World Languages Centers

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía de HMH 1er grado

By Ms Garcia Store

Magnífico recurso para trabajar 396 palabras de la semana de HMH de primer grado en 36 semanas (11 por semana), tanto las 5 palabras de uso frecuente como 6 de las palabras de ortografía semanales.

¡Descarga gratis el primer módulo de este recurso (3 semanas) al suscribirte a nuestra newsletter!

No hay mejor forma para aprender vocabulario que escribir las palabras tras fijarte minuciósamente en como se escriben.

Tus estudiantes tendrán que buscar con una lupa las palabras diminutas de la semana de HMH ocultas en los dibujos de animales, y las escribirlas en la propia ficha de trabajo. Finalmente podrán escribir una oración utilizando una o varias de las palabras de la semana y colorear el dibujo los que gusten o hayan terminado pronto.


  • Para niños con mayor dificultad a la hora de escribir las palabras escondidas, existe este otro producto donde tan sólo se les requerirá trazar las palabras ya escritas con letra de puntos.

Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de la semana de HMH

  • Ambos productos se pueden adquirir de forma conjunta por un precio muy competente.

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana de HMH

  • Para niños con problemas para ver las palabras debido a su capacidad visual, encontrarás tres archivos PDF con tres tamaños de letra de las palabras ocultas diferente. Utiliza la que más le convenga a cada niño o a tu grupo. Las dos más pequeñas requerirán el uso de lupa, pero la más grande la mayoría podrá leerlas sin necesidad de utilizarla.

Espero que disfruten tus estudiantes de esta actividad tan motivante y me lo hagas saber en tus comentarios.

Otros recursos que podrían ser de tu interés:

⭐ Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

⭐ Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Traza' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

Bundle de las sopas de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' y 'Encuentra y Traza'

⭐ Memorama Palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH

Other HMH resources you might be interested in

Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos que crearon las imágenes utilizadas en la creación de este recurso y su cubierta:

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Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -


Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras HMH de uso frecuente y ortografía 1r grado

By Ms Garcia Store

Magnífico recurso para trabajar 396 palabras de la semana de HMH de primer grado en 36 semanas (11 por semana), tanto las 5 palabras de uso frecuente como 6 de las palabras de ortografía semanales.

No hay mejor forma para aprender vocabulario que escribir las palabras tras fijarte minuciósamente en como se escriben.

¡Descarga el primer módulo de este recurso (3 semanas) al suscribirte a nuestra newsletter!

Tus estudiantes tendrán que buscar con una lupa las palabras diminutas de la semana de HMH ocultas en los dibujos de animales, marcarlas con un círculo o línea, y trazar las palabras escritas con letra de puntos en el margen derecho. Además podrán escribir una oración utilizando una o varias de las palabras de la semana y colorear el dibujo los que gusten o hayan terminado pronto.


  • Para niños con mayor facilidad a la hora de trazar las palabras escondidas, existe este otro producto donde se les requerirá escribir las 11 palabras en 11 huecos en blanco.

Encuentra y escribe las palabras de la semana de HMH

  • Ambos productos se pueden adquirir de forma conjunta por un precio muy competente.

Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana de HMH

  • Para niños con problemas para ver las palabras debido a su capacidad visual, encontrarás tres archivos PDF con tres tamaños de letra de las palabras ocultas diferente. Utiliza la que más le convenga a cada niño o a tu grupo. Las dos más pequeñas requerirán el uso de lupa, pero la más grande la mayoría podrá leerlas sin necesidad de utilizarla.

Espero que disfruten tus estudiantes de esta actividad tan motivante y me lo hagas saber en tus comentarios.

Otros recursos que podrían ser de tu interés:

⭐ Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

⭐ Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Traza' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

⭐ Bundle de las sopas de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' y 'Encuentra y Traza'

⭐ Memorama Palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía HMH

Other HMH resources you might be interested in

Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos que crearon las imágenes utilizadas en la creación de este recurso y su cubierta:

Kids doodle vector created by brgfx -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -

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Vector de felino creado por brgfx -

Dinosaur vector created by brgfx -

Simple illustration vector created by freepik -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -


1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

By Ms Garcia Store

Printable Centers and Worksheets for the First Grade Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH.

English Set

Teach and learn the 400 High-frequency and Decodable Words and the 300 Spelling Words in 36 weeks with a fun and complete set of centers and worksheets.



Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

I Spy HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

SPELLING WORDS (300 words)

Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

Memory Game HMH Spelling Words

I Spy HMH Spelling Words (and more activities)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the spelling words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Spanish Set (396 words)

Enseña y aprende con este magnifico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía de primer grado. En ellos se trabajan 11 palabras cada semana por medio de entretenidos juegos que mantendrán el interés de tus alumnos.

Las 11 palabras semanales están compuestas por las 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En cojunto son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.


  • Fichas diárias Palabras de uso frecuente HMH
  • Fichas de trabajo de Palabras de Ortografía HMH (nuevo)
  • Juego del veo veo (y otras actividades propuestas)
  • Sopas de letras (con dos distintas fichas)
  • Ruleta de las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (Escribe las palabras)
  • Ruleta de las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (Traza las palabras)
  • Encuentra con lupa y escribe las palabras de la semana (con dos distintas fichas por semana, una para que tracen la palabra y otra para que la escriban)
  • Memorama de las palabras de uso frequente y ortografía

Este bundle queda abierto a futuros centros con lo que, con su llegada, su valor subirá con el tiempo. Comprando este recurso, tendrás acceso a futuros centros añadidos a este bundle.

