3rd Grade Other (Math) PowerPoint Presentations

Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson 2- Fractions Story Problems

By SPO Resources

Engage students with this interactive animated PowerPoint lesson to teach equivalent fractions. Available in Google Slides™ & PowerPoint, this instructional resource uses animation, supporting visuals, and meaningful questions to help students make meaning of fraction equivalence. This ready to teach lesson also includes a student note-taking guide, editable lesson plan, and exit ticket.  

This is the second lesson in the series of equivalent fractions lessons. The focus is to help students visualize fraction equivalence using area models in real-life situations.  This lesson builds off of Equivalent Fraction Lesson #1 and helps deepen students' understanding of equivalent fractions. 

Grab this CCSS aligned interactive lesson to save time on planning and help students solve real world story problems about equivalent fractions.

Little to NO PREP! This lesson is ready to teach! Download now and use this animated presentation today!


★ Animated PowerPoint presentation with 38 slides

★ Google slides Animated Presentation

★ Detailed lesson plan (PDF)

★ Editable lesson plan (word)

★ Student Note-taking guide

★ Practice Worksheets

★ Self-grading Google Form™ exit tickets

★ Printable exit tickets

★ Answer Keys

★ Printable Learning objectives to display


Purposely designed with powerful visual supports, scaffolded animations, and thought-provoking questions, this lesson will engage students in meaningful math talk as they learn about equivalent fractions.

The lesson focuses on the use of visual models and real-life examples to teach fraction equivalence. It does not include teaching the algorithm for generating equivalent fractions.  ​​Fractions with denominators: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 12 are used in this lesson. 

Animated slides reveal problems step by step

  • Scaffolds instruction by slowly giving additional visual supports before revealing answer
  • Gives students think time to understand concept
  • Promotes student participation and active engagement during the lesson
  • Allots for time to engage in meaningful math conversations with partners and as a whole group
  • Provides powerful visual supports that help students see how the fractions are equivalent or not equivalent 
  • Use of real-life examples to help students make meaning of fraction equivalence


Are your students still struggling to understand equivalent fractions?

This ready to teach animated PowerPoint lesson plan is a time saving resource for building understanding of fraction equivalence for students. Engaging visuals, animations, and meaningful questions will help deepen students' understanding of equivalent fractions.

Use the note-taking guide to ensure students are following along and engaged in the lesson. 

Notes with talking points and directions included in the PowerPoint presentation to help guide you through the lesson.  

Assess students' understanding with questions and prompts embedded into the lesson as well as differentiated exit tickets and worksheets for independent practice following the lesson.


  • Fractions can only be compared when the wholes are the same size.
  • ​​Equivalent fractions are different fractions that share the same value.



  • 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students learning equivalent fractions 
  • Upper elementary students
  • Intervention groups
  • Special education


Learning objective

  • Use area models to solve real world story problems about equivalent fractions
  • Explain why two fractions are equivalent.
  • Explain why two fractions can not be equivalent when the wholes are different sizes. 

PowerPoint Lesson Includes:



  • 4 slides to connect students to prior knowledge about equivalent fractions 
  • Review from Equivalent Fractions Lesson 1
  • Review terms: equivalent, equivalent fractions


  • In this lesson, you will use area models to solve fraction story problems and explain why two fractions are equivalent or not equivalent. 


  • Fair share: doughnut problems
  • 6 slides
  • Use slides to introduce the concept and give students an opportunity for some self-discovery of the concept


  • Teacher direct instruction + guided practice 
  • 11 slides
  • 3 part story problem involving pizzas
  • Animated slides to guide students and pause to allow for think time
  • Use initial slides in this part of the lesson to directly model problem solving skills, then gradually release the work for students 


  • 4 slides: Make each model shown equivalent to a fraction
  • Visually engaging slides to help students visualize how fractions with different numerators and denominators can be equivalent.


