and sorting activity that is perfect for introducing students to Anne Frank and some of the key events of World War 2. Great for class work, distance learning or home schooling. There are 43 posters or task cards that include many of the key events from her life, from her birth, her time in the annex, to her time spent in the concentration camps and her eventual death alongside her sister.

The research and sorting activity is differentiated into two levels: with dates and without dates. Lower level students can sort the events using the dates, whilst higher level students can research the dates online before sorting the timeline.


This activity is an online resource, that uses Google Slides, and is linked to your Google Drive. It can be completed by students online using tablets or computers. If you are unsure how to allow the students to have their own individual copy take a look at the instructional video below:

Google Classroom - How to make a copy for each student - Assignment

However, the resource also comes in a PDF format, which can be printed.

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World War 2 Resources
  • Women's History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Womens History Month: Women Heroes Research Project

By Abigail J McClellan

This comprehensive GOOGLE DRIVE research project is everything you need in order for students to complete independent research on women heroes!! It is the PERFECT to assign students so they can complete this at home or independently or in a paperless classroom! It includes over 16 pages of graphic organizers (with an example!), vocabulary terms, and quizzes. It is easy to use and an awesome research project that your students will love! You will be provided with a Google folder that includes 8 resources. The first is How-To-Use Guide that gives a layout of every single thing you will be assigning to your students. It also includes various types of graphic organizers for student modifications.

Women Heroes:

•Eleanor Roosevelt

•Rosa Parks

•Ida B. Wells

•Florence Nightingale

•Miep Geis

•Sojourner Truth

•Harriet Tubman


•Susan B. Anthony

•Amelia Earhart

•Marie Curie

•Shirley Chisholm

•Joan of Arc


What is included?

- Access to a Google Drive folder containing 8 resources:

1. How-To-Use Teacher Guide- Shares main ideas, student outcomes, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading. You also get to see an overview of all the documents that are shared with the students.

2. Women Heroes Research List - This list includes the women heroes available for research from the National Geographic website.

3. National Geographic Kids Website Guide- This document provides students with a detailed description on how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps.

4. Vocabulary Terms- 8 vocabulary terms and definitions related to this project: Women’s Rights, passion, activist, suffrage, Nobel Prize, achievement, triumphant, inspire.

5. Vocabulary Quiz- This 8 question vocabulary quiz (format: Google Survey) is taken right from the vocabulary terms document.

6. Research Graphic Organizer - Graphic organizer for students to record their individual women heroes research. Includes an example!

7. Student Checklist and Project Reflection- This is this the final part of this research project. Students are asked (format: Google Survey) to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then reflect on what they did well on, what they can improve on, what they learned, and if they enjoyed the research project.

8. Terms of Use Page

Check out my other 'Distance Learning' activities:

Google Drive Animal Classification Research Project

Google Drive U.S. States Research Project

Google Drive U.S. President Research Project

Google Drive Country Research Project

Distance Learning: Google Drive Research Project BUNDLE

Google Drive Planet Research Project

Google Drive Native American Research Project

Google Drive Habitat Research Project

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

Freebies & Discounts:

Be sure to follow my store on TeachShare.com to stay up to date on all my new products, including products that are FREE and on discount!

Ratings & Reviews:

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this product and found it useful. I really love reading how you are using my products in your classroom :) Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use towards future products!! Thank you in advance for taking the time to leave a rating & review!


Malala Yousafzai Mini Biography Unit and Activities: Nonfiction Biography Lesson

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Malala Yousafzai Activities: Nonfiction Biography Close Read Text Unit

This Malala Yousafzai activity pack can be used with ANY picture book or chapter book about Malala Yousafzai.

Some of my favorite books include:

  • For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story by Rebecca Langston-George
  • Malala: Activist for Girls’ Education by Raphaële Frier
  • Malala Yousafzai: Warrior with Words by Karen Leggett Abouraya
  • Who is Malala Yousafzai? by Dinah Brown
  • Dear Malala, We Stand with You by Rosemary McCarney
  • Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai

This nonfiction text biography unit featuring Malala Yousafzai includes the following:

  • annotation symbols for close reading (color and black-and-white)
  • nonfiction reading passage (4 pages about Malala Yousafzai)
  • sample annotations for the reading passage (all 4 pages)
  • text-dependent questions with an answer key
  • reflection questions
  • character traits printable
  • writing prompts
  • growth mindset connections
  • graphic organizers
  • quotes posters (6 posters in color and black-and-white)

Other activities include writing a friendly letter and creating a newspaper article.