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de la semana del programa HMH en primer grado! Con entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan en las 11 palabras semanales.

Cada semana se trabajan 11 palabras, que incluyen 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En total, son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.


- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH

- Fichas de trabajo para palabras de ortografía (nuevo)

- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas

- Sopas de letras (con dos fichas diferentes)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (escribir las palabras)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (trazar las palabras)

- Encuentra con lupa y escribe las palabras de la semana (con dos fichas diferentes por semana, una para trazar la palabra y otra para escribirla)

- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras HMH de Primer Grado

Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Image by upklyak on Freepik


Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de la semana de Primer Grado

By Ms Garcia Store

Magnífico recurso para trabajar 396 palabras de la semana de HMH de primer grado en 36 semanas (11 por semana), tanto las 5 palabras de uso frecuente como 6 de las palabras de ortografía semanales.

No hay mejor forma para aprender vocabulario que escribir las palabras tras fijarte minuciósamente en como se escriben.

Dos posibles actividades:

1. Encuentra y escribe: Tus estudiantes tendrán que buscar con una lupa las palabras diminutas de la semana de HMH ocultas en los dibujos de animales y escribirlas en el margen derecho. Además podrán escribir una oración utilizando una o varias de las palabras de la semana y colorear el dibujo los que gusten o hayan terminado pronto.

¡Descarga gratis el primer módulo de este recurso (3 semanas) al suscribirte a nuestra newsletter!

2. Encuentra, marca y traza: Tus estudiantes tendrán que buscar con una lupa las palabras diminutas de la semana de HMH ocultas en los dibujos de animales, marcarlas con un círculo o línea, y trazar las palabras escritas con letra de puntos en el margen derecho. Además podrán escribir una oración utilizando una o varias de las palabras de la semana y colorear el dibujo los que gusten o hayan terminado pronto.

¡Descarga gratis el primer módulo de este recurso (3 semanas) al suscribirte a nuestra newsletter!


  • Para niños con mayor facilidad a la hora de trazar las palabras escondidas, utilizaremos las fichas de "Encuentra y escribe", mientras que para el restro podríamos optar por las fichas de "Encuentra, marca y traza"
  • Ambos productos se pueden adquirir por separado.
  • Para niños con problemas para ver las palabras debido a su capacidad visual, encontrarás tres archivos PDF con tres tamaños de letra de las palabras ocultas diferente. Utiliza la que más le convenga a cada niño o a tu grupo. Las dos más pequeñas requerirán el uso de lupa, pero la más grande la mayoría podrá leerlas sin necesidad de utilizarla.

Espero que disfruten tus estudiantes de esta actividad tan motivante y me lo hagas saber en tus comentarios.

Otros recursos que podrían ser de tu interés:

Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

Sopa de letras 'Encuentra y Traza' de Palabras de Uso Frecuente y Ortografía de HMH

Bundle de las sopas de letras 'Encuentra y Escribe' y 'Encuentra y Traza'

Other HMH resources you might be interested in

Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos que crearon las imágenes utilizadas en la creación de este recurso y su cubierta:

Kids doodle vector created by brgfx -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -

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Vector de pez de colores creado por brgfx -

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Vector de felino creado por brgfx -

Dinosaur vector created by brgfx -

Simple illustration vector created by freepik -

Animal coloring vector created by brgfx -


French core hobbies, pastimes & sports planifier une activité avec des amis FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your French Second Language (FSL) curriculum with this convenient resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, and events (les passe-temps, les événements, les sports, les loisirs). These comprehensive activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters.

Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message examples for interactive learning
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on les mots interrogatifs où, quand, qui, et combien

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French clothing voc. activities speaking writing core basic FSL Les vêtements

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your French classroom (FSL) with this basic clothing resource, packed with six activities to get students speaking and writing! These activities encourage them to engage with their peers while applying basic vocabulary and grammar structures in a fun and relevant context. In this resource, students will dive into the world of shopping and clothing while developing their language proficiency.

Suggested Activities:

First, students conduct a survey on favorite clothing items among their classmates. Next they can channel their inner fashion critic by writing fashion critiques for their favorite celebrities. After students get a budget and they can shop online to make a complete outfit within this budget. Next students will plan a trip by packing a suitcase with different items suitable for each destination or season (Dans ma valise, il y a…). To strengthen their oral proficiency, there are four dialogue templates for students to practice speaking. Finally, students can showcase their own style by using our social media template. 

This resource includes the following:

A teacher overview of suggested activities

Six templates/models to give visual support for suggested activities

Grammar practice - present tense verb mettre/porter and aimer in the negative/ Les adverbes de fréquence

Four dialogues to practice speaking 

Bonus- Four low prep worksheets which include following the directions to color and answering simple questions

A variety of present tense verbs

adverbs- ne...jamais, souvent, toujours, parfois

Limited conditional

These activities are for a beginners who have basic understanding of grammar and sentence structure using the present tense. Intermediate students should be able to do the work independently and in greater depth.

