Graphing Quiz: 3rd Grade Measurement & Data: Bar Graphs, Pictographs, Line Plots
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
3rd grade core Graphing Quiz. Are you ready to see what your students have learned about graphs? This quiz covers bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots. Students will show their knowledge of reading graphs and interpreting what they mean. This graphing quiz comes with answer keys to make grading easy. It also comes with a standards based rubric. The rubric is on a scale of 1-4. Each question on the quiz correlates with a 3rd grade math standard making grading easy.
Use this quiz to assess their understanding mid-unit, or simply use it as a worksheet to help them understand graphing.
What people have said about this resource...
Vanessa V. said, "Great resource and engaging for the students. Would definitely use again!"
If you enjoyed this product and are looking for other 3rd grade math quizzes & assessments, check out these links...
Whole Year 3rd Grade Quizzes & Assessments
Rounding & 3 Digit Addition & Subtraction Quizzes & Assessments
Fractions Quiz & Assessment
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By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This is a quiz covers the third grade core of MD.1. Students will show their knowledge of telling time to the nearest minute. They will also solve word problems about elapsed time. Students will find start, end, and elapsed times.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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3rd Grade MD Quizzes & Assessments w/rubrics: Length, Volume, Mass, Graph, Time
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This is a perfect bundle for the 3rd grade core of Measurement and Data. This bundle includes 3 different quizzes and 1 assessment. The assessment can be used as a pre/post assessment to test what the students know. The quizzes are broken down into Length, Volume, & Mass Quiz, Time Quiz, and Graphing Quiz. The assessment covers all quiz information and standards MD.1, MD.2, MD.3, and MD.4 for 3rd grade.
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3rd Grade OA Multiplication & Division Assessment & Quiz Bundle Part 2
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This is a great bundle for 3rd grade multiplication and division. This packet covers the 3rd grade curriculum for Operations and Algebraic Thinking standards OA.1, OA.2, OA.6, OA.7, OA.8, OA.9, MD.7a, 7c, 7d, and NBT.3.
Included in this bundle is a pre/post assessment and 4 different quizzes to assess your students understanding. The quizzes provided are Fluently Multiply & Divide Quiz, Fact Family & Square Quiz, Two Step Word Problems Quiz, and Function Tables Quiz and the final Assessment that covers all the standards above Each quiz comes with its own rubric and each question is tied to a standard. The pre/post assessment also has a rubric. The rubrics are graded on a standards based grade scale, so 1-4.
This is part 2 of Operations and Algebraic Thinking. The first part of OA for third grade is here, PART 1. Together part 1 and part 2 cover all of the 3rd grade core for Operations and Algebraic Thinking.
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Whole Year 3rd Grade Math All Standards Assessments & Quizzes with Rubrics
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This is your go to 3rd grade math assessment bundle. This covers all 3rd grade math core standards. Assess your students ability to multiply and divide single digit numbers, add and subtract triple digit number, and find the area and perimeter of shapes. It also covers identifying and comparing fractions, measurement on a ruler to the nearest quarter inch, mass, and volume. Then there are assessments for graphing; bar graphs, line plots, and pictographs. Every standard in the 3rd grade core is included in this bundle.
This bundle includes 18 quizzes and 7 assessments. Also included is a one page practice/review of each standard in the 3rd grade math curriculum, which includes 56 pages. The last product included is a Diagnostic Assessment for the whole year.
The quizzes and assessments can be used throughout the year to assess your students after each core standard taught. Each quiz and assessment comes with a standards based grading rubric, making your job of grading much easier. Each rubric is directly tied to a standard and is specifically stated on the assessment and rubric. So when you get done teaching time (MD.1) you can give the quiz and have a grade for that specific standard. You can use the rubric as you see fit or grade the assessments your own way.
The one page practice/reviews can be used in many different ways. You can use them as homework or class work. You can use them at the end of the year to check for any misunderstanding within each standard. There are so many ways you can use these. They are very versatile and are ready to use. Each page covers one specific standard. There is a page for OA.1, OA.2, etc.