Though the intended grade levels are 3rd, 4th, and 5th, this product can be modified and used with other grade levels. The nonfiction reading passage is appropriate for 3rd-5th grade, so please understand that 2nd grade might struggle with the text if asked to read it independently. Likewise, a 6th grader may find that text to be easy.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The digital portion instructions appear at the end of the packet.

Please check out the preview and the thumbnails before purchasing, and allow me to answer any questions you might have!

You may also be interested in these Language Arts products:




Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Decor, Worksheets & Crafts

By Class Plus

Celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer con este BUNDLE de la Colección del Día Internacional de la Mujer, ¡todo en uno! Diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo, este recurso te ofrece todo lo que necesitas: PPT, decoración, hojas de trabajo y manualidades, listos para usar en cuestión de minutos. Celébralo con confianza, sabiendo que estás inspirando a tus estudiantes con actividades significativas que destacan el papel vital de la mujer en la sociedad. Este paquete presenta a los estudiantes el Día de la Mujer mediante actividades atractivas que fomentan la escritura, la comprensión, la reflexión y el auto-descubrimiento. Es una forma excelente de empoderar a los niños y suscitar conversaciones importantes sobre el impacto de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia.

Sorprende a las mujeres de tu comunidad escolar, a los maestros, a las madres y a los estudiantes con manualidades y decoración bien pensadas. Este recurso único hará que su día sea aún más memorable, aportando alegría y sonrisas sinceras al aula.

Transforma tu clase con decoraciones creativas y llamativas y divertidas manualidades que a los niños les encantará hacer. Estos llamativos materiales seguro que impresionan, fomentando tanto la creatividad como el aprecio por el Día de la Mujer.

Esta colección incluye:

  • Recurso 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint & Decor
  • Recurso 2: Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad
  • Recurso 3: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica
  • Recurso 4: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides
  • Recurso 5: Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir
  • Recurso 6: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta
  • Recurso 7: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí...

¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!


What Is? Book Series Digital Reading Comprehension Lessons Book Report Template

By TaughtOught Homeschooling

Save 20% on 15 books from the What Is? and What Was? book series. Each one includes a book report flipbook template and a comprehensive reading comprehension digital lesson (with a built-in reward system).

The books in the series include:

  1. What Was the Age of Exploration?
  2. What Was the Children's Blizzard of 1888?
  3. What Was the Wild West?
  4. What Was the Donner Party?
  5. What Was the Ice Age?
  6. What Was the Boston Tea Party?
  7. What Was Ellis Island?
  8. What Was the Great Depression?
  9. What Was the Plague?
  10. What Was the Titanic
  11. What Were the Salem Witch Trials?
  12. What is Climate Change?
  13. What is the Constitution?
  14. What is the Coronavirus Disease COVID-19?
  15. What is the Women's Rights Movement?

This product is easy to use:

  1. Print the template (same template for every book in this series), cut along the dotted line on each page, then staple the top to create the flipbooks (students can do this on their own).
  2. Read the book (independently or as a class/group)
  3. Click through the Google reading comprehension digital lesson (no-prep required!)
  4. Students fill out the template independently/homework or as a class or group. In my class, we work on the book report template together through each section of the lesson.

The sections of the reading comprehension digital lesson and 9-page book report template include (along with the built-in reward system):

  • book title info
  • rating & review
  • vocabulary
  • facts
  • text ideas
  • series of events
  • making life connections
  • what I learned
  • questions I have
  • setting/subject
  • interesting event
  • important event

Anne Frank Biography Writing Unit Digital & Print | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

This is a biography writing unit about the life of famous World War II diarist and victim of the Holocaust, Anne Frank. The unit has been split into four separate lessons which will take students approximately 40-50 minutes each. The Google Slides activity is ideal for distance learning and perfect for students in third grade or fourth grade learning about World War 2, or for Women's History Month.

