High School Computer Science & Technology Resources

Creative Design Projects - 8 Projects for Fashion, Interior & Graphic Design

By Innovations in Technology

Business, Art, Graphic Arts and Technology classes will love these design lessons! Eight different lessons to create high interest projects in the areas of Fashion Design, Interior Design and Graphic Design give students a choice of which activity they would enjoy. Or, if you prefer, you can choose one or two to assign to your class. Each lesson gives an option that students can do on the computer or without any technology at all.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Included in this download are the requirements for each of these lessons and resources for ideas, along with a rubric and sample completed lesson. Students choose from:

1. Create a fashion from duct tape.

2. Create a fashion collage

3. Revise and remake a historic fashion

4. Create a logo

5. Use typography to create a graphic alphabet

6. Create a poster

7. Design a piece of furniture

8. Remodel/redesign a bedroom

Each project takes 2-3 (50 minute) class periods.

This lesson was created for an 8th grade Principles of Arts, AV Technologies & Communications class, but would be suitable for any secondary classroom.

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ How Fashion Designers Use Math in their Career - Real World Math

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Computer Hardware & Software - Build a Computer | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Teach the basics of computer hardware and software while letting students explore what's inside the computer! This unit helps students explore and understand the basic components inside the computer. This is perfect for any technology class in upper elementary or middle school. All files provided are fully editable, allowing teachers to make modifications for differentiation or personalization if they choose.

A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (fully editable) is included to introduce the topic to the class and can be used as a whole class presentation or provided to students to explore on their own. The first part of the assignment involves students identifying and defining the parts of the computer, using either MS PowerPoint or Google Slides to create a presentation. Next, students research specific computer hardware components and “build” two different computers, using either MS Excel or Google Sheets, and remaining within a given budget. A template in Excel that can also be opened in Sheets is provided. Teacher and student resources are included with instructions, sites for research and lesson extension ideas. A basic grading rubric for each project, is also included.

The projects can be completed individually, or students can work in pairs. These projects were created for grades 7-8 but could also be used with upper elementary students.

Materials Required

· Access to computers for each student (or small group)

· Internet access

· Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel OR Google Slides and Sheets

Project Duration (approximate, per topic)

· PowerPoint presentation: .5-1 (50 minute) class period

· Definitions – Student Presentation project: 1-2 (50 minute) class periods

· Research and “Build” Computers project: 2 (50 minute) class periods

Files Included with this Lesson

· Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

· Computer Components PowerPoint Presentation (editable)

· Student Definitions Presentation Project Expectations & Grading Rubric (editable)

· “Build a Computer” Project Student Expectations & Grading Rubric (editable)

· MS Excel Template for project – can be opened in Google Sheets (editable)

My 7th and 8th graders loved this project - particularly when they got to take apart and reassemble old computers that were donated to us at the end of the unit! I hope your students enjoy it as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Information Technology
⭐ History of Computers - Group Research & Presentation Project
⭐ Webquest Scavenger Hunt - History of Computers

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History of Video Games - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

What student doesn't love games – especially video games! In this lesson, students learn more about the origin and history of video games. Students choose a time period in history from a provided list, research that era, and then choose the software they will use to showcase their research. Students can choose to create a presentation, a brochure, or a video using Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, Adobe Spark, eMaze, Canva, etc. (free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. A full list of software/technology options is listed in the student lesson instructions and includes links to tutorials. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.

This is a great activity for a social studies or history class, career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for individual lesson

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for partner/team lesson

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Arts, A/V Tech & Communication Careers

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History of Hip-Hop and Rap Music - WebQuest, Puzzle & Research Project

By Innovations in Technology

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the history of Hip Hop and Rap music as they complete several projects including a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuest for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper. Also included with this lesson is a word search puzzle that includes an answer key, perfect for early finishers or as a part of the lesson. Finally, students research their choice of a Rap musician and create a presentation about their contributions to the field of Hip Hop & Rap using their choice of Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.

This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the topic and was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well. This lesson could be used in a music, history or technology class and is also a great lesson to leave for a substitute teacher!

