By Jason Litt
Based off the hit Windows 3.11 game we all knew and loved, Rhythm Sweeper is a progressive game where one slip can end you up on the dreaded mine! This will have your kids reading and mastering rhythms in NO TIME! Students will see a grid of 40 squares on the home page. Each square contains either a link to a rhythm.... or a mine :) I select one student at a time to pick a number. I'll then click on the number and it'll advance to the designated slide. If it's a rhythm, we add that rhythm to the Building Board on the home page. The teacher will click "Back to Game and Building Board" and put the rhythm they just received on the board. As for the rhythms they earned, you can cut out rhythms, write them in dry erase, or have a student keep tabs on the side. Students will now say, sing, or play the rhythm back. Then we repeat! See how it gets progressive? ;) ...until the mine! There are 5 mines in each game, and once the mine is hit, it's GAME OVER! At the end, you can tally up how many beats the class amassed (which is great if you can allow student to add it up as the game has half, quarter, and pairs of eighth notes). Compete against other classes, or themselves! There are 10 files in the pack and each one is completely different (all the rhythms are mixed up and of course, so are the mines) Have fun with this! I keep lively music in the background and have the kids on lummi sticks to play the rhythms back. Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment!
PreK-2nd Grade: Steady Beat Chants for The Little Old Lady Series Books
By Creating Musical Literature
This is a series of chants for various books in the Little Old Lady Series Books. Use these with your students from PreK-2nd grade to chant at various repetitive points in each story. Use the chants with the following books: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books and There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Truck.
Start with steady beat and then, if you wish, have students decode them for various rhythms. Add instruments such as hand drums, frame drums, etc. to add a musical element to these books.
1. If you have any questions about this product or any of my products, feel free to email me at
2. Your purchase of this product is for SINGLE USE ONLY. Please purchase additional licenses to share with other teachers. Copyright © 2022 Creating Musical Literature. All rights reserved.
3. Leave a comment down below in order to earn TeachShare credits! I would love to hear how you and your students have been enjoying my products!
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Steady as you Go! (Identifying and maintaining steady beat)
By Jason Litt
Steady Beat is one of the cornerstones of early childhood music whether you are playing with your Pre-K, Kindergarten, or even First Graders. Have them rise up to the challenge of “Steady as you go!” an amalgamation of classical music designed to have students become steady beat MASTERS!
You will assign students to play either body percussion to show steady beat (head, shoulder, lap, feet, etc) or even a drum, auxiliary percussion instrument, or anything else you can find.
You will then play the audio example of various pieces of classical music by clicking on the “heart” and watch the kids try to find the steady beat – only to be interrupted as the music abruptly changes every 20 to 30 seconds!
Students will have to start over and find the steady beat again as they transition into the next piece.
Have a terrific time finding that beat!
By Jason Litt
If you're in the neighborhood of comparing and contrasting rhythms, this interactive activity may be for you and your younger kids! In "It's the Same Difference!", two students are called to the Interactive White Board and compete against each other (the default title is Team 1, Team 2, but you can do boys vs girls, colors, etc). Two melodic figures are played back to back and the students will then drag (using the IWB pan) a "SAME" box or "DIFFERENT" box to their respective answer box and lock in their answer. Advance the slide and the answer is displayed! The rotation goes 9 more times with more students permitted to come to the IWB. This activity can be modified and does not need to be used on an IWB. Students can be split into groups, write on personal whiteboards, or can call answers independently. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the section. Thank you!
Catch Wind of it! - Identifying Woodwind Instruments
By Jason Litt
Learning about Woodwinds but don't have a lot of music examples to test the kids? Here's your answer! After a short introduction video about woodwinds, students will learn about the 5 main woodwind instruments, flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, and the bassoon. After they hear the timbre of each instruments, they will have to identify each instrument after hearing it played. You can do this a few ways! You can print a blank template from the powerpoint, laminate it, distribute to students, and have them mark as they go along and erase after they answer is revealed Alternatively, you can run the entire powerpoint (or PDF) and have them guess after the example is played. When their answer is ready, you will advance in the slide and the answer will be revealed! Included in the ZIP folder: All 15 mp3 files with woodwind examples are included (with 4 introduction examples) Font and instructions (there are very important so you don't have crazy characters all over!) Woodwind introduction video If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Body Percussion Warmups (40 exercises!)
By Jason Litt
No need to have drums, recorders, or even auxiliary instruments for this one! If you don't have access, are traveling to rooms, or want to give a change to your curriculum try "Body Percussion Warmups"!
There are 10 warmups in each level with CLAPS, SNAPS, STOMPS, and SNAPS, all indicated on the powerpoint slide. Count your kids off with a few prep beats and watch them go!
Also terrific for reading in some of the younger grades who are not familiar with standard notation and need a warmup to reading using these icons.
Use the included background tracks (90bpm to 110bpm) or put on your favorite music so the kids can jam along!
Here are the 4 levels:
Triplets Rhythm Lesson Using Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?