  • 10 slides: Review and practice concepts taught during direct teacher instruction slides
  • Animations provide scaffolded supports for students with each click revealing a visual support until the final answer is shown


  • 1 slide to recap the main learnings of the lesson 



★Animated PowerPoint Lesson (PPTX download)

  • 38 instructional animated slides 
  • Animations reveal the problems step-by-step to pause and give students time to think and discuss the information
  • Animated slides & visual supports
  • Present in presentation mode
  • Notes section includes talking points and times to direct students to use the note-taking guide

★Animated Google Slides™ Lesson 

  • Make a copy of presentation
  • Same features as PPTX lesson above

★Detailed Lesson Plan

  • Editable version in (Microsoft Word)
  • Non-editable version (PDF)
  • Learning objective
  • Materials
  • Vocabulary
  • CCSS
  • Key Learnings
  • Each section of powerpoint broken down with questions, answers, tips for instruction, and scripted talking points

★Student Note-taking Guide

  • Keep students engaged in the lesson as they follow along with their own note-taking guide which highlights key points in the lesson
  • 3 pages (2 notes pages and 1 page with written story problems)
  • Includes completed example for reference
  • Notes included in the PowerPoint to guide students when they need to fill in the note-taking guide

★Differentiated Exit tickets- Digital & Print 

  • Includes questions to assess students’ understanding
  • 4 differentiated paper exit tickets 
  • Self-grading digital exit ticket on Google Forms™ 
  • Exit ticket Answer Key

★Independent Practice Worksheets

  • Worksheet 1: Find Equivalent Fractions: 2 pages (2 different levels)- make each fraction model equivalent to a fraction

    • Level A: First model is shaded in for support
    • Level B: No models are shaded in (students shade in all models)
  • Worksheet 2: Equivalent Fractions Story Problems: 2 pages (2 different levels)

    • Level A: Visual models included to support students
    • Level B: No visual models included- students draw their own models
  • Worksheet answer key

★Learning objective 

  • 6 versions the learning objective to print and display


  • Visuals and text included in the PowerPoint presentation are not editable. The animations can be edited.
  • Not listed in Google drive tool, digital download includes link to make a copy of Google Slides™ presentation in the PDF.


★Zip file includes

  • PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
  • Editable lesson (Microsoft Word)
  • PDF:
    • Link to Google Slides™ presentation
    • Link to Google Form™ exit ticket
    • Non-editable lesson plan
    • Learning objective to display in classroom
    • Student note-taking guide
    • Filled in example of student note-taking guide
    • Student worksheets
    • Printable exit ticket

PLEASE NOTE: There is an editable version of the lesson plan in Microsoft word. No other parts of this resource are editable. 


Common Core Alignment


Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size.


Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.


WAYS TO USE in your classroom

This resource is designed to be a guided lesson. The powerpoint doesn’t include draggable pieces for independent practice, but it is meant to be used in presentation mode.

  • Whole group instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • Intervention groups


You may also like:

​​Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson 1

Fraction & Decimal Vocabulary Word Cards

Fraction BINGO (Simplifying & Equivalent)

4th Grade Fractions Math Jeopardy Style Game


CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW SPO RESOURCES on TeachShare and be the first to know about new resources, promotions, and freebies!

I appreciate receiving feedback, and would love to know how you used this resource in your classroom! By leaving a review, you will earn TeachShare credits to use on future purchases!

Connect with me:

★Pinterest  ★Youtube ★TeachShare

Email me at sporesources.teach@gmail.com if there is anything I can help you with!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO RESOURCES.

All rights reserved by the author. 

Purchase is for single classroom use only. 

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user. 

Make teaching equivalent fractions a breeze with this equivalent fraction powerpoint lesson!


Mathematics Proficiencies Introduction

By Visual Vibe

The Mathematics Proficiencies were embedded into the curriculum to connect the Nouns (content) and Verbs (mathematical skills) together.

The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

With this resources, I have created an introduction to the four proficiencies. I have demonstrated how you can connect the proficiency statements/verbs to the mathematics curriculum. It is an easy way for you and your students to understand the skill you want them to develop, through the example questions provided. This resources will help your students develop their understanding of the proficiencies and the content at the same time!

What's Included:

  • Understanding

- 3 Understanding proficiency statements

- 3 Example questions and answer slides

- 1 Blank Slide

  • Fluency

- 3 Fluency proficiency statements

- 3 Example questions and answer slides

- 1 Blank Slide

  • Problem Solving

- 3 Problem Solving proficiency statements

- 3 Example questions and answer slides

- 1 Blank Slide

  • Reasoning

- 3 Reasoning proficiency statements

- 3 Example questions and answer slides

- 1 Blank Slide

This resource is best used in combination with my Maths Proficiency Goals

Maths Proficiency Posters


Celebración interactiva de cumpleaños (de 3 a 11 años) en PowerPoint

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Celebra de forma interactiva todos los cumpleaños en primaria con este recurso único! Conéctalo, si lo deseas, a tu calendario de clase para que puedas acceder directamente a cada celebración en su día especial.

