By La trousse de Madame
Nos Roles et Responsabilites French Immersion Ontario Grade 1 Social Studies
This fun and engaging activity packet is meant to supplement your studies of Heritage and Identity for French Immersion students in Ontario. The vibrant images and easy to use French language tags are great to get students talking in French. Open up with large group activities by placing each item on the Venn diagram and discuss the roles we have at home and at school and those we share in both locations.
Students can plot their data on a diagram, a table, or with tally marks to integrate a number of other subjects. No matter how you decide to use this resource, I'm sure your students will enjoy it!
What to do with this resource:
Teachers can print images in original size or make a large poster sized Venn Diagram to allow students the immersive experience of hands-on learning too.
Watch as students identify their roles and responsibilities and grow in their understanding of how they fit into the world. How do our roles evolve over time? How do they change based on where we are? How can we show respect in all our actions and decisions?
What kind of activities can I do:
Students now have access to matching picture and word cards, flashcards, and tables to categorize and organize their ideas.
There are a variety of ways to use this resource to accompany your studies of Our Changing Roles and Responsibilities in the French Immersion Grade One classroom.
How to use this resource:
You could copy and laminate the pages for use as a learning centre or use the Venn diagram as a large poster by printing at 300% and using it as a whole group activity.
Activity cards include:
-faire la vaisselle
-nettoyer la table
-mettre la table
-faire le lavage
-ranger les jouets
-utiliser l'ordinateur
-jouer tranquillement
-passer le balai
-lire silencieusement
-partager les materiaux
-lever la main avant de parler
-s'asseoir a son pupitre
-ecrire la classe
-preparer son sac a dos
Students can take turns coming up to the front of the class to place cards on the Venn Diagram to denote activities that happen at home, at school, or both at home and at school.
A great assessment tool for students in Grade 1 who are not ready to do written assessments to show comprehension.
Appropriate audience:
I use these posters in my French Immersion classroom with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. I feel confident that they could be used for any grade from K-6
I would love to know how you are using this product in your classroom. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have anything to say about this resource. I love helping teachers as much as I can. A product review also is a great way of letting me know, and leaving a review earns you extra credit for more amazing TeachShare products!
What grade level:
I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from Kindergarten to Grade Three will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.
Qui peut se servir de cette ressource?
J’utilise cette affiches dans ma classe d’immersion française avec des élèves de 1e et 2e. Je suis convaincu qu’ils pourraient être utilisés pour n’importe quel niveau de la maternelle à la 6eannée. J’aimerais savoir comment vous utilisez ce produit dans votre classe. N’hésitez pas à me contacter directement si vous avez quelquechose à dire sur cette ressource. J’aime aider les enseignants autant que je peux.
Une revue de produit est également un excellent moyen de me le faire savoir, et laisser un avis vous vaut un crédit supplémentaire pour des produits TeachShare fabuleux!
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If you love this resource:
***1. French SOR Sound Cards
***2. French Decodable Reading
***3. Roles et Responsabilites
***4. French Number Line
***5. French Attention Grabbers
***6. French Speaking Passport
***7. French Pyramid Reading
If you prefer things all bundled together:
***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL
***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL
Some of the Benefits of this resource:
Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool
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