French reading comprehension activities French culture food travel school

by Frenchified

A set of French reading comprehension units with readings and activities about French cultural topics.

Each unit deals with a different aspect of French culture. Students will learn about the French school system, how the Métro works, the role of sports in France, French cuisine, how French housing looks and how people find a place to live and more!

The units include readings (some in both French and English, see the product description for each one) and activities that have students doing real-world tasks. Some of the units have colorful vocabulary posters that you can project digitally or print out for decorations.


the Métro - a cultural unit about tranportation in Paris

By Frenchified

This French culture and French reading activity unit includes readings and other activities about the Metro system and other transportation in Paris. It includes:

• articles: how to use the Metro, history of the Metro, rules of etiquette, the Vélib', other means of transportation

• an activity on how to navigate the Metro (including a printable map of the Metro lines, although it's much easier if you have the free maps given out in Paris)

• a set of printable flashcards with important terms

posters - a set of 16 printable 8.5X11 vocabulary mini-posters with image and definition

• a crossword puzzle for vocabulary items

• a word search puzzle for vocabulary items

• a set of 32 printable Bingo cards to play vocabulary bingo

Related Products

• Paris Metro - readings & activities - Google™ Drive edition


French reading comprehension French food unit activities and culture

By Frenchified

This French reading comprehension and activity unit is a great addition to whatever your current curriculum has for food in France. It doesn't focus on the usual things that kids already know about (sandwiches, hamburgers, pizza & fries) but instead has some good additional material.

It includes:

  • 2 reading articles, 1 page each, in both French AND English:
  • one article on fast food in France (fast food, street food, take-out)
  • one article on haute cuisine
  • 1 infographic about dining in France - the order of courses and some rules about manners while eating.


  • 1 internet activity with links for students to research French fast food
  • 1 internet activity with links for students to research fancier food
  • a reading activity on how to read French menus
  • an activity with rubric for students to make their own menus


a complete set of printable 8X10 posters that you could print on a printer or have printed on nice photographic paper - 14 different posters featuring French items such as ratatouille, mousse au chocolat, croissants - but also some newcomers that you will find EVERYWHERE in France - kebab and couscous.


A page with clickable links to some useful resources when learning about French cuisine.

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French houses/apartments cultural unit


Virtual Paris trip - internet activity unit for French

By Frenchified

This internet activity unit has everything you need for your students to plan a virtual trip to Paris! Air travel, hotels, shopping, meals, transportation, museums, spectacles, and budge worksheets - you can use them on a stand-alone basis to address different themes, or together as one big unit. Includes a list of websites that will be useful to complete the project. Planning travel is a useful skill for all students but it's also a fun activity to do.

As your students work their way through the activities, they will be learning about different aspects of planning a trip. They will also learn about the city of Paris and its history and monuments. Each activity addresses a different aspect of trip-planning. Once they've done all of the activities, you can have students turn in the completed activities or put them together in a presentation about their trip. A fun way to learn a useful skill!

While the printable worksheets in this unit are in English, you can use it for more advanced French learners by requiring them to use the French language version of the websites they visit.

Activities in this unit include:

  • Flights to and from Paris
  • Transportation while in Paris
  • Choosing a place to stay - hotel, hostel, AirBNB?
  • Things to do
  • Shopping
  • Museums
  • Shows and Events
  • Dining and food budget
  • Overall budget

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L'école en France.


School in France Internet activity packet - French culture

By Frenchified

This French cultural activity packet will help your students to understand the structure and practical life in the French school system. Different activities will let your students explore the life of a French high school student and compare it to their own experience.

Each activity has links they can use to find the information they need to complete the activity. The links are kept in a Google document that you can share with your students, but each page also has clickable links as well. You can share my links, or if you find particular links you would like them to use, you can give them those instead.