The first lesson is interactive and involves students reading facts, and then sorting and ordering these facts into paragraphs. In the second lesson the children need to use these facts to type four paragraphs. Then, in the third lesson they need to choose the most important facts and include these in an introduction; after this they need to answer several questions before typing up their conclusion. In the final lesson your class will need to check their draft paragraphs before typing up their work on to the template provided.


This activity is an online resource, that uses Google Slides, and is linked to your Google Drive. It can be completed by students online using tablets or computers. If you are unsure how to allow the students to have their own individual copy take a look at the instructional video below:

Google Classroom - How to make a copy for each student - Assignment

The resource also comes in a PDF format, which can be printed.

If you would like to add another online lesson, download my Anne Frank 3rd Grade & 4th Grade Close Reading Activity | Digital & Print*. This would give the students more background knowledge before they start writing the biography. It comes in Google Forms and PDF formats for distance learning, or for printing.*

Please ensure when you download this resource into Google Drive that you are logged in to the gmail account where you wish to store the activity. In the past teachers have downloaded resources into their school account in error. Thanks :)

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • World War 2 Resources
  • Women's History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Google Drive Research Project Ultimate Bundle!

By Abigail J McClellan


This massive Google Drive Research Project & Mini Research Project ultimate bundle is everything you need if you are looking for online resources to assign to your students. Whether you are in person, distance learning, or a combination of both - you will find this bundle useful in your classroom!! These fun and engaging research projects  encourage research skills using National Geographic Kids & various graphic organizers, content-specific vocabulary knowledge, and self-reflection skills! It is easy to use and an awesome way to assign independent research project that BOTH you and your students will love! Be sure to check out the individual products for a more detailed description / preview of what is included :)

What is included?


- Access to all 10 of my Google Drive research products, each containing the following resources (176 pages total):

  • How-to-Use Guide - Includes main ideas, student outcomes, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading.
  • National Geographic Kids Website Guide - Provides a detailed description of how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps. 
  • Vocabulary Terms - ½ sheet definitions of 8 content-area vocabulary words related to each project.
  • Vocabulary Quiz - This 8 question quiz assesses the students on their knowledge of the vocabulary words from the vocabulary terms given.
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizers - Graphic organizers for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Student Checklist and Project Reflection - This is the final part of the research project. Students are asked to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then can reflect on a few short answer questions.
  • Terms of Use page


- Access to all 8 of my Google Drive Mini Research Products, each containing the following resources (142 pages total):

  • How-to-Use Guide - Includes objectives, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading.
  • National Geographic Kids Website Guide - Provides a detailed description of how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps. 
  • Research List - includes what they will be researching from the website.
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer - Graphic organizer for students to record their individualized research. 
  • Student Checklist and Project Reflection - This is the final part of the research project. Students are asked to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then can reflect on a few short answer questions.
  • Terms of Use page


Research projects:

  1. Animal Classification
  2. U.S. President
  3. U.S. State
  4. Country
  5. Planets
  6. Habitats
  7. National Parks
  8. Native American
  9. Women Heroes
  10. African-American Heroes

Mini Research projects:

  1. Dinosaurs
  2. Sharks
  3. Big Cats
  4. Birds
  5. Amphibians
  6. Fish
  7. Reptiles
  8. Invertebrates

See what others are saying!

"At times teaching remotely and in the classroom at the same time. At other times my entire class is remote. I am always looking for a variety of ways to teach,  practice skills, and cover standards. This resource is a great addition to my lessons. The students found it  easy to follow and enjoyed it as well. I found it to be an easy way to assess learning." - Christine E.

"I have loved this resource. During this period of distance learning, it has made it so easy to continue doing projects with my students without releasing my elementary students to the wide open web to stumble upon inappropriate content." - Mysti R.

"My students enjoyed the activities in this. The work was engaging and everything was easy to use." - Emily Y.

"Great resource. My students loved it. Very easy to use!" - Yvette J.