By Creating Musical Literature
Use this lesson based off of Eric Carle's book to teach triplets to your students. Use the chant every time that the book asks the question of whether or not a certain animal has a mother. Students can keep a steady beat, play the rhythm or do both, depending on the grade level. Can also be used to reinforce rhythm vs. steady beat. Additional worksheet provides practice in writing triplets. Adaptable for grades PreK-3rd grade. Perfect for a Mother's Day themed lesson!
1. If you have any questions about this product or any of my products, feel free to email me at
2. Your purchase of this product is for SINGLE USE ONLY. Please purchase additional licenses to share with other teachers. Copyright © 2022 Creating Musical Literature. All rights reserved.
3. Leave a comment down below in order to earn TeachShare credits! I would love to hear how you and your students have been enjoying my products!
INSTAGRAM: @creatingmusicalliterature
PINTEREST: @creatingmusicalliterature
FACEBOOK: @creatingmusicalliterature
By Jason Litt
Get your kids reading notation with this rockin' assortment of body percussion! Each line is denoted with with claps (A part), snaps (B part), pats (C part), or stomps (D part) and the notation is displayed in color coded boxes. Students play these body percussions back after the teacher counts them in. In the package is a powerpoint file and PDF, and contains 20 different slides of 4 beat and 8 beat passages with quarter, eighth note, and rest patterns. Ideas include splitting the class into 4 parts, having the students switch body percussion, or even having students use an IWB to drag the body percussion signs around. The uses are endless. Put some rhythmic music on in the background to get things rollin'. Have a great time with this and if you have any question please feel free to leave a comment!
Turn up the Aux! (Identifying Auxiliary Percussion Instruments)
By Jason Litt
Percussion instruments are anything that you either hit, shake, or scrape, but that's not limited to just drums, rhythm sticks, and Orff instruments! Want to see how well your kids can identify which instruments are which? Try "Turning up the Aux!" where a musical example will be played of an auxiliary percussion instrument. Students will see three different instruments and will have to select one of the instruments they think matches the musical example. On the following slide will be the answer! In this 10 question game, you can play this any way you want -- boys vs girls, team vs team, individually, or have students write answers down on whiteboards or even come up to the board to interact with the powerpoint. Have a great time with this and leave a comment below if you have any questions!
By Jason Litt
If you're working on reading rhythms with your little ones, you may love this! This powerpoint pairs up barnyard animals with quarter and eighth note rhythms. Have them decipher it with syllables and attempt to align them with the rhythm, and then they students are left to decide which rhythm corresponds to the animal in question. You can play this as a class or print out as an activity. There are 13 beautifully crafted examples your kids will love!
Up, Down, All Around (Melodic Direction)
By Jason Litt
Your Kindergarteners and 1st Graders may understand high and low (although they may think it's loud and soft, but this is why we teach them), but can they identify it which way it travels through non-traditional notation?
In "Up, Down, All Around!", your students get a brief introduction of melody, the most important aspect of a song or piece and will venture into the lesson where they will learn to identify melodic direction.
They will be given a multiple choice selection of 3 answers and then asked to identify which answer is UP, DOWN, or is a melody that STAYS THE SAME. Advance the slide and the correct answer will illuminate green!
You can play this one of several ways
Play some classical music in the background, and you have a win-win!
By Jason Litt
Shaun the Sheep hits theaters this summer, and there's no better way to work on Solfege than "Sol Mi Sheep - Level One!". In Sol Mi Sheep, Shaun the Sheep, the Lambs, and the Farmer, help the kids identify where the Sol, Mi, and La lines are on the staff in a game format. Characters are placed on different solfege levels and students will sing back the solfege syllables as they see them. If the class masters the solfege example, the slide will advance and the high score will continue to elevate. Each character has an independent rhythm -- Shaun is a quarter note, the lambs are a pair of eighth notes, and the farmer is a quarter rest. The way I construct the lesson is I have all classes participate and record the highest score at the end of the lesson. I run this exercise about 2 or 3 minutes (it helps if you have a percussive background track running around 90-110 bpm) and let the students keep adding to their score. You'll notice that the more the activity progresses, the solfege examples become more lengthy and difficult. I keep track of the scores on a different powerpoint so the kids can see how they're progressing AND how they match up against other classes in their grade. Trust me, it gets pretty competitive! :) Included are instructions and the game in PDF and powerpoint format. All steps are a 2nd, so no La to Mi skips... yet ;) If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. Happy Sol Mi La-ing!
Articulation - Staccato and Legato
By Jason Litt
Teaching your kids about articulations and note lengths? This activity teaches them about the history of note lengths by using a parallel with morse code. I ask the students to draw 8 quarter notes on their whiteboards (or if you have clip boards or pieces of paper, that will suffice as well)! We then play 7 examples of notes with various articulations and the students have to write the staccatos and legatos below the notes as they hear them. The initial slide has plain quarter notes, but then after the example is played, you scroll through the animations and the articulations begin appearing as the students check their work. Kids love it! This can be used from K-5 and you may play each example as many times as you wish. For older kids, play the example on a few times for a harder challenge. Included in the .zip file are the powerpoint, the fonts for the powerpoint, and the mp3 files for the examples at the end
Rhythmania! - Identifying modified notation (Primary Music)
By Jason Litt
This is a terrific lesson for your younger kids in Kindergarten and 1st grade who aren't familiar with standard notation just yet! In Rhythmania, students are given two separate rhythms on the powerpoint. The teacher will play the rhythm back (embedded mp3 files included) on the powerpoint and the students will have to identify which rhythm the teacher played.
