Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

by Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Do you want to engage your students when presenting new vocabulary? This Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish has colorful posters to introduce or review tons of vocabulary in Spanish!!! These posters will help your students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom too!

  1. Las partes del cuerpo
  2. El tiempo
  3. Los colores
  4. Los útiles de la clase
  5. Los animales de la granja
  6. Los animales salvajes
  7. Los transportes
  8. Las frutas
  9. Las preposiciones
  10. La familia
  11. La ropa
  12. La casa
  13. Las verduras
  14. Las formas
  15. Los meses (free)

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Mil gracias,

Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de las frutas - Fruit Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for fruits using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: la naranja, la sandía, los plátanos, la fresa, el limón, la pera, la manzana, la piña, las uvas, la frambuesa, el durazno, and las cerezas


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Fruits Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de las frutas (Fruits Spanish Word Search)

Mini libro de las frutas (My Fruits Mini Book in Spanish)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

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Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de la ropa / Clothing Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the clothes in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

16 color posters

16 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used:

las botas, el vestido, las sandalias, los calcetines, los pantalones, las botas de lluvia, la blusa, la camisa, los zapatos, los pantalones cortos, el suéter, la camiseta, la chaqueta, el gorro, los mitones, and la bufanda.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Bingo de la ropa (Spanish Clothing Bingo)

Sopa de letras de la ropa (Clothing Spanish word search)

Mini libro de la ropa (My Clothing Mini Book in Spanish)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de los animales salvajes - Wild Animal Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the vocabulary for wild animals in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: la cebra, la serpiente, el rinoceronte, el mono, el león, el canguro, el hipopótamo, la jirafa, el elefante, el tiburón, la ballena y el cocodrilo.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Wild Animals Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de animales de la granja (Farm Animals Spanish Word Search)

Adivinanzas ¿Qué animal es? - Animal Guessing Game

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de la familia - Family Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Help your students learn the family members with these colorful Spanish posters. Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the family using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: la madre, la mamá, el padre, el papá, el abuelo, la abuela, el hermano, la hermana, el hermano bebé, la hermana bebé, el perro, and el gato.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Family Bundle

You may also like:

Mini libro de la familia (My Family Mini Book in Spanish)

Sopa de letras de la familia (Family Word Search)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de las preposiciones - Prepositions Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the vocabulary for prepositions in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game.

Vocabulary used: debajo de, encima de, delante de, detrás de, dentro de, afuera de, al lado de, entre, a la derecha de, a la izquierda, cerca de, lejos de.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de las preposiciones (Prepositions Word Search)

Rompecabezas de preposiciones - Prepositions Puzzle in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de los animales de la granja - Farm Animal Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn farm animals in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

15 color posters

15 black and white posters

BONUS: instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: la vaca, el perro, el gato, la cabra, el chivo, el pollito, el pavo, el ganso, el gallo, la gallina, el caballo, el cerdo, la oveja, el pato y el ratón.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Farm Animals Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de animales de la granja (Farm Animals Spanish Word Search)

Adivinanzas ¿Qué animal es? - Animal Guessing Game

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de las formas - Shapes Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the shapes using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

20 color and b&w posters with the shapes

20 color and b&w posters with kids holding the shapes

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used:

el círculo, el cuadrado, el triángulo, rectángulo, el óvalo, la estrella, la media luna, el corazón, el rombo y el hexágono.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Mini libro de las formas - Shapes Mini Book in Spanish

Sopa de letras de las formas - Shapes Word Search in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de los útiles de la clase - School Supplies Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Help your students learn the school supplies in Spanish with these colorful posters.

They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards and a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: el lápiz, el libro, el cuaderno, el sacapuntas, el borrador, el pegamento, las tijeras, la regla, la pluma, los crayones, el marcador y la mochila.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish School Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de los útiles de la escuela (School Supplies Word Search)

Bingo de los útiles de la escuela (School Supplies Bingo)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de las verduras - Vegetable Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the vegetables using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used:

el brócoli, la zanahoria, la coliflor, el maíz, la papa, la lechuga, el chile, el pepino, el champiñón, la cebolla, el pimiento, el tomate.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Vegetable Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de las verduras - Vegetables Word Search in Spanish

Bingo de verduras - Vegetable Bingo in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche


Pósters de los colores / Color Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the colors in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used:

azul, negro, café, gris, verde, anaranjado, rosado, morado, rojo, celeste, blanco, and amarillo.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Color Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de colores (Colors word search)

Bingo de colores y números - Color and Number Bingo Game in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de las partes del cuerpo - Body Parts Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Help your students learn the body parts with these colorful Spanish posters.

They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.

The set includes:

22 color posters

22 black and white posters

Vocabulary used: la mano, el brazo, el codo, la cabeza, la cara, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo/el cabello, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la pierna, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago, el dedo and el corazón.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

El cuerpo - Body Parts Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Bingo de las partes del cuerpo (Body parts Bingo)

Sopa de letras del cuerpo (Body Parts Spanish Word Search)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products!

Would you like to know when I post more resources? Simply follow me on TeachShare.

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters del tiempo / Weather Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Help your students learn the weather in Spanish with these colorful posters.

They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.

The set includes:

12 color posters

12 black and white posters

The weather vocabulary includes: hace sol, hace viento, hace frío, hace calor, está nublado, está un poco nublado, está lloviendo, está nevando, hay una tormenta, hace buen tiempo, hace mal tiempo, hay un arcoíris.

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards and a memory game too.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Weather Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Sopa de letras del tiempo (Weather Spanish Word Search)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Free Pósters de los meses del año - Months of the Year Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Help your students learn the twelve months of the year with these colorful Spanish posters.

They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and celebrating students' birthdays.

Vocabulary: enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

Spanish Calendar Bundle

You may also like:

Sopa de letras de los meses del año (Months of the year Spanish word search)

** If you like this freebie, please rate it and leave a comment. Thanks so much! **

Would you like to know when I post more resources? Simply follow me on TeachShare.

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de la casa / House Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the house using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

10 color posters

10 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used:

la casa, la sala, la cocina, el comedor, el dormitorio, el baño, la sala de juegos, la lavandería, el jardín, la casa del perro.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Mini libro de la casa (My House Mini Book in Spanish)

MINI LIBRO DE LA CASA, House Boom Cards in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️


Pósters de los transportes - Transportation Posters in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Posters help students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom! Students will learn the vocabulary for transportation in Spanish using these fun and colorful posters.

The set includes:

14 color posters

14 black and white posters

BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards or a memory game too.

Vocabulary used: el globo, el camión, el tren, el barco, el cohete, el avión, la moto, la camioneta, el helicóptero, el coche, el autobús, el bote, la bicicleta, and el patinete.


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

You may also like:

Mini libro de los transportes - Transportation Mini Book Activity in Spanish

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

Don't forget to FOLLOW US if you want to be the first to know about freebies, sales and new products!

Mil gracias,

Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
