PowerPoint Presentations

Learn & Write in English - ELL/EB Bundle (Frames, stems, workbooks)

By Blooming Through High School

Give your new to the country students the best start with this bundle!

A comprehensive bundle of resources designed specifically for Spanish-speaking students learning English! Whether your students are newcomers beginning their English language journey or intermediate/advanced learners looking to extend their knowledge, this has you covered with three essential workbooks packed with engaging activities and expertly crafted content.

Book 1: "Beginning English Workbook for Newly Immigrated Spanish-Speaking Students" Perfect for students who are just starting their English learning journey, this workbook provides essential support with:

  • Spanish translations for seamless understanding
  • Colorful visuals to aid comprehension
  • Essential vocabulary and phrases for daily communication
  • Versatile formats in both Word and PDF for easy access
  • Interactive activities including writing exercises, matching games, and stimulating word searches
  • Detailed teacher reviews to facilitate effective instruction
  • 28 Pages (including answer key)

Book 2: "Newcomer English Workbook for Spanish-Speaking Students" Ideal for newcomers seeking to build a strong foundation in English, this workbook offers:

  • Vibrant visuals and engaging activities to make learning enjoyable and effective
  • Expertly crafted translations to ease the transition from Spanish to English
  • Must-know vocabulary and phrases crucial for daily communication
  • Interactive activities such as writing exercises and entertaining word searches
  • Detailed teacher reviews and guidance to support effective instruction
  • 36 Pages (including answer key)

Sentence stems and frames are invaluable tools for English Language Learners (ELLs), providing the support they need to structure their thoughts and express ideas more confidently. T_his resource is designed with ELLs in mind_, offering content in both Spanish and English to enhance comprehension and language development. It's differentiated to meet the needs of learners at different proficiency levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—helping them express themselves effectively.

Included are 35 editable pages, organized into 23 specific ELAR areas:

  • Compare & Contrast
  • Opinion
  • Cause & Effect
  • Discussing Thoughts
  • Comprehension
  • Retelling
  • Using Text Evidence
  • Making Connections
  • Discussing a Character
  • Elements of Literature
  • Discussing What I Know
  • Inferencing
  • Asking Questions
  • Theme
  • Point of View
  • Text Structure
  • Summarizing
  • Author’s Purpose
  • Figurative Language
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • Character Development
  • Vocabulary in Context
  • Synthesizing Information

The Vocab Bundle - Finding Meaning Of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues

By Blooming Through High School

Word Meaning with Nonsense Words

Why teach word meaning through nonsense words (context clues only)?

  • Students must use critical thinking to solve
  • Students must read the whole passage for context clues
  • Students must problem solve to find the best word that makes the most sense.
  • They can't find the answer except through problem solving.

All of these are things we want every student to do! This is something that is already adapted for high and low learners.

Starting with three nonsense words gets students going so they can work in groups or independently to decode the meaning of 7 REAL words (selected from the SAT vocabulary list).

This is a perfect activity for group problem solving and critical thinking!

Finding the meaning of words: in context, with a definition and from the Latin or Greek base. Four teaching pages are included for self-guided learning along with 7 student pages for practice with various shortened reading passages.


  • 3 Self-grading Google Forms
  • Editable Word Doc
  • PDF
  • Reading Passage
  • Teaching pages
  • Answer Key

BUNDLE & SAVE: ELA Test Prep, Study Guide & Activities Bundle

Word Meaning with Greek & Latin

✔️Need to teach Greek & Latin along with Context Clues?

✔️Looking for way to get your students thinking critically & making connections?

✔️Need to integrate vocabulary in a meaningful way?

This activity includes worksheets, task cards and Google Quizzes for vocab practice

Students will use key words from the definitions in the first activity to determine the meaning of the Greek or Latin prefix. By recognizing the prefixes in words they recognize (and some they won't) students will begin making connections to other words they hear and read. This is a natural way to build in vocabulary to daily instruction that includes context clues and the Greek and Latin.


  • Greek & Latin Roots Exploration: Dive into 45 carefully selected words, each featuring 9 impactful prefixes from the rich realms of Latin and Greek languages.
  • Word Definitions: Equip your students with a solid understanding of each word, laying the foundation for deeper language comprehension.
  • Fill in the Blank Sentences: Immerse your class in the learning process with cloze sentences that challenge them to apply their newfound knowledge in context.
  • Task Cards: Make learning interactive and enjoyable with task cards that encourage independent exploration and reinforce language skills.
  • Google Quizzes: Easily accessible quizzes that provide instant feedback, saving you valuable time and promoting a tech-savvy learning environment.

Vocabulary Starter


You came to the right place! I have been teaching for 5+ years, I have my Master's in Education with a focus on Literacy and I didn't know where to start.

So, I went back to everything I learned in my graduate program and re-read everything I could find.

I wrote & designed a student-engaging template to help students in my classroom to deeply internalize a word. I gathered key word lists when I didn't have a word from our daily reading, and thought about how to teach vocabulary so my love of etymology and words could be shared with my 10th graders. I've included all that and a guide to help other teachers get started with implementing and teaching vocabulary in THEIR classrooms.

Is this book for me?

  • You want to teach vocabulary explicitly
  • You want flexibility to choose your words daily based on what you’re reading
  • You need versatility to choose your own words from a given list
  • You want your students to deeply internalize the vocabulary they learn
  • You’re not sure where to start

Then this book is for you!

