Other (Specialty) Posters

School Counseling Curriculum Activities: Emotional Regulation & SEL Lessons

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Need social skills activities for elementary students that promote social-emotional learning and teach emotional regulation skills? Look no further; here are 130+ diverse resources designed to help you address student concerns and take your elementary school counseling program to the next level!

Download the entire Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor store! It's filled with creative, highly engaging lessons, games, and activities geared toward supporting the social-emotional learning and personal growth of your students. Have access to over 140 (and growing) diverse resources now!

This school counseling curriculum storewide bundle currently contains over 130 crafty lessons & activities that will support your student’s academic, personal, and social-emotional needs. The included social skills activities and games will help children learn emotional regulation skills, coping strategies, anger management strategies & SO MUCH MORE!

These activities are ideal for individual counseling sessions, small group counseling curriculums, classroom guidance lessons, teacher use in the classroom, and calm down corners…the list of possible uses for these resources is never-ending!

This is a growing bundle that currently includes all of Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor’s products at a very steep 50% discount. As a growing bundle, it means that the price will increase each time that I add a new product until I reach TeachShare’s 400-paid products cap for a bundle listing. Once the maximum of 400 products has been reached, no more resources will be added to this bundle, and it will no longer be considered a growing bundle

Buy today! *Have access to up to 400 products in the future! 

Included are creative counseling lessons, SEL activities, and self-regulation resources for busy educators. This is your one-stop spot for counselors and teachers looking for creative, interactive SEL resources for students.

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Click the green star to follow me for updates about new products and 50% off sales!

Copyright © Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one user is prohibited.

*There is no guarantee that 400 products will be added to the Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor Store or to this bundle.


Emotions Bundle (foldables,workbooks,worksheets, discussion tools)

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Emotions Bundle

Five engaging and interactive activities designed to get to the root of how students feel! Click on the preview for more images!

Included in this download:

  1. Emotions, Let's Start Talking About Them

  2. Discussing Emotions, the Foldable

  3. Anger Workbook

  4. Walk a Mile In Someone Else's Shoes.

  5. Expressing Emotions Tab Book

Click on the links above to review the individual product postings. See below for detailed descriptions of each product.

  1. Emotions, Let's Start Talking About Them:

There's been a lot of talk about emotions lately, how do we know if our students truly understand the differences between emotions?

Included in this packet are:

Six Emotions Posters (Sad, Anger, Fear, Happy, Surprised, Disgust)

Student Check In Sheet

Emotions Color Chart

Emotions Worksheets (4)

Color and Black + White Copies Included

The six colorful 8 x 10 posters can be used as a tool to get the emotions conversation off to a fun start. Emotions are complex, there isn't one right way to express or describe them. Show students the many words they can use to express themselves. Maybe even take the opportunity to pull out a dictionary and expose students to words they've never encountered before.

Once done using the posters to explain each emotion, they can be hung in offices or classrooms as a reminder and/or resource for students.

Use the Student Check In Sheet to understand how students are feeling in four key areas: home, school, class and with friends.

Use the Emotions Color Chart as a visual of all the emotions and as a conversation starter. Talk through the various pictures; point out similarities and differences between the emotions, etc.

Use the four worksheets to solidify student understanding.

  1. Discussing Emotions, the Foldable:

Included in this download are five different printable foldable templates and a roll and describe cube! Color and black & white versions are available.

Have students talk about their emotions in a fun way!

Students roll the cube and describe the emotion they land on or tell a story about a time they felt that emotion.

Using the foldable, students lift each of the flaps of the foldable and write or draw their answers to the printed questions. This is a simple way to get kids talking, start the conversation about how they handle emotions or to get to know the student better.

Assembly takes about three minutes. Print the template you want, fold where directed and then cut. Easy peazy!

  1. Anger Workbook:

All too often I see angry kids. Everything seems to set them off. When I ask them to talk about what happened, they cannot seem to put their feelings into words.

This workbook is designed to help children understand and express their anger. This interactive booklet requires kids to explore their anger through use of questions and drawing activities that force them to think deep and evaluate their own behavior.