You may also like the following resources:

French basic I clothing vocabulary Introduction

French Clothing and Fashion Speaking Question Du Jour

French Clothing and Fashion Projects

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL hobbies, pastimes & sports plan an activity with friends speaking EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your English Second Language (ESL) teaching with this comprehensive resource designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters.

Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity, writing practice or skits to perform. After students plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to write simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message with activity suggestions
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included (English only & French/English)
  • A focus is on question words- who, when, where, how much?

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL basic personal questions & information on people reading activity low prep !

By The Librarian's Language Loft

This English Second Language ESL ELL EAL resource helps to review basic personal questions and information. This low prep resource adds problem solving and movement in to a second language classroom. Cards share personal information about each student suspect (i.e. favorite subject, pet's name, favorite food, ...). Each card gives a question, but the answer is found on an unknown card. The scavenger hunt begins!

**Please read the sample card in the pictures to check for language level.**


Say goodbye to dull worksheets and embrace a mystery-solving adventure. Your students will explore 10 centers, piecing together clues, and unveiling the mystery of the school computer hacker. This activity can work as task cards or stations. Place cards on the walls or scatter on tables around the room. Students must visit and read each card in order to answer the questions (i.e. find the clues left by the student hacker).

Watch as your students eagerly move, collaborate, and dive into critical thinking. The Scavenger Hunt Challenge not only sparks curiosity but also fosters essential problem-solving skills.


Teacher overview

Student mission and directions (read together for lower language levels)

Answer Keys for teacher

Two student handouts to fill in collection information

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French clothing les vêtements activities games and printables for basic FSL core

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Introducing a beginner low-prep FSL French resource on clothing, designed to make teaching and learning engaging! This unit introduces vocabulary and grammar related to clothing items. To reinforce and practice the new vocabulary, various printable worksheets are provided that cater to different learning styles. To make learning even more exciting, there are game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of clothing vocabulary.


Teacher overview which includes game suggestions

48 flashcards of basic clothing and accessories

Various worksheets for students to practice writing the clothing vocabulary words 

Basic dialogues ( for students to practice speaking)

Two simple writing prompt options for sentences about clothing

Basic grammar practice worksheets for the verbs porter, aimer and colors as adjectives

Additional instructional slideshow -porter, aimer and colors as adjectives

To further develop listening skills, a basic listening activity is included where students will listen to descriptions of clothing items and color the corresponding pictures.

You may also like the following resources:

French basic II clothing activities

French Clothing and Fashion Speaking Question Du Jour

French Clothing and Fashion Projects

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL Christmas writing speaking activities ugly sweater and more English EAL!

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Simplify your December planning with this ESL resource designed to immerse your students in the holiday spirit with topics like design your ugly Christmas sweater and later vote for your favorite amongst classmates. Holiday themed flashcards are included to help with simple speaking activities such as design your own gingerbread house. There are also various drawing activities. This resource is versatile for whole-class, partner, or station-based activities.


- Teacher overview

-Holiday vocabulary with images (flashcards) and suggested activities.

-Design your own ugly Christmas sweater

-Vote for your favorite ugly sweater

-Follow directions to color and draw 

-Listen and vote for their favorite Christmas music

-Create your own elf and design an outfit for them

-Apply to be an elf at the North Pole

-Become a toy tester

-Write about yourself during the holidays including your favorite meal and activities.

-Suggested wordless short film with questions


Holiday and Christmas words

Basic Body Parts

Some winter clothing

Present tense verbs 

Limited use of the conditional

*Please note you must have access to Youtube to play the music videos. The music links are editable and can be changed.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL body parts color speaking writing basic EAL describing monsters Halloween

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your classroom with this ESL resource to review body parts, colors, and basic grammar. It is packed with activities to get students drawing, speaking and writing! Students will create a monster, describe a monster to a friend and vote for their favorite class monster. Finally, there are fun activities with flashcards, "Guess who?" and task cards to get your students interacting in English.

This low prep resource includes the following:

-Five sheets to practice body part vocabulary

-Twenty-seven flashcards to support review games

-Three colored "Guess who?" monster boards to practice descriptions

-A "Guess who?" template to help students ask questions

-A voting template for students - vote for their favorite monster

-Two template options to write about your monster

-Two drawing activities (read or write)

-Twenty-seven task cards for a creative listening and drawing activity

Vocabulary and grammar practice:

body parts


present tense


practice with basic descriptions

***These activities are for beginners who have basic understanding of grammar and sentence structure using the present tense. Intermediate students should be able to do the work independently and in greater depth.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL months seasons days numbers 1-30 emotions clothing basic english EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Simplify your English Second Language (ESL) classroom planning with this basic vocabulary review (MEGA bundle). Add some fun to language learning with scavenger hunts and an Escape challenge, perfect for engaging low prep lessons. Reinforce basic vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, and fun games. These printable resources are versatile, making them ideal for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days.

12 engaging basic vocabulary resources:



School (2 resources)



Locations and Places

Winter clothing and sports

Emotions and feelings

Resource 1: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Scavenger Hunt

Included in this resource:

"Question Hunt": (see example of language level in photos)

Interactive scavenger hunt activity.