"My students enjoyed this and had a blast!” - Christal H.

"Awesome digital resource!” - Heather D.

"Great activity for students in class and at home (we have both!)." - Karin R.

"My students loved this resource." - Fun in the Sun (TeachShare Seller)

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

Freebies & Discounts:

Be sure to follow my store by clicking HERE to stay up to date on all my new products, including products that are FREE and on discount!

Ratings & Reviews:

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this product and found it useful. I really love reading how you are using my products in your classroom :) Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use towards future products!! Thank you in advance for taking the time to leave a rating & review!


She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World Activities

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Women's History Activities: She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton Activities

Are you looking for She Persisted activities that complement She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World by Chelsea Clinton?

This project was created for 2nd to 5th grade and is perfect for any time of year, but particularly timely for Women's History Month in March. This book showcases 13 American women who significantly impacted history and showed incredible perseverance in facing adversity and challenge.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE 1ST BOOK IN THE SERIES! Please be aware that there is a separate product for the 2ND BOOK IN THE SERIES (which focuses on women around the world). There is also a MONEY-SAVING BUNDLE if you'd like to purchase both products. Links for each product can be found here:

  • SHE PERSISTED: by Chelsea Clinton
  • SHE PERSISTED by Chelsea Clinton - THE BUNDLE

The women highlighted in She Persisted:

  • Harriet Tubman
  • Helen Keller
  • Clara Lemlich
  • Nellie Bly
  • Virginia Apgar
  • Maria Tallchief
  • Claudette Colvin
  • Ruby Bridges
  • Margaret Chase Smith
  • Sally Ride
  • Florence Griffith Joyner
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Sonia Sotomayor

This product includes:

  • One page of Teacher Tips
  • Four no-prep worksheets for EACH woman highlighted in this book (13x4=52 pages)
  • Four additional worksheet templates (in case your students choose a historical figure not included in this story)
  • Half-page FACT SHEETS (cheat sheets for EACH woman (7 pages)
  • Full Page FACT SHEETS(cheat sheets for EACH woman (13 pages)
  • Ten notable quotes posters in full-color (NOTE: These quotes are not necessarily the same quotes that were chosen for the book. They are intended to be meaningful for class discussions and reflections)


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet. The mini-book and retelling sticks are not included in the digital version.

You may also be interested in these Language Arts products:


International Women’s Day PowerPoint BUNDLE with Discussion Questions & Decor

By Class Plus

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Promote critical thinking and meaningful discussions with your students this International Women's Day using this engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack. Designed to foster reflection, this resource helps students explore the rich history and significance of International Women's Day through interactive slides and thought-provoking questions. Each slide delves into important topics, from women's historical and modern roles to stereotypes, gender equality, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on women who inspire them, whether a family member or a public figure, sparking personal connections to the celebration.

Set the tone with vibrant classroom decorations that create an empowering atmosphere. This resource is perfect for creating a lively and inclusive environment for your class or the entire school, ensuring that all women are celebrated, recognized, and honored.

Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom.

When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they'll immediately know they're part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women.

The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.

This resource includes:

  • Slide 1: International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 8: Inspiring Women (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men) (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 10: I Don't Stereotype Women (English and Spanish Version)
  • Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women's Day (English and Spanish Version)

**Decor: **(English and Spanish Version)

  • Letters (Happy Women's Day):

    • Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color)
    • Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color)
    • Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color)
  • Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs

  • Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color

Presentations Formats:

  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

Happy Women’s Day!


Florence Nightingale Close Reading Activity Digital & Print | 3rd & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

A Google Forms close reading activity with comprehension and grammar questions followed by an extension task about the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.

The NO PREP informational text activity is ideal for distance learning and perfect for students in third grade or fourth grade. The resource, which also comes in PDF format, allows students to learn key facts about the famous figure whilst working on their comprehension skills.

Included in this resource:

  • A Google Forms Activity
  • A PDF Printable Activity with crossword puzzle & wordsearch


This resource is great for:

  • Distance learning
  • Independent work
  • Homework
  • Guided reading sessions
  • Assessment practice
  • Reading interventions

This activity is an online resource, that uses Google Forms, and is linked to your Google Drive. It can be completed by students online using tablets, phones or computers, and is easily assessed by teachers as all the answers are provided in a quick and easy format.