Color and Black & White copy included in download.

*Be careful using with second grade. The activity requires a lot of writing.

For small version, print workbook double-sided (for best results, I click double-sided "short-edge binding" when printing). Simply fold the pages in half with the front and back cover facing out and staple to bind the booklet.

For full page booklet print double sided with long edge binding.

  1. Walk a Mile In Someone Else's Shoes, Empathy Builders.:

These cards are perfect for small groups or individual student use.

Sometimes our students need help understanding how their actions and/or how certain situations can affect other people's feelings. With your students, use these 48 empathy building situation cards to discuss how people would feel in various situations. Have students answer the questions on the cards and then discuss the scenarios and student responses.

Make your students think of how others feel and how they can help.

To create these cards:

For full color cards, print double sided, pages 3-26.

For black and white cards, print double sided, pages 26-50.

Laminate for durability.

Cut on dotted lines to separate.

  1. Expressing Emotions Tab Book:

This activity is perfect for small groups or individual lessons with students who need a little extra help understanding their emotions. This Tab Activity Book makes discussing and expressing emotions fun and interactive!


One Tab Activity Book with Cut & Glue Activity

All pages are black and white for ease of printing. Print pages 6-19 double sided on plain white paper. Cut along dotted lines to create each individual tab page. Put pages together in the correct order (tabs lining up properly) and staple along left side to create your Tab Activity Book!

It's that simple and super quick to assembly!!

Students answers three to four questions on each page. The questions allow students to explore how they feel and how they handle their various emotions.

There is also a cut and glue activity. Students cut out and sort the 32 situations provided based on how the situation would make the student feel. More situations are provided than will be used. If the student runs out of situations that would make them feel a specific emotion, they can write their own example of a situation in the box.

Here's how I use this product:

I had a little boy tell me he wants to talk about his emotions in a fun way. He said he has a hard time matching his face to his emotions and explaining how the emotions feel. I started him off with the Emotions Foldables, which he absolutely loved. He said he was starting to practice “making the face match the feels” and wanted to talk about the emotions more.

So I made this for him!

Necessary Supplies:

Access to a double sided black & white printer



Colored pencils

Construction Paper that matches Inside Out colors (optional)

Assembly & Activity

Single sided print the two situation pages for the cut and glue activity.

Printed out the Tab Workbook pages double sided. Cut along the dotted lines on each page and then line each up in the correct order.

When the pages are lined up correctly (happy, sad, surprised, fear, angry, disgust) staple down the left hand side to create a spine to your Tab WorkBook.

Cut out each of the scenarios and sort them into various piles based on how they make the student feel.

I usually teach colors to match each of the emotions (the same as Inside Out colors) so I like to pull out construction paper that matches each of the emotions to add a little color to the cut and glue activity (yellow, blue, orange for surprised, purple, red and green).

Color the cover however you want or to match with the color from Inside Out if you are going with that theme.

Once we finished the cover, we get down to the good stuff.

We start with the first emotion, happy. We discuss what happy means, draw a self-portrait of the student happy, explore what makes us happy and talk about what it feels like to be happy. We answer the questions on the page and draw pictures together.

We look at the pile of situations we had presorted for happy and chose four situations that made the student most happy. We glued each of the four situations to their appropriate colored construction paper (in this case yellow, this step is optional).

Then we cut them into squares small enough to fit into the boxes printed on the Tab Workbook Page.

We then glued the situation in a box under the chosen emotion’s page in the Tab WorkBook.

We repeated this process for each emotion.

You really get to explore each emotion in depth with your student.

Enjoy exploring emotions with your students!

Mrs. Bell

The Crafty Counselor

Please make sure you have the proper software to open a zip file before purchasing. You may not wish to purchase this product if you have previously purchased two or more of the above listed products. Be cautious when using with second graders;some activities require writing.

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Copyright © Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one user is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. See product file for clip-art and font credits.


Classroom Decor Black and White Theme BUNDLE

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

This classroom decor bundle set includes FIVE decor sets: Classroom Schedule, Classroom Jobs, Calendar and Weather, Alphabet Posters in print and cursive, and Behavior Chart and Rules.

