8th Grade Specialty Activities

35 Fun 'Would You Rather' Slide Presentation for Icebreakers / Brain Breaks

By Oops Math is Fun

Engage your students with this "Would You Rather" slide presentation, perfect for classroom icebreakers and getting-to-know-you activities especially for first day / back to school.

Ideal for the first day of school or anytime you want to break the ice and build a positive classroom environment, this resource requires no prep work—simply open the file in full screen mode and present the slides. [suitable for a wide range of ages and grade levels]

Recommendations: Ask students to discuss their choices in each round. You may pick a volunteer in each round to share why they choice their answer.

Key Features:

  • 35 unique "Would You Rather" questions
  • PDF format for easy viewing and presenting
  • Designed for full screen presentation
  • Perfect for classroom icebreakers and team-building activities
  • Engages students and encourages interaction

More Back-to-School or Ice Breaker Games/Activities:
Oops! Classic Edition

Oops! Back-to-School Edition
Human Bingo

Copyright © OOPS! Math is Fun [2024]. All rights reserved. This digital product is the sole creation of OOPS! Math is Fun and is intended for personal use by a single individual only. Redistribution, posting online, resale, or sharing of this product, in part or in whole, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from OOPS! Math is Fun. Any unauthorized use or distribution may result in legal action.


Walmart Target Scavenger Hunt Template tList - Community Based Instructions CBI

By Dotty's Printables

This download includes scavenger hunts template for Walmart and Target with five fun categories: Groceries, Household Items, Clothing, Electronics, and Pharmacy.

Each category has simple tasks for students to find specific items and write down their prices.

You can use this scavenger hunt resource in Community Based Instruction (CBI) by taking students on a trip to Walmart or Target. Students will work in pairs or small groups to find items in each category, learning to read labels, compare prices, and navigate the store.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at dottysprintables@gmail.com


Autism awareness Quotes Mandala Coloring Pages - Autism Acceptance Activities

By The Students Palace

Fun mandala coloring pages to print at home ! Take a look at our huge range of designs, from beautiful flower mandala patterns to autism awareness quotes mandalas, holiday-themed designs, intricate geometric mandalas, and many more! We invite you to create something beautiful and restore your inner calm with one of our printable mandalas.


  • 30 coloring pages ( PDF + PNG )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys, girls, and teens


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG Files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.

Follow me from Here .


Une histoire, deux voix : A la découverte de la subjectivité - Grades 5-8

By Mark Holmes

Une histoire, deux regards : Explorer la subjectivité et l'empathie à travers des récits à double perspective

Description :

Plongez dans l'univers de la subjectivité et de l'empathie avec "Une histoire, deux regards", un recueil unique de huit nouvelles, chacune racontée selon deux points de vue opposés. Conçu pour les élèves de 5e à 4e, cet outil invite les lecteurs à examiner des situations familières sous différents angles, favorisant ainsi la compréhension, la compassion et l'esprit critique.

Chaque histoire met en scène deux personnages distincts, comme le nouvel élève timide et le pitre turbulent de la classe, ou encore l'athlète déterminé et l'artiste passionné. En présentant les deux perspectives côte à côte, ces récits invitent les élèves à se mettre à la place de chaque personnage, à explorer ses pensées, ses sentiments et ses motivations. Au fil des histoires, ils développeront une meilleure compréhension du rôle que la personnalité, les priorités et les expériences de vie jouent dans la perception du monde.

Mais l'apprentissage ne s'arrête pas aux histoires elles-mêmes ! Cette ressource complète comprend également 20 activités et questions de discussion stimulantes, offrant aux enseignants une multitude d'outils pour approfondir les leçons d'empathie et de prise de perspective. De l'analyse comparative aux exercices d'écriture, en passant par les jeux de rôle et les liens avec le monde réel, ces activités sont conçues pour aider les élèves à intérioriser les messages des histoires et à les appliquer à leur propre vie.

