Homeschool Grammar Resources

Apostrophes Activities: Apostrophe Rules Anchor Charts and Task Cards

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Apostrophes Activities: Apostrophes Lesson Task Cards w/ Digital Option

Apostrophe placement can cause undue confusion for students. Clear up the confusion with these anchor charts and task cards!

This anchor chart and task card product contains:

  • four instructional (reference) pages for apostrophes
  • 36 apostrophes task cards (two per page)
  • an answer sheet
  • an answer key.

Three distinct question types require students to understand the correct placement of apostrophes.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The digital portion instructions appear at the end of the packet.

Please note: This POSSESSIVE NOUNS TASK CARDS product is VERY useful in conjunction with this apostrophes product, as there are clear descriptions and examples of possessive nouns (and the corresponding apostrophe placement).

Please be aware that this apostrophes product is ONE product in a series of THREE punctuation products. Each of the three products can be found at the following links. You also have the OPTION to PURCHASE THE BUNDLE if you’d like to save money.


Reflexive Pronouns Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities for 2nd and 3rd Grade

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Reflexive Pronouns Anchor Charts and Task Cards Activities with a Digital Option:

These reflexive pronoun anchor charts and task cards align with the common core for 2nd and 3rd grade.

This file includes the following:

  • Two reflexive pronoun informational sheets (anchor charts)
  • 36 task cards (18 multiple-choice cards, as well as 18, fill in the blank cards)
  • An answer sheet (the answer sheet asks the student to choose the correct reflexive pronoun in addition to writing the subject of each sentence)
  • An answer key


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The digital portion instructions appear at the end of the packet.

You may also be interested in these task cards and/or grammar products:


Gegenteilige Adjektive BUNDLE, German Opposites - Flashcards, Games

By Miss Clever Cookie

Contains everything you need to teach German antonyms - flashcards and many hours worth of games and activities. Low or no prep. Prints great in grayscale or in colour.

* 72 flashcards

* 37 I have Who has game cards

* Tic Tac Toe

* 2 crosswords

* a word search

* Connect 3 Sides Game

* a Trimino puzzle

* a board game

* a colouring sheet

* a recording sheet

List of adjectives

* groß - klein; * dick - dünn; * alt - neu; * lang - kurz; *gut - schlecht; * schwarz - weiß; * laut - leise; * schnell - langsam; * hell - dunkel; * hart - weich; * heiß - kalt; * stark - schwach; * voll - leer; * reich - arm; * schwer - einfach; * glücklich - traurig; * trocken - nass; * hübsch - hässlich; * glatt - lockig; * hoch - niedrig; * gesund - krank; * faul - fleißig; * schmal - breit; * hungrig - satt; * süß - sauer; * nützlich - nutzlos; * schmutzig - sauber; * billig - teuer; * müde - munter; * dumm - klug; * rund - eckig; * tot - lebendig; * mutig - ängstlich; * frech - brav; * richtig - falsch; * dick - schlank; *erste - letzte

Are you missing any opposites?

Let me know on my TeachShare store page and I'll gladly send you the missing ones.

How to contact me: click the Ask a Question tab on my store page. I'll get back to you shortly.

If you loved this product, please be sure to come back to my store and leave feedback. By leaving feedback, you can earn credit towards your future purchases!

You may also like:

Schiffe versenken German Verb Conjugation Battleship


Four Paragraph Essay - How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay - Essay Writing Template

By Write On with Jamie

Introducing how to evaluate a prompt, choose the best ideas, and write a 4 paragraph essay has never been easier! This resource provides an in-depth explanation on how to organize and structure a four paragraph essay. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

The students will be introduced to how to identify and develop the parts of a paragraph - including writing leads and summaries, transition words and phrases, supporting evidence, sentence structure, etc.

This lesson guides students through the entire process of writing a 4 paragraph essay. The slide show and worksheets allow students to practice their writing skills, while also reinforcing guided note-taking techniques. The detailed lesson plans make implementing the lesson easy for teachers.

