9th Grade Social Emotional Learning Handouts

Social Skills Activities | Success | Social Emotional Learning | Social Awareness

By Queen's Educational Resources

Social Skills Activities | Success | Social Emotional Learning | Social Awareness

About This Resource

**★ Topic - **Exploring Social Skills

**★ **Activity Worksheets

**★ **8 pages

**★ **Print and Digital

**★ **Suitable for Middle School and High School

**★ **Social Emotional Learning

**★ **Detailed Suggested Responses included

This resource includes:

**★ 3 ***Exploring Social Skills Web *Worksheets (Same Worksheets | 3 Variations)

**★ 1 **Exploring Your Social Skills Reflection Worksheet

**★ 2 **Bulletin Board Task Display Pages to display with student work on Bulletin Boards

**★ **Sample Responses

**★ **Google Slide link

Enhance your students' ability to communicate and interact effectively with this Essential Social Skills for Successful Interactions SEL activity, perfect for middle and high school classrooms! This resource is designed to help students brainstorm, understand, and practice the key social skills needed to succeed in relationships, academics, and future careers.

Students will brainstorm key social skills needed for successful interactions. They can work individually or in pairs to identify and discuss skills such as active listening, empathy, and clear communication. This activity helps students develop awareness of effective interpersonal behaviors while encouraging collaboration and discussion.

Also included is an Exploring Your Social Skills Reflection Worksheet with three thought-provoking questions designed to help students examine their own experiences with social skills. Sample responses are provided to guide students in crafting meaningful and personal answers.

This resource can be a helpful addition to any lesson or activity you’ve planned for your students. The worksheets provide a simple way for students to take notes and brainstorm ideas about important social skills for interacting with others. They can also be used for class discussions, pair activities, group work, or small group tasks.

Also included are two Bulletin Board Task Display pages, perfect for showcasing student work on bulletin boards as soon as they’re finished. It’s a great way to save time and highlight students’ efforts!

Who’s It For?

✔️ Middle and High School Teachers

✔️ School Counselors

✔️ SEL Coordinators

✔️ Advisory Period Facilitators

✔️ Sub Plans


❌ Lesson plans are not included. This product can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.


Created by © Queen's Educational Resources | All Rights Reserved

Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.


Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!



