2nd Grade Science Earth's Place in the Universe and Earth's Systems
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 2nd-grade earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson 1 - Natural Events that Change the Earth Quickly
Lesson 2 - Natural Events that Change the Earth Slowly
Lesson 3 - Review of Quick and Slow Changes
Lesson 4 - What are Landforms?
Lesson 5 - Where is Water on Earth?
Lesson 6 - Develop a Model to Represent the Shapes and Kinds of Land and Bodies
of Water in Your State
Lesson 7 - STEM Challenge: Design a Solution to Prevent Water from Changing the
Shape of the Land
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Geologist Poster
- KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)
- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations
- Natural Disasters Poster
- Natural Disasters Flipbook
- Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
- Weathering Reading Passage
- Weathering Activity and Questions
- Erosion Reading Passage and Questions
- Erosion Activities
- Weather/Erosion Venn Diagram
- 14 Photographs of Weathering and Erosion
- Task Cards with Information about Natural Events that Change the Surface of the
- Landforms Booklet
- Landforms Matching Task Cards
- Flipbook- Earth's Water in Three States of Matter and Posters
- Rain in a Bottle Experiment
- engineering and design process posters
- 20 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
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If you like this you might enjoy:
⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-LS2 Ecosystems and Interactions, Energy and Dynamics and
2-LS4 Biological Evolution, Unity and Diversity
⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-PS1 Matter and its Interactions
☀️ What is STEM? A Parent Handout
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5th Grade Science NGSS Aligned Unit About Earth's Place in the Universe
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 8 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Included within this resource are:
Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.
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Related Resources
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS PS1, 2, 3, and 4 - Matter and Its Interactions
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-PS2-1 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions: Gravity
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-2-1: Life Science Unit and 5-PS3-1 Energy Unit
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS 5-LS1-1: Life Science Unit
⭐ Fifth Grade NGSS ESS2-1, ESS2-2, and ESS3-1: Earth's Systems and Human Impact
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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
4th Grade Earth Science NGSS Aligned Units
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 12 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Unit 1 Earth's Systems
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Earth Changes
Lesson 2 - Weathering
Lesson 3 - Erosion
Lesson 4 - Review of Weathering and Erosion
Lesson 5 - Exploring Topographical Maps
Unit 2 Earth's Place in the Universe
Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Rock Cycle
Lesson 2 - Rock Formations
Lesson 3 - fossils
Unit 3 Earth and Human Activity
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Energy from Natural Sources
Lesson 2 - Learning More About Energy from Natural Sources
Lesson 3 - Impact of Natural Disasters on Homes
Lesson 4 - STEM Challenge: Creating a Structure That Will Best Survive an Earthquake
Included within this resource are:
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Eath Science Folder Cover
- Geologists Poster
* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)
* Weathering and Erosion Reading Passages
- Weathering Scavenger Hunt Recording Sheet
- Candy Erosion and Soil Erosion Activities
- Topographical Map Posters
- Three Types of Rocks Flip Book
- Rock Cycle Process Poster and Worksheet
* Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, and Floods Reading Passages and Graphic Organizer
- 8 Posters with Photographs of Land Formations and Informational Cards about these Formations
* Fossils Reading and Recording Sheet
* Fossils Posters
- Show What You Know Assessment
* Engineering and Design Process Posters
* Engineering and Design Rubric
* Reading Passages and Graphic Organizer for the Following Types of Energy: Solar, Wind, Biofuels, Geothermal, Hydroelectricity, Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear
- Types of Energy Flip Books
- Earthquake Informational Posters
- STEM Challenge Directions
- Light Station Cards
- 24 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
* Indicates other STEM to STEAM TRIO resources that have been included in this unit.
What others are saying about our science units:
"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"
"This is a great resource and very well organized!"
"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"
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Related Resources
❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-LS1: Life Science Unit
❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-PS3 and 4-PS4: Physical Science Units
⭐ Accountable Talk Posters for the Science Lab
⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades BUNDLE
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1st Grade Science Unit - Earth Science Aligned to NGSS 1-ESS-1
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This 1st-grade earth science fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lessons in this unit:
Lesson 1 - What is in the Sky?
Lesson 2 - Investigating the Sun
Lesson 3 - The Sun's Role in Day and Night
Lesson 4 - The Sun and Seasons
Lesson 5 - The Earth's Moon
Lesson 6 - The Stars
Lesson 7 - Final Project Showing Patterns
Included within this resource are:
- the standards
- YouTube and book suggestions for each unit; all of which have been previewed
- website suggestions
- 24 essential vocabulary cards
- "Reach for the Stars" motivational poster
- astronomer poster
- posters of each of the seasons
- poster showing the moon in the daytime sky
- phases of the moon poster
- Big Dipper poster
- KLEWS Chart
- cover for students unit folder
- observation recording sheets
- sun facts reading and cloze
- phases of the moon mini booklet
- directions and template for making a model of the sun, earth, and, moon revolving
- seasons booklet with full paragraph readings
- stars facts reading and cloze
- directions for making animal constellations
- student worksheets
- thematic writing paper
With all these great resources, why not make your life easier and give it a try!
