Numbers Activities

Apple Seed Graphing and Counting

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Students will count and graph the number of apple seeds they found in their apples. Excellent for early elementary and special education classrooms. Black and white graphics help you save on ink. Easy, fun, and interactive math lesson. Lesson plan ties in Special Education Extended Standards. This would be fun for Johnny Appleseed Day!


Fall Activities for Primary Grades, Pre-K, Special Education

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

These fall activities will get your class in the seasonal spirit! Apples, pumpkins, and leaves team up to help your students practice skills such as counting, single digit addition, graphing, and even sequencing events. From no-prep to low-prep, these ELA and math activities are the perfect addition to your classroom.


Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

By Ms Garcia Store

Transforma tu rutina diaria en el aula con nuestro completo Calendario Interactivo para Clases en Español. Este recurso interactivo, diseñado para PowerPoint, brinda una experiencia atractiva tanto para profesores como estudiantes, en la que se podrá completar la rutina de cada mañana arrastrando los distintos objetos y yendo a través los diferentes links.

Di adiós a la molestia de completar manualmente los días de cada mes. Nuestro calendario viene precargado con todos los meses, eliminando la necesidad de actualizaciones manuales.

Mira el video de vista previa incluido en la descripción del recurso para familiarizarte con la funcionalidad de cada diapositiva. Esto te ayudará a navegar por las 29 diapositivas y aprovechar al máximo los botones interactivos.

Características clave:

Mensaje de la mañana: Comienza cada día con un mensaje personalizado para establecer un ambiente positivo para tus estudiantes.

Registro emocional: Anima a los estudiantes a expresar sus sentimientos y emociones y realiza un seguimiento de sus respuestas.

Días de la semana: Refuerza el concepto de los días de la semana y su orden. Hoy, ayer y mañana: Fomenta la comprensión de las relaciones temporales. Meses del año: Introduce y explora los nombres y la secuencia de los meses. Estaciones del año: Mejora la comprensión de los cuatro estaciones del año por parte de los estudiantes.

Sección del clima: Involucra a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje sobre patrones y condiciones climáticas, y realiza un seguimiento del clima de la semana.

Días de escuela con valor posicional: Realiza un seguimiento del número de días en la escuela utilizando conceptos de valor posicional.

Practica sumar y restar 10, sumar y restar 1 en un gráfico de 120.

Días de escuela en un gráfico de 120: Visualiza los días acumulados de escuela en un gráfico.

Contando días con monedas: Introduce conceptos de dinero contando los días de escuela utilizando monedas.

El número del día: Enfócate en un número específico cada día para profundizar la comprensión numérica: forma en palabras, marcas de conteo, par e impar, marcos de diez...

Vídeos de canciones didácticas relacionas con cada tema: ¿Qué mejor forma de aprender y empezar el día que cantando?

Coloca tus Pegatinas de Bitmoji en lugar de las mías:

Por favor, ten en cuenta que no todas las pegatinas están disponibles en la web ni en la extensión de Bitmoji. Si no puedes encontrar la misma pegatina que he utilizado pero con tu Bitmoji personal, te recomiendo usar la aplicación móvil de Bitmoji, donde seguramente la encontrarás utilizando palabras clave en la barra de búsqueda. Una vez que encuentres la misma pegatina con tu Bitmoji, sigue estos pasos:

  1. Haz clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la pegatina que deseas cambiar.
  2. Selecciona 'Cambiar Imagen.'
  3. Elije 'Desde Portapapeles.'

Esto reemplazará la pegatina con tu Bitmoji personalizado.


Escribe el mensaje del día en el calendario y navega libremente por las diapositivas haciendo ctrl+clic en los botones interactivos para llevarte a otra página o reproduirte uno de los tantos vídeos de canciones didácticas relacionadas. Arrastra y suelta los objetos para completar cada una de las actividades, o escribe en los campos que lo requieran.

Ten en cuenta que este recurso está diseñado en y para PowerPoint. Es posible que alguna cosa no funcione correctamente en Google Drive, pero en principio debería hacerlo. No dudes en comunicarme cualquier herror en su funcionamiento. Trataré de solucionarlo de inmediato.

¡Valoramos tus comentarios! Dejar una reseña no solo nos ayuda a mejorar, sino que también te otorga puntos para obtener recursos gratuitos en TeachShare. ¡Gracias por tu compra y por elegir nuestro Calendario Interactivo en Español para mejorar tu experiencia en el aula!

