Elementary School Music Games

All about INSTRUMENTS ValuPack - 20% off 6 instrument resources!

By Jason Litt

In this ValuPack, you will get the Top 6 Instrumental resources that tenders to your instrumental unit with engaging and relevant content on the four instrument families, Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, and Percussion!

20% off all of the resources when purchased here, you get the following:

  • Instrument Imposter ("Among Us" theme timbre lesson!)
  • Instrument Jeopardy!
  • Catch Wind of it! - Identifying Woodwind Instruments
  • The BRASSroom - Identifying Brass Instruments
  • Pitch Perfect - Identifying Percussion Instruments
  • Turn up the Aux! - Identifying Auxiliary Percussion Instruments

Have a terrific time with this and let us know how it goes!


Musical JEOPARDY! MEGAPack - 4 musical games!

By Jason Litt

In this MEGAPACK of Jeopardy, you will get everything you need run a Jeopardy! style game of review with 5 different games with 4 categories each game!

Instrument Jeopardy


Percussion Jeopardy

Pitched Percussion

Unpitched Percussion

Percussion FX

Percussion Techniques (How to Play)

Solfege Jeopardy

Give me a Hand - A description of the hand sign and students will have to guess which syllable
Take a Look - Students will see the sign and have to guess which syllable
Scale it - The following and preceding notes in the solfege scale

Extended Solfege - Lowered and raised versions of common solfege

Notation Jeopardy

Level 1 - Easy
Level 2 - Medium

Level 3 - Medium Difficult
Level 4 - Difficult

Notation Jeopardy 2.0

Spell it out! (Spelling words with treble clef notation)

Add it up! (Adding notation values up to arrive at an answer)

Give it a rest! (Questions about rests, rest names, and durations)

Duration nation (Identify duration of notes)

Students can elect to pick $200, $400, $600, $800, or $1000 answers. After clicking on the amount, the answer will appear on the next slide. Students (keeping in true Jeopardy! fashion) can answer in the form of a question

After the money is awarded (You can split sides of your class, boys vs girls, class vs class, however you want it!), there is a link in the bottom right hand corner to go back to the title screen and game board.

After extracting the ZIP file, make sure to install the Jeopardy! font included, or else you'll see random characters all over -- not good eats!


Popcorn Party Bundle! John Williams Listening Activities & Music Note Matching

By Agee and Row Classical Music Appreciation

Just Print & Play! Do you need fun & engaging activities for your John Williams unit? This bundle includes over 100 pages of John Williams and movie-inspired popcorn fun! Three full resources included!

Bundle Benefits:

  • Save time! The music selections are already curated for you
  • Add music appreciation to various lessons and unit studies
  • Students explore social-emotional themes through listening
  • Low-prep engaging and mindful activities for students
  • Easily find the music on YouTube or your favorite music services
  • No musical training is required - just print and play!

John Williams Popcorn Party Listening Activities, February

Match the music to the correct movie! Cut & laminate the full-color popcorn pages and empty popcorn boxes. Each piece of popcorn will match its own movie popcorn box. Great for a group activity or music center. Answer key is provided for students to check their answers or use as a reference.

Printable Listening Sheets Include:

  1. Princess Leia’s Theme (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  2. The Imperial March (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
  3. The Throne Room (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  4. Somewhere in my Memory (Home Alone)
  5. Journey to the Island (Jurassic Park)
  6. Jurassic Park Theme (Jurassic Park)
  7. Harry’s Wondrous World (Harry Potter, Sorcerer’s Stone)
  8. The Quidditch Match (Harry Potter, 2001)
  9. Yoda’s Theme (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)
  10. The Force Suite (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  11. Secrets of the Castle (Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azkaban)
  12. Across the Stars (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  13. The Raider’s March (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
  14. You are the Pan (Hook)
  15. E.T. And Me (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)
  16. Reunion of Friends (Harry Potter, Chamber of Secrets)
  17. Anakin’s Theme (Star Wars: Phantom Menace)
  18. Mom Returns (Finale) (Home Alone)
  19. Schindler’s Theme (Schindler’s List)
  20. A Tree for My Bed (Jurassic Park)
  21. Saying Goodbye (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)

Listening Sheet - There are no wrong answers! Students can note how they feel and what they imagine while listening to a selected piece of music. Choose from the musical instruments, nature scenes, colors, and more.

