French Posters

French DECOR BUNDLE-Back to School Bulletin Board POSTERS-La rentrée scolaire

By La trousse de Madame

My most popular classroom decor posters are all bundled into one great resource! These vibrant, engaging, and helpful posters and bulletin board sets are a great addition to the Elementary classroom. French teachers love these posters and my students use them daily to help them with language patterns, spelling, speaking with peers, and many other helpful ways. Grab this bundle now and as it grows, you'll get all the updates!

Do you struggle to find colourful, engaging, and unique classroom decor elements to add to your French classroom? I created these Classroom Decor Posters with you in mind. Engaging, child-centered, and colorful posters to foster the love of learning and to instill a sense of positivity in your students as they stretch their thinking. A growth mindset means that students learn to recognize that challenge, mistakes, and even frustration can all lead to leaps in learning!

Les affiches sont l'essentiel dans la salle de classe cette année. Les élèves adorent encourager les autres et donner la motivation à leur copains. Les affiches dans cette collection sont bons pour les étudiants de Maternelle à la 3e année.

Growth Mindset Posters:

Mon cerveau est un muscle que j’entraine

Toutes mes idées m’aident à apprendre

J’accepte les défis et les difficultés

Je peux toujours m’améliorer!

J’essaye de nouvelles stratégies!

Je suis capable de faire des choses difficiles!

Mon cerveau grandit quand je me pousse!

J’aperçois les changements dans mes pensées

Je crois en moi!

Je célèbre les nouveaux défis!

Les erreurs m’aident à grandir!

Je ne comprends pas encore

Attention Grabbers:

Une banane bleu, les yeux, les yeux, les yeux!

Vert, jaune, rouge...on ne bouge!

Visual Schedule Cards (36 daily activities for your board)

French Conversation Starters, Est-ce que...? questions

EX. Est-ce que je peux:

-aller aux toilettes

-boire de l'eau

-chercher une gomme

-mettre de l'eau dans ma bouteille


Est-ce que tu peux:


-attacher mon manteau

- etc

La lecture posters:

French posters to inspire students to read and open the marvellous world of lifelong learning

Appropriate audience:

I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6

I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?

J’utilise cette affiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6è année. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelque chose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.

Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Easy print and go resource
  2. 2 formats for you to choose based on printing needs
  3. Fun and engaging graphics
  4. Great variety of expressions to foster Growth Mindset
  5. Two great styles to choose Large or Small format
  6. Highlights the importance of perseverance, acceptance, determination, and diligence in learning
  7. Students have visual cues to promote a positive attitude toward learning

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


French Certificates End-of-Year-French Awards-Certificats fin de l’année-Awards

By La trousse de Madame

These end-of-year award certificates are conveniently in black and white for easy, no-prep, no expense printing. 30 eye catching awards in 2 different themes means there are 60 awards to choose. You can print on white paper, coloured paper, coloured cardstock, or have students colour them in themselves. My decision to do this is in response to so many teachers having strict colour printing budgets at their schools. I wanted to find an economical way of printing these, so teachers did not have to break the bank!

What to do:

Make copies of the awards that you would like to use, either by printing an entire set or by selecting the ones you want for printing.

Insert colour paper, white paper, or cardstock for easy printing

Fill in the child’s name that you would like to honour for the award along with date and your name.

I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!


I have made every effort to be inclusive in this resource. Where graphics allowed, I have made multiples for feminine and masculine versions. Sometimes the graphic did not exist, and I deferred to what I have available.

60 Awards included:

-30 awards with 2 design themes

Super écrivain

Super linguiste

Super technologiste (2)

Super calligraphier

Super sportif

Super scientifique

Super génie

Super musicien

Super mathématicien

Super lecteur

Super historien

Super historienne

Super dramatiste

Super danseur

Super santé

Super à la tache

Super chaleureux

Super à l’écoute

Super capable

Super propre

Super aimable (2)

Super coopérative

Super joyeux/joyeuse

Super mini-prof

Super calme

Who can use this resource:

French Immersion teachers in the K-3 classroom and those teaching beginner French students. Can be used at the Grade 4-6 level with Core French students learning to segment and blend complex sounds.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Easy print and go resource
  2. Black and White so you decide if they are in colour or BW
  3. Fun and engaging graphics
  4. Great variety of awards to match as many students as possible
  5. Two great styles to choose
  6. Highlights the importance of good school citizenship as well as strong academics
  7. Fill in at your own leisure

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


French Classroom Decor Posters-Class Routines-Les routines-Responsibilities

By La trousse de Madame

These fun and engaging posters aim to foster independence and autonomy in the French Immersion classroom for your young K-2 students. Posters are used as visual cues and reminders of morning routines helping students to do things on their own. Ideal for the Kindergarten to Grade 2 classroom.