This no-prep lesson is adaptable for in-class instruction, distance learning, or independent student work. The PowerPoint can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


This lesson about how to evaluate a prompt and write a 4 Paragraph Essay includes:

Lesson Plan with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheet with:

  • Explanations and examples of the 4 paragraph essay
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking
  • “Now It's Your Turn” section for students to practice skills learned
  • Two anchor 4 paragraph essays with examples of six traits™ & supporting evidence

PowerPoint Presentation with:

  • Introduction slides with explanations for each individual paragraph
  • Guided note-taking sections
  • Examples of structure for paragraphs
  • Interactive slides for student participation
  • Two anchor 4 paragraph essays with examples of six traits™ & supporting evidence

Google Slides


The lessons in the Elementary Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • The Writing Process
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test - 3 Lessons - Standardized Test Practice

By Write On with Jamie

This resource demonstrates how to:

  • Understand the basic structure and organization of an essay
  • Identify and correct punctuation and capitalization errors
  • Support and identify main / supporting / unimportant details
  • Identify tone and voice
  • Incorporate appropriate transitions
  • Identify and correct verb tense, pronouns, and homophones

Introducing how to prepare for a standardized writing multiple choice test has never been easier! These 3 practice test lessons focus on developing the skills needed to successfully complete multiple choice writing tests. Additionally, the PowerPoints not only identify the correct response and why that response is correct, but also explain why each incorrect answer was not the right choice. This format provides students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.

The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

These 3 no-prep lessons are adaptable for in-class instruction, distance learning, or independent student work. The PowerPoints can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


These 3 lessons about how to prepare for a Multiple Choice Writing Test includes:

Lesson Plans with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations of the different types of questions in multiple choice writing tests
  • Practice determining why answers are correct and incorrect
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentations with:

  • Slides with explanations of each question and why each answer in the multiple choice writing test was correct or incorrect
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the Elementary Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • The Writing Process
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing for Standardized Tests Argumentative, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive

By Write On with Jamie

Introducing how to write an essay for a standardized test has never been easier! This lesson focuses on how to organize and develop ideas and write an essay for all types of standardized writing tests. This lesson includes an introduction to and thorough explanation of each type of writing used in standardized tests.

Additionally, the lesson focuses on how to differentiate between the types of tests and provide students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

The no prep lesson can be used in class or assigned for distance learning as independent student work with Google™ Links provided. The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

This resource explains the entire process of writing a thorough and concise essay in a standardized test. The PowerPoint and worksheets allow students to practice and develop their writing skills. The detailed lesson plans make implementing the lesson easy for teachers.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


This lesson about how to Write for a Standardized Test includes:

Lesson Plan with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations and examples of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Descriptions of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction on how to compose each type of essay
  • Lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentation with:

  • Explanations and example slides of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction slide to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Description slides of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction slides on how to compose each type of essay
  • Slides with lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the Elementary Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • The Writing Process
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test - 3 Lessons - Standardized Test Practice

By Write On with Jamie

This resource demonstrates how to:

  • Understand the basic structure and organization of an essay
  • Identify and correct punctuation and capitalization errors
  • Support and identify main / supporting / unimportant details
  • Identify tone and voice
  • Incorporate appropriate transitions
  • Identify and correct verb tense, pronouns, and homophones

Introducing how to prepare for a standardized writing multiple choice test has never been easier! These 3 practice test lessons focus on developing the skills needed to successfully complete multiple choice writing tests. Additionally, the PowerPoints not only identify the correct response and why that response is correct, but also explain why each incorrect answer was not the right choice. This format provides students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.