Twenty BASIC English question-and-answer pairs.

Adds learning and movement to an ESL class.

Memories Keepsake Craft: All about me!

Heart-shaped template and envelope to be printed on cardstock.

Students personalize with information and doodles.

Fun Activity Sheets:

Perfect for early finishers or Fun Fridays.

Discover a “mystery word or code” answer by completing the sheets correctly.

Encourage friendly competition and engagement.

Your Answers in Color (2 options):

Answer questions to find the corresponding colors.

Color in the sections of the pictures based on answers.

A relaxing and enjoyable activity for any time of year.

Cootie catcher: Foldable activity

Two cootie catcher options for students to use. Students can make a cootie catcher with activity statements inside (ex: Turn 5 times.) or they can make their own personalized verison with simple questions (ex. How are you ?)

Resource 2: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Escape Room
What's Included :

Escape Challenge Task Cards with 4 digit code (5 ways to use):

  • Twenty-four questions with some trivia.
  • Perfect for adding movement and interactive learning to your ESL class.
  • Versatile usage: these cards can be adapted for Scoot, Exit questions, or other review games.

Twelve Review Worksheets:

  • Twelve worksheets to reinforce fundamental vocabulary, including numbers, colors, months, days of the week, basic questions and answers.
  • Ideal for reinforcing and consolidating basic English vocabulary.

Resource 3: Hobbies

Spark your students' creativity in English as a Second Language (ESL) with this hobby and pastime-themed resource! Designed to enhance speaking and writing skills while reinforcing basic English vocabulary, this resource offers a variety of engaging activities. From worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing for project

-Flashcards (45) for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (i.e. skits, a discussion template, "Find someone who", a class survey, partner interviews...)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice or low prep substitute plans (10 plus pages)

-Mini- project templates (water bottle theme)

-Vocabulary practice focuses on pastimes, hobbies and locations

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your ESL class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 4: Locations and Places

This ESL (English as a second language) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in English. This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic English vocabulary.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for I have..Who has...?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

Resource 5: Emotions and Feelings

This ESL English as a second language resource has activities to encourage conversation on emotions while improving language skills (SEL or Social Emotional Learning). Students can write in a daily feeling's notebook, think about what activities make them feel better and write down their preferred activities. There are several sheets to practice writing emotion vocabulary and grammar. Finally there are templates for a mini project where students can reflect on their emotional choices.


- Teacher overview

-Two formats for writing "My Feeling's Notebook"

-Images and a supporting list to discuss "things that help make you feel better"

-Five worksheet options for beginner students to practice writing new vocabulary and grammar

-Two simple skits to practice new vocabulary

-Two templates for a final mini project

-18 emoji emotion flashcards

Resource 6: Clothing

Introducing a beginner low-prep ESL English resource on clothing, designed to make teaching and learning engaging! This unit provides everything you need to introduce vocabulary and grammar related to clothing items. 

To reinforce and practice the new vocabulary, various printable worksheets are provided that cater to different learning styles. To make learning even more exciting, there are game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of clothing vocabulary.


Teacher overview which includes game suggestions

48 flashcards of basic clothing and accessories (North American and British vocabulary included)

Various worksheets for students to practice writing the clothing vocabulary words

Basic dialogues ( for students to practice speaking)

Two simple writing prompt options for sentences about their clothing

Basic grammar practice for the verbs to like and to wear in present tense- including the negative

Opportunities for students to share their opinion of some fashion ( I like, I don’t like)

To further develop listening skills, there is a basic listening activity where students will listen to descriptions of clothing items and color the corresponding pictures.

Resource 7: Winter Sports and Clothing

Enrich your ESL (ESL Second Language) lessons with this basic winter vocabulary resource. Students can practice key winter words with 54 flashcards and game suggestions. The "print and go" worksheets work well for emergency substitute plans, center activities, or low-prep days.


-54 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)

-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards

-Flyswatter Smash /Board Slap- includes images to project on board

-Seven low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary

-Substitute plan suggestions included

There are several game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" flashcard game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of basic vocabulary. Inside this resource, there are suggestions to keep your students motivated and actively engaged in their language learning journey. 

Resource 8 : Body parts and colors

Enhance your classroom with this ESL resource to review body parts, colors, and basic grammar. It is packed with activities to get students drawing, speaking and writing! Students will create a monster, describe a monster to a friend and vote for their favorite class monster. Finally, there are fun activities with flashcards, "Guess who?" and task cards to get your students interacting in English.

This low prep resource includes the following:

-Five sheets to practice body part vocabulary

-Twenty-seven flashcards to support review games

-Three colored "Guess who?" monster boards to practice descriptions

-A "Guess who?" template to help students ask questions

-A voting template for students - vote for their favorite monster

-Two template options to write about your monster

-Two drawing activities (read or write)

-Twenty-seven task cards for a creative listening and drawing activity

Vocabulary and grammar practice:

body parts


present tense


practice with basic descriptions

Resource 9: Colors, shapes, and numbers with a cake theme

This cake themed ESL (English as a second language) resource encourages speaking and writing while focusing on basic personal questions and information. There are also various worksheets to practice colors, shapes, numbers 1-31, and the months of the year. There are engaging templates included which focus on designing a personalized cake. Students can pick a theme and a create a cake design. A vocabulary list and various templates support students with writing about their cake design. Finally, there are 20 basic student profile cards to be used for a mini scavenger hunt activity. Students can practice asking questions such as the following:

How old is he/she?