I use these posters in my cubby area as a visual checklist for students each day as they arrive. I also post visual cues for work time with the order of operations for each task. 1. write your name, 2. colour, 3. cut, 4. glue, and 5. raise your hand. The order is for you to choose.

When my students are brand new to cutting and pasting into scrapbooks they: write their name, cut, raise their hand (so I can check before they glue), glue, and then colour. It’s entirely up to you!

Posters include:

Each poster great graphics so students can easily associate the picture with the action. Clear step by step instructions. Regular sized poster so you can copy and go, or larger sized numbers and cards for placing into pocket charts.

Slogans included:

Je mange: 1. sac à diner, 2. reste assis, 3. range mon sac, 4. jette les déchets, et 5. nettoie

Je travaille: 1. écris ton nom, 2. découpe, 3. colle, 4. lève la main, et 5. colorie

Le matin: 1. sac à diner, 2. cahier de communication, 3. bouteille d’eau, 4. souliers, et 5. faire le travail matinale

Appropriate audience:

I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6 and for those students with IEP or special needs learning in a French environment.

I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?

J’utilise cette affiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6e année. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelquechose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.

Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Easy print and go resource
  2. 2 formats for you to choose based on printing needs (poster version and large card version for pocket chart at the front of class)
  3. Fun and engaging graphics
  4. Great variety of expressions to foster autonomy and independence
  5. Two great styles to choose Large or Small format
  6. Highlights the importance of following instructions and sequencing in daily life
  7. Students have visual cues to promote a responsibility and encourage independence toward learning

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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Follow me on TeachShare



You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


French Growth Mindset Posters-Pensées Positives-Décor-Mentalité de croissance

By La trousse de Madame

French Growth Mindset Posters

Do you struggle to find colourful, engaging, and unique classroom decor elements to add to your French classroom? I created these Growth Mindset Posters with you in mind. Engaging, child-centered, and colorful posters to foster the love of learning and to instill a sense of positivity in your students as they stretch their thinking. A growth mindset means that students learn to recognize that challenge, mistakes, and even frustration can all lead to leaps in learning!

What do you get in this set?

12 Large posters with colored background

12 Large posters with white background for easier printing

12 Small posters with colored background

12 Small posters with white background for easier printing

Les affiches 'Growth Mindset' ou 'Pensées positives' sont l'essentiel dans la salle de classe cette année. Les élèves adorent encourager les autres et donner la motivation à leur copains. Les affiches dans cette ressource sont bons pour les étudiants de Maternelle à la 3e année.

Le jeu d'affiches inclus:

12 affiches large avec l'arrière plan colore

12 affiches large avec arrière plan en noir et blanc

12 petites affiches avec arrière plan colore

12 petites affiches avec arrière plan en noir et blanc

French Growth Mindset Expressions:

Mon cerveau est un muscle que j’entraine

Toutes mes idées m’aident à apprendre

J’accepte les défis et les difficultés

Je peux toujours m’améliorer!

J’essaye de nouvelles stratégies!

Je suis capable de faire des choses difficiles!

Mon cerveau grandit quand je me pousse!

J’aperçois les changements dans mes pensées

Je crois en moi!

Je célèbre les nouveaux défis!

Les erreurs m’aident à grandir!

Je ne comprends pas encore

Appropriate audience:

I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6

I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?

J’utilise cette saffiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6eannée. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelquechose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.

Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Easy print and go resource
  2. 2 formats for you to choose based on printing needs
  3. Fun and engaging graphics
  4. Great variety of expressions to foster Growth Mindset
  5. Two great styles to choose Large or Small format
  6. Highlights the importance of perseverance, acceptance, determination, and diligence in learning
  7. Students have visual cues to promote a positive attitude toward learning

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

Like my Facebook and Instagram account.