Activities in this unit include:

  • Types of schools and grade levels in France
  • Le Bac (the new reformed one)
  • Le Bac Pro
  • Recent Reforms to the school day
  • Eating lunch in la cantine
  • Daily schedules
  • Report cards
  • the role of the MJC
  • Visit a French high school online
  • Bullying in school
  • A list of school supplies

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Un Voyage à Paris


French reading comprehension activity Le Sport en France

By Frenchified

This French reading comprehension activity unit will teach your students about the role of sports in French as well as some vocabulary about sports.  It includes short articles about professional sports, Paris Saint-Germain, and the sport of Pétanque,

The print version includes:

  • 4-page article in French about sports in France
  • Comprehension questions in English for the readings
  • Identify the sports by reading a description of the sport in French
  • Activity to write about your favorite sport in French
  • Activity to find a sport to play at a French MJC
  • Answer Key
  • Set of printable posters with the name of some sports in French

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Christmas in France magazine and activities for French learners

By Frenchified

Are you looking for a way to teach about the holiday season in France with your students? Would you like your students to learn about the customs and traditions of a French Christmas but you aren't sure where to start? This full-cover printable pdf magazine will help! Share it with your students online, project it to a screen, or print copies (note that there are many photos and backgrounds, it will print best in color).

The pdf magazine has 26 pages of readings and photos so your students can learn about the holiday while staying in the target language. Topics included in the magazine are:

  • Key vocabulary words of the season
  • How to find the perfect gift
  • Food specialties of the season
  • Christmas songs
  • Shopping at the Christmas markets
  • How to spend the holiday like a French person
  • Père Noël, Père Fouettard, and Saint Nicolas - what's the difference?
  • Recipes of the season
  • Important dates
  • How to make Crêpes
  • Winter in France
  • Santons
  • A letter to Père Noël
  • New Year's Eve celebrations

Once you're read the magazine, there is a variety of student activities:

  • Compare and contrast: Christmas in the US vs. France
  • Shopping for gifts
  • Les Vitrines
  • Which one is it: Père Fouettard, Père Noël or Saint Nicolas?
  • Resolutions for the new year
  • Letter to Père Noël
  • Design a santon
  • Vocabulary matching activity
  • True or False

Other holiday products

• Digital Breakout - French Holidays

• Joyeux Noel - digital breakout game for int/adv French learners

• Les Aventures du Père Fouettard - a story for int/adv French learners

• Petit Papa Noel - activities to accompany the song

• Digital game to practice French Christmas vocabulary

• Le Nouvel An - comprehensible input lesson for French learners


French housing - a cultural activity unit French culture

By Frenchified

This cultural activity unit is a great addition to whatever your current curriculum has for housing in France. Learn about the different types of housing available in France and do real-world activities such as finding a house or an apartment, shopping for furniture, and reading a real estate listing.

It includes:

  • 3 reading articles, 1 page each, in both French AND English:
  • one article on renting an apartment in Paris
  • one article on buying "en viager"
  • one article on the differences between French and American houses


  • 1 internet activity with links for students to find a Paris apartment
  • 1 internet activity with links for students to find a house
  • a reading activity on how to read real estate ads
  • an activity with rubric for students to make their own ad


  • a complete set of printable 8X10 posters that you could print on a printer or have printed on nice photographic paper - 14 different posters featuring the rooms of the house as well as things like elevator and digicode.


  • A page with clickable links to some useful resources when learning about French real estate.
  • A page of links to use with the internet activities.

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French Cuisine Cultural Unit


French pets - a French reading comprehension, culture and activity unit

By Frenchified

This French reading comprehension activity unit will teach your students about the role of pet in France with a focus on dogs.  Students will learn about the relationship French people have with their pets as well as some challenges associated with owning a pet.

This printable unit includes:

  • Article about dogs in France (in French & English)
  • Article about the problem of dog poop (French and English)
  • comprehension questions in English about articles
  • infographic in French about pets in France w/comprehension questions
  • Online activity for choosing a pet
  • My perfect pet writing activity
  • Resources page with links to videos and websites
  • Set of 14 printable 8X10 vocabulary posters w/pictures of animals

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French Cuisine Cultural Unit

French houses/apartments cultural unit