Materials Required:

· Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)

· Software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs

· Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides

Files included:

· Teacher & Student Resources

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music WebQuest Activity (print and

editable digital files included)

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music WebQuest Answer Key

· Word Search Puzzle – The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music Vocabulary (includes answer key)

· The History of Hip Hop & Rap Music Presentation Project Expectations with Rubric

Approximate Lesson Duration:

· WebQuest - 1 (50 minute) class period

· Word Search Puzzle – 15 minutes

· Presentation Project (including research) – 1.5 -3 (50 minute) class periods

· Optional: additional time for students to present their project to the class (time will vary depending on class size).

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Plan a Vacation - PBL Using MS Office or Google Apps/Workspace

By Innovations in Technology

Who doesn't love to travel? Engage students as they plan a vacation to their dream destination.

The “Plan a Vacation” project utilizes either MS Office (Word and Excel) or Google Apps/Workspace (Docs, Sheets) to allow students to build skills in those programs along with skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In these projects, students research a vacation destination of their choice and complete a research sheet using MS Word or Google Docs. They utilize either MS Excel or Google Sheets to create a budget for their trip, and finally create a tri-fold Travel Brochure using a choice of MS Word, Google Docs, or Canva (www.canva.com) to share information about their chosen destination. Full instructions and grading rubrics are provided for each portion of the project, along with a sample budget spreadsheet (and answer key), and a sample brochure. Links to tutorials for all programs are provided in the student resources section, and a Quick Start Guide for Canva is also included.

The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for younger or older students.

Materials Required

· Access to computers for each student (or pair of students) with Internet and either MS Office (Word, Excel) or Google Apps/Workspace (Docs, Sheets).

· Sample travel brochures (optional) for ideas on layout

Project Duration (approximate)

· Research: 2 (50 minute) class periods

· Spreadsheet creation: 2 (50 minute) class periods

· Travel brochure: 2-3 (50 minute) class periods

Files Included with this Lesson

· Teacher Notes and Resources

· Student Expectations & Rubric - Research & Budget Project

· Student Expectations & Rubric – Creating a Travel Brochure

· Vacation Planning Research Worksheet

· Sample Vacation Budget Project (with formula key)

· Travel Brochure Sample

· Canva Quick Start Guide

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

I hope your students love it as much as mine did!

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Hospitality & Tourism
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Beginner Activities
⭐ Learning to Use Microsoft Word - Beginner Lessons

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Engineering Career Research and Brochure Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Engineering Career Research and Brochure Project has students utilize Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher to showcase their research about an engineering career of choice. In addition to allowing students to build skills in those programs, they also develop their skills in Internet research, reading, writing and critical thinking. In this project, students research an engineering career of their choice, following a list of required information and then create a tri-fold brochure in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher to share that information. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Student Expectations & Rubric - Research & Brochure Project

• Career Brochure Sample

Related Products
⭐ Real World Math - How Engineers Use Math
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Exploring Careers: STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

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History of Graphic Design - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about the history of graphic design. Students choose a time period in history from a provided list, research that era, and then choose the software they will use to showcase their research. Students can choose to create a presentation, a brochure, or a video using Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, Adobe Spark, eMaze, Canva, etc. (free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. A full list of software/technology options is listed in the student lesson instructions and includes links to tutorials. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.

This is a great activity for a social studies or history class, career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for individual lesson

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for partner/team lesson

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

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Famous Fashion Designers - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn about famous fashion designers, their work and how their work influenced society. Students choose a fashion designer of interest (on their own or from a provided list) and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in software of their choice (Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or a variety of free Web 2.0 tools).

