Higher Education World History Movie Guides

Ken Burns America Series - Complete Series - Documentary Questions

By Quick Assignment Central

Includes a set of 12 comprehensive questions that guide students through the documentaries.

Includes a set for each of the documentaries in this series.

The Congress, Statue of Liberty, Thomas Hart Benton, Brooklyn Bridge, Huey Long, Empire of the Air, and The Shakers.

Written at a 9th grade level.

Includes separate answer keys.


Ken Burns - The Civil War (1990) - COMPLETE QUESTION SET

By Quick Assignment Central

Includes a question set and separate answer key for each of the 9 episodes of this series.

Written at a 9th grade level.


Ken Burns - The War (2007) COMPLETE QUESTION SET

By Quick Assignment Central

Includes a set of 10 questions with separate answer key for each of the 7 episodes of this series.

Written at a 9th grade level.