I cut out "1" and "2" cards and have the kids hold it up, or you can have them answer as a class, write it on whiteboards, or even race to see who can get it first! After the answer is locked in, advance the slide to see the correct answer!
In this lesson, you will see 7 different examples all of different "Levels". They are named levels like "3rd grade level", "high school level", "pro level" and such to get the kids thinking as it's a huge challenge. And of course, if they get it correct, how smart do they feel? :)
Have fun with this and if you have any questions or comments, please leave 'em below!
By Jason Litt
Here's a great way to group together all of your Boomwhackers for a game all the kids will enjoy! In "BOOM! - it's a Mystery!" students will read standard elementary school literature while playing it with color coded notation on their boomwhacker (this can be teacher or student led). After the song is completed, students can guess what song it was -- on the following slide the answer is revealed. You can construct this in a game format, use collaborative grouping, or any other method for your class. This can be also used for performance as well (if you're well versed in accompanying the kids, feel free to tickle the ivories!) You receive 12 songs in this pack. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or email me at Have a great time!
Pitch Perfect - Identifing Percussion Instruments
By Jason Litt
We know all percussion instruments aren't made the same. Some are struck, rung, hit, shook, or scraped. But do the students know the difference between a pitched and an unpitched instrument? After a brief video review on instruments, students will be given about 10 popsicle sticks (the ones you use for your build your quarter and eighth note patterns!) and asked to take a seat on the floor. You will play 8 examples of pitched and unpitched percussion and they will have to spell out the right answer on the floor by making a "P" for pitched or "U" for unpitched. After they lock in their answer, you may reveal it on the powerpoint (animations included) or PDF. Kids love it! Included are the following 8 mp3 examples of pitched and unpitched percussion instruments 1 percussion introduction video Fonts and installation instructions 1 Powerpoint File 1 PDF file Have fun with this! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me -- Get pitch perfect!
Hi-Low Rally Race (* Distance Learning Approved! *)
By Jason Litt
Working with your kinders and first graders on high and low pitches? Got a little bit of space in your classroom? WIth Hi-Low Rally Race, you can put two hula hoops (or taped off areas) in your classroom and designate one a "high" area and a "low" era.
You will play a short example of a melody (8 examples included) that's pitched high or low and students will walk "briskly" :) to the corresponding area which they think the pitch is -- high or low
You then advance the slide and show the correct answer!
Also works well for Distance Learning if your district has applied that. Just upload it to your Google Classroom and have the kids self pace it at home
Have fun with this!
By Jason Litt
A fun way to match up the solfege syllables with the hand signs! In Solfege Mix n Match, each contestant will be given the 7 plastic solfege syllables (included that you can print out and laminate), which are affixed to the board with magnetic tape. In this “boy vs. girl” competition (or team 1 vs team 2), the name of a solfege syllable will appear on the screen and contestants must drag the correct hand sign to their answer box… The first contestant to drag their answer to the answer box wins that round! Keep score, award points, or just play for fun! Included are 80+ slides for your enjoyment. Have fun!
Beat it! - Identifying Steady Beat (* Distance Learning Approved *)
By Jason Litt
Pre-K and Kindergarten's has a fundamental understanding of Steady Beat. With "Beat it!", students will hear 7 musical examples of a beat. Is it a steady beat or a beat that is not steady (and just random noises with no steadiness?)
Students will decide and choose the correct answer. The slide following the example will illuminate green for the correct answer.
Great for an individual mini-lesson (as part of distance learning!), boys vs girls, individual assessment, and more!
By Jason Litt
In your primary grades, the voice can have many different timbres. It can be sung as an aria, yelled from the roofed top, whispered quietly, and spoken normally. In "The VoiceSSSS!", we concentrate on the four methods of using our voice, a key in identifying and practicing the methods: S - Spoken S - Sung S - Soft (Whisper) S - Shout Students see a display 1 through 8 to SPEAK on a steady beat (3 background tracks included, from 80 to 100+bpm). As they read these numbers on a steady beat, there will be numbers highlighted in yellow that will be a different characteristic. Some may be sung, whispered, or shouted (have fun with the shouts) :) Each slide is completely different and will challenge your kids as you count them off so they can experiment vocally For the sing, there is no definitive pitch, so I ask them to make up a middle or high pitch on the number given. You can take turns boys and girls, you can play it as a class, or however you wish Some are quite tricky -- kids may have to switch up to 4 different vocal styles by the end! If you have any questions, feel free to comment! Enjoy!