Permite a los estudiantes elegir la cantidad de velas según su edad (de 3 a 11), el tipo de pastel y hasta el tema del cumpleaños, ¡la diversión está garantizada!

Este recurso es versátil y se puede utilizar tanto en el aprendizaje a distancia a través de videoconferencias como en el salón de clase, utilizando una pizarra interactiva o cualquier otro dispositivo con pantalla.

Si lo prefieres, cambia el Bitmoji de la primera y última diapositiva por tu propia imagen y no olvides personalizar el nombre del alumno en la última diapositiva antes de la presentación.

La dinámica es emocionante: una vez elegido el pastel y entonado el "cumpleaños feliz", el alumno intentará soplar las velas. En ese momento, el profesor avanzará a la siguiente diapositiva. Si solo apaga las velas de la derecha, se le pedirá que lo intente nuevamente soplando más hacia la izquierda. Al hacerlo, apagará las velas de la izquierda pero dejará encendidas las del centro. En el último intento, logrará apagar todas las velas centrales y se sorprenderá con fuegos artificiales mientras aparece un emotivo "¡Feliz cumpleaños!" en la parte superior de la pantalla.

Para una experiencia óptima, asegúrate de utilizar solo el modo de presentación y controlar el progreso con el mouse o touch-pad. Evita utilizar el teclado para avanzar a la siguiente diapositiva, ya que esto podría interrumpir el emocionante final.

¡Prepárate para la diversión y la alegría en cada cumpleaños de tus estudiantes con esta encantadora actividad interactiva!

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Por último, recuerde valorar el producto. Obtendrán créditos TeachShare para comprar más cosas. Calificando este producto ayudas a otros profesores a encontrar lo que buscan, me ayudas a mi a seguir trabajando en TPT y ganarás créditos que te permitan comprar más cosas.


Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson- Guided Math Lesson Plan

By SPO Resources

Save time on planning with this animated PowerPoint lesson to introduce equivalent fractions. Available in Google Slides™ & PowerPoint, this interactive instructional resource uses animation, supporting visuals, and meaningful questions to help students discover what makes fractions equivalent. This ready to teach lesson also includes a student note-taking guide, editable lesson plan, and exit ticket.  

Grab this CCSS aligned interactive fraction lesson to save time on planning and help students understand how to identify equivalent fractions.  Purposely designed with powerful visual supports, scaffolded animations, and thought-provoking questions, this lesson will engage students in meaningful math talk as they discover equivalent fractions.  Little to NO PREP! This lesson is ready to teach! Download now and use this animated presentation today!


★ Animated PowerPoint presentation with 47 slides

★ Google slides Animated Presentation

★ Detailed lesson plan

★ Editable lesson plan

★ Student Note-taking guide

★ Practice Worksheets

★ Self-grading Google Form™ exit tickets

★ Printable exit tickets

★ Answer Keys

★ Printable Learning objectives to display


This lesson is an introductory lesson for equivalent fractions and focuses on helping students visually and conceptually understand what it means when two fractions are equivalent. Starting with the basics, this lesson is a solid foundation for first teaching equivalent fractions or reinforcing the concept.  

The lesson focuses on the use of visual models to identify fraction equivalence, and it does not include teaching the algorithm for generating equivalent fractions.  ​​Fractions with denominators: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 12 are used in this lesson. The main objective is for students to identify equivalent fractions and make meaning of fraction equivalence.  

Check out the second lesson in this equivalent fraction series: Lesson #2

Animated slides reveal problems step by step

  • Scaffolds instruction by slowly giving additional visual supports before revealing answer
  • Gives students think time to understand concept
  • Promotes student participation and active engagement during the lesson
  • Allots for time to engage in meaningful math conversations with partners and as a whole group
  • Provides powerful visual supports that help students see how the fractions are equivalent or not equivalent 


Are your students still struggling to understand equivalent fractions?

This ready to teach animated PowerPoint lesson plan is a time saving resource for introducing equivalent fractions to students. Engaging visuals, animations, and meaningful questions will help students make meaning of equivalent fractions.

Use the note-taking guide to ensure students are following along and engaged in the lesson. 

Notes with talking points and directions included in the PowerPoint presentation to help guide you through the lesson.  

Assess students' understanding with check for understandings embedded into the lesson as well as differentiated exit tickets and worksheets for independent practice following the lesson.