Adaptable to every classroom in every situation, this is more than a fill-in-the-blank activity. Your students will have a guide to build a vocabulary for a lifetime of learning.


Generating curiosity and delight in playing with words supports long-term memory, enhances the connection between orthography and meaning, and develops a disposition which stimulates word consciousness. It also builds vocabulary! All of these are a part of a vocabulary rich classroom environment.


Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

By Ms Garcia Store

  • Contenido Integral: Cada diapositiva exhibe una sílaba inversa única acompañada de un gráfico ilustrativo y la palabra relacionada. ¡Una combinación visual y auditiva para una asimilación efectiva!
  • Adaptación Total: Incluso en el caso de sílabas sin palabras asociadas en español, hemos incluido tarjetas específicas para facilitar la práctica en diversas actividades. Estas sílabas incluyen: od, uc, ib, eg, og, ug, ih, av, ev, iv, ov, uv, ox y ux.
  • Interactividad Potente: Al hacer clic en cualquier sílaba desde el menú, se accede a una diapositiva detallada. Aquí, se reproduce automáticamente el sonido de la sílaba, se pronuncia la palabra ejemplo y se repite el sonido de la sílaba. Además, al presionar el icono de audio, se puede volver a disfrutar del sonido tantas veces como sea necesario.
  • Enfoque Autodirigido: Después de la primera reproducción automática, se alienta a los estudiantes a pronunciar la sílaba por sí mismos. Para escucharla nuevamente, solo es necesario presionar el botón de audio.

Este recurso digital interactivo es una herramienta educativa imprescindible para facilitar un aprendizaje efectivo y atractivo de las sílabas inversas en español. ¡Capacite a sus estudiantes para que dominen estas sílabas de manera divertida y autodirigida!

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo Completo

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

By Ms Garcia Store

El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:

126 sílabas directas

80 sílabas inversas

65 sílabas trabadas

41 diptongos e hiatos

8 triptongos

Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.

Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura. A la izquierda se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente para un rápido acceso a cualquiera de elllas. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo. A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:

  • Un botón con un icono de un lápiz. Cada vez que lo pulses te mostrará cómo escibir cada una de las letras que forman la sílaba. Tus alumnos podrían escribir la sílaba en sus cuadernos copiando paso a paso.
  • Un botón con un icono de audio. Al pulsarlo escucharás cómo se dice la sílaba, e incluso ejemplos en el caso de ser diptongos, hiatos o triptongos.
  • Un botón con el icono de unos libros. Al clicarlo accedes al anchor chart relacionado con esa sílaba. Hay cinco anchor charts acerca de los siguientes temas:
  1. Las vocales (definición, tipos: abiertas y cerradas, y ejemplos)
  2. Las sílabas (definición, estructuras y ejemplos)
  3. Diptongos e hiatos (definición, estructuras, acentuación y ejemplos)
  4. Triptongos (definición, estructura, acentuación y ejemplos)
  5. Reglas generales de acentuación (agudas, llanas, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas, y sus ejemplos)

En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.

Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.

Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene una segunda versión disponible en el siguiente link: Silabario Interactivo PPTM. Esa otra versión te permite a parte mostrar sílabas en orden aleatorio de entre cualquiera de las categorías o de entre todas ellas. El formato de ese otro archivo es PowerPoint con Macros habilitados (PPTM). Son las Macros las que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, te ruego que te conformes con esta primera versión del silabario, que está realmente bien .

La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.

Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:

Image by upklyak on Freepik


Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Descubra nuestro excepcional recurso digital diseñado para potenciar el aprendizaje de las 121 sílabas directas en español! Esta valiosa herramienta está presentada en una atractiva presentación interactiva para PowerPoint, con un total de 123 diapositivas, cada una centrada en una sílaba específica.

Características Destacadas:

  • Contenido Integral: Cada diapositiva presenta una sílaba única acompañada de un gráfico ilustrativo y la palabra relacionada. ¡Una forma visual y auditiva de aprender cada sílaba de manera efectiva!
  • Adaptación Total: Aunque la sílaba 'Wu' carece de palabras en español, hemos incluido una tarjeta específica para facilitar la práctica en cualquier actividad que lo requiera.
  • Interactividad Potente: Al hacer clic en cualquiera de las sílabas desde el menú, se accede a una diapositiva detallada. Aquí, se reproduce automáticamente el sonido de la sílaba, se pronuncia la palabra ejemplo y se repite el sonido de la sílaba. Además, al presionar el icono de audio, se puede volver a disfrutar del sonido tantas veces como sea necesario.
  • Enfoque Autodirigido: Para promover la participación activa de los estudiantes, después de la primera reproducción automática, se anima a los alumnos a pronunciar la sílaba ellos mismos. Para escucharla nuevamente, solo es necesario presionar el botón de audio.

Este recurso digital interactivo es una herramienta educativa invaluable que facilita un aprendizaje efectivo y atractivo. ¡Empodere a sus estudiantes para dominar las sílabas de manera divertida y autodirigida!

Related Products

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 121 Sílabas Directas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 80 Sílabas Inversas

⭐ Tarjetas Didácticas imprimibles de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas directas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas inversas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ 50 Cartones de bingo de sílabas trabadas y ficha de seguimiento

⭐ Silabario gráfico y sonoro interactivo de 121 sílabas directas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro interactivo de 80 sílabas inversas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo de 65 Sílabas Trabadas

⭐ Silabario Gráfico y Sonoro Interactivo Completo

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Escucha, escribe y aprende.