Weather & Feelings - Weather is a recurring theme in classical music. Does a musical piece remind the listener of a snowy day or a cheerful sunny afternoon? Students can select the weather symbols that come to mind. Is the music happy or sad? A set of emotional characters allows your group to pick the feelings that best relate to a piece of music.

Music Notes Matching Flashcard Fun! December Activities, Popcorn Party Friends

Music Center! Do you need engaging activities for practicing music notes? This music note matching activity reviews & strengthens treble and bass note skills. Cut and laminate for extended use. Cards feature popcorn party friends!

*An additional set of posters & cards are included without background graphics.

18 Grand Staff Puzzles (18 in all)

Treble Space Notes: f - a - c - e

Treble Line Notes: e - g - b - d - f

Bass Space Notes: a - c - e - g

Bass Line Notes: g - b - d - f - a

5 Wall Posters / Music Center Sheets

Grand Staff: Illustrates the two staves

Treble Clef: Explains at-a-glance what the treble clef looks like

Treble Notes: Displays and defines the notes on the treble clef

Bass Clef: Explains at-a-glance what the bass clef looks like

Bass Notes: Displays and defines the notes on the bass clef

John Williams Composer Activities, February, Classical Music

Just print & play! Do you need engaging John Williams activities or music sub plans? Each page offers creative ways for students to learn more about the classical compositions of John Williams!

1-page Resource Guide - This guide will get you started quickly! Just print and play.

Listening Sheet Star Rating Guides - A reference sheet illustrates the five-star rating system included in most listening sheets. Each frame has a description, with one being "okay" and 5 stars as "Wow!"

Listening Sheets - There are no wrong answers! Students can note how they feel and what they imagine while listening to a selected piece of music. Choose from the musical instruments, nature scenes, colors, and more. There is a space for drawing and several non-musical elements to consider, such as animals and nature.

Weather and Emotions Listening Sheets

Weather is a recurring theme in classical music. Does a musical piece remind the listener of a snowy day or a cheerful sunny afternoon? Students can select the weather symbols that come to mind. Is the music happy or sad? A set of emotional characters allows your group to pick the feelings that best relate to a piece of music.

2 Biography Pages - Fact sheet (1 or 2 facts are already provided, a box to paste/draw the composer's portrait, and a birthday box to color in and decorate cupcakes! A duplicate blank page is included for students to do their own research.

Composer Research Sheet - Students can use their favorite reference materials to compile a full page of facts about the composer's home country. Some of the research options include capital, continent, population, food, and more.

Composer Rating Activity - There are more options to profile the composer on the rating sheet, including which season and musical style they belong to. This can also be used as a listening sheet or as a bulletin board display.

Word Composer Activity - The classic letter puzzle, students can use all the letters from the composer's full name to create new, shorter words and record their scores. Add a timer for an extra challenge.

Musical Selections (two pages per piece)

  1. The Imperial March
  2. Hedwig's Theme
  3. Horn Concerto
  4. Flight to Neverland
  5. Journey to the Island
  6. The Throne Room
  7. Princess Leia's Theme
  8. The Raiders March

More John Williams Music Resources

John Williams Bundle! Listening Sheets, Popcorn Party Match, and more!

John Williams Carnival Music Listening Sheets! Summer Fun, February

John Williams Composer Activities, February, Classical Music

John Williams Composer Listening Activities, February

John Williams Popcorn Party Listening Activities, February

Halloween Spooky Wizards, Magical October Classical Music, John Williams

Kobe Bryant "Dear Basketball" Music by John Williams Listening Activity

Sports Story, Classical Music Listening Sheets, John Williams, Richard Wagner

► It can be hard to keep track of all the dates and eras in classical music history, so we created this freebie to help you out! Grab this six-page guide of composers sorted by musical period. Birthdates, birthplaces, and their famous compositions included. Get this instant download delivered right to your inbox!