These are the individual links to the products included in this file:





These are the descriptions of what is included in each file:

Classroom Jobs:

There are 40 total jobs and additional blank poster pages for you to create your own jobs if you need them. Some of the responsibilities include: leading the line, taking care of the class pet, monitoring the bathrooms, door holding, filing help, flag responsibilities, greeter, cleaner (various jobs for cleaning), recess monitoring, substitute helper, various jobs dealing with paper organization, weather reporter, etc.

Class Schedule Cards:

This product includes 90 class schedule cards as well as time cards (cards for every 5 minutes from 7:00-4:55) and would be perfect for any K-5th grade classroom. Each class schedule card includes clip art that will help visual students know what is coming up on the schedule. Please note that the completed class schedule cards are not editable, but the blank cards have clip art and text boxes embedded and are, in fact, editable (there is also an editable page for clocks and times)! The following class schedule cards are included:

art, assembly, bell work, brain break, breakfast, buddy reading, calendar, celebration, centers, circle time, clean-up, close reading, comprehension, computers, creative writing, current events, daily five, daily math, DEAR time, dismissal, drama, ELA, ESL, field trip, fluency, free choice, fun Friday, grammar, guided reading, gym, handwriting, health, iPads, journal time, language arts, library, listening centers, literacy stations, lunch, math centers, math fact, math journals, math stations, morning work, morning meeting, morning message, movement, music, news, pack up, PE, phonics, phonemic awareness, pocket charts, poetry, quiet time, read aloud, read to self, reader's theater, reader's workshop, reading centers, reading stations, recess, restroom, rest time, school begins, school ends, science, science lab, shared reading, show and tell, sight words, silent reading, smart board, snack, social studies, specials, spelling, STEM, STEAM, story time, tablets, technology, testing, weather, word work, writer's workshop, write the room, writing, and yoga. This class schedule product also includes the title decor that spells "Our Class Schedule" in bunting style. See the thumbnails for the style, color, and size of the title.

Calendar and Weather Set:

This black and white calendar and weather set is perfect for your Kinder-5th grade classroom! This product includes the following:

- Days of the week cards in varying sizes

- Poster: Yesterday was..., Today is..., Tomorrow will be...

- Weather picture cards with a weather poster (Today is...)

- Temperature poster with number cards for degrees (both Fahrenheit and Celsius options are included)

- Weekly temperature graphs (no prep printables) with corresponding questions (there are 4 pages total, two pages for Celsius and two pages for Fahrenheit)

- Birthday posters (half sheet per month)

- Editable tags for names (to use on birthday posters or anywhere else)

- Calendar numbers for dates

- Calendar cards for special occasions and holidays

- Poster: "We have been in school for.... " each digit is labeled with the correct place value

- Temperature cards

Alphabet Set:

This black and white alphabet poster set is perfect for your Kinder-5th grade classroom! This product includes full-size pages for each letter of the alphabet in print and in cursive.

If you'd like to check out the BRIGHT COLORFUL CLASSROOM DÉCOR products available in my store, please click below:







While you are gathering classroom decor and prettying up your walls and bulletin boards, you may be interested in my products that contain educational posters. Please check them out here:



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Kirsten has 18 years of experience in elementary education. She has been a homeroom teacher for first grade, third grade, and fourth grade, as well as ESL. She has also been a school counselor for grades PK-6, an ESL pullout teacher for K-6, and a Reading Recovery Teacher. She received her Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and psychology from The University of Iowa and a Master’s of Education in school counseling from Sam Houston State University. She believes that students make the most progress when they are engaged in their hearts as well as their minds. Her resources offer relevant, rigorous, engaging content that nurtures the whole child.


Copyright © Kirsten’s Kaboodle. All Rights Reserved.

• Purchasing this product gives the purchaser ONE LICENSE to this product. This allows the purchaser the right to reproduce this product for HIS/HER class ONLY.

• Duplication for an entire team, school, or school district is strictly forbidden.