  • 3rd & 4th grade students learning equivalent fractions for the first time
  • Intervention groups
  • Special education


Learning objective

  • Identify equivalent fractions, recognize when fractions are equivalent & not equivalent 

Lesson Includes:



  • 5 slides to connect students to prior knowledge about fractions. 
  • Review terms: fraction, equal parts, numerator, & denominator


  • 4 slides in this section
  • 1 Initial observation slide to help students construct their own understanding of equivalent fractions 
  • 3 slides to answer the question and provide context for self-discovery


  • In this lesson, you will learn to recognize equivalent fractions and identify when two fractions are not equivalent.


  • 5 slides to directly model the concept of equivalent fractions using area models 


  • 3 slides to introduce and explicitly teach new vocabulary terms
  • Vocabulary words: equivalent, equivalent fractions, & same value


  • Visually engaging slides to help students visualize the difference between fractions that are equivalent and fractions that are not equivalent.


  • 8 slides to help students observe how fractions with the same numerator and denominator cannot be equivalent
  • 2 CFU (Check For Understanding) slides following this section


  • 12 slides to practice identifying an equivalent fraction using area models
  • Fill in the numerator to make fractions equivalent. 
  • Animations provide scaffolded supports for students with each click revealing a visual support until the final answer is shown


  • 1 slide to recap the main learnings of the lesson 



Animated PowerPoint Lesson (PPTX download)

  • 47 instructional animated slides 
  • Animations reveal the problems step-by-step to pause and give students time to think and discuss the information
  • Animated slides & visual supports
  • Present in presentation mode
  • Notes section includes talking points and times to direct students to use the note-taking guide

Animated Google Slides™ Lesson 

  • Make a copy of presentation
  • Same features as PPTX lesson above

Detailed Lesson Plan

  • Editable version in (Microsoft Word)
  • Non-editable version (PDF)
  • Learning objective
  • Materials
  • Vocabulary
  • CCSS
  • Key Learnings
  • Each section of powerpoint broken down with questions, answers, tips for instruction, and scripted talking points

Student Note-taking Guide

  • Keep students engaged in the lesson as they follow along with their own note-taking guide which highlights key points in the lesson
  • 2 pages
  • Includes completed example for reference
  • Notes included in the PowerPoint to guide students when they need to fill in the note-taking guide
  • Also available on easel

Differentiated Exit tickets- Digital & Print 

  • Includes 4 questions to assess students’ understanding
  • Paper exit ticket
  • Self-grading digital exit ticket on Google Forms™ 
  • 4 differentiated exit ticket versions 
  • Exit ticket Answer Key
  • Also available on easel

Independent Practice Worksheets

  • Equivalent or not equivalent? Practice worksheet: 2 pages (2 different levels)
  • Fill in the numerator equivalent fraction practice worksheet: 2 pages (2 different levels)
  • Worksheet answer key
  • Also available on easel

Learning objective 

  • 6 versions the learning objective to print and display


  • Visuals and text included in the PowerPoint presentation are not editable. The animations can be edited.
  • Not listed in Google drive tool, digital download includes link to make a copy of
  • Google Slides™ presentation in the PDF.


★Zip file includes

  • PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
  • Editable lesson (Microsoft Word)
  • PDF:
    • Link to Google Slides™ presentation
    • Link to Google Form™ exit ticket
    • Non-editable lesson plan
    • Learning objective to display in classroom
    • Student note-taking guide
    • Filled in example of student note-taking guide
    • Student worksheets
    • Printable exit ticket

PLEASE NOTE: There is an editable version of the lesson plan in Microsoft word. No other parts of this resource are editable. 


Common Core Alignment


Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size.


Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.


WAYS TO USE in your classroom

This resource is designed to be a guided lesson. The powerpoint doesn’t include draggable pieces for independent practice, but it is meant to be used in presentation mode.

  • Whole group instruction
  • Small group instruction
  • Intervention groups


You may also like:

Equivalent Fractions Animated PowerPoint Lesson #2

Fraction & Decimal Vocabulary Word Cards

Fraction BINGO (Simplifying & Equivalent)

4th Grade Fractions Math Jeopardy Style Game


CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW SPO RESOURCES on TeachShare and be the first to know about new resources, promotions, and freebies!

I appreciate receiving feedback, and would love to know how you used this resource in your classroom! By leaving a review, you will earn TeachShare credits to use on future purchases!

Connect with me:

★Pinterest  ★Youtube ★TeachShare

Email me at sporesources.teach@gmail.com if there is anything I can help you with!

Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO RESOURCES.

All rights reserved by the author. 

Purchase is for single classroom use only. 

Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user. 