Points forts de "Une histoire, deux regards" :

  • 8 nouvelles captivantes, chacune racontée selon deux points de vue opposés
  • Encourage l'empathie, l'esprit critique et l'appréciation de la diversité des points de vue
  • Inclut 20 activités et questions de discussion pour une exploration plus approfondie
  • Adaptable à différents contextes de classe et styles d'apprentissage

En explorant ces récits à double perspective et en participant aux activités qui les accompagnent, les élèves :

  • Développeront une compréhension plus profonde de l'empathie et de la subjectivité
  • Reconnaîtront l'importance de prendre en compte des points de vue multiples
  • Renforceront leur esprit critique et leurs capacités d'analyse
  • Amélioreront leurs compétences de communication écrite et orale
  • Favoriseront une communauté scolaire plus bienveillante et inclusive

"Une histoire, deux regards" est un outil indispensable pour tout enseignant souhaitant promouvoir l'apprentissage socio-émotionnel, l'éducation au caractère et le développement des compétences du XXIe siècle. Téléchargez-le dès maintenant et observez vos élèves devenir des individus plus compréhensifs, empathiques et ouverts d'esprit !


MINDFULNESS Small Group Counseling Curriculum - 7 Sessions - HIGH SCHOOL

By All Therapy Resources

"Mindfully Me" is a comprehensive and engaging 7-week small group counseling curriculum designed for High School students and is thoughtfully aligned with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards.

This curriculum focuses on introducing mindfulness techniques and empowering students to enhance their social and emotional well-being. It offers a safe and supportive environment for students to explore their emotions, develop self-awareness, and acquire practical mindfulness skills. This curriculum is full of interactive, hands-on and engaging activities to help reinforce learning.

"Mindfully Me" is designed to empower high school students with the skills and mindset to navigate the challenges of adolescence with resilience and self-awareness. It encourages the development of lifelong skills for emotional regulation, effective communication, and overall well-being. This program aligns seamlessly with ASCA standards, providing a holistic approach to student development.


  • Foster emotional regulation, self-awareness, and well-being.
  • Cultivate mindfulness skills to navigate the challenges of adolescence.
  • Promote effective communication, empathy, and self-empowerment.
  • Encourage gratitude and the development of a positive mindset.
  • Align with ASCA standards for comprehensive student development.


Session 1 - Welcome and Introduction to Mindfulness

Session 2 - Mindful Moments

Session 3 - Exploring Feelings

Session 4 - Mindful Senses

Session 5 - Mindful Breathing

Session 6 - Gratitude

Session 7 - Termination and Review


  • Note to Counselors
  • Objectives & Goals
  • Group Session Overview
  • ASCA Mindset and Behavior STANDARDS
  • Binder Cover Page & Spine Options
  • Teacher Nominations and Follow Up Forms
  • Parent/Guardian Letter and Consent Form
  • Group Planning Sheet
  • Name Tags
  • Group Member Reminders
  • Group Attendance Record
  • Student Pre & Post Outcome Measures
  • Teacher Pre & Post Outcome Measures
  • Additional Data Collection
  • Confidentiality Sign
  • Passes - Hall, Class, Counselor, Social Worker & Psychologist
  • Student Desk Reminders
  • Counselor Chats Handout
  • Certificates

Below are the specific details for each individual session which can be used in isolation or as a comprehensive curriculum.

  • Session 1 - Welcome and Introduction to Mindfulness: This session serves as an orientation where students are introduced to the "Mindfully Me" program. It emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in everyday life, explores the expectations for the group, and establishes a safe and supportive atmosphere.
  • Session 2 - Mindful Moments: In this session, students delve into the concept of mindfulness and practice being fully present in the moment. They engage in mindfulness activities to understand the power of the "here and now."
  • Session 3 - Exploring Feelings: This session guides students to explore their emotions. They learn to identify and understand their feelings and develop strategies for coping with difficult emotions constructively.
  • Session 4 - Mindful Senses: Students explore their senses and how their senses can be used as anchors for mindfulness. They learn to focus on sensory experiences to stay present and engage in practical sensory activities.
  • Session 5 - Mindful Breathing: Mindful breathing is introduced as a powerful tool for self-regulation. Students practice various mindful breathing techniques to manage stress and enhance emotional control.
  • Session 6 - Gratitude: Gratitude is the focus of this session, encouraging students to cultivate a positive mindset. They explore the concept of gratitude and engage in activities to foster appreciation for the present moment.
  • Session 7 - Termination and Review: The final session serves as an opportunity for students to review their mindfulness journey throughout the program. They reflect on their progress and discuss how they plan to incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives moving forward.

⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

 ► Looking for more SEL workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Gossiping & Rumors Workbook for Teens 
  • CBT Workbook - Thoughts Feelings Behaviors for Teenagers
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


AVID End of Year Summer Bucket List Printable Activity

By KJ Inspired Resources

This AVID summer-themed end-of-the-year activity is perfect for any classroom! This product is designed to encompass students’ creativity and get them thinking about their summer goals, plans, and dreams. This PDF is designed to look like a journal or scrapbook page for students to add their flair to!

Get the AVID End-of-Year Bundle HERE!

AVID Mega Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

Sentence Stems Included:

This summer I will... (with place for picture)

My summer bucket list...

My dream vacation...

What I'll miss most about school...

More AVID end-of-the-year resources...

Digital WICOR Board

Drawing Challenge

30 Second Speeches


The Culture of the Roaring 20's - Research & Presentation Project in eMaze

By Innovations in Technology

This unit connects learning with technology to Social Studies. This is perfect for technology class or for use in a Social Studies or History classroom that wants to incorporate technology with a lesson. No download is required to use eMaze (www.emaze.com) - a free product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.

In this lesson, students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their project. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. Students create a presentation about their choice of one of several topics about the culture of the Roaring 20’s after researching them. They use that information along with graphics, pictures and background to create a finished presentation that explains how their topic influenced society then and now, and also add their own opinions and insights to it.

This is an excellent creative project to add to a unit on American History or the 1920’s. This project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with upper elementary or high school students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Student Project Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Getting Started Tutorial for eMaze

Related Products
⭐ Age of Imperialism - Research & Presentation Project in Microsoft Sway
⭐ Current Events: Digital Interactive Notebook
⭐ Events of the Progressive Era - Research & Presentation Project in Prezi
⭐ Evolution of Railroads - Research and Timeline Project
⭐ History & Economic Impact of the Great Depression - Research & Presentation

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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Classrooms & Chimeras | Leveling Up! | Dungeons & Dragons Cantrips & Spell Cards

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Classrooms & Chimeras | Magic Spell Cards | 24 Poker-Sized Cantrips & Spells

Bring the magic to life in your Classrooms & Chimeras or Dungeons & Dragons campaigns with our Magic Spell Cards! This set includes 24 poker-sized spell cards featuring a variety of cantrips and spells, perfect for players to cast powerful magic and deal serious damage to their enemies. Designed for easy reference, these cards streamline gameplay, keeping spells ready at your fingertips for a more immersive experience.

Product Highlights:

  • 24 Magic Spell Cards: Includes a mix of cantrips and spells, all ready to print and laminate for quick and easy use in campaigns.
  • Poker-Sized for Convenience: These cards are the perfect size for players to hold and reference quickly during intense moments of gameplay.
  • Print & Laminate: Durable and reusable, these cards can be printed and laminated to withstand the most challenging campaigns.
  • Perfect for D&D & C&C Campaigns: Versatile enough to be used in both Dungeons & Dragons and Classrooms & Chimeras adventures.

Level Up Your Characters: After completing the events of Episode 1 of The Portals of Possibilities campaign, players unlock the ability to level up their characters. Color in one bar of your level battery, then choose how to level up:

  • Unlock New Abilities: Use the spell cards to unlock another ability card.
  • Random Level-Up: Level up randomly (with some overpowered cards mixed in for extra excitement).
  • Create Your Own Spells: Draw and customize your own spell, then cut it out and stick it onto your character sheet. Work with the Classroom Master to balance the spell for fair gameplay!