The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

These 3 no-prep lessons are adaptable for in-class instruction, distance learning, or independent student work. The PowerPoints can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


These 3 lessons about how to prepare for a Multiple Choice Writing Test includes:

Lesson Plans with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations of the different types of questions in multiple choice writing tests
  • Practice determining why answers are correct and incorrect
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentations with:

  • Slides with explanations of each question and why each answer in the multiple choice writing test was correct or incorrect
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the Middle School Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • The Writing Process


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing for Standardized Tests Argumentative, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive

By Write On with Jamie

Introducing how to write an essay for a standardized test has never been easier! This lesson focuses on how to organize and develop ideas and write an essay for all types of standardized writing tests. This lesson includes an introduction to and thorough explanation of each type of writing used in standardized tests.

Additionally, the lesson focuses on how to differentiate between the types of tests and provide students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

The no prep lesson can be used in class or assigned for distance learning as independent student work with Google™ Links provided. The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

This resource explains the entire process of writing a thorough and concise essay in a standardized test. The PowerPoint and worksheets allow students to practice and develop their writing skills. The detailed lesson plans make implementing the lesson easy for teachers.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


This lesson about how to Write for a Standardized Test includes:

Lesson Plan with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations and examples of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Descriptions of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction on how to compose each type of essay
  • Lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentation with:

  • Explanations and example slides of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction slide to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Description slides of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction slides on how to compose each type of essay
  • Slides with lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the Middle School Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • The Writing Process


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test - 3 Lessons - Standardized Test Practice

By Write On with Jamie

This resource demonstrates how to:

  • Understand the basic structure and organization of an essay
  • Identify and correct punctuation and capitalization errors
  • Support and identify main / supporting / unimportant details
  • Identify tone and voice
  • Incorporate appropriate transitions
  • Identify and correct verb tense, pronouns, and homophones

Introducing how to prepare for a standardized writing multiple choice test has never been easier! These 3 practice test lessons focus on developing the skills needed to successfully complete multiple choice writing tests. Additionally, the PowerPoints not only identify the correct response and why that response is correct, but also explain why each incorrect answer was not the right choice. This format provides students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned.

The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

These 3 no-prep lessons are adaptable for in-class instruction, distance learning, or independent student work. The PowerPoints can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


These 3 lessons about how to prepare for a Multiple Choice Writing Test includes:

Lesson Plans with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations of the different types of questions in multiple choice writing tests
  • Practice determining why answers are correct and incorrect
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentations with:

  • Slides with explanations of each question and why each answer in the multiple choice writing test was correct or incorrect
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the High School Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • The Writing Process
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Writing for Standardized Tests Argumentative, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive

By Write On with Jamie

Introducing how to write an essay for a standardized test has never been easier! This lesson focuses on how to organize and develop ideas and write an essay for all types of standardized writing tests. This lesson includes an introduction to and thorough explanation of each type of writing used in standardized tests.

Additionally, the lesson focuses on how to differentiate between the types of tests and provide students the opportunity to practice the skills they have learned. From the struggling writer to the advanced writer, this resource offers something for everyone.

The no prep lesson can be used in class or assigned for distance learning as independent student work with Google™ Links provided. The step-by-step guided note-taking can be presented as whole class instruction or assigned for students to complete at home.

This resource explains the entire process of writing a thorough and concise essay in a standardized test. The PowerPoint and worksheets allow students to practice and develop their writing skills. The detailed lesson plans make implementing the lesson easy for teachers.

All materials are available in both Google Drive™ and print formats, ensuring easy access for all students.