⭐ Silabario con 310 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.


Silabario con 320 sílabas y 5 anchor charts. Muestra sílabas en orden aleatorio.

By Ms Garcia Store

El más completo silabario que puedas encontrar, 320 sílabas, diseñado para trabajo en grupo o de forma individual:

126 sílabas directas

80 sílabas inversas

65 sílabas trabadas

41 diptongos e hiatos

8 triptongos

Este silabario interactivo es una presentación de PowerPoint muy intuitiva y facil de usar.

Cada sílaba se muestra sobre las líneas de escritura.

A la izquierda de la sílaba se muestran las distintas categorías mencionadas anteriormente. Al hacer click sobre estas, las sílabas se mostrarán en orden aleatorio. Mostrándolas aleatoriamente puedes jugar con tus alumnos a que te lean o escriban las sílabas que van apareciendo. De hacer click en el botón 'menú', accedes al silabario completo, donde podrás seleccionar la sílaba que quieras.

A la derecha de cada sílaba siempre hay tres botones:

  • Un botón con un icono de un lápiz. Cada vez que lo pulses te mostrará cómo escibir cada una de las letras que forman la sílaba. Tus alumnos podrían escribir la sílaba en sus cuadernos copiando paso a paso.
  • Un botón con un icono de audio. Al pulsarlo escucharás cómo se dice la sílaba, e incluso ejemplos en el caso de ser diptongos, hiatos o triptongos.
  • Un botón con el icono de unos libros. Al clicarlo accedes al anchor chart relacionado con esa sílaba. Hay cinco anchor charts acerca de los siguientes temas:
  1. Las vocales (definición, tipos: abiertas y cerradas, y ejemplos)
  2. Las sílabas (definición, estructuras y ejemplos)
  3. Diptongos e hiatos (definición, estructuras, acentuación y ejemplos)
  4. Triptongos (definición, estructura, acentuación y ejemplos)
  5. Reglas generales de acentuación (agudas, llanas, esdrújulas y sobresdrújulas, y sus ejemplos)

En cada uno de estos anchor charts se tiene la opción, no la obligación, de dar al botón de audio para escuchar la lección, muy útil en caso de estar el alumno trabajando por su cuenta.

Sobre la sílaba siempre aparecen los botones de acceso directo a las sílabas familiares a esa sílaba. Así, de estar viendo la sílaba 'me', tendremos los botones de acceso a las sílabas ma, me mi mo y mu, a las que podras acceder con un simple click. De pasar el ratón por encima, sin necesidad de pulsar, podrás oir cómo se dice cualquiera de ellas, o escuchar la secuencia de las cinco sílabas seguidas.

Importante:Este silabario interactivo para PowerPoint tiene Macros que permiten mostrar las diapositivas de forma aleatoria, pero si no confías en ellas, o no estás habituado al uso de este tipo de archivos (pptm), te recomiendo que te conformes con la primera versión del silabario, que es exactamente igual a esta versión salvo por la opción de mostrar las sílabas en orden aleatorio, y no tiene Macros.

La realización de este recurso ha sido dura, pero también ha sido gratificante ver el resultado de tan buena herramienta. Espero que la aprecien y que les ayude tanto con sus estudiantes como me está ayudando con los míos.

Gracias a los diseñadores gráficos utilizados en la creación de este recurso:

Image by upklyak on Freepik


Safari Virtual Interactivo y Pasaporte Ecológico

By Ms Garcia Store

Excursión Virtual de Safari en Español

¡Embárcate en un emocionante viaje alrededor del mundo y descubre 175 fascinantes animales en sus hábitats y ecosistemas naturales con esta presentación PowerPoint totalmente interactiva! Conoce sus características principales y su clasificación en el reino animal.

Cada animal tiene su propia ficha con una imagen, su clasificación y un video informativo de aproximadamente 3 a 5 minutos. Al hacer clic en cada función, accederás a nuevas pestañas que te ayudarán a comprender este maravilloso mundo.

Casi todo es editable. En la diapositiva número 3, podrás personalizar el nombre de tu clase en lugar de "Ms Garcia Store". Por ejemplo, puedes escribir "Clase de la Sra. García".

Además, encontrarás dos archivos PDF adicionales:

1. Pasaporte Ecológico: Imprime en tamaño carta (8.5 x 11") las 3 hojas de este PDF y obtendrás un increíble pasaporte con el que tus estudiantes podrán familiarizarse mientras aprenden sobre diferentes ecosistemas.

2. Sellos de Viaje: Imprime también este archivo PDF de 2 hojas (no a doble cara). Contiene un total de 20 sellos de viaje que tus alumnos podrán pegar en el pasaporte ecológico a medida que vayan descubriendo estos fascinantes lugares. Los 20 sellos corresponden a las siguientes ubicaciones:

- La selva amazónica

- Australia

- La cordillera de los Andes

- El Ártico

- La Antártida

- La sabana africana

- El pastizal americano

- Los pantanos americanos

- Las costas del Pacífico

- El desierto del Sáhara

- La jungla africana

- Montañas del Himalaya

- Islas de Indonesia

- Islas Galápagos

- Selva monzónica asiática

- Bosques del Norte

- Bosques Europeos

- Arrecifes de coral

- Animales de granja

- Animales de ciudad


- Clasificación de los animales

- ¿Dónde viven?