• If other teachers would like copies of this product, please direct them to my store.

• You may not reproduce, redistribute, or post this item on a blog or website for download (free or paid).

• Copying any part of this product (even for a classroom website) is also in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

• You may not modify, copy, or alter this product in any way.

• Please feel free to spread the word about this product via social media or blog post. A link to the product (or my store) is much appreciated.


Self Esteem Activities & Positive Self-Talk Activities and Affirmations for Kids

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Are you looking for self-esteem-building activities that teach students positive self-talk and how to use positive affirmations? Look no further! These self-esteem activities for kids are sure to help you build students' confidence and boost their self-esteem.

Additionally, this download includes six self-affirmation and self-esteem-building activities for elementary-aged students. This resource includes everything you need to teach students how to build themselves up with positive self-talk and the use of positive affirmations.

Included in this Download:

  • Foldable Activity
  • Conversation Cards
  • Conversation Cube
  • Self Affirmation Poster Set
  • Student Self Affirmation Flip Book
  • Self Affirmation Activity Sheets

Suprise students with a secret compartment hidden within the folds of the paper in the foldable activity. Challenge students to think about their most likable qualities and statements they use to build themselves up. Break the ice with the conversation cube. Use the conversation cards to get students talking about positive self-talk and words of affirmation.  Hang the posters in highly visible areas for students to gaze upon. Create flipbooks for students to use when they need a self-esteem activity for a confidence boost. Let students get lost in a self-affirmation activity sheet. The possibilities and uses of the included resources are endless.

Other Educators Like You Said:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Deborah E. says, "The lesson was great for my social skills group. Great examples of positive thinking are provided for students."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jacqueline R. says, "This is a very creative way to build confidence and competency. Can't wait to share this with my patients!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashley M. says, "Nailed it again! Easy to use-everything you need!"

So, click the preview for more details and images of this fun and creative Self Esteem, Positive Self Talk, and Words of Affirmations Activities

Stay Connected:

  • mrsbellthecraftycounselor.com
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  • Pinterest

Follow me on TeachShare for updates about new products and 50% off sales!

You May Also Like:

  • How to Make a Friend Interactive Book
  • Friendship Book (Friend or Frenemy)
  • Will You Help Flip the Turtle?

This Self Esteem, Positive Self Talk, and Words of Affirmations Activities is copyright © Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor. Therefore, all rights are reserved by the author. Copying for more than one user is prohibited.


Christian Character Trait Posters with Bible Verses for Biblical Classroom Decor

By Teaching Dinos

Looking for Christian Character Trait Posters with Bible verses? You'll love these Biblical Character Trait Posters! These posters are the perfect resource for parents, Sunday School teachers, or Christian homeschoolers who want to encourage children to exhibit Christian character traits in the classroom.

As a bonus, you'll receive a "Faith In Action!" banner you can use to decorate your bulletin board, along with a set of collectible cards to reward and encourage students who demonstrate these traits in the classroom.

This poster set includes the following:

1. "Faith In Action!" Banner

2. 20 Character Trait Posters

3. 20 Photo Placeholder Posters

4. 20 Collectible Character Trait Cards

5. 10 Editable Character Trait Posters

6. 10 Editable Photo Placeholder Posters

7. 10 Editable Collectible Character Trait Cards

Poster Options: I Can Be...

  • Grateful like the Samaritan Leper (Luke 17:15-16)
  • Leader like Deborah (Matt. 20:25-26)
  • Joyful like the Shepherds (Luke 2:20)
  • Forgiving like Jesus (Luke 23:33-34)
  • Brave like David (1 Sam. 17:50)
  • Humble like Moses (James 4:6)
  • Kind like Rebekah (Genesis 24:18-20)
  • Loving like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:36-37)
  • Courageous like Joshua (Deut. 31:7-8)
  • Obedient like Noah (Hebrews 11:7)
  • Bold like Esther (Esther 4:16)
  • Generous like the Poor Widow (Mark 12:43-44)
  • Wise like Solomon (Proverbs 3:13-14)
  • Faithful like Paul (2 Tim. 4:7)
  • Selfless like Mary of Bethany (John 12:3)
  • Trustworthy like Joseph (Genesis 41:40)
  • Calm like Daniel (Phil. 4:6-7)
  • Patient like Abraham (Hebrews 6:13-15)
  • **Hospitable like Martha (**Hebrews 13:2)
  • Perseverant like Job (James 5:11)

Where can you use these posters?