Follow me on TeachShare



You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.


Class Decor Bundle: D'Nealian Font Alphabet, Numbers, Colors and Shapes

By Keeper of Kinders

One bundle for your class decor needs. In this bundle you will receive D'Nealian font alphabet and number posters, color posters and 2D/3D shapes.

All pictures are represented by real world, non-fiction pictures so young learners and ELL students make connections to the world around them.


Class Decor Bundle: D'Nealian Font Alphabet, Numbers, Colors and Shapes

By Keeper of Kinders

One bundle for your class decor needs. In this bundle you will receive D'Nealian font alphabet and number posters, color posters and 2D/3D shapes.

All pictures are represented by real world, non-fiction pictures so young learners and ELL students make connections to the world around them.


Classroom Decor Real World Color Posters - English

By Keeper of Kinders

Bright and vibrant color posters featuring real world pictures to help your young learners associate color words with the color.

Both spellings of grey/gray are included! Laminate for future use.

Real world pictures of every day fruit help ELL students in associating colors and words.

Looking for other languages? Find them here:

English and Spanish class decor posters

English and French class decor posters

Check out my other listings here and don't forget to earn TeachShare credits by leaving a review for Keeper of Kinders!


Classroom Decor Real World Color Posters - English and French

By Keeper of Kinders

Bright and vibrant color posters featuring real world pictures to help your young learners associate color words with the color.

Each poster is 8.5x11 for easy printing and laminate for future use.

Real world pictures aide ELL students in associating colors and words.

Looking for other languages? Find them here:

English and Spanish class decor posters

English only class decor posters

Check out my other listings here and don't forget to earn TeachShare credits by leaving a review for Keeper of Kinders!


French date writing guide: classroom display


This easy-to-use French date display is perfect for classrooms! Stick it on the board, and watch your students confidently write the date accurately and independently at the start of every lesson. Featuring days, months, years, and even weather, it is a must-have tool for fostering language skills and daily routine.


French reading comprehension Le Sport - Print and digital bundle

By Frenchified

This activity packet includes a set of 8.5X11" printable posters for French sports vocabulary, 3 readings about professional sports, PSG, and la Pétanque, and an Infographic about the Tour de France. There are comprehension questions (in English) for the three readings, as well as an answer key. Also includes a worksheet for students to fill out about their favorite sport and an activity about MJC registration.

The print version includes:

  • 4-page article in French about sports in France
  • Comprehension questions in English for the readings
  • Identify the sports by reading a description of the sport in French
  • Activity to write about your favorite sport in French
  • Activity to find a sport to play at a French MJC
  • Answer Key
  • Set of printable posters with the name of some sports in French

The Google™ drive item includes:

  • Slides version of articles in French about sports in France
  • Comprehension questions in English for the readings
  • Identify the sports by reading a description of the sport in French
  • Activity to write about your favorite sport in French
  • Activity to find a sport to play at a French MJC
  • Answer Key
  • Set of printable posters with the name of some sports in French

French reading comprehension activities French culture food travel school

By Frenchified

A set of French reading comprehension units with readings and activities about French cultural topics.

Each unit deals with a different aspect of French culture. Students will learn about the French school system, how the Métro works, the role of sports in France, French cuisine, how French housing looks and how people find a place to live and more!

The units include readings (some in both French and English, see the product description for each one) and activities that have students doing real-world tasks. Some of the units have colorful vocabulary posters that you can project digitally or print out for decorations.


French reading comprehension activity Le Sport en France

By Frenchified

This French reading comprehension activity unit will teach your students about the role of sports in French as well as some vocabulary about sports.  It includes short articles about professional sports, Paris Saint-Germain, and the sport of Pétanque,

The print version includes:

  • 4-page article in French about sports in France
  • Comprehension questions in English for the readings
  • Identify the sports by reading a description of the sport in French
  • Activity to write about your favorite sport in French
  • Activity to find a sport to play at a French MJC
  • Answer Key
  • Set of printable posters with the name of some sports in French

Click HERE to join my mailing list and get a free article about adapting a textbook to CI!