Included is a Diagnostic Assessment that you can you have the students take at the beginning & end of the year to see their previous knowledge at the beginning of the year and retest at the end of the year to see how much they have improved. You can also use this diagnostic test to see where students are missing skills. Each question is tied to a core standard, so you will see what skill they are missing.
These assessments and quizzes cover all 3rd grade standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Number and Operations-Fractions, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.
What is included in this bundle?
There is no prep, just print and use.
What are people saying about the products in this bundle:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lisa T. says, "Helped me plan my lessons and assessments."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tessa Reed said, "My students love these activities for learning and review in stations.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️WonderingOutLoud says, "A great "check" for my 3rd grade class before our curriculum assessment. Thank you!"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️School House Learning says, "This was very helpful for me to see where my students were at. Thank you for making this quality resource!"
Would you like to see other great resources for 3rd grade math? Check out some of my other great products.
Multiplication & Division Golf: A Dice Game
Multiplication Practice
Multiplication & Division Math Mazes
3rd Grade Rounding
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Fraction Quizzes & Assessment for 3rd Grade - Identify, Compare, & Partition
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Do your students know how to identify fractions, partition shapes equally, and compare fractions using greater than, less than, or equal to? This product has 2 quizzes and 1 assessment to help you assess your students' understanding of 3rd grade fractions. These ready to use quizzes & assessment include a rubric saving you time for grading.
What does it assess?
These ready to use quizzes & rubrics are perfect for when you finish teaching fractions and want to assess what your students know. Each quiz & assessment comes with a standard based grading rubric that is specific and easy to use.
This fraction bundle includes:
✅Identifying Fractions Quiz with ready to use Rubric
✅Comparing & Equivalent Fractions with ready to use Rubric
✅Fractions Assessment with ready to use Rubric: Compare, Partition,
& Identify Fractions
3rd grade core standards NF.1, NF.2, NF.3 and G.2.
Would you like some fraction practice pages? Take a look at these:
Equal Parts: Fractions
Fractions on a Number Line
One page Practice for Fractions
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3rd Grade Multiplication & Division Assessment & Quizzes: All OA standards
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This has everything you need to assess your students on their knowledge of multiplication and division. There are arrays, fact families, square numbers, two step equations, area, and more. Students will show their mastery on multiplication and division by showing their understanding of different strategies. They will look at arrays and write a math sentence, and they will look at a multiplication sentence and draw an array. They will be able to show multiplication and division with equal groups. Each quiz and assessment comes with a standard based grading rubric. Each question is tied to a specific standard.
This combines Part 1 and Part 2 of the Operations & Algebraic Thinking Assessment & Quizzes for multiplication and division in 3rd grade.. Included in this bundle is 2 assessments and 9 quizzes. This bundle covers all the standards under Operations and Algebraic Thinking. It also includes NBT.3, and MD.7.
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Fact Family & Square Quiz With Rubric: 3rd Grade
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This quiz covers 3rd core and focuses on fact families and squares. The core standards that are covered are OA.1, OA.2, OA.7, MD.7a, c, and d. Your students will work through problems and then write the fact family for the equation they solved. They will show their understanding of square numbers by drawing arrays and writing equations.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Fractions Assessment with Rubric: 3rd Grade Math: Compare, Partition, Identify
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This assessment is good to use for a pre/post assessment to see what your students know about fractions. This assessment covers NF.1, NF.2, NF.3, and G.2 of the 3rd grade core. Students will show what they know about identifying, partitioning, and comparing fractions.
This assessment comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Comparing & Equivalent Fractions Quiz with Rubric: 3rd Grade Math
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Comparing and equivalent fractions quiz with Rubric is a quiz that tests student on their knowledge of 3rd grade core. They will show what they know about comparing fractions with greater than >, less than <, or equal to =. They will look at fractions on number lines and fraction depicted with shapes.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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