➜ Sunday School

➜ VBS – Vacation Bible School

➜ Homeschool

➜ Christian Schools


Statement of Faith:

I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. I believe that Jesus is fully God and fully human, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and paid the penalty for our sins through his death on the cross, resurrected on the third day having victory over death. I believe in the trinity, that God is existent in 3 separate persons - God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe, as Calvary Chapel states, “that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, destined to spend eternity with the Lord.”


You May be Interested in these Related Products

• Armor of God Bible Activity Flip Book Craft for Christian Sunday School

• Birth of Jesus BUNDLE of Bible Story Lesson & Activities for Kids

• Simeon & Anna See Jesus Bible Activity Flip Book for Christian Sunday School

• The Shepherds Visit Jesus Bible Lesson & Craft For Christian Sunday School Kids


⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐

Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TeachShare. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!! 



Follow Teaching Dinos on Pinterest HERE

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Check out the Teaching Dinos Blog HERE

Please email me at TeachingDinos@gmail.com if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!


Identifying Emotions and Talk About Your Feeling Poster Set

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Help students identify their emotions and label their feelings with these emotions posters and check-in sheets. These are specifically designed to help students recognize the body language and facial expressions that accompany various emotions. Use the included activities to give students the words to describe emotions and feelings.

Expand students’ ability to express their emotions while expanding their emotional intelligence skills with these fun, informative identifying emotions activities.  Use the posters to help students label and identify feelings. Help students find the exact words that describe how they feel. 

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • Six Emotions Posters (Sad, Anger, Fear, Happy, Surprised, Disgust)
  • Student Check-In Sheet
  • Emotions Chart
  • Emotions Worksheets (4)

Students experience a wide range of feelings. Emotions are complex, and there isn't one right way to express or describe them. Expose students to words they've never encountered before with this cute identifying emotions resource. Show students the many words they can use to express themselves. Use the included resources to empower students to identify and express their emotions.  

Other Educators Like You Said:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amanda M. says, “Just what I was looking for! Thank you, this is really amazing!!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Johanna G. says, “Wonderful! I have them up in my office everyone that comes in loves them.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Zenia M. says, “Thank you, the visuals are so helpful for students to identify and expand on their feelings.”

Click the preview for more details and images about these identifying emotions posters and student check-in activities. 

Stay Connected:

  • mrsbellthecraftycounselor.com
  • Facebook
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  • Pinterest

Click the green star to follow me for updates about new products and 50% off sales!

You May Also Like:

  • Anger Resources
  • Calm Down Tools
  • Small-Group Activities
  • Social Skills Resources

These identifying feelings activities and poster sets are copyright © Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor. Therefore, all rights are reserved by the author. Copying for more than one user is prohibited.


Comic Book Inspirational Posters: Six full-color, 17"x11" posters

By EduDesign Savvy

Energize your classroom or hallway with these comic book-themed inspirational posters! Use these posters as part of your bulletin boards, wall art, and motivational decor to promote self-improvement and a growth mindset!

We also have black and white versions of these posters available!


  • High-resolution, PDF file
  • Six colorful poster designs
  • US tabloid size, 17"x11", landscape orientation

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


Peace Week Posters (A-Z Peaceful Character Traits)

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Help remind students what they can do to create a peaceful classroom environment with these Peaceful Character Traits Posters. Included are 26 posters (one for each letter of the alphabet) in both color and black and white copies. Each poster utilizes vocabulary geared towards describing actions students can take that will help keep the peace in their lives. Click the preview for more details and examples! In the future, this resource will be included in a Peace Week Planning Pack. Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor ************************************************************************* Stay Connected: Crafty Counselor Blog Facebook Instagram Pinterest Etsy Click the green star to follow me for updates about new products and sales! ************************************************************************* You May Also Like: • Zen Calm Down Corner (Yoga Based) • Friendship Fence (Buddy Bench on a Budget)


Hashtag Posters for Middle School or High School - Motivational, Growth Mindset

By EduDesign Savvy

Ten motivational hashtags that will resonate with your students. These posters can create a positive and empowering environment in middle and high school classrooms, encouraging students to adopt a growth mindset, work hard, and strive for their goals!