Perfect for business, history, social studies, family and consumer science, fashion design or career exploration classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric

• Suggested list of famous fashion designers

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ How Fashion Designers Use Math in their Career - Real World Math
⭐ History of Fashion Design - Research and
Presentation Project

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Graphic Designer - Career Simulation (Career Exploration) | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Graphic Design gives students an introduction to what graphic designers do on the job. This is perfect for a technology, business or marketing class, or a class that focuses on careers. Students learn about the career from the provided PowerPoint (short teacher presentation) Next, they apply their knowledge in a logo identification game, and finally they design and create a logo of their own. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Graphic Design Careers PowerPoint

• Identify the Logo Activity Instructions

• Identify the Logo Student Handout

• Identify the Logo Answer Key

• Logo Creation Project Expectations, Instructions & Grading Rubric

• Logo Project Samples

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ Graphic Design Projects using the Web 2.0 Tool Canva
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Arts, A/V Tech & Communication Careers

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Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop gives students a short lesson to learn the basic skills needed for photo editing: red eye correction, combining pictures and changing backgrounds, re-sizing, cropping, and removing imperfections. The lesson provides step-by-step instructions and also includes links to tutorials students can use as they need to complete the lesson.

This was created for an 8th grade Information Technology class, but is appropriate for upper elementary through high school as a starting point with editing in Adobe Photoshop.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Adobe Photoshop Quick Start Instructions

• Basic Adobe Photoshop Editing Project Expectations & Rubric

• Sample Project (PowerPoint)

Related Products
⭐ Adobe Photoshop "i Am" Silhouette
⭐ Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Basics)

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Transportation Career Simulation - Design an Ideal Mode of Transportation

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Transportation Careers gives students an introduction to what individuals in this career field do on the job. This is perfect for a technology, business or marketing class, or a class that focuses on careers. Students learn about the career as they research information and create a short PowerPoint presentation. Next, they apply their knowledge to learn more about logistics as they choose a product and understand how it would be transported and stored. Finally, they use Sketchup (a free CAD download) to create an “ideal” form of transportation and justify their choices for the design. This project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Transportation Careers Project

• Understanding Logistics Project

• “Ideal” Transportation Design Project

• Project Samples

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Transportation Careers

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Things I'm Thankful For- PowerPoint or Google Slides Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students reflect on people and things they are thankful for and create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to showcase that information. This lesson encourages students to think about the positive things in their lives and promotes being grateful for what they have. The lesson includes links to tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides to assist students with the presentation.

This is a great activity for any class during the Thanksgiving holidays. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric

Related Products
⭐ Thanksgiving Pixel Art in Microsoft Excel
⭐ Fun Thanksgiving Activities & WebQuest

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Memories from the Year Video Project - End of Year Activity | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Memories from the Year (video project) gives students an opportunity to share their memories from the school year as a culminating activity to the year. It uses the Web 2.0 tool, WeVideo, which is convenient for teachers and students since it does not require download. Students use existing pictures and videos or shoot additional ones and then combine those with WeVideo’s built in music to create a video retrospective of the year. The project was created for 7th and 8th graders but could easily be adapted to use with upper elementary through early high school.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Video Project Instructions, Expectations & Grading Rubric

• Video Planning Worksheet

Related Products
⭐ "I'll Always Remember" - End of the Year PowerPoint Project
⭐ "My Best Work" - Online Portfolio End of Year Project in Weebly
⭐ Student Success Guidebook - Brochure Project

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Learning about Typography - Kinetic (Animated) Typography | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Typography: Kinetic Typography is a two-part lesson to give students an introduction to typography. This is perfect for a technology class that focuses on web design or graphic design, or for an art class. The first lesson lets students’ research information and terminology about typography in a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt). Then, in part two, students work to create a kinetic typography project utilizing only fonts (no pictures) and syncing this to music using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe After Effects. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Introduction to Typography Questions/WebQuest worksheet

• Introduction to Typography Questions/WebQuest worksheet answer key

• Kinetic Typography Project in MS PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator Lesson with Rubric

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Learning about Design - Elements of Art, Shapes & Colors | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Learning about Design: Elements of Art, Shapes & Color is a three-part lesson to give students an introduction to design. This is perfect for a technology class that focuses on web design or graphic design, or for an art class. The first lesson has students create a PowerPoint (or Google Slides presentation) to define the Seven Elements of Art in their own words and give picture examples of three areas of design for each. In the second lesson, students complete a short WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about how designers use shapes to convey a message. Finally, in the third lesson, students explore how designers use color by researching information on the Internet and completing a color chart. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Seven Elements of Art PowerPoint Project - Student Expectations & Rubric

• Seven Elements of Art Project Sample (as .pdf)

• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Student Worksheet

• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Teacher Answer Key

• How Designers Use Color Research Chart – Student Worksheet

• How Designers Us Color Research Chart – Teacher Answer Key

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History of Fashion Design - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about the history of fashion design. Students choose a time period in history from a provided list, research that era, and then choose the software they will use to showcase their research. Students can choose to create a presentation, a brochure, or a video using Web 2.0 tools (free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.