Time allowance to complete:

5-10 minutes - read through the text individually.

40-50 minutes - answer questions using the text as guidance (including extension activity)

Time allowance to assess:

A class set of activities might take around 15-20 minutes to mark; the teacher can then send the students their marks automatically, which allows them to read back through their work. Nearly all answers are not automatically generated, but only require a small amount of work to assign points. This is because the aim is to get students writing answers and not to just have multiple choice options.

Please ensure when you download this resource into Google Drive that you are logged in to the gmail account where you wish to store the activity. In the past teachers have downloaded resources into their school account in error. Thanks :)

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Civil Rights Resources
  • Women's History Month Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!


Google Drive Research Projects MEGA BUNDLE

By Abigail J McClellan

All of my Google Drive Research Projects in one DISCOUNTED bundle! Save *BIG* when purchasing the Google Drive Research Projects MEGA BUNDLE!

This huge Google Drive Research Project mega bundle is everything you need if you are looking for online resources to assign to your students. Whether you are in person, distance learning, or a combination of both - you will find this bundle useful in your classroom!! These fun and engaging research projects  encourage research skills using National Geographic Kids & various graphic organizers, content-specific vocabulary knowledge, and self-reflection skills! This resource comes with over 12 pages per product of graphic organizers (with examples!), vocabulary terms, and Google Survey/Quizzes for easy grading. It is easy to use and an awesome independent research project that BOTH you and your students will love! Be sure to check out the following products for a more detailed description / preview of what is included :)

This bundle includes the following GOOGLE DRIVE research projects:

  1. Animal Classification
  2. U.S. President
  3. U.S. State
  4. Country
  5. Planets
  6. Habitats
  7. National Parks
  8. Native American
  9. Women Heroes
  10. African-American Heroes

What is included?

- Access to all 10 of my Google Drive research products, each containing the following resources (176 pages total):

  • How-to-Use Guide - Includes main ideas, student outcomes, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading.
  • National Geographic Kids Website Guide - Provides a detailed description of how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps. 
  • Vocabulary Terms - ½ sheet definitions of 8 content-area vocabulary words related to each project.
  • Vocabulary Quiz - This 8 question quiz assesses the students on their knowledge of the vocabulary words from the vocabulary terms given.
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 1 - Graphic organizer option 1 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 2 - Graphic organizer option 2 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Student Checklist and Project Reflection - This is the final part of the research project. Students are asked to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then can reflect on a few short answer questions.
  • Terms of Use page

See what others are saying!

"At times teaching remotely and in the classroom at the same time. At other times my entire class is remote. I am always looking for a variety of ways to teach,  practice skills, and cover standards. This resource is a great addition to my lessons. The students found it  easy to follow and enjoyed it as well. I found it to be an easy way to assess learning." - Christine E.

"I have loved this resource. During this period of distance learning, it has made it so easy to continue doing projects with my students without releasing my elementary students to the wide open web to stumble upon inappropriate content." - Mysti R.

"My students enjoyed the activities in this. The work was engaging and everything was easy to use." - Emily Y.

"Great resource. My students loved it. Very easy to use!" - Yvette J.

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

Freebies & Discounts:

Be sure to follow my store by clicking HERE to stay up to date on all my new products, including products that are FREE and on discount!

Ratings & Reviews:

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this product and found it useful. I really love reading how you are using my products in your classroom :) Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use towards future products!! Thank you in advance for taking the time to leave a rating & review!


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Biography Activities, Graphic Organizers, and MORE

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Biography Nonfiction Text Activities: I Dissent Activities

This nonfiction text biography unit for Ruth Bader Ginsberg goes perfectly with the book, I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark by Debbie Levy (though you DON'T NEED ANY BOOKS to use this file) and includes various printable activities, graphic organizers, report templates, writing prompts, reflection pages, nonfiction text, as well as posters with Ruth Bader Ginsburg quotes.