John Williams Bundle Listening Sheets, Popcorn Party Match for February ✪

By Agee and Row Classical Music Appreciation

Just Print & Play! Do you need engaging John Williams activities? This bundle features 4 resources for your John Williams unit! Also great for sub plans and music centers.

Bundle Benefits:

  • Save time! The music selections are already curated for you
  • Add music appreciation to various lessons and unit studies
  • Students explore social-emotional themes through listening
  • Low-prep engaging and mindful activities for students
  • Easily find the music on YouTube or your favorite music services
  • No musical training is required - just print and play!

John Williams Composer Pack

  • 1-page Resource Guide - This guide will get you started quickly! Just print and play.
  • Listening Sheet Star Rating Guides - A reference sheet illustrates the five-star rating system included in most listening sheets. Each frame has a description, with one being "okay" and 5 stars as "Wow!"
  • Listening Sheets - There are no wrong answers! Students can note how they feel and what they imagine while listening to a selected piece of music. Choose from the musical instruments, nature scenes, colors, and more. There is a space for drawing and several non-musical elements to consider, such as animals and nature.
  • Weather and Emotions Listening Sheets - Weather is a recurring theme in classical music. Does a musical piece remind the listener of a snowy day or a cheerful sunny afternoon? Students can select the weather symbols that come to mind. Is the music happy or sad? A set of emotional characters allows your group to pick the feelings that best relate to a piece of music.
  • 2 Biography Pages - Fact sheet (1 or 2 facts are already provided, a box to paste/draw the composer's portrait, and a birthday box to color in and decorate cupcakes! A duplicate blank page is included for students to do their own research.
  • Composer Research Sheet - Students can use their favorite reference materials to compile a full page of facts about the composer's home country. Some of the research options include capital, continent, population, food, and more.
  • Composer Rating Activity - There are more options to profile the composer on the rating sheet, including which season and musical style they belong to. This can also be used as a listening sheet or as a bulletin board display.
  • Word Composer Activity - The classic letter puzzle, students can use all the letters from the composer's full name to create new, shorter words and record their scores. Add a timer for an extra challenge.

Musical Selections (two pages per piece)

  1. The Imperial March
  2. Hedwig's Theme
  3. Horn Concerto
  4. Flight to Neverland
  5. Journey to the Island
  6. The Throne Room
  7. Princess Leia's Theme
  8. The Raiders March

John Williams Popcorn Party

Do you need fun & engaging activities for your John Williams unit? Match the music to the correct movie! Cut & laminate the full-color popcorn pages and empty popcorn boxes. Each piece of popcorn will match its own movie popcorn box. Great for a group activity or music center. Answer key is provided for students to check their answers or use as a reference.

Printable Listening Sheets Include:

  1. Princess Leia’s Theme (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  2. The Imperial March (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
  3. The Throne Room (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  4. Somewhere in my Memory (Home Alone)
  5. Journey to the Island (Jurassic Park)
  6. Jurassic Park Theme (Jurassic Park)
  7. Harry’s Wondrous World (Harry Potter, Sorcerer’s Stone)
  8. The Quidditch Match (Harry Potter, 2001)
  9. Yoda’s Theme (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)
  10. The Force Suite (Star Wars: A New Hope)
  11. Secrets of the Castle (Harry Potter, Prisoner of Azkaban)
  12. Across the Stars (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  13. The Raider’s March (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
  14. You are the Pan (Hook)
  15. E.T. And Me (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)
  16. Reunion of Friends (Harry Potter, Chamber of secrets)
  17. Anakin’s Theme (Star Wars: Phantom Menace)
  18. Mom Returns (Finale) (Home Alone)
  19. Schindler’s Theme (Schindler’s List)
  20. A Tree for my Bed (Jurassic Park)
  21. Saying Goodbye (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)

Listening Sheet - There are no wrong answers! Students can note how they feel and what they imagine while listening to a selected piece of music. Choose from the musical instruments, nature scenes, colors, and more.