This lesson about how to Write for a Standardized Test includes:

Lesson Plan with:

  • Common Core State Standards Indicated on lesson plan
  • Instructional Focus
  • Instructional Procedures
  • Objectives/Goals
  • Direct Instruction
  • Guided Practice
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiation
  • I Can Statement
  • Essential Question
  • ESE Strategies
  • ELL Strategies

Worksheets with:

  • Explanations and examples of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Descriptions of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction on how to compose each type of essay
  • Lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Opportunities for students to practice guided note-taking

PowerPoint Presentation with:

  • Explanations and example slides of the types of writing tested in a standardized writing test
  • Introduction slide to expository, argumentative, persuasive, narrative, and compare and contrast essays
  • Description slides of the elements of the different types of essays
  • Instruction slides on how to compose each type of essay
  • Slides with lists of what each type of essay should include to be successful
  • Guided note-taking sections

Google Slides


The lessons in the High School Introduction to Writing Unit include:

  • The Writing Process
  • 6 Traits of Writing™
  • How to Write a 4 Paragraph Essay
  • How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay
  • General Statement and Detail Statements
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing for Standardized Tests
  • Multiple Choice Writing Tests Unit - 3 Lessons


Connect with me for the latest Write On! with Jamie news:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Write On! with Jamie Blog
  • FB Community for 6-12 ELA Teachers

. . . and visit my WRITE ON! with Jamie website for a free TEXT EVIDENCE WRITING LESSON! 

Write On!


© Google Inc.™ All rights reserved. Google™ and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.™ Write On! with Jamie® is an independent company and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc.™

Terms of Use

Copyright © Write On! with Jamie. All rights reserved by author. All components of this product are to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited unless additional licenses are purchased. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this product are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.


Think Fast Game: Parts of Speech Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, & Verbs

By zaney laney learning

With this game, learners have less than 15 seconds to race against the clock to identify the part of speech represented by the highlighted word. Here's the twist: The possible responses start disappearing after time. Incorrect answers lose points and correct answers earn points. Not only that, the faster learners answer correctly, the more points they earn.

Curious? Try it! Here's a preview of the functionality of Think Fast games. The preview version is for illustrative purposes only, This version has more response options than in the preview. Please refer to the thumbnails on this page to see an example of this game's content.

Want more? Here's a preview of other learning games.

Basic Features:

  • A single-player game that can be played online or offline. Can also be used for classroom review.
  • Automatic scoring and self-correcting answer key. Learners will earn points for correct answers.
  • Replay option: Questions are randomly selected from a pool. Possible answer choices are shuffled. This combination makes it possible to produce a unique quiz with each replay attempt. In addition, new questions will be added to the pool periodically to keep the pool robust.
  • Learners are presented with 10 questions out of a pool of over 100, ensuring it's never the same game twice!
  • Learners are acknowledged by the name they entered when launching the game.
  • No Prep: Automatic scoring and answer key. Open/send the link and go!
  • Remediation for incorrect responses.
  • Replay option: Questions are randomly selected from a pool. Possible answer choices are shuffled. This combination makes it possible to produce a unique quiz with each replay attempt.
  • Copyright-friendly audio and images.
  • No macros = play on any device.
  • Google account not required!


  • ELA.2.11.D.ii ELA.3.11.D.ii ELA.4.11.D.ii ELA.5.11.D.ii: Past, present, and future verb tense
  • ELA.1.11.D.iii ELA.2.11.D.iii ELA.3.11.D.iii: Singular, plural, common, and proper nouns
  • ELA.1.11.D. iv ELA.2.11.D.iv ELA.3.11.D.iv: Adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms
  • ELA.1,11.D.v ELA.2.11.D.v ELA.3.11.D.v: Adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey manner
  • ELA.4.11.D.v: Adverbs that convey frequency and adverbs that convey degree
  • Prepositions and prepositional phrases
  • ELA.1.11.D.vii ELA.2.11.D.vii ELA.3.11.D.vii: Pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases
  • ELA.4.11.D.vii: Pronouns, including reflexive
  • ELA.1.3.D: Identify and use words that name actions, directions, sequences, categories, and locations

What to Expect:

You'll receive a zip file that includes a link to the online game and instructions on how to download the game to play offline. This content is not editable. While I'll update the game periodically, I will do my best to retain the same link. After purchasing, you'll be notified about any updates to this product.