  • Compatible with Google Slides™ to easily edit
  • Total of 20 pages with color and grayscale versions of each poster
  • Fully-editable elements! All text, graphics and fonts can be changed or recolored
  • Size: 11"x8.5" inches, US letter, landscape
  • Suitable for classrooms, door decorations, bulletin boards, hallway decor, etc.
  • All resources use Google Fonts™ and can be downloaded for free from fonts.google.com
  • Extra! Includes a page with all graphic elements to create your own designs

Hashtags Include:

  1. #UnleashYourPotential
  2. #LevelUpYourMindset
  3. #DreamBigAchieveMore
  4. #StriveForGreatness
  5. #OwnYourSuccess
  6. #TheFutureIsYours
  7. #PushLimitsExcel
  8. #EmbraceTheChallenge
  9. #SuccessIsEarned
  10. #MindsetIsEverything ... or add your own!

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


10 Motivational and Growth Mindset Posters - 8.5"x11" Color and Black & White

By EduDesign Savvy

Introducing a collection of 10 motivational quote posters for your classroom. Featuring calming colors with modern organic shapes, these 8.5"x11" letter-size posters include both color and grayscale versions in one file! These unique quotes capturing the importance of cultivating a growth mindset and to believe in their own potential.


  • Compatible with Google Slides™ to easily edit
  • Total of 20 pages with color and grayscale versions of each poster
  • Fully-editable elements: All graphics and text can be changed or recolored
  • 8.5"x11" inches, US letter size
  • Suitable for classrooms, door decorations, bulletin boards, hallway decor, etc.
  • All resources use Google Fonts™ and can be downloaded for free from fonts.google.com

Quotes include:

  • "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
  • "You are capable of more than you know." - Les Brown
  • "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
  • "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success." - Albert Schweitzer
  • "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
  • "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein
  • "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius
  • "The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." - Steve Jobs
  • "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


Comic Book Inspirational Posters: Six black and white, 17"x11" posters

By EduDesign Savvy

Energize your classroom or hallway with these comic book-themed inspirational posters! Use these posters as part of your bulletin boards, wall art, and motivational decor to promote self-improvement and a growth mindset!

A color version of these posters is also available!


  • High-resolution, PDF file
  • Six unique black and white designs
  • US tabloid size, 17"x11, landscape orientation

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


Alphabet Posters with Pictures in Manuscript and Cursive: Classroom Decor

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Alphabet Posters with Pictures in Cursive and Print: Black-and-White Theme

This file includes two complete sets of Alphabet Posters (in manuscript print and cursive) in a black-and-white theme.

This black and white themed alphabet poster set is perfect for your Kinder-5th grade classroom!

This product includes full-sized pages for each alphabet letter in print and cursive. Each poster also contains a clip art image along with the name of the picture (the upper level "A" card shows an image of an astronaut as well as the word "astronaut" below the image.

This alphabet poster set will match any classroom decor because it is a black-and-white theme. The black and white backgrounds make the pictures on the alphabet cards pop out!

These are all the BLACK AND WHITE CLASSROOM DÉCOR products available in my store:


Please check out the BRIGHT COLORFUL RAINBOW CLASSROOM DÉCOR products available in my store as well:


While you are gathering classroom decor and prettying up your walls and bulletin boards, you may be interested in my products that contain educational posters. Please check them out here:


Leadership!! Classroom Jobs in Spanish!! (Trabajos del Aula)

By La Llama Bilingüe

Two versions of this product:

  • Letter size (8.5x11) 2 signs per page and 6 per page.