Related Products

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


Full-screen interactive class calendar

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing our comprehensive Digital Class Calendar resource, designed to simplify your daily classroom routine and engage your students in an interactive learning experience. This complete PowerPoint presentation operates in full-screen mode, providing a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation.

With all months preloaded, you can bid farewell to the hassle of manually filling in the days of each month. Our Digital Class Calendar comes fully equipped, saving you valuable time and effort.

Stay up-to-date effortlessly! Enjoy FREE annual updates, ensuring your calendar remains current with the latest dates. You'll receive notifications whenever an updated calendar becomes available, allowing for uninterrupted planning and scheduling.

For a comprehensive overview of the resource's functionality, we highly recommend watching the preview video located in the resource description. It will guide you through each slide, highlighting key features and demonstrating how to navigate effortlessly. Rest assured, each slide is accompanied by clear instructions, making it easy to grasp and implement in your classroom.

Key Features:

  1. Morning message: Kick-start your day with a positive message to set the tone for learning.

2. How do you feel today?: Encourage students to express their emotions and foster social-emotional awareness.

3. Days of the week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.

4. Today, yesterday, and tomorrow: Develop students' understanding of time and sequence.

5. Months of the year: Familiarize students with the twelve months in an engaging manner.

6. Seasons of the year: Explore the characteristics of each season.

7. Weather section: Delve into weather patterns and observation skills and track the weather of the week.

8. Days of school with place value and expanded form: Reinforce place value concepts using the days of the school year.

9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.

10. Days of school in a 120 chart: Visualize and track the passage of time in a structured manner.

11. Telling time: Introduce the basics of reading analog clocks and developing time-telling skills.

12. Coins: Familiarize students with the concept of money and coin recognition.

13. Number of the day: Focus on a specific number daily to deepen students' understanding of number relationships: Word form, Ten frames, Tally marks, and Even and Odd.

  1. Birthday Tracker (NEW): Keep track of student birthdays in a convenient and engaging manner.

Effortless navigation! Access any section of the calendar instantly using the user-friendly menu. Simply click on the desired section, providing quick and easy access to the relevant slide.

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


1. Begin by writing the message of the day before starting class, setting a positive tone for learning.

2. Play the presentation at your convenience, using a mouse or your finger (if using a touch screen) to freely navigate through the 32 slides by clicking on the intuitive buttons.

3. Please note that PowerPoint animations are incorporated to enhance student engagement, but do keep in mind that they may not function properly in Google Drive. If you want a Digital Calendar that works on Google Drive, click here.

Experience the ease and effectiveness of our Digital Class Calendar resource. Simplify your daily routine, engage your students, and foster a love for learning with this versatile and interactive tool.

Related Products

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

By Ms Garcia Store

Transforma tu rutina diaria en el aula con nuestro completo Calendario Interactivo para Clase. Este recurso interactivo, diseñado como una presentación de PowerPoint a pantalla completa, brinda una experiencia fluida y atractiva tanto para profesores como estudiantes.

Di adiós a la molestia de completar manualmente los días de cada mes. Nuestro calendario viene precargado con todos los meses, eliminando la necesidad de actualizaciones manuales. Simplemente abre la presentación y comienza a utilizar sus amplias funciones.

Mira el video de vista previa incluido en la descripción del recurso para familiarizarte con la funcionalidad de cada diapositiva. Esto te ayudará a navegar por las 29 diapositivas y aprovechar al máximo los botones interactivos.

Características clave:

Mensaje de la mañana: Comienza cada día con un mensaje personalizado para establecer un ambiente positivo para tus estudiantes.

Registro emocional: Anima a los estudiantes a expresar sus sentimientos y emociones y realiza un seguimiento de sus respuestas.

Días de la semana: Refuerza el concepto de los días de la semana y su orden.

Hoy, ayer y mañana: Fomenta la comprensión de las relaciones temporales.

Meses del año: Introduce y explora los nombres y la secuencia de los meses.

Estaciones del año: Mejora la comprensión de los cuatro estaciones del año por parte de los estudiantes.

Sección del clima: Involucra a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje sobre patrones y condiciones climáticas, y realiza un seguimiento del clima de la semana.

Días de escuela con valor posicional: Realiza un seguimiento del número de días en la escuela utilizando conceptos de valor posicional.

Practica sumar y restar 10, sumar y restar 1 en un gráfico de 120.

Días de escuela en un gráfico de 120: Visualiza los días acumulados de escuela en un gráfico.

Contando días con monedas: Introduce conceptos de dinero contando los días de escuela utilizando monedas.