Help Me Get Better:

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to me at before posting a negative review. I have a lot of ideas, and I'm trying my best to present an error-free, high-quality product.

If you would like to see additional words or have suggestions for other uses/topics, please let me know.


Think Fast Game: Parts of Speech Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, & Verbs

By zaney laney learning

With this game, learners have less than 15 seconds to race against the clock to identify the part of speech represented by the highlighted word. Here's the twist: The possible responses start disappearing after time. Incorrect answers lose points and correct answers earn points. Not only that, the faster learners answer correctly, the more points they earn.

Curious? Try it! Here's a preview of the functionality of Think Fast games. The preview version is for illustrative purposes only, This version has more response options than in the preview. Please refer to the thumbnails on this page to see an example of this game's content.

Want more? Here's a preview of other learning games.

Basic Features:

  • A single-player game that can be played online or offline. Can also be used for classroom review.
  • Automatic scoring and self-correcting answer key. Learners will earn points for correct answers.
  • Replay option: Questions are randomly selected from a pool. Possible answer choices are shuffled. This combination makes it possible to produce a unique quiz with each replay attempt. In addition, new questions will be added to the pool periodically to keep the pool robust.
  • Learners are presented with 10 questions out of a pool of over 100, ensuring it's never the same game twice!
  • Learners are acknowledged by the name they entered when launching the game.
  • No Prep: Automatic scoring and answer key. Open/send the link and go!
  • Remediation for incorrect responses.
  • Replay option: Questions are randomly selected from a pool. Possible answer choices are shuffled. This combination makes it possible to produce a unique quiz with each replay attempt.
  • Copyright-friendly audio and images.
  • No macros = play on any device.
  • Google account not required!


  • ELA.2.11.D.ii ELA.3.11.D.ii ELA.4.11.D.ii ELA.5.11.D.ii: Past, present, and future verb tense
  • ELA.1.11.D.iii ELA.2.11.D.iii ELA.3.11.D.iii: Singular, plural, common, and proper nouns
  • ELA.1.11.D. iv ELA.2.11.D.iv ELA.3.11.D.iv: Adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms
  • ELA.1,11.D.v ELA.2.11.D.v ELA.3.11.D.v: Adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey manner
  • ELA.4.11.D.v: Adverbs that convey frequency and adverbs that convey degree
  • Prepositions and prepositional phrases
  • ELA.1.11.D.vii ELA.2.11.D.vii ELA.3.11.D.vii: Pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases
  • ELA.4.11.D.vii: Pronouns, including reflexive
  • ELA.1.3.D: Identify and use words that name actions, directions, sequences, categories, and locations

What to Expect:

You'll receive a zip file that includes a link to the online game and instructions on how to download the game to play offline. This content is not editable. While I'll update the game periodically, I will do my best to retain the same link. After purchasing, you'll be notified about any updates to this product.

Help Me Get Better:

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to me at before posting a negative review. I have a lot of ideas, and I'm trying my best to present an error-free, high-quality product.

If you would like to see additional words or have suggestions for other uses/topics, please let me know.


Common and Proper Nouns Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

Common and Proper Nouns Task Cards and Anchor Charts Posters Activities

These Common and Proper Nouns Task Cards and Anchor Charts are Common Core aligned for 2nd and 3rd grade and include:

  • Three instructional pages
  • 36 task cards with varying questions
  • An answer sheet
  • An answer key

You can use the instructional pages for review or an introduction to nouns.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The digital portion instructions appear at the end of the packet.

Need more nouns products? Check out my nouns bundle (which includes this product you are viewing):


You may also be interested in these Language Arts products:


The Day the Crayons Came Home Activities: Literature Unit Companion

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

The Day the Crayons Came Home Activities: Adjectives, Verbs, Main Idea, and MORE!

From the same author that brought us The Day the Crayons Quit! This adorable sequel, The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt is a fun and engaging story that can teach a variety of reading skills.