A 10-page (half-sheet) mini-book comprised of nonfiction information, interesting facts, and reflection questions (please see preview) is perfect for students to make and read on their own or in literacy stations with a small group. It's also a great reference or research tool for them as they gather information about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

This file includes the following:

  • biography mini-book
  • graphic organizers
  • biography report template
  • RBG quotes posters
  • reflection questions
  • growth mindset connections
  • writing a friendly letter
  • creating a newspaper article

In addition, this product can be used with ANY picture book or chapter book about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Some of my favorite books include:

  • I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark by Debbie Levy
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: The Case of R.B.G. vs Inequality by Jonah Winter
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Superwomen Role Models) by Heather Moore Niver

Though the intended grade levels are 3rd, 4th, and 5th, this product canbe modified and used with other grade levels. The biography mini-book reading level is between 3rd-5th grade, so please understand that 2nd grade might struggle with the text if asked to read it independently. Likewise, a 6th grader may find that text to be easy.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The digital portion instructions appear at the end of the packet.

Please check out the preview and the thumbnails before purchasing, and allow me to answer any questions you might have!

You may also be interested in these Language Arts products:






International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Decor, Worksheets and Crafts

By Class Plus

Elevate your International Women’s Day celebration with this all-in-one International Women’s Day Collection BUNDLE! Designed to save you time and effort, this resource offers everything you need, PPT, Decor, Worksheets, and Crafts, ready to use in minutes. Celebrate confidently, knowing you’re inspiring your students with meaningful activities that highlight the vital role of women in society. This bundle introduces students to Women’s Day through engaging activities that promote writing, comprehension, reflection, and self-discovery. It's an excellent way to empower children and spark important conversations about the impact of women throughout history.

Surprise the women in your school community, teachers, mothers, and students with thoughtful crafts and decor. This unique resource will make their day even more memorable, bringing joy and heartfelt smiles to the classroom.

Transform your classroom with creative, standout decorations and fun crafts that kids will love making. These eye-catching materials are sure to impress, fostering both creativity and appreciation for Women’s Day!

This collection includes the following resources:

  • Resource 1: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation and Decor
  • Resource 2: International Women's Day Activity
  • Resource 3: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research
  • Resource 4: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides
  • Resource 5: International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write
  • Resource 6: International Women's Day Craft and Card
  • Resource 7: International Women's Day Means to Me...

Happy International Women's Day!


Malala Yousafzai Biography Writing Unit Digital & Print | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

A Google Slides biography writing unit about the life of the famous Pakistani educational rights activist, Malala Yousafzai. The NO PREP unit has been split into four separate lessons and is perfect for students in third grade or fourth grade. Students will learn about the famous figure whilst working on their comprehension skills and developing their creative writing.

Included in the Google Slides Activity:

  • Four fact sheets & blank sheets for students to copy and paste key facts
  • Writing templates for four draft paragraphs
  • Two prompt sheets for students to write their introduction and conclusion
  • A template for students to write up their neat biography text

Included in the PDF printable resource:

  • Four fact sheets which students need to cut out and sort into paragraphs

  • Writing templates for four draft paragraphs

  • Two prompt sheets for students to write their introduction and conclusion

  • A template for students to write up their neat biography text

  • A crossword puzzle and wordsearch to consolidate learning


    This resource is great for:

  • In class learning

  • Independent work

  • Homework

  • Creative writing sessions

  • Assessment practice

  • Emergency sub plans


The first lesson is interactive and involves students reading facts, and then sorting and ordering these facts into paragraphs by copying and pasting. In the second lesson the children need sort the facts in order before typing four draft paragraphs. Then, in the third lesson they need to choose the most important facts and include these in an introduction; after this they need to answer several questions before typing up their conclusion. In the final lesson your class will need to check their draft paragraphs before typing up their work on to the template provided.

This activity is an online resource, that uses Google Slides, and is linked to your Google Drive. It can be completed by students online using tablets or computers. If you are unsure how to allow the students to have their own individual copy take a look at the instructional video below:

Google Classroom - How to make a copy for each student - Assignment

The resource also comes in a PDF format, which can be printed.