El número del día: Enfócate en un número específico cada día para profundizar la comprensión numérica: forma en palabras, marcas de conteo, par e impar, marcos de diez...

Coloca tus Pegatinas de Bitmoji en lugar de las mías:

Por favor, ten en cuenta que no todas las pegatinas están disponibles en la web ni en la extensión de Bitmoji. Si no puedes encontrar la misma pegatina que he utilizado pero con tu Bitmoji personal, te recomiendo usar la aplicación móvil de Bitmoji, donde seguramente la encontrarás utilizando palabras clave en la barra de búsqueda. Una vez que encuentres la misma pegatina con tu Bitmoji, sigue estos pasos:

  1. Haz clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la pegatina que deseas cambiar.
  2. Selecciona 'Cambiar Imagen.'
  3. Elije 'Desde Portapapeles.'

Esto reemplazará la pegatina con tu Bitmoji personalizado.


Antes de comenzar la clase, escribe el mensaje del día en el calendario. Luego, en cualquier momento durante la clase, reproduce la presentación y navega libremente por las diapositivas haciendo clic en los botones interactivos. No es necesario un teclado; simplemente usa un mouse o tu dedo si estás utilizando un dispositivo con pantalla táctil.

Ten en cuenta que las animaciones de PowerPoint incluidas en el recurso están diseñadas para captar la atención de tus estudiantes, sin embargo, no funcionarán en Google Drive, tan sólo en PowerPoint.

¡Valoramos tus comentarios! Dejar una reseña no solo nos ayuda a mejorar, sino que también te otorga puntos para obtener recursos gratuitos en TeachShare. ¡Gracias por tu compra y por elegir nuestro Calendario Interactivo en Español para mejorar tu experiencia en el aula!

Related Products

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension, and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


120 chart with stickers to hide the numbers

By Ms Garcia Store

Enhance your digital educational experience with our interactive PowerPoint resource featuring a dynamic 120 chart complemented by colorful stickers. This engaging activity is designed to foster number comprehension in students.

Encourage active learning as students place stickers over the numbers and then challenge them to uncover the hidden numerical values. This exercise not only reinforces number recognition but also cultivates problem-solving skills.

In addition to number proficiency, this resource doubles as a fun tool for honing color recognition. The diverse range of sticker colors will provide an extra layer of cognitive development as students identify and match the colors to their corresponding numbers.

In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, here's an additional tip: make sure to keep several copies of the blank 120 chart slide. This way, once you've finished the exercise with your students, you won't need to reposition the stickers. Simply delete the used slide and proceed with one of the blank ones. This will save you time and streamline preparation for future learning sessions, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted experience for your students.

Unlock an immersive educational journey that not only sharpens mathematical skills but also fosters a keen eye for colors.

More resources you might be interested in:

Capture 5 game

Hit the number

Spot the number


2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and other in Spanish.

By Ms Garcia Store

2 Interactive Calendars (August-July), one in English and another in Spanish.

Introducing our comprehensive Digital Class Calendar resource, designed to simplify your daily classroom routine and engage your students in an interactive learning experience. This complete PowerPoint presentation operates in full-screen mode, providing a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation.

With all months preloaded, you can bid farewell to the hassle of manually filling in the days of each month. Our Digital Class Calendar comes fully equipped, saving you valuable time and effort.

Stay up-to-date effortlessly! Enjoy FREE annual updates, ensuring your calendar remains current with the latest dates. You'll receive notifications whenever an updated calendar becomes available, allowing for uninterrupted planning and scheduling.

For a comprehensive overview of the resource's functionality, we highly recommend watching the preview video located in the resource description. It will guide you through each slide, highlighting key features and demonstrating how to navigate effortlessly. Rest assured, each slide is accompanied by clear instructions, making it easy to grasp and implement in your classroom.

Key Features:

  1. Morning message: Kick-start your day with a positive message to set the tone for learning.

2. How do you feel today?: Encourage students to express their emotions and foster social-emotional awareness.

3. Days of the week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.

4. Today, yesterday, and tomorrow: Develop students' understanding of time and sequence.

5. Months of the year: Familiarize students with the twelve months in an engaging manner.

6. Seasons of the year: Explore the characteristics of each season.

7. Weather section: Delve into weather patterns and observation skills and track the weather of the week.

8. Days of school with place value and expanded form: Reinforce place value concepts using the days of the school year.

9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.