Make teaching equivalent fractions a breeze with this introductory powerpoint lesson!


Mathematics Proficiency BUNDLE

By Visual Vibe

Everything you need to incorporate the Mathematics Proficiencies into your classroom. Increase your students abilities to learn and work mathematically.

What's Included:

  • Maths Proficiency Posters - Fluency, Understanding, Problem Solving and Reasoning
  • Mathematics Proficiency Introduction - 12 Proficiency skills, 12 example questions and answers
  • Maths Proficiency Verb Posters
  • Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract Approach Posters

Birthday Blowout: Interactive Cake and Candle Celebration on PowerPoint

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing our interactive birthday celebration resource, "Birthday Blowout: Interactive Cake and Candle Celebration." Make every elementary student's birthday extra special with this engaging and customizable activity.

With this resource, you can create an interactive experience where students can virtually blow out candles on a birthday cake. Simply link it to your class calendar, and each day, you can easily navigate to the birthday celebration for that specific day.

Students can choose the number of candles based on their age (ranging from 3 to 11), select the type of cake, and even customize the birthday theme. Whether you're teaching remotely or in the classroom, this resource is compatible with video conferencing platforms and can be used on interactive whiteboards or any device connected to a screen.

Feel free to personalize the resource by changing the Bitmoji on the first and last slide to your own. Don't forget to update the student's name on the last slide before presenting.

Once the cake has been chosen and "Happy Birthday" is sung, the student will attempt to blow out the candles. As the teacher advances the slide, only the candles on the right will be blown out. Encourage the student to try again, blowing towards the left. On the third attempt, all the candles will be extinguished, accompanied by fireworks and a "Happy Birthday!" message displayed at the top of the screen.

Remember to use the resource in presentation mode and navigate using the mouse or touchpad. Avoid using the keyboard to advance the slides, as it may prevent you from reaching the last slide.

Make every student's birthday celebration unforgettable with "Birthday Blowout: Interactive Cake and Candle Celebration." Create a joyful and engaging experience that will bring smiles and excitement to your classroom or virtual learning environment. Get this resource today and celebrate birthdays in a whole new interactive way!

We value your feedback! Please take a moment to leave a review and share your thoughts on this educational resource. Your feedback not only helps us improve but also provides valuable insights for other educators looking to enhance their classrooms. We appreciate your support!


Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

By Ms Garcia Store

Transform your daily classroom routine with our comprehensive Interactive Class Calendar. This interactive resource, designed as a full-screen PowerPoint presentation, provides a seamless and engaging experience for teachers and students alike.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manually filling out the days of each month. Our calendar comes preloaded with all the months, eliminating the need for manual updates. Simply open the presentation and start utilizing its extensive features.

Watch the preview video included in the resource description to familiarize yourself with the functionality of each slide. This will help you navigate through the 29 slides and make the most of the interactive buttons.

Key Features:

  1. Morning Message: Begin each day with a personalized message to set a positive tone for your students.
  2. Emotion Check-In: Encourage students to express their feelings and emotions and take track of their answers.
  3. Days of the Week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.
  4. Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow: Foster an understanding of time relationships.
  5. Months of the Year: Introduce and explore the names and sequence of the months.
  6. Seasons of the Year: Enhance students' understanding of the four seasons.
  7. Weather Section: Engage students in learning about weather patterns and conditions, and track the weather of the week.
  8. Days of School with Place Value: Track the number of days in school using place value concepts.
  9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.
  10. Days of School on a 120 Chart: Visualize the cumulative days of school on a chart.
  11. Counting Days with Coins: Introduce money concepts by counting the days of school using coins.
  12. The Number of the Day: Focus on a specific number each day to deepen numerical understanding: word form, tally markers, odd and even, ten frames...
  13. Tons of Educational Songs Videos: What better way to learn and start the day than singing?
  14. Bilingual Telling Time PowerPoint Presentation: Introduce the basics of reading analog clocks and developing time-telling skills. You could link this PowerPoint file to the interactive calendar.

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


Before beginning the class, write the day's message on the calendar. Then, at any time during the class, play the presentation and freely navigate through the slides by clicking on the interactive buttons. No keyboard is needed; simply use a mouse or your finger if using a touchscreen device.

Please note that the PowerPoint animations included in the resource are designed to engage your students. However, they may not function properly in Google Drive.

We value your feedback! Leaving a review not only helps us improve but also earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase and for choosing our Interactive Spanish Class Calendar to enhance your classroom experience!

Related Resources:

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!