Weather & Feelings - Weather is a recurring theme in classical music. Does a musical piece remind the listener of a snowy day or a cheerful sunny afternoon? Students can select the weather symbols that come to mind. Is the music happy or sad? A set of emotional characters allows your group to pick the feelings that best relate to a piece of music.

John Williams Birthday Activities (Pre-K & Up!)

Celebrate the birthday and achievements of John Williams!

What’s Inside:

  • Composer Fact Sheet: Each composer fact sheet in this series includes fun, basic information – full name, birthplace, birth date and more. One of the composer’s most popular compositions is also included. The fact sheet also lists one or more of the composer’s known associates.
  • Birthplace Fact Sheet: Introduce the composer’s birthplace with a very light research paper. Use your favorite geographical resource to find the country’s capital city, size, language, and traditional foods. The historical name of some territories may have changed, but the most modern country is used for easy reference.
  • Birthday Coloring Page: A fun coloring page repeats the composer’s birthday, and invites the artist to color in a special cupcake to celebrate the occasion.
  • Birth Month Vocabulary This small list of six vocabulary words will contain terms related to the composer’s birthday season. Ranging from Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter – to rain, flowers, snow, and everything in between.
  • Composer Vocabulary Another six-word vocabulary list that typically includes the composer’s name, birthplace, instrument, or other related terms. Space is provided to trace each term and the included handwriting paper can be used for additional practice.
  • Numbers & Letter Tracing The numbers and letter tracing sheet offers additional handwriting practice.
  • Handwriting & Story Pages Two types of blank paper are included, either for continued practice of vocabulary words or for story writing.
  • Listening Activity Sheets (4) Listening sheets include the title of a popular piece, the composer, a black & white composer to color in, and a space for drawing any scene that may come to mind when listening. There are also additional options to identify the mood of a piece and indicate which instruments are playing.

Printable Listening Sheets Include:

  1. The Imperial March
  2. Jurassic Park Theme
  3. Superman Theme
  4. Olympic Fanfare (1984)

John Williams Carnival Listening Sheets

Just print & play! Do you need engaging classical music activities? These NEW activity sheets feature a carnival theme! Students can color their own carnival while listening to this selection of John Williams compositions!

Which carnival rides and activities would best fit a piece of music? Does the tempo feel like a roller coaster or a peaceful swing ride in the sky? Choose a tasty treat from the snack bar, then stop at the prize booth before finishing. There are no wrong answers!

Printable Listening Sheets Include:

  1. The Imperial March
  2. Hedwig's Theme
  3. Horn Concerto
  4. Flight to Neverland
  5. Journey to the Island
  6. The Throne Room
  7. Princess Leia's Theme
  8. The Raiders March
  9. Duel of the Fates
  10. Binary Sunset
  11. The Face of Pan
  12. The Five Sacred Trees
  13. Viktor's Tale
  14. Harry's Wondrous World
  15. Somewhere in My Memory
  16. Yoda's Theme
  17. The Fog Scene
  18. E.T. is Alive!
  19. Flying Theme
  20. Growing Up in Paris
  21. Violin Concerto No. 1

More John Williams Music Resources

John Williams Carnival Music Listening Sheets! Summer Fun, February

John Williams Composer Activities, February, Classical Music

John Williams Composer Listening Activities, February

John Williams Popcorn Party Listening Activities, February

Halloween Spooky Wizards, Magical October Classical Music, John Williams

Kobe Bryant "Dear Basketball" Music by John Williams Listening Activity

Popcorn Party Bundle! John Williams Listening Activities & Music Note Matching

Sports Story, Classical Music Listening Sheets, John Williams, Richard Wagner

► It can be hard to keep track of all the dates and eras in classical music history, so we created this freebie to help you out! Grab this six-page guide of composers sorted by musical period. Birthdates, birthplaces, and their famous compositions included. Get this instant download delivered right to your inbox!