Jobs included:

  1. Ayudante el pizarrón
  2. Limpieza de mesas
  3. Recolector de trabajos
  4. Líder de la fila
  5. Jefe de limpieza
  6. Patrulla anti basura
  7. Jefe de la luz
  8. Calendario
  9. Mensajero
  10. Ayudante de la biblioteca
  11. Asistente
  12. Jefe de la puerta
  13. Soporte técnico
  14. Jefe de las sillas
  15. Asistente de gimnasio
  16. Repartidor
  17. Caboose
  18. Sustituto

Cactus Classroom Decor & Printable Welcome Back To School Banner Display

By Mrs Wates Teaching Creations

Back to School! Get ready to welcome your students back to school with this adorable Cactus Cuties theme bunting banner. These easy to print welcome back banners/posters are perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your classroom. Featuring different cactus characters with cute and quirky faces, these banners will add a touch of fun to your classroom decor. The banner reads Welcome back to our prickly paradise: Cactus Cuties! and also includes Welcome back to school to set the tone for a new school year. These banners are perfect for bulletin boards, classroom doors or any other space you want to decorate for the back to school season. The cactus themed banners are designed to be eye-catching and engaging, with bright colors and adorable cactus characters that will capture your students attention.

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Superhero Growth vs Fixed Mindset Posters for Elementary Students

By Mrs Bell The Crafty Counselor

Promote the idea that through hard work and dedication, abilities can be developed with these fun, colorful, superhero growth mindset posters for classroom or office bulletin boards or wall displays. Help foster growth mindsets and challenge fixed mindsets with these easy-to-prep superhero posters that will both grab students’ attention and encourage self-reflection. 

With these beautiful, colorful, superhero growth mindset posters hanging in student view, statements such as “I'm not good at this” turns into “What am I missing?” 

“I give up. I'll never get it” all of a sudden becomes “I'll use a different strategy.” 

“I can't make this any better” transforms into “What can I improve?”

The saying goes, “change their mindset, change their life," start the process of changing students' thought patterns and help foster a growth mindset for students with these engaging superhero visuals.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • 10 Fixed Mindset Statement Posters
  • 10 Growth Mindset Statement Posters
  • Mindset Word Collage (Diagram with Hanging Instructions Included)

Students will love to see these encouraging and uplifting superhero posters hanging in classrooms, offices, hallways, cafeterias, and common spaces are campus. Give students the opportunity to grow their mindset no matter where there are at school.   

These versatile superhero posters can be used in the classroom, counseling office, homeschool setup, calm down corners...the possibilities are endless. 

Also, prep is a breeze. Print, laminate, and hang are all you need to do to start changing mindsets! 

Here’s What Other Educators Like You Said:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amber B. says, “LOVE this! Thank you!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kimberly W. says, "Our school theme this year is superheroes! This is just perfect!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren K. says, "Easy Bulletin Board! Thanks!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sheri H. says, "Colorful and cute! Love the superhero characters. Thank you!!"

So, click the preview for more details and images of these fun superhero growth mindset vs. fixed mindset activities!

You May Also Like:

  • Anger Management Techniques for Children
  • Boys Group Counseling Curriculum for Anger Regulation
  • Calming Strategies & Coping Skills for Elementary School

Stay Connected:

  • mrsbellthecraftycounselor.com
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So, these superhero growth mindset posters are copyright © Mrs. Bell The Crafty Counselor. Therefore, all rights are reserved by the author. Copying for more than one user is prohibited.


Partner/Grouping Cards,Snack Pairs Theme

By Kim Romero

Partner Cards: Snack Pairs

A fun and engaging way to pair up! Perfect for classrooms, group activities, or team-building exercises, these adorable "Snack Pairs" Partner Cards are designed to bring smiles to everyone's faces. Each card features a cute, food-inspired character that pairs perfectly with its matching counterpart — from sushi and soy sauce to cupcakes and sprinkles!

Simply hand out the cards, and participants will find their matching partner by connecting the foods that "go together like..." It's an easy and creative icebreaker that fosters teamwork and interaction.