10. Days of school in a 120 chart: Visualize and track the passage of time in a structured manner.

11. Telling time: Introduce the basics of reading analog clocks and developing time-telling skills.

12. Coins: Familiarize students with the concept of money and coin recognition.

13. Number of the day: Focus on a specific number daily to deepen students' understanding of number relationships: Word form, Ten frames, Tally marks, and Even and Odd.

  1. Birthday Tracker (NEW): Keep track of student birthdays in a convenient and engaging manner.

Effortless navigation! Access any section of the calendar instantly using the user-friendly menu. Simply click on the desired section, providing quick and easy access to the relevant slide.

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


1. Begin by writing the message of the day before starting class, setting a positive tone for learning.

2. Play the presentation at your convenience, using a mouse or your finger (if using a touch screen) to freely navigate through the 32 slides by clicking on the intuitive buttons.

3. Please note that PowerPoint animations are incorporated to enhance student engagement, but do keep in mind that they may not function properly in Google Drive. If you want a Digital Calendar that works on Google Drive, click here.

2Interactive Calendars. One in English and one in Spanish

Experience the ease and effectiveness of our Digital Class Calendar resource. Simplify your daily routine, engage your students, and foster a love for learning with this versatile and interactive tool.

More resources you might be interested in:

Full-screen interactive class calendar

Interactive Calendar

Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo


2 interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


2 interactive calendars. One in English and other in Spanish

By Ms Garcia Store

2 Interactive Calendars (August-July), one in English and another in Spanish.

Transform your daily classroom routine with our comprehensive Interactive Class Calendar. This interactive resource, designed as a full-screen PowerPoint presentation, provides a seamless and engaging experience for teachers and students alike.

Say goodbye to the hassle of manually filling out the days of each month. Our calendar comes preloaded with all the months, eliminating the need for manual updates. Simply open the presentation and start utilizing its extensive features.

Watch the preview video included in the resource description to familiarize yourself with the functionality of each slide. This will help you navigate through the 29 slides and make the most of the interactive buttons.

Key Features:

  1. Morning Message: Begin each day with a personalized message to set a positive tone for your students.
  2. Emotion Check-In: Encourage students to express their feelings and emotions and take track of their answers.
  3. Days of the Week: Reinforce the concept of weekdays and their order.
  4. Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow: Foster an understanding of time relationships.
  5. Months of the Year: Introduce and explore the names and sequence of the months.
  6. Seasons of the Year: Enhance students' understanding of the four seasons.
  7. Weather Section: Engage students in learning about weather patterns and conditions, and track the weather of the week.
  8. Days of School with Place Value: Track the number of days in school using place value concepts.
  9. Practice 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less on a 120 chart.
  10. Days of School on a 120 Chart: Visualize the cumulative days of school on a chart.
  11. Counting Days with Coins: Introduce money concepts by counting the days of school using coins.
  12. The Number of the Day: Focus on a specific number each day to deepen numerical understanding: word form, tally markers, odd and even, ten frames...
  13. Tons of Educational Songs Videos: What better way to learn and start the day than singing?

Put your Bitmoji Stickers instead of mine:

Please be aware that not all stickers are available on the web or in the Bitmoji extension. If you can't find the same sticker I've used but with your personal Bitmoji, I recommend using the Bitmoji mobile app, where you're sure to find it by using keywords in the search bar. Once you find the same sticker with your Bitmoji, follow these steps:

  1. Click the right mouse button on the sticker you want to change.
  2. Select 'Change Picture.'
  3. Choose 'From Clipboard.'

This will replace the sticker with your customized Bitmoji.


Before beginning the class, write the day's message on the calendar. Then, at any time during the class, play the presentation and freely navigate through the slides by clicking on the interactive buttons. No keyboard is needed; simply use a mouse or your finger if using a touchscreen device.

Please note that the PowerPoint animations included in the resource are designed to engage your students. However, they may not function properly in Google Drive.

We value your feedback! Leaving a review not only helps us improve but also earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase and for choosing our Interactive Spanish Class Calendar to enhance your classroom experience!

Related Products

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar

⭐Interactive Calendar

⭐Full-screen interactive class calendar in Spanish/calendario interactivo

⭐Interactive calendar in Spanish/ calendario interactivo

Related Bundles:

⭐2 full-screen interactive calendars. One in English and the other in Spanish

⭐Interactive Class calendar, telling time extension and birthday celebration

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

Don´t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward free TeachShare resources. Thank you for your purchase!