When is his/her birthday?

What is his/her favorite color?

What is his/her favorite hobby or pastime?

This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic vocabulary. Students enjoy being creative as they add artwork and sentences to their cake design.


-Teacher overview

-Vocabulary list and templates to support writing

-Flashcards to display colors and basic shapes

-Scavenger hunt with 20 student profile cards (with Student charts to complete)

-10 worksheets to review numbers, colors and months of the year

-Mini- project- Design a Cake

Helpful with cake template:

Scissors, tape, colored pencils, and printed templates

This cake activity can be done over several classes, by starting your ESL class off each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 10 : School

Enhance your ESL (English Second Language) classroom with this basic school vocabulary resource. Practice school supply vocabulary with 36 flashcards for engaging games. Perfect for reinforcing vocabulary with mystery word worksheets, word searches, drawing and games. Printables work well for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days. Finally, students can design their own locker and write sentences to describe it.


-36 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)

-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards

-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board

-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords and more )

-Mini-project- design and write about your locker (template and example)

-An editable sub plan

There are several game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" flashcard game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of basic vocabulary. Inside this resource, there are suggestions to keep your students motivated and actively engaged in their language learning journey. 

Resource 11 : School Subjects, school items and spaces in a school

This basic English Second Language (ESL) resource reviews vocabulary with a focus on basic school subjects, school items, and spaces in a school. Practice school vocabulary with 39 flashcards for engaging games. With this resource you can practice vocabulary with mystery word worksheets, word searches, a crossword and a scavenger hunt. Worksheets work well for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days. Students can practice speaking with 3 dialogue suggestions. Students can also label school spaces and do a scavenger hunt.


-39 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)

-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards

-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board

-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crossword and more )

-Three simple skits to practice speaking

-School room signs to label spaces in the building and a basic scavenger hunt

-An editable sub plan - basic sheets for written vocabulary practice

Please look at the language level in the thumbnails before purchasing.

This resource is designed to make reviewing basic vocabulary not only effective but also enjoyable, ensuring your students stay motivated and excited about their language learning journey.

Resource 12: Months, days and seaso

Enhance your ESL (English as a Second Language) lessons with this basic resource on the months, the days and the seasons. This toolkit includes engaging activities like celebrity birthday profiles, class birthday polls, and dialogues. Perfect for vocabulary practice, emergency sub plans, and speaking exercises. There is lot's of opportunity for writing and reviewing the months, days of the week and the seasons.


-Review core vocabulary - Low prep worksheets for students to practice the key vocabulary (word search, crosswords, worksheets, trivia ... )

-Research a month Activity

-Class survey on birthdays

- Celebrity Profile

-Find the birthdate activity

-Mini- Project- Create a zine foldable booklet by using the included template.

Speaking activities:

"Do you like ___? Yes, I like ___ No, I don't like ___
"When is ______'s birthday? His/her birthday is ___"
"When is your birthday? My birthday is ____"
"What is the date today? "

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French months days school seasons colors emotions clothes basic core FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Twelve basic French (core) vocabulary resources:

Simplify your French Second Language (FSL) classroom planning with this basic vocabulary review MEGA bundle. Add some fun to language learning with scavenger hunts and an Escape challenge, perfect for engaging low prep lessons. Reinforce basic vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, and fun games. These printable resources are versatile, making them ideal for sub plans, center activities, or low-prep days.




School (2 resources)



Locations and Places

Winter clothing and sports

Emotions and feelings

Resource 1: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Scavenger Hunt

Included in this resource:

"Question Hunt": (see example of language level in photos)

Interactive scavenger hunt activity.

Twenty BASIC French question-and-answer pairs.

Adds learning and movement to an FSL class.

Memories Keepsake Craft: All about me!

Heart-shaped template and envelope to be printed on cardstock.

Students personalize with information and doodles.

Fun Activity Sheets:

Perfect for early finishers or Fun Fridays.

Discover a “mystery word or code” answer by completing the sheets correctly.

Encourage friendly competition and engagement.

Your Answers in Color (2 options):

Answer questions to find the corresponding colors.

Color in the sections of the pictures based on answers.

A relaxing and enjoyable activity for any time of year.

Cootie catcher: Foldable activity

Two cootie catcher options for students to use. Students can make a cootie catcher with activity statements inside (ex: Turn 5 times.) or they can make their own personalized verison with simple questions (ex. How are you ?)

Resource 2: Basic Vocabulary Review plus Escape Room
What's Included :

Escape Challenge Task Cards with 4 digit code (5 ways to use):

  • Twenty-four questions with some trivia.
  • Perfect for adding movement and interactive learning to your FSL class.
  • Versatile usage: these cards can be adapted for Scoot, Exit questions, or other review games.

Twelve Review Worksheets:

  • Twelve worksheets to reinforce fundamental vocabulary, including numbers, colors, months, days of the week, basic questions and answers.
  • Ideal for reinforcing and consolidating basic French vocabulary.