- 10 hábitats

- 20 ecosistemas

Viaja alrededor del mundo a través de 20 ecosistemas y descubre los animales que los habitan.

- ¿Cómo se reproducen?

- Vivíparos, ovíparos y ovovivíparos

- ¿De qué se alimentan?

- Carnívoros

- Herbívoros

- Omnívoros

Los estudiantes practicarán la cumplementación de formularios aportando la siguiente información en el Pasaporte, ya sea la suya personal o la de un personaje inventado:

- Apellido

- Nombre

- Nacionalidad

- Fecha de nacimiento

- Lugar de nacimiento

- Sexo

- Fecha de expedición (fecha en la que se completa el formulario)

- Fecha de caducidad (5 años después de la fecha de expedición)

- Firma

Sumérgete en esta emocionante excursión virtual de safari y permite que tus estudiantes exploren el fascinante mundo de la vida animal en diferentes rincones del planeta. ¡Adquiere este recurso ahora y bríndales una experiencia educativa inolvidable!

Nota: Este recurso es compatible con el aprendizaje en español y es adecuado para su uso en el aula o en educación en el hogar.

Related Products

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

I would like to thank all graphic designers whose work I took borrow from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik


2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and other in Spanish.

By Ms Garcia Store

2 Interactive Calendars (August-July), one in English and another in Spanish.

Introducing our comprehensive Digital Class Calendar resource, designed to simplify your daily classroom routine and engage your students in an interactive learning experience. This complete PowerPoint presentation operates in full-screen mode, providing a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation.

With all months preloaded, you can bid farewell to the hassle of manually filling in the days of each month. Our Digital Class Calendar comes fully equipped, saving you valuable time and effort.

Stay up-to-date effortlessly! Enjoy FREE annual updates, ensuring your calendar remains current with the latest dates. You'll receive notifications whenever an updated calendar becomes available, allowing for uninterrupted planning and scheduling.

For a comprehensive overview of the resource's functionality, we highly recommend watching the preview video located in the resource description. It will guide you through each slide, highlighting key features and demonstrating how to navigate effortlessly. Rest assured, each slide is accompanied by clear instructions, making it easy to grasp and implement in your classroom.

Key Features:

  1. Morning message: Kick-start your day with a positive message to set the tone for learning.

2. How do you feel today?: Encourage students to express their emotions and foster social-emotional awareness.

3. Days of the week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.

4. Today, yesterday, and tomorrow: Develop students' understanding of time and sequence.

5. Months of the year: Familiarize students with the twelve months in an engaging manner.

6. Seasons of the year: Explore the characteristics of each season.

7. Weather section: Delve into weather patterns and observation skills and track the weather of the week.

8. Days of school with place value and expanded form: Reinforce place value concepts using the days of the school year.

9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.

10. Days of school in a 120 chart: Visualize and track the passage of time in a structured manner.

11. Telling time: Introduce the basics of reading analog clocks and developing time-telling skills.

12. Coins: Familiarize students with the concept of money and coin recognition.

13. Number of the day: Focus on a specific number daily to deepen students' understanding of number relationships: Word form, Ten frames, Tally marks, and Even and Odd.

  1. Birthday Tracker (NEW): Keep track of student birthdays in a convenient and engaging manner.

Effortless navigation! Access any section of the calendar instantly using the user-friendly menu. Simply click on the desired section, providing quick and easy access to the relevant slide.

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


1. Begin by writing the message of the day before starting class, setting a positive tone for learning.

2. Play the presentation at your convenience, using a mouse or your finger (if using a touch screen) to freely navigate through the 32 slides by clicking on the intuitive buttons.

3. Please note that PowerPoint animations are incorporated to enhance student engagement, but do keep in mind that they may not function properly in Google Drive. If you want a Digital Calendar that works on Google Drive, click here.

2Interactive Calendars. One in English and one in Spanish

Experience the ease and effectiveness of our Digital Class Calendar resource. Simplify your daily routine, engage your students, and foster a love for learning with this versatile and interactive tool.

More resources you might be interested in:

Full-screen interactive class calendar

Interactive Calendar

Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo


2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

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Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

By Ms Garcia Store

Embark on an exciting journey around the world and discover 175 fascinating animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems with this fully interactive PowerPoint presentation! Learn about their main characteristics and classification in the animal kingdom.

Each animal has its own card with an image, classification, and an informative video lasting approximately 3 to 5 minutes. By clicking on each feature, you will access new tabs that will help you understand this wonderful world.

Almost everything is editable. On slide number 3, you can customize the name of your class instead of "Ms Garcia Store." For example, you can write "Mrs. Garcia's Class."

In addition, you will find two additional PDF files:

1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 letter-sized (8.5 x 11") pages of this PDF, and you will obtain an incredible passport that your students can familiarize themselves with while learning about different ecosystems.

2. Travel Stamps: Print this 2-page PDF (not double-sided). It contains a total of 20 travel stamps that your students can paste in the ecological passport as they discover these fascinating locations. The 20 stamps correspond to the following places:

- The Amazon Rainforest

- Australia

- The Andes Mountains

- The Arctic

- Antarctica

- The African Savannah

- The American Grasslands

- The American Swamps

- The Pacific Coasts

- The Sahara Desert

- The African Jungle

- The Himalayan Mountains

- Indonesian Islands

- Galapagos Islands

- Asian Monsoon Rainforest

- Northern Forests

- European Forests

- Coral Reefs

- Farm Animals

- City Animals


- Animal Classification

- Where do they live?

