German Resources

Auf der Wiese - Schnitzeljagd, Pflanzen & Tiere

By Miss Clever Cookie

Fun outdoors activity to teach your students animals and plants that can be seen in the meadows in Europe. Contains two versions of Scavenger hunt so you can select the one best suited to your students' needs.


  • in order to gain points, students need to spot plants and animals (and a molehill ) from their list and tick them off
  • they get a point for each ticked off box
  • if they manage to snap a picture of the plant / animal / molehill, they earn an extra point
  • whoever gets the most points is the winner
  • TIP 1: give a special reward to the author of the best photo
  • TIP 2: give an extra reward to the team / student with the most rows of four

Vocabulary covered by this product:

  1. e Ameise
  2. e Raupe
  3. e Fliege
  4. e Heuschrecke
  5. r Marienkäfer
  6. r Schmetterling
  7. e Libelle
  8. e Biene
  9. e Hummel
  10. r Tausendfüßler
  11. r Regenwurm
  12. e Schnecke
  13. e Feldmaus
  14. r Maulwurf
  15. r Maulwurfshügel
  16. e Ricke
  17. r Hase
  18. r Fasan
  19. e Eidechse
  20. e Blindschleiche
  21. r Frosch
  22. r Wiesenklee
  23. e Distel
  24. s Gänseblümchen
  25. s Vergissmeinnicht
  26. r Löwenzahn
  27. e Pusteblume
  28. r Champignon

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