Please ensure when you download this resource into Google Drive that you are logged in to the gmail account where you wish to store the activity. In the past teachers have downloaded resources into their school account in error. Thanks :)

If you would like to add another online lesson, download the Malala Yousafzai Close Reading Activity | Digital & Print*. This would give the students more background knowledge before they start writing the biography. It comes in Google Forms and PDF formats for distance learning, or for printing.*

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • U.S. History Resources

  • Women's History Resources

  • Distance Learning Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!



By Abigail J McClellan

All of my INCLUSIVE Google Drive Research Projects in one DISCOUNTED bundle! Save *BIG* when you snag them together!

This great INCLUSIVE Google Drive Research Project bundle is everything you need if you are studying African-American Heroes, the Civil Rights Movement, Native American Tribes, Women Heroes and/or looking for online resources to assign to your students. Whether you are in person, distance learning, or a combination of both - you will find this bundle useful in your classroom!! These fun and engaging research projects encourage research skills using National Geographic Kids & various graphic organizers, content-specific vocabulary knowledge, and self-reflection skills! This resource comes with 25 pages per product of graphic organizers (with examples!), vocabulary terms, and Google Survey/Quizzes for easy grading. It is easy to use and an awesome independent research project that BOTH you and your students will love! Be sure to check out the following products for a more detailed description / preview of what is included :)

What is included?

- Access to 4 inclusive Google Drive research products, each containing the following resources:

  • How-to-Use Guide - Includes main ideas, student outcomes, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading.
  • National Geographic Kids Website Guide - Provides a detailed description of how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps. 
  • Vocabulary Terms - ½ sheet definitions of 8 content-area vocabulary words related to each project.
  • Vocabulary Quiz - This 8 question quiz assesses the students on their knowledge of the vocabulary words from the vocabulary terms given.
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 1 - Graphic organizer option 1 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 2 - Graphic organizer option 2 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Student Checklist and Project Reflection - This is the final part of the research project. Students are asked to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then can reflect on a few short answer questions.
  • Terms of Use page

See what others are saying!

"At times teaching remotely and in the classroom at the same time. At other times my entire class is remote. I am always looking for a variety of ways to teach, practice skills, and cover standards. This resource is a great addition to my lessons. The students found it easy to follow and enjoyed it as well. I found it to be an easy way to assess learning." - Christine E.

"I have loved this resource. During this period of distance learning, it has made it so easy to continue doing projects with my students without releasing my elementary students to the wide open web to stumble upon inappropriate content." - Mysti R.

"My students enjoyed the activities in this. The work was engaging and everything was easy to use." - Emily Y.

"Great resource. My students loved it. Very easy to use!" - Yvette J.

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

Freebies & Discounts:

Be sure to follow my store by clicking HERE to stay up to date on all my new products, including products that are FREE and on discount!

Ratings & Reviews:

Please leave a review if you enjoyed this product and found it useful. I really love reading how you are using my products in your classroom :) Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use towards future products!! Thank you in advance for taking the time to leave a rating & review!


Little Leaders Bold Women in Black History: Black History Research Templates

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History Biography Templates and Graphic Organizers

These research templates correlate to Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison. The 40 women highlighted in this book are included in this graphic organizer (research template) file. There are four templates for each woman (newspaper template, blank fact sheet, blank writing paper, and a blank biography sheet).

Please note that this product does NOT contain biographies or posters. Please see the preview for images of what is included. These research templates can be used any time of year, but are particularly timely for Black History Month in February and Women's History Month in March.

This book showcases 40 Black women who significantly impacted history and displayed incredible perseverance in the face of adversity and challenge.

Please take a look at the corresponding products and money-saving bundle here:


The following women are featured in this product:

  • Phyllis Wheatley
  • Sojourner Truth
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Rebecca Lee Crumpler
  • Mary Bowser
  • Mary Eliza Mahoney
  • Charlotte E. Ray
  • Ida B. Wells
  • Zora Neale Hurston
  • Alma Woodsey Thomas
  • Alice Ball
  • Bessie Coleman
  • Augusta Savage
  • Marian Anderson
  • Josephine Baker
  • Mahalia Jackson
  • Rosa Parks
  • Gwendolyn Brooks
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • Mamie Phipps Clark
  • Katherine Johnson
  • Shirley Chisholm
  • Althea Gibson
  • Maya Angelou
  • Nichelle Nichols
  • Nina Simone
  • Audre Lorde
  • Raven Wilkinson
  • Wilma Rudolph
  • Marcelite Harris
  • Angela Davis
  • Octavia E. Butler
  • Julie Dash
  • Ruby Bridges
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Gwen Ifill
  • Dr. Mae Jemison
  • Florence Joyner
  • Lorna Simpson
  • Dominique Dawes


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no-prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.