- 10 habitats

- 20 ecosystems

Travel around the world through 20 ecosystems and discover the animals that inhabit them.

- How do they reproduce?

- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous

- What do they eat?

- Carnivores

- Herbivores

- Omnivores

Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:

- Last Name

- First Name

- Nationality

- Date of Birth

- Place of Birth

- Gender

- Date of Issue (date when the form is completed)

- Expiration Date (5 years after the date of issue)

- Signature

Dive into this exciting virtual safari excursion and allow your students to explore the fascinating world of animal life in different corners of the planet. Get this resource now and provide them with an unforgettable educational experience!

Related Products

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com


2 interactive calendars. One in English and other in Spanish

By Ms Garcia Store

2 Interactive Calendars (August-July), one in English and another in Spanish.

Transform your daily classroom routine with our comprehensive Interactive Class Calendar. This interactive resource, designed as a full-screen PowerPoint presentation, provides a seamless and engaging experience for teachers and students alike.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manually filling out the days of each month. Our calendar comes preloaded with all the months, eliminating the need for manual updates. Simply open the presentation and start utilizing its extensive features.

Watch the preview video included in the resource description to familiarize yourself with the functionality of each slide. This will help you navigate through the 29 slides and make the most of the interactive buttons.

Key Features:

  1. Morning Message: Begin each day with a personalized message to set a positive tone for your students.
  2. Emotion Check-In: Encourage students to express their feelings and emotions and take track of their answers.
  3. Days of the Week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.
  4. Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow: Foster an understanding of time relationships.
  5. Months of the Year: Introduce and explore the names and sequence of the months.
  6. Seasons of the Year: Enhance students' understanding of the four seasons.
  7. Weather Section: Engage students in learning about weather patterns and conditions, and track the weather of the week.
  8. Days of School with Place Value: Track the number of days in school using place value concepts.
  9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.
  10. Days of School on a 120 Chart: Visualize the cumulative days of school on a chart.
  11. Counting Days with Coins: Introduce money concepts by counting the days of school using coins.
  12. The Number of the Day: Focus on a specific number each day to deepen numerical understanding: word form, tally markers, odd and even, ten frames...
  13. Tons of Educational Songs Videos: What better way to learn and start the day than singing?

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


Before beginning the class, write the day's message on the calendar. Then, at any time during the class, play the presentation and freely navigate through the slides by clicking on the interactive buttons. No keyboard is needed; simply use a mouse or your finger if using a touchscreen device.

Please note that the PowerPoint animations included in the resource are designed to engage your students. However, they may not function properly in Google Drive.

We value your feedback! Leaving a review not only helps us improve but also earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase and for choosing our Interactive Spanish Class Calendar to enhance your classroom experience!

Related Products

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


Learn the numbers bundle (Up to 1000)

By Ms Garcia Store

Get a big discount when buying together these 3 great games to practice numbers together:

- Hit the number

- Spot the number

- Capture 5

Hit the number

Practice number recognition, counting, and finding the place every number is located in the 10 different hundred charts. The charts range from numbers 1 to 1000.

These ten charts are:

  • 1 to 100
  • 101 to 200
  • 201 to 300
  • 301 to 400
  • 401 to 500
  • 501 to 600
  • 601 to 700
  • 701 to 800
  • 801 to 900
  • 901 to 1000

This game can be played using each hundred chart that you want to practice, and from 1 to 5 players or teams. Just choose the one you want to play with and the number of players before beginning the game. You can switch anytime.

How to Play: (2 to 5 players or teams)

The goal of the game is to be the first to guess 20 hidden numbers in a hundred chart or be the one with the most points (coins) when all the numbers are uncovered.

At the beginning of the game, you as a teacher cover as many numbers as you want, no less than 20, by clicking once on each of them. Then ask the first of the players or teams to tell you what number is missing in one of the blank squares. If they are correct, they get a coin by clicking once on the piggy bank and mark that number as correct by clicking once on the blank square. If they are incorrect, click once more on that square to mark it as incorrect and they don't get any coins.

In both cases, the turn will be over and it will be the next player's turn. Repeat with the next number. The first to get 20 coins wins.

How to play: (1 player or team)

The same rules as mentioned above, but if a player or team is incorrect, click on the drawing of a hand. So instead of saving coins, they will be paying. The game finishes when the player gets 20 coins or when they pay 20 times. Try to improve the record every time.

Home, go back, restart the game, and exit.

The four buttons situated in the left-top corner are the following:

Home: This takes you to the first slide where you can choose among the ten different hundred charts.

Go back: Takes you to the slide where you choose the number of players.

Restart game: Restarts the game you are playing, with the chart and number of players chosen, erasing the scores and numbers uncovered.

Exit: Finishes the presentation.

Designed by pch.vector / Freepik

Designed by iconicbestiary / Freepik

Spot the number

Practice number recognition, counting, and finding the place every number is located in the 10 different hundred charts. The charts range from numbers 1 to 1000.

