This has everything you need to assess your students on their knowledge of multiplication and division. There are arrays, fact families, square numbers, two step equations, area, and more. Students will show their mastery on multiplication and division by showing their understanding of different strategies. They will look at arrays and write a math sentence, and they will look at a multiplication sentence and draw an array. They will be able to show multiplication and division with equal groups. Each quiz and assessment comes with a standard based grading rubric. Each question is tied to a specific standard.
This combines Part 1 and Part 2 of the Operations & Algebraic Thinking Assessment & Quizzes for multiplication and division in 3rd grade.. Included in this bundle is 2 assessments and 9 quizzes. This bundle covers all the standards under Operations and Algebraic Thinking. It also includes NBT.3, and MD.7.
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Relating Multiplication to Division Quiz with Rubric: OA for 3rd Grade
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Relating Multiplication to Division quiz is for the 3rd grade curriculum. This quiz covers core standards OA.1, OA.2, OA.4, and OA.6. This quiz focuses on solving word problems and showing their work. They will solve both multiplication and division word problems and also relate how the multiplication problem correlates to a division problem. They will write the related division problem to a given multiplication problem.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Grade 3 OA Assessment 2: Fact Family, Unknown Factors, Multiply & Divide
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This assessment covers the 3rd grade core of Operations and Algebraic Thinking along with Measurement and Data 7, and Number and Operations in Base Ten 3. Students will show their knowledge of multiplication, division, area, function tables, two step word problems, fact families, and square numbers. Students will read and write word problems, write equations, draw models and solve. This assessment covers OA.1, OA.2, OA.6, OA.7, OA.8, OA.9, MD.7, and NBT.3. You can use this as a pre/post assessment.
In my store Finding the Fish these quizzes correlate with this assessment; Fluently Multiply & Divide Quiz, Fact Family & Square Quiz, Two Step Word Problems Quiz, and Function Tables Quiz.
Provided is a standards based rubric. This is grading scale of 1-4. Each question on the assessment is attached to a standard and it is clearly stated which standard on the rubric. Some questions are bonus questions because they require a little higher level thinking.
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3rd Grade Operations & Algebraic Thinking Assessment: Multiplication & Division
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
3rd Grade Math Assessment. This assessment covers the Core Standard for Operations and Algebraic Thinking and includes Measurement & Data 7 which is finding area using multiplication and addition. This is a great pre/post assessment for your students to show what they know about multiplication, division, area, and arrays. Students will read word problems, write equations, and draw models in this assessment. OA.1, OA.2 OA.3, OA.4, OA.5, OA.6, OA.7, and MD.7 a, c, and d are assessed in this test.
Provided is a standards based rubric. This is grading scale of 1-4. Each question on the assessment is attached to a standard and it is clearly stated which standard on the rubric. Some questions are bonus questions because they require a little higher level thinking.
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Fact Family & Square Quiz With Rubric: 3rd Grade
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This quiz covers 3rd core and focuses on fact families and squares. The core standards that are covered are OA.1, OA.2, OA.7, MD.7a, c, and d. Your students will work through problems and then write the fact family for the equation they solved. They will show their understanding of square numbers by drawing arrays and writing equations.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Multiplication Quiz with Rubric
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Assess your 3rd grade students' multiplication skills with this multiplication quiz. This quiz goes over the basics of multiplication; how to write an multiplication equation for an array, read story problems, and create and solve equations. It comes with a standards based rubric making it easy to grade. Covers standards 3.OA.1, 3.OA.3, and 3.OA.5.
What will you get?
Ideal for:
Take a look at some other 3rd grade math resources.
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Finding Area with Multiplication Quiz (With Rubric)
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Finding Area using Multiplication for 3rd grade curriculum. This quiz covers core standards OA.1, OA.2, and MD.7a, 7c, 7d. This quiz focuses on finding the area of rectangles using drawings and combining two areas together to get the total area. They will also solve both multiplication and division word problems.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Two Step Word Problems with Rubric: 3rd Grade
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This quiz covers the 3rd grade core. It focuses primarily on OA.8. Students will show their knowledge of two step word problems. They will show how to use two different operations correctly in one equation.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Division & Multiplication Quiz with Rubric; Solving for Unknown & Commutative
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Division and Multiplication quiz for 3rd grade curriculum. This quiz covers core standards OA.1, OA.2, OA.4, and OA.5. This quiz has word problems, solving for an unknown, and the commutative property of multiplication.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Multiplication Table with Rubric: NBT Grade 3: Multiply by multiples of 10
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This quiz covers the 3rd grade core. It focuses on OA.9 and NBT.3. Students will show what they know about multiplication. They will use their knowledge of multiplication to find patterns in function tables (input, output tables). The will also use their understanding of multiplication to multiply multiples of 10s.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Fluently Multiply & Divide Quiz with Rubric: 3rd Grade
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
This quiz covers 3rd grade core curriculum. The quiz specifically focuses on OA.1, OA.2, OA.7, and MD.7. Students will show what they know about multiplying and dividing. They will work with word problems, area, and related equations.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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Multiplication & Division Quiz with Rubric
By E•Fish•ient Teaching
Multiplication and Division quiz for 3rd grade curriculum. This quiz covers core standards OA.1, OA.2, OA.5, and OA.7. This quiz focuses on solving word problems and showing their work. They will solve both multiplication and division word problems and also relate how the multiplication problem correlates to a division problem. This quiz also covers a question on the commutative property.
This quiz comes with a standards based rubric. This is on a scale of 1-4 and each question is tied to a specific standard.
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