School objects and subjects

Enhance language learning with flashcards, perfect for engaging games and interactive lessons. Reinforce basic school vocabulary with intriguing activities such as mystery word worksheets, word searches, drawing exercises, and fun games. Unlock creativity as students personalize their learning by designing their own locker and crafting sentences to describe it.

Resource 3: Personal school Supplies
-36 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)
-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards
-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board
-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords, drawing and more )
-Mini-project- design and write about your locker (template and example)
-An editable sub plan - sheets work even if your substitute does not speak French

Resource 4: School subjects and places

This French Second Language (FSL) resource reviews vocabulary with a focus on basic school subjects, larger school items, and areas in a school. Students can practice speaking with 3 dialogue suggestions. Students can also label school spaces and do a scavenger hunt.


-39 flashcards (flashcards can be used for a multitude of language games)

-Answer response sheet included for Scoot with flashcards

-Flyswatter Smash /Slap- includes one image to project on board

-Ten low prep worksheets for students to practice the new vocabulary (mystery word vocabulary match, word search, crosswords and more )

-Three simple skits to practice speaking

-School room signs to label spaces in the building and a basic scavenger hunt

Resource 5: Emotions

This core French (FSL) resource has activities to encourage conversation on emotions while improving language skills (SEL or l'apprentissage social et émotionnel). Students can write in a daily emotions notebook, think about what activities make them feel better and write down their preferred activities. There are several sheets to practice writing emotion vocabulary and grammar. Finally there are templates for a mini project where students can reflex their emotional choices.


- Teacher overview

-Two formats for writing "Mon carnet d’émotions"

-Images and a supporting list to discuss "things that help make you feel better"

-Seven worksheet options for beginner students to practice writing new vocabulary and grammar (avoir/être)

-Two simple skits to practice new vocabulary

-Two templates for a final mini project

-18 emoji emotion flashcards


Present tense verbs/limited conditional

1 French/English lexique to help with writing - "activities that make you happy" and additional emotions

Resource 6:

This cake themed basic FSL (French as a second language) resource encourages speaking and writing while reviewing personal questions and information. There are also various worksheets to practice colors, shapes, numbers 1-30, and the months of the year. There are engaging templates included which focus on designing a personalized cake. Students can pick a theme and a create a cake design. A vocabulary list and various templates support students with writing about their cake design. Finally, there are 20 basic student profile cards to be used for a mini scavenger hunt activity. Students can practice asking questions such as the following:

Quel est son âge ?

Quand est son anniversaire ?

Quelle est sa couleur préférée ?

Quel est son passe-temps préféré ?

This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review core French vocabulary. Students enjoy being creative as they add artwork and French sentences to their cake design.


-Teacher overview

-Vocabulary list and templates to support writing

-Flashcards to display colors and basic shapes

-Scavenger hunt with 20 student profile cards (with Student charts to complete)

-10 worksheets to review numbers, colors and months of the year (ex. crosswords, listening and coloring activities)

-Mini- project- Créer un gâteau

Helpful with cake template:

Scissors, tape, colored pencils, and printed templates

This cake activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 7 : Clothes

Introducing a beginner low-prep FSL French resource on clothing, designed to make teaching and learning engaging! This unit introduces vocabulary and grammar related to clothing items. To reinforce and practice the new vocabulary, various printable worksheets are provided that cater to different learning styles. To make learning even more exciting, there are game suggestions included that will have your students actively participating in a friendly learning environment. From the classic "Memory" game to the interactive "Flyswatter Smash" game, students will have a blast while reinforcing their understanding of clothing vocabulary.


Teacher overview which includes game suggestions

48 flashcards of basic clothing and accessories

Various worksheets for students to practice writing the clothing vocabulary words 

Basic dialogues ( for students to practice speaking)

Two simple writing prompt options for sentences about clothing

Basic grammar practice worksheets for the verbs porter, aimer and colors as adjectives

Additional instructional slideshow -porter, aimer and colors as adjectives

To further develop listening skills, a basic listening activity is included where students will listen to descriptions of clothing items and color the corresponding pictures.

Resource 8:

Resource 9 :

Resource 10 :

Resource 11:

Resource 12:
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French hobbies pastimes locations loisir sports le verb aller endroit core FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your core French Second Language (FSL) curriculum with this convenient resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, locations and events (les passe-temps, les événements, les sports, les loisirs, les endroits, le verb aller). These comprehensive activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. These 6 resource also encourages conversation while expanding core vocabulary with the "question du jour". Encourage creativity with writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal preparation required, this resource includes activities to reinforce basic vocabulary both orally and in writing. Whether for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans, this versatile resource helps to foster language proficiency.