These ten charts are:

  • 1 to 100
  • 101 to 200
  • 201 to 300
  • 301 to 400
  • 401 to 500
  • 501 to 600
  • 601 to 700
  • 701 to 800
  • 801 to 900
  • 901 to 1000

This game can be played using each hundred chart that you want to practice, and from 1 to 5 players or teams. Just choose the one you want to play with and the number of players before beginning the game. You can switch anytime.

How to Play: (2 to 4 players or teams)

The goal of the game is to spot the place where every number is located in an empty hundred chart. At the beginning of the game, all the numbers are missing. The players will click on the empty squares to show them one by one.

During a player's turn, they will roll the dice by clicking on the green button situated at the top-right corner. Click again to stop the dice and a random number will appear. The player will try to locate the number by clicking on the square where they believe the number is located. If they are right, then they can click on their respective piggy bank to earn a coin. The number will be marked as correct. If they are wrong, click once more on the square to mark it as incorrect. In both cases, the turn will be completed and it will be the turn of the next player. The first player to get 20 coins is the winner.

How to play: (1 player or team)

The same rules as mentioned above, but if you are wrong, you click on the drawing of a hand, so instead of saving coins, you will be paying. The game finishes when you get 20 coins or when you pay 20 times. Try to improve your record every time.

Home, go back, restart the game, and exit.

The four buttons situated in the left-top corner are the following:

Home: This takes you to the first slide where you can choose among the ten different hundred charts.

Go back: Takes you to the slide where you choose the number of players.

Restart game: Restarts the game you are playing, with the chart and number of players chosen, erasing the scores and numbers uncovered.

Exit: Finishes the presentation.

Designed by pch.vector / Freepik

Designed by iconicbestiary / Freepik

Capture 5

Practice addition and subtraction playing Capture 5. This game can be played from 1 to 4 players or teams and on every 100 chart from number 1 to 1000. Just choose the one you want to play with and the number of players before beginning the game.

How to Play:

The goal of the game is to collect 5 coins.

1. Click once on 12 different squares to place 12 coins on the 100 chart (there are ten different charts from 1 to 1000), so each coin is on a different number. Clicking twice or more times on a square, players place their tokens anywhere on the 100 chart.

2. On a turn, roll the dice (once to activate the dice and once more to stop them) and move your token using any combination of the negative or positive numbers shown on the dice to land on a square with a coin. You can use any number of dice from 1 to 5. If you land exactly on a square with a coin, capture it by clicking as many times you need to see your token on that square. You can only capture one coin during a turn, and it must be the last square you land on. If you begin on 45, and use the dice: +2, +10, +3, you record: 45 + 2 + 10 + 3 = 60. Click on the piggy bank of your color (Blue, green, red, or yellow) and the coin will drop into it and you will get a point. Your turn is up.

3. Repeat the same process (point 2) with every player. The first player or team to capture 5 coins wins.

You can play in six different modes:

1. One player (Easy): Get as many coins as you can in 2 minutes. Don't forget to click on the hourglass to activate the timer after rolling the dice your first time. Place 12 coins on the board before starting the game.

2. One player (Hard): Get as many coins as you can in 1.5 minutes. Don't forget to click on the hourglass to activate the timer after rolling the dice your first time. Place 12 coins on the board before starting the game.

3. One player (Expert ): Get as many coins as you can in 1 minute. Don't forget to click on the hourglass to activate the timer after rolling the dice your first time. Place 12 coins on the board before starting the game.

  1. Two players or teams. Place 12 coins on the board before starting the game.

5. Three players or teams. Place 18 coins on the board before starting the game.

  1. Four players or teams. Place 24 coins on the board before starting the game.

Every game mode can be played on each one of the ten 100 charts from 1 to 1000, so your students can practice bigger numbers.

The dice have these 40 faces:

+1 (4)



+10 (4)

+20 (4)

+30 (2)

-1 (4)



-10 (4)

-20 (4)

-30 (2)

Designed by iconicbestiary / Freepik


Telling Time Bundle

By Ms Garcia Store

Telling Time Bundle

4 great resources to teach and practice Telling Time that you can get now at a bundle price.

They are the following resources:

Telling Time I spy game: Printable 49 pages PDF file that you could use to practice Telling Time playing I spy game.

Telling Time Vocabulary: Powerpoint interactive show to teach all the main vocabulary of this subject.

Telling Time Jeopardy game with automatic scoreboard: Powerpoint interactive show with the popular and fun game that will allow them to put into practice their knowledge and will serve as an evaluation of what they have learned.

Bilingual Telling Time practice: This interactive Powerpoint how lets you practice the telling time once and again. Play and stop the analog clock at a random time, and put the answer in the digital clock. Practice AM/FM too.

Thank you to the following author for the image used on the cover:

Hour icon vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Clock cartoon vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

By Ms Garcia Store

Transform your daily classroom routine with our comprehensive Interactive Class Calendar. This interactive resource, designed as a full-screen PowerPoint presentation, provides a seamless and engaging experience for teachers and students alike.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manually filling out the days of each month. Our calendar comes preloaded with all the months, eliminating the need for manual updates. Simply open the presentation and start utilizing its extensive features.

Watch the preview video included in the resource description to familiarize yourself with the functionality of each slide. This will help you navigate through the 29 slides and make the most of the interactive buttons.