Includes: Multiple food pair cards (e.g., Nutella & toast, watermelon & tajin, pretzel & cheese)

Uses: Group activities, classroom icebreakers, team-building events

Fun Design: Cute and colorful snack-themed illustrations

Durable & Reusable: Made from quality materials to last multiple uses.

Product Includes:

*13 Colored Snack Sets

*3 Different Sizes

*Multiple Partner Reference Poster


Editable Family Movie Night Flyer - 2 sizes!

By EduDesign Savvy

Hosting a family movie night at your school? This fully customizable flyer design will let everyone know the details of your event. A movie night is the perfect fundraiser for any time of the year!


  • Compatible with Google Slides™ to easily edit
  • One letter (8.5x11) and two half-page (5.5x8.5) size templates
  • Add your School's name, date, location, time, and any other important information
  • Includes multiple elements to create a professional-looking flyer design
  • Easily print, save, or share electronically
  • Include a hyperlink or QR code
  • All resources use Google Fonts™ and can be downloaded for free from fonts.google.com

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


Trabalenguas | 12 Tongue Twister Posters in Spanish | Posters

By Senorita Creativa

Get your students excited about Spanish pronunciation with these fun and colorful tongue twister posters! This resource includes 12 different tongue twisters that are sure to grab your students' attention. Brighten up your room with these posters that go beyond decor!

These trabalenguas posters are a great choice for any Spanish or dual language classroom! Did you know that learning and practicing tongue twisters helps students with pronunciation, fluency development, vocabulary growth, and cross-cultural connections? By incorporating tongue twisters into your lessons, you can easily enhance language acquisition and create a dynamic classroom environment.

Here's what you'll get:

  ✅ 12 full-page tongue twister posters in Spanish (included in color and black & white)

  ✅ master list of the 12 tongue twisters

  ✅ teaching tips

Prep is quick and easy... Just print the posters you want to use (cardstock is recommended), laminate if desired, and you're ready to create a visually engaging and mentally stimulating classroom display!

✏️ Please note: this resource is NOT editable.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Valeria Z. says, "My students loved these! They loved to challenge each other to read it without any errors."

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Angie H. says, "Love everything about this file. The clarity, colorfulness, fonts, and details are perfect! I was looking to incorporate this since last year and now I have it. Thank you so much for sharing your art, vision and hard work!"

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Christine S. says, "So fun! My students look forward to learning a new one every unit! ¡Gracias!"

© Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Customizable Tutoring Flyer Template for Teachers: Two Designs in Two Sizes!

By EduDesign Savvy

Elevate your tutoring service with our vibrant flyer templates! Capture the attention of students and parents looking for one-on-one or group tutoring sessions. Compatible with Google Slides™ for seamless customization, these templates are perfect to promote your skills and expertise.


  • Compatible with Google Slides™ easy customization
  • Two letter-sized (8.5"x11") flyer templates
  • Four half-page (8.5"x5.5") templates - two half-page sheets per page
  • Colorful school-themed graphics
  • Easy to print, save and share electronically
  • Add a QR code or link to more information
  • All resources use Google Fonts™ and can be downloaded for free from fonts.google.com

★ Visit the EduDesign Savvy store, where every resource is under $5! ★

© EduDesign Savvy. All rights reserved by author.

Licensed for individual use. Non-transferable and may not be used by or reallocated to a different individual or entity.


¿Qué dicen los animales? | 20 Animal Sound Posters in Spanish | Class Decor

By Senorita Creativa

Are you looking for a fun, eye-catching way to decorate a wall or bulletin board that's still educational? Then these fun animal noise posters are exactly what you're looking for! You can use these 20 animal sound posters in Spanish to decorate your classroom or bulletin board in a fun, colorful, and educational manner. Each of the 20 posters are full-page with pictures and come with a title card (21 posters total).

This resource includes:

  • 20 posters with beautiful color photographs
  • a title card - ¿Qué dicen los animales?
  • a clickable table of contents
  • teachers tips

© 2017 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