Roll and Cover - Community Helpers Theme - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, community helper themed roll and cover games! Comes with five sets of roll and cover games, each set with a different theme including post office, police officers, trash and recycling collectors, doctors and nurses, and firefighters. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 25 roll and cover games. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other community helper activities?

Community Helpers Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

Transportation Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

November Weekly Vocabulary Word Work (includes community helper vehicles)

*More coming soon*


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• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Roll and Cover - Fall Halloween Thanksgiving

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, fall themed, roll and cover games! Themes included are apples, pumpkins, raking leaves, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 25 roll and cover games. These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice! ***************************************************************************** Looking for other fall activities? September Weekly Thematic Vocabulary Word Work Fall Holidays Word Wall Cards Halloween Color by CVC Word Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Unit - Elementary School ***************************************************************************** Before you go... Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products! Get credit to use on your next purchase • Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for. *****************************************************************************


Roll and Cover - Winter - Christmas Snow Valentine's Day

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, winter themed, roll and cover games! Themes included are gingerbread man baking, Christmas, snowman building, making hot chocolate, and Valentine's Day. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 25 roll and cover games. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other winter activities?

Label the Parts: Winter

Winter Holiday Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

Thematic Weekly Vocabulary - Full Year Bundle

Seasons Sorting Mats

Winter Color by CVC Word

Christmas Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Activities


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

Get credit to use on your next purchase

• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Hanukkah Cut and Paste Math & Literacy Center Activities - No Prep

By Three Little Homeschoolers

These Hanukkah Cut & Paste center activities are a fun way to fill your math and literacy centers this December! Each one page printable features a cut and paste activity, themed for Hanukkah with gelt, menorahs, dreidels, candles, and more. Activities include sorting smallest to largest and largest to smallest, word match, counting, patterns, and skip counting.

16 activities are included in full color, as well as 15 of those in a black and white version for easy printing.

Looking for more holiday fun?

Pair these with my other products! These center activities is designed to accompany my other winter holidays products and can be used in conjunction with them to bring more winter holiday fun into the classroom! Find those products below...

Hanukkah Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Hanukkah Puzzles and Color by Letter Center Activites

Winter Holiday Vocabulary Cards - Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, &

Chinese New Year

What Belongs-Holiday Edition

Label the Parts - Winter and Holidays

Christmas Cut and Paste Math & Literacy Center Activities

Kwanzaa Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - FREEBIE Preview **Try before you buy!**


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• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Christmas Cut and Paste Math & Literacy Center Activities

By Three Little Homeschoolers

These Christmas Cut & Paste center activities are a fun way to fill your math and literacy centers this December! Each one page printable features a cut and paste activity, themed for Christmas with trees, gingerbread, stockings, and more. Activities include sorting smallest to largest and largest to smallest, word match, counting, patterns, and skip counting.

Both color and black and white versions of the 18 activities are included for easy printing.

This is included in my Christmas Activities, Game, and Centers Big Bundle. If you're looking to purchase this or any of my other Christmas units, buy the bundle and save 20%!

Looking for more holiday fun?

Pair these with my other products! These center activities is designed to accompany my other winter holidays products and can be used in conjunction with them to bring more winter holiday fun into the classroom! Find those products below...

Chinese New Year Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Kwanzaa Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Hanukkah Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - FREEBIE Preview **Try before you buy!**

Christmas Bingo Jr with 30 Unique Cards

What Belongs-Holiday Edition

Label the Parts - Winter and Holidays


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

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• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Roll and Cover - Back to School Theme - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, back to school themed roll and cover games! Comes with five sets of roll and cover games, each set with a different back to school theme including first day of school, in the classroom, cut and paste, getting to school, and more. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 25 roll and cover games. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other back to school activities?

Back to School Bingo

Back to School Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

Back to School Letter Sorting Center

Back to School Color by CVC Word

Thematic Weekly Vocabulary - Full Year Bundle


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

Get credit to use on your next purchase

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Roll and Cover - Spring Easter St Patrick's Day - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, spring themed, roll and cover games! Themes included are garden, picnic and kite flying, St. Patrick's Day, Earth Day, and Easter. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 25 roll and cover games. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other spring activities?

Label the Parts: Spring

Spring Holiday Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

Thematic Weekly Vocabulary - Full Year Bundle

Seasons Sorting Mats

Spring Color by CVC Word


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Hanukkah Puzzles and Color by Letter Center Activities - No Prep

By Three Little Homeschoolers

These Hanukkah Puzzles and Color by Letter set features no prep activities that can easily be added to any center! They provide opportunities for counting, letter and word recognition, and motor skills, while featuring Hanukkah symbols like dreidels, menorahs, latkes, candles, and more.