Key Features:

  1. Morning Message: Begin each day with a personalized message to set a positive tone for your students.
  2. Emotion Check-In: Encourage students to express their feelings and emotions and take track of their answers.
  3. Days of the Week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.
  4. Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow: Foster an understanding of time relationships.
  5. Months of the Year: Introduce and explore the names and sequence of the months.
  6. Seasons of the Year: Enhance students' understanding of the four seasons.
  7. Weather Section: Engage students in learning about weather patterns and conditions, and track the weather of the week.
  8. Days of School with Place Value: Track the number of days in school using place value concepts.
  9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.
  10. Days of School on a 120 Chart: Visualize the cumulative days of school on a chart.
  11. Counting Days with Coins: Introduce money concepts by counting the days of school using coins.
  12. The Number of the Day: Focus on a specific number each day to deepen numerical understanding: word form, tally markers, odd and even, ten frames...
  13. Tons of Educational Songs Videos: What better way to learn and start the day than singing?
  14. Bilingual Telling Time PowerPoint Presentation: Introduce the basics of reading analog clocks and developing time-telling skills. You could link this PowerPoint file to the interactive calendar.

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


Before beginning the class, write the day's message on the calendar. Then, at any time during the class, play the presentation and freely navigate through the slides by clicking on the interactive buttons. No keyboard is needed; simply use a mouse or your finger if using a touchscreen device.

Please note that the PowerPoint animations included in the resource are designed to engage your students. However, they may not function properly in Google Drive.

We value your feedback! Leaving a review not only helps us improve but also earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase and for choosing our Interactive Spanish Class Calendar to enhance your classroom experience!

Related Resources:

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

By Ms Garcia Store

Journey through the Animal Kingdom with this captivating PowerPoint presentation! Join me aboard my plane and explore over 150 animals in their natural habitats and ecosystems. Discover their unique characteristics and classification within the animal world. Each animal has its own dedicated file, featuring an image, classification, and a 3 to 5-minute video about their fascinating lives. By clicking on different features, you'll be transported to new tabs that enhance your understanding of this incredible world.

This interactive resource ensures that all tiles are interconnected, providing a seamless learning experience. Plus, customization is a breeze. On slide 3, simply replace "Ms Garcia Store" with your own class name. For example, "Ms. Garcia's Class."

In addition, you'll receive two PDF files to complement your journey:

1. Ecological Passport: Print the 3 double-sided letter-size sheets (8.5 x 11") from this PDF and obtain a fantastic passport. Your students can familiarize themselves with this document while exploring different ecosystems.

2. Travel Stamps: Also print this 2-page PDF (single-sided). It features 20 travel stamps for your students to affix to their eco-passports as they learn about each location. The 20 stamps represent the following destinations:

- Amazon Rainforest

- Australia

- Andes Mountains

- The Arctic

- The Antarctic

- African Savannah

- American Grasslands

- American Swamps

- Pacific Coast

- Sahara Desert

- African Jungle

- Himalayan Mountains

- Indonesian Islands

- Galapagos Islands

- Asian Monsoon Rainforest

- Northern Forests

- European Forests

- Coral Reefs

- Farm Animals

- City Animals


- What is an animal?


- Mammals

- Birds

- Fish

- Reptiles

- Amphibians


- Poriferans

- Flatworms

- Annelids

- Echinoderms

- Cnidarians

- Mollusks

- Arthropods

- Arachnids

- Insects

- Crustaceans

- Myriapods

- Where do they live?

- 10 habitats

- 20 ecosystems

Travel around the world and explore 20 ecosystems while discovering the animals that inhabit them.

- How do they reproduce?

- Viviparous, oviparous, and ovoviviparous

- What do they eat?

- Carnivores

- Herbivores

- Omnivores

Students will practice form completion by providing the following information in the Passport, either their own personal information or that of an invented character:

- Surname

- Given Names

- Nationality

- Date of Birth

- Place of Birth

- Sex

- Date of Issue (the date the form is filled out)

- Date of Expiry (5 years after the date of issue)

- Signature

- Photo or Drawing of the Student's Face

Immerse yourself in this exciting virtual safari and let your students explore the captivating world of animals in diverse corners of the planet. Acquire this resource now and provide an unforgettable educational experience!

Note: This resource can be used in the classroom or for homeschooling purposes.

Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik


Civic Virtues Mega Bundle Building Classroom Community Activities Posters

By Ciandra Salhab

Are you looking for a way to seamlessly ✂️ integrate civic virtues into your classroom while building a positive community and enhancing classroom management? The Civic Virtues Bundle is the ultimate resource for upper elementary teachers who want to teach important life skills in a meaningful, engaging way. This bundle includes everything you need to guide your students in understanding and applying key virtues in their daily lives. This bundle is ideal for upper elementary in grades: 3rd, 4th,
and 5th grade. Back to school has never been easier when you get this bundle you can implement strong morals in the first week of school.

Why You Need This Bundle:

This bundle isn’t just a teaching resource—it’s a toolkit for transforming your classroom into a community where students not only learn about virtues but live them. Whether you're focusing on classroom management, fostering respectful conversations, or encouraging self-reflection, this bundle provides all the tools you need. Plus, with a 30% savings♻️, it’s a smart investment for your classroom!

Key Features:

✨Comprehensive Coverage: From posters to writing prompts, this bundle covers all aspects of teaching civic virtues, making it a one-stop-shop for your classroom needs.

Engaging Activities: Students will love the interactive card sort, four-corner discussions, and writing prompts that make learning about virtues fun and relevant.