This file includes:

  • Compare and contrast
  • Main idea/comprehension
  • Irregular verbs
  • Writing (narratives and postcard format)
  • Comparing adjectives
  • Editing (demonstrating command of conventions)

You will find instructional sheets, activities, and task cards.

Use The Day the Crayons Came Back literature unit in literacy stations or as a class. Each topic/objective has an instructional page to go along with it.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

Are you interested in using The Day the Crayons Quit? Use the link below to find a corresponding literature unit:


Would you like to SAVE MONEY and buy the bundle instead? Check it out here:


You may also be interested in these Language Arts products:


Four Types of Sentences Anchor Charts, Sorting Activity, and Extension Worksheet

By Kirsten's Kaboodle

This Types of Sentences Anchor Charts and Sorting Activity includes instructional pages that cover declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentences.

You will find:

  • 3 instructional pages
  • 36 types of sentences sorting cards
  • an answer sheets
  • an answer key
  • an extension worksheet where students have the opportunity to rewrite 8 sentences from the sort cards into a new type of sentence

Please note: Sentences on the sort cards DO NOT have end punctuation marks on purpose, as that is one way to identify different types or kinds of sentences.


As of 7/11/20, this product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

Technology Requirements:

  • A Google Drive account
  • If sharing with students, a Drive account that is linked to student Google accounts
  • Can be shared/delivered on Google Classroom
  • Only need access to Google Drive--no outside links to worry about!

These file can be used with iPads, chrome books, laptops, and desktops as long as your students have access to Google Drive or Classroom on a device. The digital portion of this product is on Google Slides™.

Please be aware that there is a task card product for Types of Sentences available in my store (as well as a bundle that contains the task cards and this sorting product if want to save money).

You can find each of those product here:




For updates on new products and product specials, follow me:

MY TeachShare STORE




Kirsten Tulsian has 18 years of experience in elementary education. She has been a homeroom teacher for first grade, third grade, and fourth grade, as well as ESL. She has also been a school counselor for grades PK-6, an ESL pullout teacher for K-6, and a Reading Recovery Teacher. She received her Bachelor’s degree in elementary education and psychology from The University of Iowa and a Master’s of Education in school counseling from Sam Houston State University. She believes that students make the most progress when they are engaged in their hearts as well as their minds. Her resources offer relevant, rigorous, engaging content that nurtures the whole child.


Copyright © Kirsten’s Kaboodle. All Rights Reserved.

• Purchasing this product gives the purchaser ONE LICENSE to this product. This allows the purchaser the right to reproduce this product for HIS/HER class ONLY.

• Duplication for an entire team, school, or school district is strictly forbidden.

• If other teachers would like copies of this product, please direct them to my store.

• You may not reproduce, redistribute, or post this item on a blog or website for download (free or paid).

• Copying any part of this product (even for a classroom website) is also in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

• You may not modify, copy, or alter this product in any way.

• Please feel free to spread the word about this product via social media or blog post. A link to the product (or my store) is much appreciated.


Irregular Verbs Past Simple Tense Bingo: Fun EFL/ESL Vocabulary Learning Game

By EnergizeYourLanguage

Energize your students' language skills with this Irregular Verbs Bingo, an engaging and educational game designed for ESL/EFL learners to learn and practice bare infinitive and Past Simple forms of 40 Irregular Verbs. Ideal for classrooms, homeschooling, language learning centers, and summer camps, this activity will make language acquisition enjoyable and interactive. Just print out cards, laminate them (for durability), cut them out and play!

This Bingo Set includes:

  • 40 Call Out Cards: Each card features a straightforward picture of an irregular verb labeled with a bare infinitive form, making it easy for students to associate images with terms.
  • Bingo Cards in 3 Sizes: Includes 30 bingo cards for each size, offering variety and flexibility for different class sizes and age groups. Each square on the bingo cards displays a picture labeled with the corresponding Past Simple verb form, ensuring visual learning and retention.