Why Educators and Gamers Will Love This Resource:

  • Engages Players: Having spell cards at hand keeps players engaged and organized, allowing them to focus on strategy and creativity.
  • Promotes Strategic Thinking: With a variety of spells and cantrips, players must think carefully about the best time to cast each one.
  • Easy to Use: Poker-sized cards fit perfectly in hand and make spell-casting smooth and efficient during gameplay.

Ideal For:

  • Teachers incorporating role-playing games like Classrooms & Chimeras to enhance storytelling, teamwork, and strategic thinking.
  • Dungeons & Dragons players looking for quick and easy access to their spells during campaigns.
  • Gamers seeking additional resources to elevate their tabletop RPG experience.

Equip your students or players with these Magic Spell Cards and watch them unleash powerful magic to conquer enemies and overcome challenges in their campaigns!

Find our other Classrooms & Chimeras materials below!

  • The Chimera Compendium - A monster manual of all the monsters in the game... so far.
  • The Character Creator Template - a fresh character creator template for creating new characters for Classrooms & Chimeras
  • The 6 Premade Character Sheets - 6 Premade characters including Gorim, Zephyra, Shadowtide, Aerin, Valerius and Whispering Wind
  • The Character Creator + Premades Bundle with bonus Ghorbash - The whole character bundle with a bonus feathered fury with a pretty terrifying ultimate attack!
  • The Student's Handbook - A guide to everything Classrooms & Chimeras instructing you on how to make a unique character and play, but more importantly, how to play well!
  • The Classroom Master Guide - Episode 1: The Portals of Possibilities Campaign - A guide on how to run a TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game including all the content from the first campaign with the dreaded Mr. Jenkins, Slimes and Goblins!
  • The Portal of Possibilities Interactive Presentation - Episode 1 - An interactive hyperlinked version of the TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game!
  • The Classrooms & Chimeras Daily and Lesson Planner - A day-by-day companion to make sure you can be the best teacher you can be!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Episode 2 The Machine - The second instalment of the Portals of Possibilities Campaign!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Hitpoint HUD Tracker - A way to track your damage and where you get hit for more immersive roleplay
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Leveling Up! - Spells & Cantrips - A helpful guide to helping your students/players level up effectively!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Coloring Book - A coloring book for mindful C&C coloring!

Veterans Day I Spy and Word Search & Find Military Remembrance Day Activities

By The Emergency Sub

Veterans Day Word Search and I Spy Worksheets

Celebrate and honor our veterans with this engaging set of worksheets designed to inspire learning and appreciation for Veterans Day! The Veterans Day Word Search includes a collection of meaningful words related to military service, patriotism, and remembrance, allowing students to discover terms like "honor," "freedom," "patriot" and "peace."

The I Spy Worksheet challenges participants to find hidden objects based on four US Armed Forces, Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force. These activities are a fun and educational way to engage students or families in reflecting on the significance of Veterans Day, while also boosting vocabulary, observation skills, and critical thinking.

Perfect for classrooms, homeschooling, or community events, these worksheets make learning about veterans both fun and meaningful.


AVID Video or Movie Guide Activity - Printable

By Teach Savvy Store

AVID Video Guide Activity - Printable Template: Unlock the secrets to effective note-taking with this comprehensive video guide. Students will learn to follow a structured template that enhances their note-taking skills. Use for Ted Talks, movie days, video presentations and more!

AVID Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

Directions and What's Included in the Template:

  • Simply Print and go!
  • Students will write a one-sentence summary that encapsulates the essence of the video, providing a quick overview of the content.
  • Students will explore three key events or topics covered in detail, gaining insights that will elevate their understanding.
  • They will write high-level questions to stimulate critical thinking, encouraging deeper engagement with the material.
  • They will enhance their vocabulary with three essential words highlighted in the video, fostering a richer academic language.
  • Finally, students express their feedback by rating the video with a color-coded star system,
  • This template is available in both color and black-and-white versions for your convenience.