Versatile Resources: Use these materials in any subject area, for any grade level, to reinforce positive behavior and build a strong classroom community.

What’s Included:

✅Mini Posters: Half-size posters with definitions and examples of each virtue.

Full-Page Posters: Large, eye-catching posters with just the virtue names, perfect for displaying in your classroom.

Card Sort Activity: A fun, interactive way for students to match virtues with their correct definitions.

Four-Corner Discussion Questions: Engaging prompts to get students talking and thinking critically about virtues.

Leveled Questions: Differentiated questions to meet the needs of all learners in your classroom.

Writing Prompt Worksheet: Thought-provoking prompts that encourage students to reflect on and apply the virtues they’ve learned.

Reflection Sheet: A guided worksheet to help students consider how they can embody these virtues in their daily lives.

Student of the Month Certificates: Reward students who exemplify each virtue with these customizable certificates.

This bundle takes the guesswork out of teaching civic virtues and classroom management. With everything organized and ready to go, you can focus on what you do best—teaching. It’s perfect for teachers who want to create a respectful and responsible classroom culture without spending hours preparing materials.

Invest in a resource that not only enhances your teaching but also positively impacts your students’ development. With a 30% discount, this bundle offers incredible value and a lasting impact on your classroom.

Need Help or Have Questions?
If you have any questions or need assistance with this product, feel free to reach out to me at ashlee@msgamification.com. I'm here to help!

Love This❤️? Check These Out!
If this product has you inspired, you'll love these other resources too or BUY THE BUNDLE and Save

✊ Civic Virtues Student of the Month Certificates Moral Values Upper Elementary

✊ Civic Virtues Card Sort Community Building Moral Values Upper Elementary

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Follow my store for updates on new products and special promotions. Click the "Follow Me⭐" button to stay informed!☝

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Did you know that leaving a review can earn you TeachShare credits? After using this product, please leave a review. Not only will your feedback help me improve, but you’ll also get credits to use on future purchases.

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Your support means the world to me! If you loved this product, please consider leaving a 5-star review. It helps my small business grow and allows me to create more quality resources for you. Thank you!

Terms of Use:

This product is intended solely for the teacher who purchased it. Please refrain from sharing it with other teachers. If multiple teachers wish to use it, each should acquire their own license. Thank you for respecting these terms and supporting educational resources!

Copyright 2024 ©️ Ms Gamification


Murder on the Orient Express: Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Murder on the Orient Express Complete Teacher's Unit is the ultimate resource for English teachers seeking to bring this classic tale by Agatha Christie to life for their students. This comprehensive package contains everything needed to teach the novel in a meaningful and engaging way.

The unit begins with an Introduction Power Point that sets the stage for the novel and provides important background information. This presentation is a valuable tool for engaging students and generating interest in the story.

The Study Guide is a comprehensive resource that includes about the author, a character map. and questions that encourage critical thinking and analysis. With this guide, teachers can easily guide their students through the plot and ensure a deep understanding of the themes and symbolism present throughout the text.

The Characterization Flipbook is a fun and interactive way for students to explore the characters in the novel. With this flipbook, students can create character sketches and analyze the motivations and actions of each character.

Graphic Organizers are also included, providing students with a visual way to organize their thoughts and ideas. These organizers are designed to help students explore key themes and concepts in the novel, making it easier for them to make connections and analyze the text.

The Vocabulary Lists and Quizzes are essential tools for building students' vocabulary and understanding of the language used in the novel. These lists and quizzes are comprehensive and designed to challenge students at all levels.

The Vocabulary Crossword Puzzles provide an entertaining way for students to review and reinforce their understanding of the novel's vocabulary.

Ultimately, Murder on the Orient Express : Complete Teacher's Unit is a must-have resource for any English teacher. With its comprehensive materials and engaging activities, this unit is sure to capture the attention of students and foster a love of literature that will last a lifetime.


The Joy Luck Club Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Teaching The Joy Luck Club? Don't know where to start? This bundle includes many activities to do before, during, and after reading the novel. This is a complete unit for the novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. Don't miss this multiple point of view novel filled with touching stories between mothers and daughters .


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian- Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Teaching The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian? Don't know where to start? This bundle includes many activities to do before, during, and after reading the novel. This is a bundle for the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. We got you covered!


The Tempest Bundle: Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Studying The Tempest? Don't know where to get started? We have you covered from start to finish with this bundle.

Everything you need for a fun and successful unit on Shakespeare's play The Tempest.

Great for differentiation! Suits the needs of multiple learners.


The Tempest Interactive Flip book Study Guide

The Tempest Interactive Characterization Flip book

The Tempest Acts 1-5 Quizzes

The Tempest: Epilogue Analysis

The Tempest Escape Room

Shakespeare Comedies Power point


The Skin I'm In : Complete Teacher's Unit

By Educate and Create

Covering the The Skin I'm In? Don't know where to get started? This bundle includes everything you need for your students to analyze the text for plot development, characterization, language, and more. Makes learning fun and easy for your students.

Complete Unit.

Covers the entire novel of The Skin I'm In !

Great for differentiation.


⭐The Skin I'm In - Introduction Power Point

⭐The Skin I'm In Flip book Study Guide

The Skin I'm In - Characterization Flip book

The Skin I'm In - Vocabulary lists, crossword puzzles, and quizzes

The Skin I'm In - Graphic Organizers