Resource 1:

Start your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This French resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question du Jour"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Optional use of the conditional

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Trouve quelqu'un qui", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message examples for interactive learning
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on les mots interrogatifs où, quand, qui, et combien

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

Resource 4: Locations and Places

This core French (FSL) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in French. This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic French vocabulary.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for J'ai...Qui a..?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

Resource 5: Scavenger Hunt and Escape Room Task cards -Locations

Included in this Resource:

  • Chasse au Trésor (Scavenger Hunt): Interactive scavenger hunt activity focused on locations. An activity where students complete sentences by finding the matching answer on another card (e.g., "Quand je suis malade, je vais ______"). This helps reinforce their understanding of when and why certain locations are visited.
  • Jeu d'évasion- Escape room task cards: This printable task card activity includes 16 questions about locations. Students race to find the final 4-digit answer! Hang the task cards on the wall, place them on desks, or pass them around. Each answer will be decoded and recorded on a student answer sheet. The task cards are broken down into 4 levels with 4 puzzle types (decoders). Use these task cards for a partner escape room activity, SCOOT, scavenger hunt, or stations. There are countless ways to set it up, allowing students to be out of their seats, moving around, and learning!
  • Guess the Location Game: A game where students use four hints (Cheveux, Coiffeur, Ciseaux, Shampooing) to guess a specific location.
  • Mystery Maze Sheet: Students problem solve to find their way out of maze with questions on locations.
  • Skit: Students can use the skit outline to build their own conversations in French.

Resource 6: Le verb aller

Perfect for French as a Second Language (FSL) classrooms, this versatile packet offers a mix of worksheets, games, and engaging activities to help learners master the verb aller in the present tense (and some futur proche). Whether you're looking for a no-prep solution for busy days, sub plans, or interactive center work, this resource is your go-to!

What's Included:

Worksheets with a unique twist!

  • Color by number verb practice
  • Complete the maze with the verb aller
  • 30 fill-in-the blank flashcards to use in activities such as Scoot or partner work

Escape Challenge Task Cards

  • 24 fill-in-the-blank questions with the verb aller
  • Inject some fun with an interactive 4-digit code activity to add movement and excitement to your classroom.
  • Cards also work for Exit tickets or other review games.

4 Practice Worksheets

  • Questions to reinforce verb conjugations.
  • Short-answer questions and reading comprehension activities.
  • Writing practice with negative sentences in the present tense.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL hobbies pastimes location activities sports speaking & writing basic EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your English Second Language (ESL) curriculum with these 5 practical resources focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, events and locations. These engaging activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events with friends. The resource promotes conversation and expands core vocabulary through the "question of the day." It encourages creativity with skits, writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities and location. With minimal prep needed, this resource offers activities to practice vocabulary both orally and in writing. Perfect for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans.

Resource 1:

Start your ESL class off each day with a Question of the day. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This ESL resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question of the day"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Find someone who...", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview
  • 14 text message examples
  • 6 event poster examples
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on question words "How much? Who? Where?"

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

Resource 4: Locations for hobbies

This ESL (English as a second language) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in English.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for I have..Who has...?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

Resource 5: Scavenger Hunt and Escape Room Task Cards- Location

Included in this Resource:

  • Scavenger Hunt: Interactive scavenger hunt activity focused on locations. An activity where students complete sentences by finding the matching answer on another card (e.g., "When I am sick, I go to the ______"). This helps reinforce their understanding of when and why certain locations are visited.
  • Escape room task cards: This printable task card activity includes 16 questions about locations. Students race to find the final 4-digit answer! Hang the task cards on the wall, place them on desks, or pass them around. Each answer will be decoded and recorded on a student answer sheet. The task cards are broken down into 4 levels with 4 puzzle types (decoders). Use these task cards for a partner escape room activity, SCOOT, scavenger hunt, or stations. There are countless ways to set it up, allowing students to be out of their seats, moving around, and learning!
  • Guess the Location Game: A game where students use four hints (hair, shampoo, scissors, hairstylist) to guess a specific location.
  • Mystery Maze Sheet: Students problem solve to find their way out of maze with questions on locations.
  • Skit: Students can use the skit outline to build their own conversations in English.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French hobbies pastimes locations loisir sports passe-temps endroit core FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your core French Second Language (FSL) curriculum with this convenient resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, locations and events (les passe-temps, les événements, les sports, les loisirs, les endroits). These comprehensive activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. These 5 resource also encourages conversation while expanding core vocabulary with the "question du jour". Encourage creativity with writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal preparation required, this resource includes activities to reinforce basic vocabulary both orally and in writing. Whether for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans, this versatile resource helps to foster language proficiency.

Resource 1:

Start your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This French resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question du Jour"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Optional use of the conditional

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Trouve quelqu'un qui", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message examples for interactive learning
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on les mots interrogatifs où, quand, qui, et combien

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

Resource 4: Locations and Places

This core French (FSL) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in French. This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic French vocabulary.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for J'ai...Qui a..?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

Resource 5: Scavenger Hunt and Escape Room Task cards -Locations

Included in this Resource:

  • Chasse au Trésor (Scavenger Hunt): Interactive scavenger hunt activity focused on locations. An activity where students complete sentences by finding the matching answer on another card (e.g., "Quand je suis malade, je vais ______"). This helps reinforce their understanding of when and why certain locations are visited.
  • Jeu d'évasion- Escape room task cards: This printable task card activity includes 16 questions about locations. Students race to find the final 4-digit answer! Hang the task cards on the wall, place them on desks, or pass them around. Each answer will be decoded and recorded on a student answer sheet. The task cards are broken down into 4 levels with 4 puzzle types (decoders). Use these task cards for a partner escape room activity, SCOOT, scavenger hunt, or stations. There are countless ways to set it up, allowing students to be out of their seats, moving around, and learning!
  • Guess the Location Game: A game where students use four hints (Cheveux, Coiffeur, Ciseaux, Shampooing) to guess a specific location.
  • Mystery Maze Sheet: Students problem solve to find their way out of maze with questions on locations.
  • Skit: Students can use the skit outline to build their own conversations in French.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL hobbies pastimes location activities sports speaking & writing basic EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your English Second Language (ESL) curriculum with this practical resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, events and locations. These engaging activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events with friends. The resource promotes conversation and expands core vocabulary through the "question of the day." It encourages creativity with skits, writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal prep needed, this resource offers activities to practice vocabulary both orally and in writing. Perfect for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans.