More AVID Resources

More Writing Resources


End of Year Student Gift Tags for Summer & Fun Sports Tags | Reward Gift Tags

By Mrs Wates Teaching Creations

Wrap up the end of the year with these empowering Sports Themed Gift Tags for students! Perfect for teachers, PE teachers or any subject teacher looking to celebrate students. Easily create memorable and personalized end of the school year or graduation gifts with these fun printable gift tags. Each of the 10 gift tags features a sport image and a motivational message, making for a lasting keepsake. Whether attached to gifts, goodie bags or heartfelt notes, these tags add an extra touch of appreciation, reminding students of their unique abilities as the year comes to a close.

Here are five ideas for using Sports Themed Gift Tags in your classroom:

  1. Goodie Bags: Attach the gift tags to goodie bags filled with small treats, school supplies or sports themed items like mini balls, stickers, or keychains. This adds a personalized and thoughtful touch to each student's gift.
  2. End-of-Year Gifts: Use the gift tags on personalized end-of-year gifts such as books, water bottles, or T-shirts. The tags can highlight each student’s achievements and unique qualities.
  3. Certificates of Achievement: Pair the gift tags with certificates of achievement or awards. This can create a special and memorable presentation for students during end-of-year ceremonies.
  4. Desk Gifts: Place a small gift or note on each student’s desk with a gift tag attached on the last day of school. This can be a fun surprise and a great way to end the year on a positive note.
  5. Classroom Decorations: Create a display board featuring each student’s name with a gift tag. This can be part of an end-of-year celebration where students can take their tag home as a keepsake.

Discover an Array of End-of-Year Resources in My Store.

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Your feedback is important to me. If you find these end of year gift tags helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TeachShare credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.


Appliance Autopsy Activity (Simple Machines)

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

Are you looking for an activity to end the quarter/semester? This activity has students to disect an appliance and take a look at it's inside through an "Appliance Autopsy." It's an engaging activity as studnets open up every day items from around the hosue to see what makes them work.

The Autopsy Report includes basics of an autopsy report with spaces for drawings and critical thinking.

Submit your feedback to earn TeachShare credit!
Did you know that if you go to your “My Purchases” page, there is a “Provide Feedback” link? Click it to be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Every time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you may use to lower the cost of future purchases!

Click HERE to subscribe to Reece’s Tech Shop!

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Hit Me With Your Best Meme - An SEL Communication and Expressions Game

By Jeni Donath

"Hit Me With Your Best Meme" is an activity that is fun for the entire class! This activity provides 80 statements cards to be used to discuss different experiences that students might face throughout their day to day lives as students in a school building. They are relatable yet lighthearted and create great conversation! This is a fun way to get students talking about feelings, facial expressions, and communication and is the perfect way to reach those older middle and high school students, too! Everything you need for the activity is ready for you upon download!

What's included in the purchase? This activity includes 80 statement cards and 100+ memes to be used during the activity. There is some prep needed in cutting out each card used during the activity. The download also includes instructions on 3 different ways that the activity can be used in your classroom!


Fun Classroom Games Bundle | Ice Breaker Brain Break Activities + FREEBIES

By Oops Math is Fun

Get your students excited and engaged with the Ultimate Classroom Games Bundle! This comprehensive bundle is packed with six interactive and easy-to-use PDF slide presentations with FREE online versions (selected games). Whether you're looking for a classroom activity - to break the ice, spark creative conversations, or simply have some fun, this bundle has everything you need. Suitable for any school day, any school theme holiday/event.

Included in This Bundle:

1. This or That (PDF)

  • Engage students with quick and fun choices that get them talking and thinking. Perfect for sparking conversations and learning more about each other.

2. Would You Rather (PDF)

  • A classroom favorite! This game presents students with creative and thought-provoking scenarios, encouraging them to share their preferences (and discuss their reasoning).

3. Personality Quiz: Which Character Are You? (PDF)

  • Help students discover which popular character they most resemble. This quiz is a hit for getting students to reflect on their personalities in a fun way.

4. The Memory Game (PDF + Bonus: Online Version with Timer)

  • Test and improve students' memory skills with three rounds of visual challenges. Includes a link to an online version with a built-in timer for added excitement!