International Women's Day PowerPoint Presentation with Discussion Qs and Decor

By Class Plus

Promote critical thinking and meaningful discussions with your students this International Women's Day using this engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack. Designed to foster reflection, this resource helps students explore the rich history and significance of International Women's Day through interactive slides and thought-provoking questions. Each slide delves into important topics, from women's historical and modern roles to stereotypes, gender equality, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on women who inspire them, whether a family member or a public figure, sparking personal connections to the celebration.

Set the tone with vibrant classroom decorations that create an empowering atmosphere. This resource is perfect for creating a lively and inclusive environment for your class or the entire school, ensuring that all women are celebrated, recognized, and honored.

Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom.

When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they'll immediately know they're part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women.

This resource includes:


  • Slide 1: International Women’s Day
  • Slide 2: Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day
  • Slide 3: History International Women’s Day - Part I
  • Slide 4: History International Women’s Day - Part II
  • Slide 5: History International Women’s Day - Part III
  • Slide 6: Women’s Role In The Past
  • Slide 7: Women’s Role In The Present
  • Slide 8: Inspiring Women
  • Slide 9: How to Promote Gender Equality (Women - Men)
  • Slide 10: I Don't Stereotype Women
  • Slide 11: We Have Learned About - International Women's Day


  • Letters (Happy Women's Day):

    • Large Size: 1 letter per page (14 pages in color)
    • Medium Size: 2 letters per page (7 pages in color)
    • Small Size: 6 letters per page (4 pages in color)
  • Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs

  • Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color

Presentation Formats:

  • Powerpoint
  • PDF
  • Google Slides
  • Keynote
  • JPG images

Rosa Parks Close Reading Activity Digital & Print | 3rd Grade & 4th Grade

By Creative Primary Literacy

A Google Forms close reading activity with comprehension and grammar questions followed by an extension task about the American civil rights activist, Rosa Parks. The NO PREP informational text activity is ideal for distance learning and perfect for students in third grade or fourth grade for Black History Month. The resource, which also comes in PDF format, allows students to learn key facts about the famous activist whilst working on their comprehension skills.

Included in this resource:

  • A Google Forms Activity
  • A PDF Printable Activity with crossword puzzle & wordsearch


This resource is great for:

  • Distance learning
  • Independent work
  • Homework
  • Guided reading sessions
  • Assessment practice
  • Reading interventions
  • Emergency sub plans

This activity is an online resource, that uses Google Forms, and is linked to your Google Drive. It can be completed by students online using tablets, phones or computers, and is easily assessed by teachers as all the answers are provided in a quick and easy format.

This resource is part of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement Close Reading Activity Digital & Print Bundle. The bundle features reading comprehension activities on Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges and Martin Luther King.


Time allowance to complete:

5-10 minutes - read through the text individually.

40-50 minutes - answer questions using the text as guidance (including extension activity)

Time allowance to assess:

A class set of activities might take around 15-20 minutes to mark; the teacher can then send the students their marks automatically, which allows them to read back through their work. Nearly all answers are not automatically generated, but only require a small amount of work to assign points. This is because the aim is to get students writing answers and not to just have multiple choice options.

Please ensure when you download this resource into Google Drive that you are logged in to the gmail account where you wish to store the activity. In the past teachers have downloaded resources into their school account in error. Thanks :)

Other similar or relevant resources:

  • Distance Learning Resources
  • Black History Resources
  • American History Resources


For more great resources follow my store ⇉⇉ CLICK HERE

Also, don't forget to leave feedback to earn TeachShare credits to spend!