Resource 1:

Start your ESL class off each day with a Question of the day. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This ESL resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question of the day"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Find someone who...", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview
  • 14 text message examples
  • 6 event poster examples
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on question words "How much? Who? Where?"

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

Resource 4: Locations for hobbies

This ESL (English as a second language) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in English.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for I have..Who has...?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


French hobbies pastimes locations loisir sports passe-temps endroit core FSL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your core French Second Language (FSL) curriculum with this convenient resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, locations and events (les passe-temps, les événements, les sports, les loisirs, les endroits). These comprehensive activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events among friends. This resource also encourages conversation while expanding core vocabulary with the "question du jour". Encourage creativity with writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal preparation required, this resource includes activities to reinforce basic vocabulary both orally and in writing. Whether for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans, this versatile resource helps to foster language proficiency.

Resource 1:

Start your FSL class off each day with a “Question du jour”. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This French resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question du Jour"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Optional use of the conditional

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Trouve quelqu'un qui", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your FSL class each day with a “Question du jour”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview for easy implementation
  • 14 text message examples for interactive learning
  • 6 event poster examples to stimulate creativity
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on les mots interrogatifs où, quand, qui, et combien

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

Resource 4: Locations and Places

This core French (FSL) resource reviews vocabulary related to common locations, places, or buildings. There are many suggested activities and games to get your students speaking and writing in French. This print and go resource takes the stress out of your week as you review basic French vocabulary.


-Teacher overview in English with suggested games and activities

-Game suggestions and partner activities (i.e.Cards for J'ai...Qui a..?, Sentence matching, Scoot, memory card game, Twenty questions)

-45 Flashcards of common locations (for games or to display in class)

-5 worksheets to practice new vocabulary (i.e. crosswords, word search, fill in the blank)

-Two skit formats

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement


ESL hobbies pastimes activities sports speaking & writing basic EAL ELL

By The Librarian's Language Loft

Enhance your English Second Language (ESL) curriculum with this practical resource focused on hobbies, pastimes, sports, and events. These engaging activities are designed to reinforce basic vocabulary related to planning activities and events with friends. The resource promotes conversation and expands core vocabulary through the "question of the day." It encourages creativity with skits, writing prompts and project ideas centered around favorite activities. With minimal prep needed, this resource offers activities to practice vocabulary both orally and in writing. Perfect for whole class discussions, partner activities, or substitute plans.

Resource 1:

Start your ESL class off each day with a Question of the day. It is a great way to get students talking and help you to establish a low stress routine. This ESL resource works as either a daily warm up or bell ringer activities.


- Teacher overview

-New vocabulary with engaging images

-Over 55 suggestions for "Question of the day"  

-Writing or project ideas 


Sports, activities and hobbies


Present tense verbs 

Weather and calendar questions

Resource 2:

This resource offers a variety of engaging activities from worksheets for practicing key vocabulary to speaking opportunities through a class survey, discussion templates, and skits, your students will have ample chances to develop their language skills. They can even showcase their writing by creating personalized descriptions of their pastimes, perfect for presentation on a water bottle design.


-Teacher overview in Englisih

-Vocabulary list and templates/models to support writing

-Flashcards for many hobbies and pastimes

-Speaking activities (skits, discussion template, "Find someone who...", & class survey)

-Description of games to play with flashcards

-Print and go worksheets for written practice (8 pages)

-Mini- project templates

This "water bottle" mini project activity can be done over several classes, by starting your class each day with a “Question of the day”. Students write down their answers each day to add to their final written project.

Resource 3:

This user-friendly resource facilitates engaging classroom activities using text message conversations and event posters. Featuring fourteen text message conversations that can be easily printed and displayed around the classroom, students fill in tables and a daily schedule while reading each conversation. This can work as a scavenger hunt activity. After students can plan their own ideal week schedule filled with amazing events. Additionally, students will work with six event posters to craft simple skits, answer questions, and design their own event posters, fostering creativity and language proficiency.

Key Features:

  • Teacher overview
  • 14 text message examples
  • 6 event poster examples
  • Questions on personal preferences and a skit template
  • 6 suggested activities for speaking, reading and writing
  • Student handouts for efficient information collection
  • Vocabulary list included
  • Present tense verbs
  • A focus is on question words "How much? Who? Where?"

Be sure to preview the sample card in the pictures for language level reference.

** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**

Follow me @thelibrarians.playground on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for teacher tips. Follow the Librarian’s Playground with Ms.G on Teachers Pay teacher for updates on new products. Email me with any questions or suggestions for improvement
