Higher Education Government Handouts

China: One Question, Five Generational Perspectives

By Mark Holmes

“China: One Question, Five Generational Perspectives” is a set of resources delving into the changing politics of the Chinese leadership over a seventy year period. This resource contains five files:

Google Slides (31 slides)

Highlighting the background and achievement of five generational Chinese leaders; Mao Zedong, Deng Xiao Ping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping.

  • Part 1 gives a summary and major achievements of each 
  • Part 2 Major differences, developments, and contradictions between generational leadership
  • Part 3 looks at ten major changes from Mao to Xi and also ten things that have changed very little over the last 70 years.

Google Doc (12 pages)

The purpose of the document is to provide comparative insights on various questions as if answered by five significant Chinese leaders: Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping at the time of their leadership. Each response embodies the philosophies and policies prevalent during each leader's tenure.

The responses to the 10 questions posed have been generated using AI. This particular bot was prompted to:

  1. Develop and present unique responses to each question asked, with each response reflecting the distinct leadership style and era of the specified Chinese leader.
  2. Maintain historical accuracy and incorporate relevant ideologies and key events that would influence each leader's answer.

The questions asked were as follows;

  1. What is your primary objective for China's national development and what strategies do you employ to achieve it?
  2. How do you define the role and power of the Chinese Communist Party in governing the country, and how does this shape your approach to political reforms?
  3. What is your assessment of China's relationship with the United States, and how do you seek to manage this critical bilateral tie?
  4. How do you plan to address the growing socioeconomic disparities within China, particularly between urban and rural areas, and among different regions?
  5. What is your vision for strengthening China's international influence and global standing, and what specific foreign policy tools do you utilize?
  6. How do you balance the imperatives of economic growth and modernization with the imperative of maintaining social stability and ideological control?
  7. What is your stance on the role of individual rights, civil liberties, and pluralism within the Chinese political and social framework?
  8. How do you seek to promote traditional Chinese culture and values on the global stage, and what is the relationship between this and your nationalist agenda?
  9. What are your key strategies for addressing China's environmental degradation and ensuring sustainable development for the future?
  10. How do you envision the evolution of China's relationship with its ethnic minority populations, particularly in regions like Xinjiang and Tibet?

Google Doc (3 Pages)

Suggestions for potential lessons, activities and projects (20 suggestions in all).

Google Forms (2)

  1. Slide-related Google Form (6 multiple choice questions, 6 short-answer questions, 2 open-ended questions)
  2. Doc-related Google Form (6 multiple choice questions, 6 short-answer questions, 2 open-ended questions)

The Debate on Affirmative Action

By Sarah Austin

Affirmative Action had been a contentious issue in the United States since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. The Supreme Court’s 2023 decision to reject race-conscious admissions at colleges and universities around the nation upended decades of law and the higher education landscape. This lesson will invite students to draw connections between the past and today, as they take a focused look at affirmative action as it applies to admission programs at universities. Students will be provided with an introductory framework from which to understand the historical roots of affirmative action and its' controversial application today through the analysis of primary sources, research, and student-led discussion forum activity.

Time Frame: 2-3 class periods (Based on 60 min class period)


  • Teacher Reference Guide
  • 35 Slide Presentation
  • Guided Notes
  • Four Articles
  • Four Corner Signs

If you liked this lesson see other related 'Government' lessons here:

  • Controversy and the Criminal Justice System (Eric Garner Case)
  • César Chavez: Analyzing Primary Sources
  • The 'Bill of Rights' Time Travel
  • Mock Trial: Class Preparation (MY BEST SELLER)!
  • Analyzing The Declaration of Independence & the U.S. Constitution
  • Post Zombie Apocalypse: What Form of Government Would YOU Create?

Legislation Puzzle SS.7.C.3.9

By History Guru

Process: SS.7.C.3.9 How a Bill Becomes a Law The students work through a coloring activity that leads the from a bill to a law!