✅YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO YouTube as there are many suggested videos.
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Science Phenomenon for 1st Grade See Think Wonder
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⭐ STEM Stories with QR Codes
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Earth Day Kindergarten Science Earth and Human Activities
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This kindergarten earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson #1 What is a Habitat?
Lesson #2 What Habitat Do I Live In?
Lesson #3 Create a Habitat STEM Challenge
Lesson #4 Natural or Man-made
Lesson #5 Taking Care of Our Habitat
Lesson #6 Making New Objects by Using Old Things
- Included within the unit are:
- The Standards and Materials needed pages (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)
- Essential Vocabulary Cards (14 words)
- Habitat Passage for the teacher to read to the class
- Mini Posters for the following habitats: arctic, desert, forest, ocean, and wetlands
(these include a photograph of the habitat and a short description)
- Sorting Cards with plants and animals from different habitats
- Habitats Mini-Booklet
- Habitat Riddle Cards
- STEM Challenge Create a Habitat
- Natural or Man-made Passage for the teacher to read to the class
- Natural or Man-made Board Game
- Helping Earth Mini-Booklet
- Directions for Making Rainbow Crayons and Puzzles by Reusing Materials
- Engineering and Design Process Posters
- Worksheets
-Suggestions for Books to Read
-Suggestions for YouTube Videos
*It should be noted that weather is not covered in this unit as it is addressed in the
Earth's Systems Unit.
If you teach in a bilingual class, we have the student resources available in Spanish. Check out:
It's Kindergarten Science Student Resources in Spanish: Habitats
*It should be noted that weather is not covered in this unit as it is addressed in the
Earth's Systems Unit.
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⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!
⭐ Kindergarten NGSS K-PS2 Motion and Stability Unit: Move It! Pushes and Pulls
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⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth
⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?
⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us
⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten
⭐ Animal Needs: A Christmas Science Activity for Kindergarten
Kindergarten Science NGSS Weather and How it Affects Us
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
This kindergarten earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
It comes with:
- 8 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lesson #1 What is Weather?
Lesson #2 Looking at Patterns in Weather
Lesson #3 Rain in a Bottle Experiment
Lesson #4 What is a Forecast?
Lesson #5 How Does a Forecast Help People?
Lesson #6 Severe Weather Including Storm Safety
Lesson #7 Seasons and How they Affect the Weather
Lesson # 8 How Do Plants and Animals Change Their Environment to Meet Their
Check out It's Kindergarten Science Student Worksheets and Resources In Spanish: Weather
Included within the unit are:
-The Standards and Materials needed page (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)
-Essential Vocabulary Cards (29 words)
-9 Weather Posters (Photos)
- Seasons Posters
- Meteorologist Poster
- Storm Safety Poster and a letter home to families
- 10 photos of animals and plants changing their environment
-Student Friendly Activities and Rain in a Bottle Experiment
-Suggestions for Books to Read
-Suggestions for YouTube Videos
-Student Recording Sheets
-Severe Weather Mini Book
If you teach in a bilingual class, we have the student resources available in Spanish.
Check out: It's Kindergarten Science Student Worksheets and Resources In Spanish: Weather
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Related Resources
❤️ Science Phenomenon for Kindergarten See Think Wonder Pdf and TeachShare Easel
⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!
⭐ Kindergarten NGSS K-PS2 Motion and Stability Unit: Move It! Pushes and Pulls
⭐ Kindergarten NGSS Energy Unit: The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface
⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth
⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?
⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten
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Third Grade Earth Science Unit
By Science and STEAM Team
Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?
- 5 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.
Lessons in this unit:
Lesson 1 - What is Weather?
Lesson 2 - Are There Patterns of Weather?
Lesson 3 - Climates in Different Regions of the World
Lesson 4 - What is a Natural Disaster?
Lesson 5 - STEM Challenge: Create a House that Can Survive a Hurricane
Included within this resource are:
- the standards
- suggested YouTube Videos and Books
- Meteorologist Poster
- Data Collection sheets
* Self-Assessment for a group project
* Natural Disasters Poster
* 5 Reading Passages about Natural Disasters
- Weather Brochure Template
- STEM Challenge directions and materials list
- 21 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions
* Indicates other STEM to STEAM TRIO resources that have been included in this unit.
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Related Resources
⭐Third Grade NGSS 3-PS2: Motion and Stability and Forces and Interactions Unit
⭐ Data Collection and Graphing for Second and Third Grade
⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades
⭐ STEAM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle
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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.