NAVA Forms & Types of Gov't SS.7.C.3.1
By History Guru
Looking for an easy way to incorporate Language Arts & Propaganda into your Civics course? The NAVA Strategy is a GREAT way to put the ELA standards to work in your Social Studies course. NAVA stands for Noun, Adjective, Verb, and Adverb. This walks the students through a step by step document analysis or DBQ. Quick, Simple, & Easy! This NAVA strategy incorporates Gummie Bears and Forms & Types of Government.
DBQ Declaration of Independence SS.7.C.1.4
By History Guru
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE DBQ Activity: Political Cartoon Analysis Students will analyze and look at different political cartoons from political time to discover how they influenced the colonist in declaring their independence from King George II.
Close Reading Template Jamestown
By History Guru
This close read focus' in on "Children for the Colony of Jamestown". This gives guided questions, time to reflect and digs into the vocab. This is a great way to incorporate Marzano strategies alongside ELA annotated text strategies to increase gains by 35%. If your students are struggling with close reading or are still using highlighters (and highlighting the ENTIRE page), this will be extremely helpful. However, this will be useful even if they are old pros at annotating. Students will not only learn how to annotate and read deeply, they will also learn what information to look for depending on the genre. Teaching students how to read closely empowers them to become independent learners, and the importance of reading closely becomes clear in the first two words of the Common Core K-12 Anchor Standards: *CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. The step-by-step process is effective. It includes a gradual release of responsibility, which gives students confidence, as well as practice. Step 1: Teacher directs/models. Step 2: Students collaborate. Step 3: Independent practice. Annotating text can be amazing for students who have problems focusing and paying attention. Annotating keeps students focused, because it requires them to stay actively involved with the text. Annotating makes it difficult for students to drift off. It also enables the teacher to easily monitor attention issues and reading progress, by checking on the student’s annotations.
Citizenship Bellwork SS.7.C.2.1 & SS.7.C.2.2
By History Guru
SS.7.C.2.1 & SS.7.C.2.2 Civics Citizenship The students will complete the bellwork in a 5 day model. Each day is a scaffolded release of questions targeted at 5 main language arts standards. This allows students to pick apart the important information while meeting their language arts requirements in social studies.
Emancipation Proclamation Close Reading
By History Guru
Let’s face it, close reading isn’t often a skill that comes naturally. When our students get a new reading assignment, their first instinct is often to race to the finish line rather than engage deeply with a text.
Getting students to slow down, engage with the text in different ways, and reflect as they read are challenges for every teacher, and are the goals of close reading. They’re also at the heart of the Common Core English Language Arts standards. There’s no magic way to turn your class into top-notch readers overnight, but there are specific close reading skills you can teach that will help your students now and down the line.
This Close Reading includes a Primary Resource of the Emancipation Proclamation speech from President Abraham Lincoln. It breaks down the vocab used and gives teacher lead questions, student creation of questions, as well as a summary.