-1 picture puzzle in three different levels for both beginner and more advanced students in both color and black and white

-2 counting picture puzzles in both color and black and white

-9 two piece puzzles for letter recognition in both color and black and white

-11 three piece puzzles for word recognition in both color and black and white

-1 color by letter picture with three different version for students at different levels

Looking for more holiday fun?

Pair these with my other products! These center activities is designed to accompany my other winter holidays products and can be used in conjunction with them to bring more winter holiday fun into the classroom! Find those products below...

Hanukkah Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Hanukkah Cut and Paste - Math & Literacy Center Activities

Winter Holiday Vocabulary Cards - Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, &

Chinese New Year

What Belongs-Holiday Edition

Label the Parts - Winter and Holidays

Christmas Cut and Paste Math & Literacy Center Activities

Kwanzaa Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers

Christmas Tracing - FREEBIE Preview **Try before you buy!**


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Roll and Cover - Summer - Fourth of July Canada Day - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, summer themed, roll and cover games! Themes included are camping, making lemonade and lemonade stand, Fourth of July/Independence Day, Canada Day, road trip, and pool party. Each theme comes with five versions of the roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add, for a total of 30 roll and cover games. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other summer activities?

Label the Parts: Summer

Summer Holiday Vocabulary/Word Wall Cards

Thematic Weekly Vocabulary - Full Year Bundle

Seasons Sorting Mats

Summer Color by CVC Word

Summer Fun Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Activities


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Christmas Puzzles and Games Center Activities

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Looking for fun ways to add some holiday spirit into your math and literacy centers? These Christmas Puzzles and Games feature fun, no prep activities that can easily be added to any center! They provide opportunities for counting, letter and word recognition, and motor skills, while featuring Christmas symbols like gingerbread, trees, holly, poinsettias, and more. Included: -2 picture puzzles in three different levels for both beginner and more advanced students in both color and black and white -1 counting picture puzzle in both color and black and white -12 two piece puzzles for letter recognition in both color and black and white -12 three piece puzzles for word recognition in both color and black and white -1 fill in the pieces puzzle in color -3 fun find-it activities in color This is included in my Christmas Activities, Game, and Centers Big Bundle. If you're looking to purchase this or any of my other Christmas units, buy the bundle and save 20%! Looking for more holiday fun? Pair these with my other products! These center activities is designed to accompany my other winter holidays products and can be used in conjunction with them to bring more winter holiday fun into the classroom! Find those products below... Christmas Cut and Paste Math & Literacy Center Activities Kwanzaa Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers Hanukkah Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers Christmas Tracing - Prewriting & Writing Centers Christmas Tracing - FREEBIE Preview **Try before you buy!** Christmas Bingo Jr with 30 Unique Cards What Belongs-Holiday Edition Label the Parts - Winter and Holidays ***************************************************************************** Before you go... Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products! Get credit to use on your next purchase • Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for. *****************************************************************************


Thanksgiving Dinner Number Puzzles - Counting Math Center

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Celebrate Thanksgiving with these fun Thanksgiving dinner number puzzles! Count the parts of the Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, peas, and pumpkin pie. Students count the pieces and match the number with two different version: two piece puzzle with picture and number or three piece puzzle with picture, number, and number word. Includes numbers zero through ten. Laminate for durability and use in a math counting center!


Looking for other fun activities?

Thanksgiving Tracing Prewriting and Writing Activities

Thanksgiving Turkeys Letter Sorting Center

Fall Roll & Cover Math Games

Label the Parts: Autumn

What Belongs? Holidays - Cut, Sort & Paste Activities


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Roll and Cover - Going Fishing FREEBIE - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Try our Roll and Cover games for free with this freebie download! Students practice counting, adding, and subtracting with these fun, fishing themed roll and cover games! Comes with one full set which includes five versions of the classic roll and cover game: roll and count the dots, add one, add two, subtract one, and roll two dice and add. Use erasers or your favorite markers/chips to cover the numbers!

This is a great way to try the games out before you buy a full set of our Roll and Cover Games. This freebie comes with an example of each of the five kinds of game boards that are included in each full resource unit.

These are great for classroom math centers or for homeschoolers to add to their gameschool collection. Low prep...just laminate and add dice!


Looking for other roll and cover games?

Roll and Cover - Fall

Roll and Cover - Winter

Roll and Cover - Spring

Roll and Cover - Summer

Roll and Cover - Back to School

Roll and Cover - Community Helpers


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