This is a great activity for a social studies or history class, career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for individual lesson

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for partner/team lesson

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ How Fashion Designers Use Math in their Career - Real World Math

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Adobe Photoshop "i Am" Silhouette | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

Adobe Photoshop “iAm” Project gives students an opportunity to express their personality and interests as they create a silhouette from a picture of themselves showing off something that defines them. The lesson uses simple Adobe Photoshop techniques to learn the Pen Tool, work with backgrounds, layers and text. The lesson provides step-by-step instructions and also includes links to tutorials students can use as they need to complete the lesson.

This is a fun lesson for the beginning of the year to help students get to know each other, or a good lesson during the year to learn more about each other. These look great printed and displayed too! This lesson was created for an 8th grade class, but would be appropriate for any beginning Adobe Photoshop user.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher Notes and Resources

• Basic Adobe Photoshop Editing Project Expectations & Rubric

• Sample Project (.psd file)

Related Products
⭐ Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Creating an Animated Gif in Adobe Photoshop
⭐ Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Basics)

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History of Photography - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students learn more about the history of photography. Students choose a time period in history from a provided list, research that era, and then choose the software they will use to showcase their research. Students can choose to create a presentation, a brochure, or a video using Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, Adobe Spark, eMaze, Canva, etc. (free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. A full list of software/technology options is listed in the student lesson instructions and includes links to tutorials. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.

This is a great activity for a social studies or history class, career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for individual lesson

• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric for partner/team lesson

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Arts, A/V Tech & Communication Careers

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Recognizing Accomplishments of Famous Women - International Women's Day Project

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students choose a woman they feel contributed something important to society and then create a presentation about her and the contribution. A variety of choices are offered for the student to choose from, and also to allow teachers to use this lesson with the software they have available. Included with the lesson are resources for the teacher to introduce the lesson (including video options), resources for student research, as well as links to tutorials for different software choices if they are choosing to challenge themselves with something new. The finished products may be shared with the class as a presentation, or can be displayed on student workstations for other students to do a learning walk and view. This lesson was created for 8th grade students but is appropriate for students in grades 6-9.

Perfect for International Women's Day or Women's History Month.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Student Assignment, Expectations & Rubric

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Designing Your Own Fashions | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

In this lesson, students create fashions of their own using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Paint. Students can also use one of these free Web 2.0 tools: SketchPad (https://sketch.io/sketchpad/) or SumoPaint (https://www.sumopaint.com/home/#app) that do not require download. Two versions of the lesson are included: one is a shorter version to create just one fashion and the other is a longer version to create a fashion line (6-8 items) which are combined into a collage. Depending on the class and the amount of time available, the teacher can choose which version is most appropriate. Both versions include a writing and reflection component to the lesson, giving students the opportunity to consider how they made their design choices. Links to tutorials for the programs are also provided to assist students with their creations. A basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop is helpful if those programs are being used. However, beginning students can incorporate tutorials with this lesson to successfully learn the program as they create their designs.

This is a great activity for a career exploration class, Principles of Arts, A/V Technology & Communications class, Family & Consumer Sciences, Fashion Design, or any technology class. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files included:

• Teacher & Student Resources

• Fashion Design Creation Lesson - Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric (two versions: short (1 design) and long (6-8 designs)

• Writing Reflection Lesson (two versions)

Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ How Fashion Designers Use Math in their Career - Real World Math
⭐ History of Fashion Design - Research and
Presentation Project
⭐ Famous Fashion Designers - Research and Presentation Project
⭐ Digital Fashion Design Notebook

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