All about INSTRUMENTS ValuPack - 20% off 6 instrument resources!
By Jason Litt
In this ValuPack, you will get the Top 6 Instrumental resources that tenders to your instrumental unit with engaging and relevant content on the four instrument families, Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, and Percussion!
20% off all of the resources when purchased here, you get the following:
Have a terrific time with this and let us know how it goes!
Musical JEOPARDY! MEGAPack - 4 musical games!
By Jason Litt
In this MEGAPACK of Jeopardy, you will get everything you need run a Jeopardy! style game of review with 5 different games with 4 categories each game!
Instrument Jeopardy
Percussion Jeopardy
Pitched Percussion
Unpitched Percussion
Percussion FX
Percussion Techniques (How to Play)
Solfege Jeopardy
Give me a Hand - A description of the hand sign and students will have to guess which syllable
Take a Look - Students will see the sign and have to guess which syllable
Scale it - The following and preceding notes in the solfege scale
Extended Solfege - Lowered and raised versions of common solfege
Notation Jeopardy
Level 1 - Easy
Level 2 - Medium
Level 3 - Medium Difficult
Level 4 - Difficult
Notation Jeopardy 2.0
Spell it out! (Spelling words with treble clef notation)
Add it up! (Adding notation values up to arrive at an answer)
Give it a rest! (Questions about rests, rest names, and durations)
Duration nation (Identify duration of notes)
Students can elect to pick $200, $400, $600, $800, or $1000 answers. After clicking on the amount, the answer will appear on the next slide. Students (keeping in true Jeopardy! fashion) can answer in the form of a question
After the money is awarded (You can split sides of your class, boys vs girls, class vs class, however you want it!), there is a link in the bottom right hand corner to go back to the title screen and game board.
After extracting the ZIP file, make sure to install the Jeopardy! font included, or else you'll see random characters all over -- not good eats!