Bundle- Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan & Jim Crow
By Sarah Austin
This unit bundle is composed of four highly engaging, primary based, interactive Slide Presentations, and activities-- designed to have students critically explore the period of Reconstruction/Jim Crow.
LESSON ONE: Reconstruction Era [Intro]
LESSON ONE will have students examine;
LESSON TWO: The Pursuit to Vote
LESSON TWO will have students examine;
LESSON THREE: The Ku Klux Klan (Comparing the Past to Today)
LESSON THREE will have students examine;
LESSON FOUR: Jim Crow Laws
LESSON FOUR will have students examine;
Choice of three supplementary activities;
The 1st Optional Activity will have students analyze four political cartoons. Students will identify whether the author was FOR or AGAINST the Jim Crow Laws, & describe supportive details from the cartoon on their POLITICAL CARTOON HANDOUT.
The 2nd Optional Activity will have students critically read a primary source article titled ‘A TALE OF TWO SCHOOLS’, and respond to text dependent questions in their ‘TALE OF TWO SCHOOLS QUESTIONS HANDOUT. The teacher can do a read-aloud, OR students can read independently. Class discussion is encouraged.
The 3rd Optional Activity will have students analyze a film titled ‘FREEDOM SONG’. Students will apply their knowledge from their guided notes, and respond to open-ended questions in their FREEDOM SONG HANDOUT.
The Ku Klux Klan: Comparing the Past To Today
By Sarah Austin
This highly engaging, primary based, interactive Slide Presentation will have students examine; the underlying roots from which the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) came to exist in America, the organization's primary tactics of using intimidation & fear in fighting against social equality, and why many poor whites were recruited to join the KKK organization. Students will delve deeper by comparing the circumstances and social conditions of two former KKK leaders (one who lived during the era of Jim Crow, and the other of present day).
Class discussion, and critical thinking is promoted throughout the entire lesson.
Materials Include:
*All THREE lessons (Era of Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan, & Jim Crow) is available in the BUNDLE for a discounted %.