Welcome Greeting Signs - SPANISH
By Abigail J McClellan
Welcome and greet your students into class with this fun and unique way each morning - in Spanish! This is an awesome way to build classroom culture and individually greet your students as they walk into the room every day. This product comes with two posters that include all five greetings and five individual posters for each greeting (big smile, handshake, fist bump, high-five, and hug).
You can find my SOCIAL DISTANCE Welcome Greeting Signs here:
You can find my Welcome Greeting Signs in English here:
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Elementary Level Spanish Bilingual Bundle
Elementary Spanish Bundle
More than a $23 savings!!!
-One More Product coming in this Bundle 9/18/204
Everything in this BUNDLE is BILINGUAL OR in Spanish.
Please see the list of all the items that are included!
Educational Spanish Posters Elementary Neutral Colors
The Educational posters in Spanish and English is a great resource for teachers . The posters are designed in neutral Boho colors that will match any classroom decor. The posters includes:
Teachers can use these posters to create a colorful and engaging learning environment for their students. The posters can be used to introduce new vocabulary, reinforce previously learned concepts, or serve as a visual aid during lessons. The posters can also be used to create bulletin boards or thematic displays in the classroom.
More resources:
Speech Therapy Pack
Speaking Game to practice for the AP Spanish Exam
Workbook for AP Spanish Literature
Games/Activities for the Spanish Classroom
Map Google Drive Activity for Any Language
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By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish School Bundle contains:
12 school supplies posters
30 color bingo cards
30 black and white cards
Both bingo card sets include 12 calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
Vocabulary: el cuaderno, la mochila, el pegamento, los crayones, el lápiz, el marcador, la regla, el libro, las tijeras, el sacapuntas, el borrador (la goma) y la pluma (el bolígrafo)
Mini libros
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used: tengo un lápiz en mi mochila, marcador, tijeras, borrador, crayones, pegamento, sacapuntas, regla and libro.
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards and a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: el lápiz, el libro, el cuaderno, el sacapuntas, el borrador, el pegamento, las tijeras, la regla, la pluma, los crayones, el marcador y la mochila.
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the school supplies words
1 black and white wheel with the school supplies words
1 color wheel with the school supplies without words
1 black and white wheel with the school supplies without words
Sopa de letras
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the school supplies names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Fruits Bundle contains:
Bingo de las frutas
12 fruit posters
30 color bingo cards
30 black and white cards
Both bingo card sets include 12 calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
Vocabulary: la manzana, la naranja, la pera, los plátanos, el limón, la piña, las uvas, el kiwi, la frambuesa, la sandía, la fresa y las cerezas
Comecocos de la frutas
12 color fortune tellers
12 black and white fortune tellers
01 blank templates for your students to fill them out with their own questions, vocabulary and pictures.
Instructions how to make and play "Comecocos" are included.
Mini libros de las frutas
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the fruits
- Book 3 read and draw the fruits
- Book 4 trace the word and color the fruits
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the fruits
Vocabulary used: me gusta la manzana, la fresa, la naranja, la pera, la sandía, el limón, la piña, las uvas and los plátanos.
Pósters de las frutas
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: la naranja, la sandía, los plátanos, la fresa, el limón, la pera, la manzana, la piña, las uvas, la frambuesa, el durazno, and las cerezas
Ruedas de las frutas
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the fruits words
1 black and white wheel with the fruits words
1 color wheel with the fruits without words
1 black and white wheel with the fruits without words
Sopa de letras de las frutas
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the fruits names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Feeling Bundle contains:
Mini libros de emociones
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used:yo estoy feliz, triste, enojado, frustrada, cansada, avergonzado, sorprendido y asustada.
Pósters de dos tamaños
This product contains two pdf files, one for each size:
1. One color and black & white 8.5” by 11” Feelings Posters.
2. One color and black & white 11” by 17” Feelings Posters.
Pósters de emociones
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used: aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the feelings words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings words
1 color wheel with the feelings without words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings without words
Sopa de letras de emociones
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the feelings names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
Clothing Bundle in Spanish - La ropa
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Clothing Bundle includes:
Bingo y pósters de la ropa
16 clothing posters
30 color bingo cards
30 black and white cards
Both bingo card sets include 16 calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
Vocabulary: las botas, el vestido, la bufanda, el gorro, la camiseta, la chaqueta, la camisa, los pantalones, los mitones, los calcetines, las sandalias, el suéter, los pantalones cortos, la blusa, los zapatos y las botas de lluvia.