5. OOPS CLASSIC (Taboo-like Game) (PDF + Bonus: Online Version with Timer, Printable Cards, Game Tracker Sheet)

  • A classic game of wordplay that challenges students to describe a word without using "taboo" terms. Comes with an online version for digital play and printable cards for an offline experience.

6. OOPS BACK-TO-SCHOOL (Taboo-like Game) (PDF + Bonus: Online Version with Timer, Printable Cards, Game Tracker Sheet)

  • A back-to-school themed version of the OOPS game, tailored to get students familiar with each other and the classroom environment. Includes both an online version and printables.

Why You'll Love This Bundle:

  • Interactive and Engaging: Each game is designed to foster communication, critical thinking, and fun in the classroom.
  • Versatile Use: Perfect for icebreakers, brain breaks, or as part of a fun Friday routine.
  • FREEBIES / Bonus Features: Includes online versions with timers for digital play, plus printables for easy use in any classroom setting.
  • Ready to Use: Simply open the PDFs, display in full screen mode, and you’re all set! No prep required.

Perfect For:

  • Elementary, middle school, high school teachers looking to create a positive and engaging classroom environment.
  • Back-to-school activities, student bonding, and interactive learning.

Download today and make your classroom the place where learning and fun go hand in hand!

Tags: back-to-school bundle, classroom games, icebreakers, interactive activities, PDF games, digital classroom games, printable classroom games, elementary activities, middle school activities, TeachShare bundle, memory game, this or that, would you rather, personality quiz, taboo game.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This bundle is great all year long! I love having these games on hand for those unexpected days when I need a quick and easy activity. The students enjoy them every time, and it makes planning so much easier. A must-have resource for any teacher!"

"This bundle made the first week of school so much fun! My students were instantly hooked, especially with the 'Would You Rather' game. The PDF was easy to set up, and the online versions were a nice bonus. I'll definitely be using these games all year long!"

"I’m so glad I found this bundle! The games were engaging, and my students had a blast. Everything was ready to use right out of the box, which saved me so much time. Great value for any teacher!"


FFA Emblems All ABout Me Templates

By Dotty's Printables

Create a personalized "All About Me" display with these FFA emblem templates! This is a set of various sizes of emblems, allowing students to reflect on their identities and share their FFA experiences in a fun and engaging way.

Included in this download:

  • Multiple sizes of FFA emblem templates
  • Sections for name, grade level, favorite subject, and hobby
  • Space to describe current FFA involvement and future goals
  • Area for a fun fact and a photo

Perfect for FFA chapters, classrooms, and student presentations, this resource encourages self-expression and connection among peers.

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Thank you for shopping by My Store. Rating after downloading is very appreciated!

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If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at dottysprintables@gmail.com


Autism awareness Jigsaw Puzzle Template - Fun Autism Acceptance Games Activities

By The Students Palace

Fun Autism awareness Acceptance Jigsaw Puzzle Template Puzzles is an engaging and creative activity pack designed for young learners. This unique resource combines the fun of jigsaw puzzles with the creativity of coloring pages. Children will delight in solving the jigsaw puzzles to reveal adorable images of Gratitude Lettering setting. After completing the puzzles, they can express their artistic skills by coloring the pictures in vibrant hues.


  • 30 Pages

  • ( PDF + PNG )

  • Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.


IN & OUT OF MY CONTROL Lesson for Teenagers - SEL & Growth Mindset

By All Therapy Resources

This Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and growth mindset-based educational resource delves into the concept of locus of control, empowering students to proactively shape their life and experiences. With a focus on the importance of self-awareness and self-regulation, this lesson helps students understand what is within their control, allowing them to allocate their time, energy, and resources effectively towards achieving their goals and feeling a sense of agency in their life.

This comprehensive lesson plan features a range of engaging activities, including worksheets, reflective questions, and a sorting card activity, to support students in their journey towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

✎✎✎ Resource Includes:

  • Why it is important to understand the difference between what is IN and OUT of your control?
  • Visual Poster – In & Out of My Control
  • Worksheet – In & Out of My Control
  • Locus of Control – Internal & External
  • Personal Reflective Questions (to explore individual locus of control)
  • 30 Statement and Sorting Cards (in and out of control sorting activity)
  • Reflective Worksheets


► Looking for more workbook topics? We've got you covered!