Target Vocabulary: become, begin, break, build, buy, bring, catch, come, do, drink, eat, find, fly, get, give, go, have, hide, know, learn, leave, lose, make, meet, read, run, say, see, send, sit, sleep, speak, spend, swim, take, teach, tell, think, wear, write.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Vocabulary: Covers bare infinitive and Past Simple forms of 40 irregular verbs, helping students to familiarize themselves with essential verb conjugations.
  • Interactive Learning: Keeps students motivated and involved, turning verb conjugation into a fun game.
  • Educational Focus: Enhances vocabulary retention and usage through repetitive play and listening skills.
  • Versatile Use: Perfect for ESL and EFL learners of all ages, from young kids to adults, for classroom activities or even at-home learning with parents or tutors.
  • Flexible Sizes: Different bingo card sizes allow for adaptable use in any setting, whether it’s a small group or a large class.
  • Easy to Use: Simply print and play, making lesson preparation a breeze.

Why Choose "Irregular Verbs Bingo"?

This bingo game not only helps students learn and reinforce bare infinitive and past forms of irregular verbs but also promotes social interaction, listening skills, and quick thinking. It’s an excellent resource for teachers looking to add a dynamic and effective tool to energize their students.


Prepositions of Place {PART 2} Fun Bingo Game Activity for EFL/ESL

By EnergizeYourLanguage

Engage and Educate with Fun: Prepositions of Place Bingo Game (in, on, under, in front of, behind, between, next to, above)!

Are you looking for an interactive and educational activity to teach prepositions of place? This Prepositions of Place Bingo Game is the perfect solution to make learning enjoyable for kids and adults alike. Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, and family game nights, this educational resource is a must-have for teachers and parents alike.

Key Features:

  • Visual Learning: Each of the 24 caller cards features a vibrant picture accompanied by a preposition of place word, allowing players to easily associate the concept with real-life scenarios. The Caller Cards are available in 3 ways: a picture and a word, only a picture, a a clue without a picture to enhance comprehension.

  • Versatile Gameplay: With 30 bingo cards available in 3 different sizes (with 9, 16 and 24 squares), you can customize the game to suit your needs, different group sizes and learning environments. The variety of sizes allows teachers to adapt the game to learning levels of their students, differentiate instructions and be flexible timewise in lesson planning.

  • Educational and engaging: By incorporating play into learning, students can reinforce their understanding of prepositions of place in a fun and interactive way. The colorful and visually appealing design of each card captivates children's attention, fostering an enjoyable learning experience. The option of the game with all 24 words is especially suitable for students who get distracted during the game, so their goal is to find a word or a picture as all of them are present on the board.

*Before purchasing this resource, please check out the preview and read the resource description to determine if it is appropriate for your students.

*After purchasing, you will get instant access to the DIGITAL file, which you will be able to PRINT OUT in the size that you want (full page or half page). It is advisable to LAMINATE all the cards for DURABILITY (especially, if you are planning to use the cards more than once).


【I CAN READ+READ ALOUD】34 Verbs + Simple Sentences|Boom cards

By Chirp Chirp Education

action words:

Comparing =She comparing

cooking = She is cooking

crying = She is crying

dancing = She is dancing

drawing = He is drawing






























To preview/play the cards before purchase:

Click here


Please READ BELOW to understand how Boom Cards work! This purchase will give you a PDF that will lead you to the Boom Learning platform.


****************** WHAT ARE BOOM CARDS? *********************

Boom Cards are self-grading, DIGITAL resources. To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with "Fast Pins," (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you'll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

Boom Learning℠ also has premium accounts that offer assignment tools, class performance tracking, and much more. If you are a new Boom Learning customer, when you redeem your Boom Cards purchase you get 90-day free trial of a premium account. Read here for details: When your trial ends, you can renew or move to a free account. You may upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Free accounts use purchased Boom Cards with Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading). *Boom Learning and Boom Cards are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.