Comecocos de la ropa
12 color fortune tellers
12 black and white fortune tellers
01 blank templates for your students to fill them out with their own questions, vocabulary and pictures.
Instructions how to make and play "Comecocos" are included.
Ruedas de la ropa
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the clothing words
1 black and white wheel with the clothing words
1 color wheel with the clothing without words
1 black and white wheel with the clothing without words
Mini libros de la familia
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the clothes
- Book 3 read and draw the clothes
- Book 4 trace the word and color the clothes
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the clothes
Vocabulary used: me pongo la camiseta, los pantalones, los calcetines, el suéter, las botas, la chaqueta, la bufanda, el gorro and los mitones.
Sopa de letras de la ropa
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the clothes names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Color Bundle contains:
Bingo de colores y números
The pack includes:
30 color bingo cards
32 calling cards
rojo, azul, verde, amarillo, blanco, negro, gris, celeste, morado, rosa/rosado, naranja/anaranjado, café/marrón and numbers from 0 to 20
Mini libro u hojas para colorear
This set includes:
1 cover page if you decide to make the books
11 color pages
8 pages to color by number
Pósters de colores
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the colors words
1 black and white wheel with the colors words
1 color wheel with the colors without words
1 black and white wheel with the colors without words
Sopa de letras de colores
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the colors and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Weather Bundle includes:
Mini Books
Wheel Games
Word Search and Crossword with answer keys
Weather Coloring Pages
Mini libros del tiempo
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the weather
- Book 3 read and draw the weather
- Book 4 trace the word and color the weather
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the weather
Vocabulary used: hace frío, hace calor, hace sol, hace viento, está lloviendo, está nevando, hay una tormenta, está nublado and está un poco nublado
Pósters del tiempo
The set includes:
8 color posters
8 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: hace sol, hace viento, hace frío, hace calor, está nublado, está lloviendo, está nevando y hay una tormenta.
Ruedas del tiempo
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the weather words
1 black and white wheel with the weather words
1 color wheel with the weather without words
1 black and white wheel with the weather without words
Sopa de letras del tiempo
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the weather names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
Hojas del tiempo para colorear
The set includes:
1 cover page if you decide to make the book
9 weather pages
8 season pages
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you want to engage your students when presenting new vocabulary? This Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish has colorful posters to introduce or review tons of vocabulary in Spanish!!! These posters will help your students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom too!
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
Would you like to know when I post more resources? Simply follow me on TeachShare.
Mil gracias,
Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Have fun while learning and practicing a lot of vocabulary in Spanish with these bundle of bingos!!
1. El cuerpo
2. La escuela
3. La ropa
4. Las frutas
5. San Valentín
6. Las frutas y verduras
7. Las verduras
8. Los animales de la granja
9. Los animales (granja y salvajes)
10. Los animales salvajes
11. Los números
12. El calendario
13. La familia
14. Colores y números
15. Verbos
16. El tiempo y la ropa
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Family Bundle includes:
Bingo de la familia
30 color bingo boards with 9 pictures in each one.
13 color calling cards with pictures and words. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.
The vocabulary includes: la abuela, el abuelo, la mamá, el papá, el hermano, la hermana, el hermano bebé, la hermana bebé, yo (chico), yo (chica), el gato, el perro y la casa.
Mini libros de la familia
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color the family
- Book 3 read and draw the family members
- Book 4 trace the word and color the family members
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color the family
Vocabulary used: Él es ..., Ella es ..., Este es ..., Esta es, papá, mamá, hermano, hermana, hermana bebé, abuelo, abuela, perro, and gato.
Pósters de la familia
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: la madre, la mamá, el padre, el papá, el abuelo, la abuela, el hermano, la hermana, el hermano bebé, la hermana bebé, el perro, and el gato.
Ruedas de la familia
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the family words
1 black and white wheel with the family words
1 color wheel with the family without words
1 black and white wheel with the family without words
Sopa de letras de la familia
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the family names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche
El cuerpo - Body Parts Bundle in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you need lots of body parts practice in Spanish? This bundle will help your students to learn and review Body Parts in Spanish in the four ways of communication: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
This Spanish Body Parts Bundle includes:
Bingo de las partes del cuerpo
There are two different sets in this bundle.