  • Behavior and Feelings Workbook
  • Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook
  • Emotions & Self Care Workbook
  • My Anger Management Workbook

⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

© All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


AVID Binder Check | Whole Class Sampling | Digital Resource

By KJ Inspired Resources

Are you an AVID teacher? Are you using a binder form that has several check areas? This quick and easy no-prep binder check is perfect for you to perform a binder check virtually or in person! The Google slides include points on each binder element to help with recording grades. :)

✨AVID Bundle✨


  • This is a quick way to assess specific areas of student's binders to perform a whole class quick check!

  • Simply go through the slides and allow students 10 seconds to find the item and hold it up.

  • on the neatness slide, students should shake their binders to be sure no loose papers fall.

  • Use the points listed in the corner as a guide for grading.

  • Have your class list handy to easily record and maintain documentation.

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!


Evolution of Railroads - Research and Timeline Project | Distance Learning

By Innovations in Technology

This unit connects learning with technology to Social Studies. This is perfect for technology class or for use in a Social Studies or History classroom that wants to incorporate technology with a lesson. No download is required to use Tiki-Toki (www.tiki-toki.com) - a free product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning.

In this lesson, students are provided with a quick tutorial, as well as links to other resources to help them with their project. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. Students create a timeline about the evolution of railroads after researching them. They use that information along with graphics, pictures and backgrounds from the Internet and also supplied in Tiki-Toki, to create a finished presentation that explains the history of railroads and how they evolved, and add their own opinions and insights to the project.

This is an excellent creative project to add to a unit on railroads, the Industrial Revolution, or other social studies lessons on the growth and development of the United States. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with upper elementary or high school students.

This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.

Files Included with this Lesson

• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources

• Student Project Expectations and Grading Rubric

• Getting Started Tutorial for Tiki-Toki

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⭐ Westward Expansion of the United States - Research & Presentation Project

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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Classrooms & Chimeras Bundle | TTRPG Classroom Kit | D&D Dnd Dungeons & Dragons

By Sean Alexander Dennison

Dive into the fantastical world of Classrooms & Chimeras with our Ultimate Bundle, packed with 19 interactive resources! This all-in-one TTRPG classroom kit is ideal for educators who want to introduce immersive storytelling, strategic thinking, and collaborative problem-solving in a way that resonates with students’ love for adventure. Inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, this bundle combines everything you need to transform your classroom into a world of mythical quests and imaginative learning. Here's everything you get:

Bundle Highlights:

  1. The Chimera Compendium
    A monster manual filled with a variety of creatures to challenge students, from goblins to the feathered fury, Ghorbash. Let students strategize, explore, and confront their fears as they encounter each unique creature!
  2. Character Creator Template
    A fresh character template for students to design their own heroes, fostering creativity and individuality in gameplay.
  3. 6 Premade Character Sheets
    Ready-to-go characters including Gorim, Zephyra, Shadowtide, Aerin, Valerius, and Whispering Wind—each crafted with unique backstories and skills to add depth to your campaign.
  4. Character Creator + Premades Bundle with Bonus Ghorbash
    This bundle includes all character creation tools and premade sheets plus Ghorbash the Feathered Fury, complete with a powerful ultimate attack!
  5. The Student's Handbook
    A comprehensive guide to everything Classrooms & Chimeras, teaching students how to build characters, play with respect, and master the rules. The handbook focuses on cooperative gameplay, ensuring a positive, skill-building experience.
  6. Classroom Master Guide - Episode 1: The Portals of Possibilities Campaign
    Embark on the first adventure with Mr. Jenkins, Slimes, and Goblins as your students unravel mysteries, solve puzzles, and navigate the dungeon!
  7. The Portals of Possibilities Interactive Presentation - Episode 1
    An interactive PowerPoint version of the first campaign, fully hyperlinked and ideal for creating immersive experiences with real-time choices. Students feel fully in control as they guide their characters through various challenges.
  8. Classrooms & Chimeras Daily and Lesson Planner
    An essential day-by-day planner to support educators as they guide students through lessons and gameplay, offering seamless integration of Classrooms & Chimeras into daily schedules.
  9. Classrooms & Chimeras - Episode 2: The Machine
    The thrilling sequel in the campaign! As students search deeper for their friend Max, they encounter creatures like giant rats, arachnids, and the mighty Jurogumo. Each choice shapes the adventure in unexpected ways.
  10. Hitpoint HUD Tracker
    A health-tracking tool with customizable character body diagrams. Students can visually track where they get hit for a fully immersive, tactical experience.
  11. Leveling Up! - Spells & Cantrips
    Equip your students with knowledge on spells and cantrips to level up their characters. This guide breaks down the different spell types and damage scales, making sure they progress wisely.
  12. Coloring Book
    A mindful activity companion that lets students explore the world of Classrooms & Chimeras in a relaxed, artistic way. Great for reinforcing creativity and enhancing focus.