French pets - a French reading comprehension, culture and activity unit

By Frenchified

This French reading comprehension activity unit will teach your students about the role of pet in France with a focus on dogs.  Students will learn about the relationship French people have with their pets as well as some challenges associated with owning a pet.

This printable unit includes:

  • Article about dogs in France (in French & English)
  • Article about the problem of dog poop (French and English)
  • comprehension questions in English about articles
  • infographic in French about pets in France w/comprehension questions
  • Online activity for choosing a pet
  • My perfect pet writing activity
  • Resources page with links to videos and websites
  • Set of 14 printable 8X10 vocabulary posters w/pictures of animals

You may also like:

French Cuisine Cultural Unit

French houses/apartments cultural unit


French Sweet 16 Verb posters

By Frenchified

Just simple, basic and quick - 16 verb posters, size 8.5X11 so they can be printed on any printer. Since French doesn't have two different "to be" verbs, I've included a poster for aime.

Click HERE to join my mailing list and get a free article about adapting a textbook to CI!

Related Products
• Basic communication words poster - French
• French question words posters - printable


French question words posters - printable

By Frenchified

This item includes 9 jpg files, 300pi 16X20" - one for each of the French question words. You can print them full size, or half size on an 8X10.


Free French question words posters

By Frenchified

This is a set of FREE French question word posters with a cute jungle animal theme. Print in color or black and white - 8.5 X 11" pdf pages.



By French Made Fun!

Welcome to the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle—your ultimate resource for an entire year's worth of curriculum! This extraordinary bundle includes 131 documents and a staggering 4,000+ pages of content, covering every aspect of Grade 6 Math, French Language Arts, Science, "Transdisciplinary" Units, Cross-Curricular Units, and Project-Based Learning.

Here's what you'll find packed into this 131 document crypt:

Language Arts:

  • Complete Genre Studies: Detailed lessons and activities for all genres.
  • Mini-Lessons and Workshops: Comprehensive tools for reading and writing instruction.
  • Reading and Writing Prompts: Engaging activities to boost literacy skills.
  • Excerpts and Writing Pieces: Diverse texts for comprehension and writing practice.
  • Modelled Examples and Lesson Plans: Clear guides to support effective teaching.
  • Verb and Grammar Units: Thorough resources for mastering French language skills.
  • Task and Flash Cards: Interactive tools for grammar and vocabulary practice.
  • Posters and Anchor Charts: Essential visual aids for classroom support.


  • Paperless Teaching Slides: Digital slides for all math outcomes, ideal for projection.
  • Assessments with Answer Keys: Complete evaluation tools to track student progress.
  • Activities and Games: Fun, interactive ways to reinforce math concepts.
  • Printable and Digital Games: Versatile resources for various teaching styles.
  • Enrichment Material: Advanced content to challenge high-achieving students.
  • No-Prep Lessons: Ready-to-go activities that require minimal preparation.

Project-Based Learning:

  • Science and Social Studies Projects: Inquiry-based units including Dragons' Den, Sustainable Future projects, Endangered Species studies, Political Platform creation, Haunted House design, and Space Food exploration.
  • Health Documents: Comprehensive materials on sexuality, puberty, and other health topics.
  • Themed Day Content: Engaging projects for Orange Shirt Day, Pink Shirt Day, Remembrance Day, Earth Day, and a project on O Canada.

Why You'll Love It:

  • Massive Content Collection: Over 4,000 pages and 131 documents covering every subject.
  • No-Prep, Ready-to-Go: Perfect for busy teachers and easy to leave with a substitute.
  • Engaging and Comprehensive: Promotes student independence with project-based and inquiry learning.
  • Constantly Growing: New materials added regularly to keep your curriculum up-to-date.
  • Versatile and Easy to Use: Printable and digital formats for flexible teaching options.

Get the Mega Massive Grade 6 Bundle today and transform your classroom with this all-encompassing resource, designed to make planning easier and teaching more effective!

** Buying these individually would cost you WELL over $530 USD (that's like OVER $725 CAD). So save yourself time and money and get ready for the next school year! **

Join me on Facebook! I share freebies, keep you up-to-date on sales and deals and welcome your collaboration and feedback.