The first one includes 30 bingo cards with 16 pictures each.
The second one includes 30 bingo cards with 9 pictures each.
The sets include 16 calling cards with pictures and words.
The vocabulary includes: la mano, el brazo, la cabeza, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago y el dedo.
Colorea y escribe las partes del cuerpo
This set contains:
Two color board games.
Two black and white board games.
Two worksheets.
Hojas de trabajo de las partes del cuerpo
This set contains 64 worksheets (32 color and 32 black and white).
The skills included are: trace the words, label the pictures, write the words, find the right word, match the words with the pictures, choose the right answer, put the word in order, write the missing letters, and draw.
Pósters de las partes del cuerpo
The set includes:
22 color posters
22 black and white posters
Vocabulary used: la mano, el brazo, el codo, la cabeza, la cara, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo/el cabello, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la pierna, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago, el dedo and el corazón.
Ruedas de las partes del cuerpo
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the body parts words
1 black and white wheel with the body parts words
1 color wheel with the body parts without words
1 black and white wheel with the body parts without words
Sopa de letras de las partes del cuerpo
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the body parts and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de los colores / Color Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the colors in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used:
azul, negro, café, gris, verde, anaranjado, rosado, morado, rojo, celeste, blanco, and amarillo.
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
Spanish Color Bundle
You may also like:
Sopa de letras de colores (Colors word search)
Bingo de colores y números - Color and Number Bingo Game in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Number Posters with Finger Counting in Spanish - Pósters de números con dedos
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students recognize the numbers from 1 to 10 using these number posters with finger counting in Spanish.
I use them for
This resource includes:
20 finger posters in two different skin tones
10 finger posters in black and white.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de las frutas - Fruit Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for fruits using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used: la naranja, la sandía, los plátanos, la fresa, el limón, la pera, la manzana, la piña, las uvas, la frambuesa, el durazno, and las cerezas
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
Spanish Fruits Bundle
You may also like:
Sopa de letras de las frutas (Fruits Spanish Word Search)
Mini libro de las frutas (My Fruits Mini Book in Spanish)
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de las verduras - Vegetable Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the vegetables using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
12 color posters
12 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used:
el brócoli, la zanahoria, la coliflor, el maíz, la papa, la lechuga, el chile, el pepino, el champiñón, la cebolla, el pimiento, el tomate.
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
Spanish Vegetable Bundle
You may also like:
Sopa de letras de las verduras - Vegetables Word Search in Spanish
Bingo de verduras - Vegetable Bingo in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche
Pósters de números del 10 al 100 - Numbers Posters 10-100 in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the numbers in Spanish from 10 to 100 using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
10 color posters
10 black and white posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.
Vocabulary used:
diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien.
Spanish Numbers Bundle
You may also like:
Bingo de colores y números - Color and Number Bingo
Sopa de letras de los números 0-100
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Posters y Tarjetas del Alfabeto de Animales - Alphabet Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn the Spanish alphabet by tracing the letters with this colorful animal resource. Posters are great to decorate your classroom or students can use the flashcards to color, play games or practice in literacy centers.
This product includes the following:
27 color and black and white Alphabet Animals Posters (one per page)
27 color and black and white Alphabet Animals Half Posters (two per page)
27 color and black and white Alphabet Animals Flashcards (four per page)
27 color and black and white Alphabet Flashcards (four per page)
02 color and 02 black and white Tracing Alphabet Poster (one per page)
This resource contains five documents in a zip file for easy printing.
You may also like:
Bingo de números para trazar - Numbers Bingo in Spanish
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Mil gracias,
Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de verbos / Verb Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This poster set will help students learn verbs in Spanish. They are also a great way to enhance your classroom! These posters are an excellent tool to create your own stories. Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the verbs using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
30 color posters
30 black and white posters
Vocabulary used: cantar, pintar, gritar, llorar, bailar, hablar, escuchar, comprar, pensar, cocinar, nadar, manejar, montar, saltar. cortar, volar, jugar, cerrar, caminar, trabajar, dar, leer, comer, vender, correr, beber, decir, dormir, escribir, abrir.
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️