Why Educators Love This Bundle:

  • Comprehensive and Engaging: This complete set brings every part of Classrooms & Chimeras to life, offering all the resources and tools to set up, teach, and enjoy a TTRPG experience in the classroom.
  • Teaches Essential Skills: Classrooms & Chimeras integrates lessons on critical thinking, teamwork, and emotional regulation, with a format that appeals to young adventurers.
  • Immersive Storytelling: Designed to spark imagination, the campaigns and character-building experiences immerse students in an engaging world where they are the heroes.
  • Interactive Presentations: With Episode 1’s interactive presentation and detailed guides for each campaign episode, educators have all they need to create captivating, story-driven learning environments.
  • Adaptable for All Levels: From beginners to more advanced TTRPG players, this bundle offers tools and options to support every student.

What’s Included in This Bundle:

  • 2 Campaign Episodes (Portals of Possibilities and The Machine)
  • Character Creation Templates & 6 Premade Characters
  • Student’s Handbook and Classroom Master Guides
  • Interactive Presentation, Daily Planner, Hitpoint HUD, and Spell Guides
  • Coloring Book for Mindful Activities

Equip your classroom with the Classrooms & Chimeras Ultimate Bundle and unlock a world of adventure and educational fun. Whether you're new to TTRPGs or a seasoned storyteller, this bundle is crafted to make teaching an unforgettable adventure!

Find our other Classrooms & Chimeras materials below!

  • The Chimera Compendium - A monster manual of all the monsters in the game... so far.
  • The Character Creator Template - a fresh character creator template for creating new characters for Classrooms & Chimeras
  • The 6 Premade Character Sheets - 6 Premade characters including Gorim, Zephyra, Shadowtide, Aerin, Valerius and Whispering Wind
  • The Character Creator + Premades Bundle with bonus Ghorbash - The whole character bundle with a bonus feathered fury with a pretty terrifying ultimate attack!
  • The Student's Handbook - A guide to everything Classrooms & Chimeras instructing you on how to make a unique character and play, but more importantly, how to play well!
  • The Classroom Master Guide - Episode 1: The Portals of Possibilities Campaign - A guide on how to run a TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game including all the content from the first campaign with the dreaded Mr. Jenkins, Slimes and Goblins!
  • The Portal of Possibilities Interactive Presentation - Episode 1 - An interactive hyperlinked version of the TTRPG Classrooms & Chimeras game!
  • The Classrooms & Chimeras Daily and Lesson Planner - A day-by-day companion to make sure you can be the best teacher you can be!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Episode 2 The Machine - The second instalment of the Portals of Possibilities Campaign!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Hitpoint HUD Tracker - A way to track your damage and where you get hit for more immersive roleplay
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Leveling Up! - Spells & Cantrips - A helpful guide to helping your students/players level up effectively!
  • Classrooms & Chimeras - Coloring Book - A coloring book for mindful C&C coloring!