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TeachShare Credit for every dollar you spend!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

Mme Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

C'est le bundle ultime des mini-leçons qui regroupe toutes mes mini-leçons de lecture et d'écriture disponibles dans ma boutique ! Il contient plus de 500 pages de matériel, avec plus de 75 mini-leçons et ateliers, ainsi qu'une abondance de tableaux d'ancrage, organisateurs graphiques, prompts, et exemples modélisés pour chaque stratégie. ÇA GRANDIT, LES AMIS!

Chaque leçon, qu’elle soit en écriture ou en lecture, est méticuleusement préparée avec un plan de leçon détaillé incluant le script de l’enseignant, les objectifs pédagogiques, des lectures et écritures partagées et guidées, des exercices en partenariat ou en groupe, ainsi que des activités d’entraînement en autonomie.

Voici ce que vous trouverez dans ce bundle :

Écriture :

  • Générer les idées
  • Endurance et motivation
  • La structure et la fluidité
  • Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Introductions & conclusions

Lecture :

  • Solutionner les mots
  • La visualisation
  • Faire des liens
  • Connaissances antérieures
  • Faire des prédictions
  • Faire des inférences
  • Informations clés
  • Stratégies de réparation

Ce bundle grandissant est l'outil idéal pour tout enseignant cherchant à avoir toutes ses leçons prêtes à l’emploi avec toutes les lectures incluses. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, c'est la bible pédagogique!

Dans cette ressource, vous trouverez les documents suivants:

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

Rejoignez-moi sur Facebook ! Je partage des ressources gratuites, je vous tiens au courant des soldes et des offres, et je vous invite à collaborer et à donner votre avis.

Vous pouvez gagner des Crédits TeachShare en laissant un commentaire sur tous les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en allant sur votre page Mes achats et en cliquant sur le bouton « Fournir des commentaires ». Vous gagnerez 1 crédit TeachShare pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn



By French Made Fun!

Cet ensemble contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour enseigner confortablement l'écriture à vos élèves de 5e et 6e années. Ce bundle contient 23 documents et 700 pages (!!) et inclut:

  • Toutes mes minis-leçons d'écriture

    • 14 mini-leçons scénarisées/scriptées;
    • 15 tableaux d'ancrage explicites;
    • 8 exemples modélisés;
    • 11 activités imprimables.
  • Tous mes produits sur les stratégies de lecture et d'écriture

    • Affiches d'écriture.
    • Affiches de lecture
    • Incitations de lecture
    • Incitations d'écriture
  • Tous mes produits sur les conventions (verbes et grammaire)

    • Affiches + Signets POMMES
    • Affiches: La phrase de base
    • Verbes en -er
  • TOUS les genres d'écriture de ma boutique 

    • Le genre persuasif (Le texte d'opinion)
    • Le genre narratif (Les petits moments)
    • Le genre poétique (La poésie)
    • Le texte descriptif justificatif (La critique)
    • Le rapport de recherche (Le texte informatif)
    • La bande dessinée
  • Des activités à l'oral

    • Dragon's Den
    • Le débat
  • Un ensemble d'organisateurs graphiques

  • Mon ensemble d'évaluation en littératie (cartable de littératie)

  • Mon ensemble de compréhensions de lecture:

    • Biodiversité
    • Sports extrêmes
    • Espace et le système solaire

Ces documents ont un total combiné de presque 100 $. Vous économisez plus de 10 $ en l'achetant dans ce bundle. Suivez les liens ci-haut pour plus de détails et informations spécifiques - et plus d'images de chaque document :-)

Merci TELLEMENT pour votre support continue. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante de vous et je vous apprécie! 

Mme. Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!



By French Made Fun!

You've asked and I've listened. This mega bundle is now available in a zipped format, and you can find that here. If you prefer not to use a Google Drive for your files, head this way!

If you teach Core French (FSL) to grades 4-8 and struggle to engage, interest and get them excited about French, then this is the bundle for you. It contains every single Core French product from my store.

My students have been known as low-level and require high levels of engagement. My products match that and are ready to be used, require no prep and are quick and easy to project and GO.

Check out the preview to see what you'll get from this mega bundle which will cover you for the year!