Please follow me:




Irregular Verbs Past Participle Form Bingo: Fun EFL/ESL Vocabulary Learning Game

By EnergizeYourLanguage

Energize your students' language skills with this Irregular Verbs Bingo, an engaging and educational game designed for ESL/EFL learners to learn and practice bare infinitive and Past Participle forms of 40 Irregular Verbs. Ideal for classrooms, homeschooling, language learning centers, and summer camps, this activity will make language acquisition enjoyable and interactive. Just print out cards, laminate them (for durability), cut them out and play!

This Bingo Set includes:

  • 40 Call Out Cards: Each card features a straightforward picture of an irregular verb labeled with a bare infinitive form, making it easy for students to associate images with terms.
  • Bingo Cards in 3 Sizes: Includes 30 bingo cards for each size, offering variety and flexibility for different class sizes and age groups. Each square on the bingo cards displays a picture labeled with the corresponding Past Participle form of the verb, ensuring visual learning and retention.

Target Vocabulary: become, begin, break, build, buy, bring, catch, come, do, drink, eat, find, fly, get, give, go, have, hide, know, learn, leave, lose, make, meet, read, run, say, see, send, sit, sleep, speak, spend, swim, take, teach, tell, think, wear, write.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Vocabulary: Covers bare infinitive and Past Participle forms of 40 irregular verbs, helping students to familiarize themselves with essential verb conjugations.
  • Interactive Learning: Keeps students motivated and involved, turning verb conjugation into a fun game.
  • Educational Focus: Enhances vocabulary retention and usage through repetitive play and listening skills.
  • Versatile Use: Perfect for ESL and EFL learners of all ages, from young kids to adults, for classroom activities or even at-home learning with parents or tutors.
  • Flexible Sizes: Different bingo card sizes allow for adaptable use in any setting, whether it’s a small group or a large class.
  • Easy to Use: Simply print and play, making lesson preparation a breeze.

Why Choose "Irregular Verbs Bingo"?

This bingo game not only helps students learn and reinforce bare infinitive and past forms of irregular verbs but also promotes social interaction, listening skills, and quick thinking. It’s an excellent resource for teachers looking to add a dynamic and effective tool to energize their students.


Prepositions of Place {PART 1} Fun Bingo Game Activity for EFL/ESL

By EnergizeYourLanguage

Engage and Educate with Fun: Prepositions of Place Bingo Game (in, on, under)!

Are you looking for an interactive and educational activity to teach prepositions of place? This Prepositions of Place Bingo Game is the perfect solution to make learning enjoyable for kids and adults alike. Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, and family game nights, this educational resource is a must-have for teachers and parents alike.

Key Features:

  • Visual Learning: Each of the 24 caller cards features a vibrant picture accompanied by a preposition of place word, allowing players to easily associate the concept with real-life scenarios. The Caller Cards are available in 3 ways: a picture and a word, only a picture, a a clue without a picture to enhance comprehension.

  • Versatile Gameplay: With 30 bingo cards available in 3 different sizes (with 9, 16 and 24 squares), you can customize the game to suit your needs, different group sizes and learning environments. The variety of sizes allows teachers to adapt the game to learning levels of their students, differentiate instructions and be flexible timewise in lesson planning.

  • Educational and engaging: By incorporating play into learning, students can reinforce their understanding of prepositions of place in a fun and interactive way. The colorful and visually appealing design of each card captivates children's attention, fostering an enjoyable learning experience. The option of the game with all 24 words is especially suitable for students who get distracted during the game, so their goal is to find a word or a picture as all of them are present on the board.

*Before purchasing this resource, please check out the preview and read the resource description to determine if it is appropriate for your students.

*After purchasing, you will get instant access to the DIGITAL file, which you will be able to PRINT OUT in the size that you want (full page or half page). It is advisable to LAMINATE all the cards for DURABILITY (especially, if you are planning to use the cards more than once).
