7th Grade Life Skills Handouts

Self-Advocacy Worksheet Activities Games & Scenario Cards|Social Problem Solving

By My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

This Self-Advocacy Worksheet Activities Games & Scenario Cards | Social Problem Solving MEGA BUNDLE will set you up with everything you need to help your students learn, practice, and master self-advocacy skills! It is packed with ready-to-go, no prep visuals, templates, scenario cards, worksheets, practice activities, task cards, and games at a HUGE discount!

Teach your older students to effectively self-advocate in any setting or situation. I am a high school speech language therapist in a special education school. I work with many students who find social emotional learning and executive functioning skills challenging. One way we tackle this is by practicing self-advocacy skills. My goal is to foster independence speaking up and advocating for themselves to get the help they need in all settings.

Both engaging and effective, with the resources included in this bundle, you will see a huge boost in your students' confidence. It is designed to increase your students' ability to express themselves and be assertive regarding their feelings, wants and needs, accommodations, asking for help, self-regulation and sensory needs.

This Self-Advocacy MEGA BUNDLE includes the following 10 resources:

  • Self-Advocacy Life Skills Worksheet Activities & Social Problem Solving Scenarios - Intro Lesson, Self-Advocacy Formula, Formula Template, Practice Activities/Worksheets, and Scenario Cards
  • Self-Advocacy at HOME - Self-Advocacy at Home Scenario Cards Expansion Pack - Formula, Template + 40 Scenario Cards
  • Self-Advocacy At SCHOOL - Self-Advocacy at School Scenario Cards Expansion Pack - Formula, Template + 40 Scenario Cards
  • Self-Advocacy At WORK - Self-Advocacy at Work Scenario Cards Expansion Pack - Formula, Template + 40 Scenario Cards
  • Self-Advocacy in the COMMUNITY - Self-Advocacy in the Community Scenario Cards Expansion Pack - Formula, Template + 40 Scenario Cards
  • Self-Advocacy SEASONS & HOLIDAYS - Self-Advocacy Seasonal and Holiday Scenario Cards Expansion Pack - Formula, Template + 40 SEASONAL & HOLIDAY Self-Advocacy Problem Solving Scenario Cards: 20 Spring / Summer Seasonal & Holiday + 20 Fall / Winter Seasonal & Holiday
  • Self-Advocacy VISUAL AID - Visual Support Simplified For All Ages - Includes Self-Advocacy Sentence Starter Prompts
  • Self-Advocacy Picture Card Practice Activities & Games - 5 Activities - 2 Task Card Activities and 3 Card Games
  • Self-Advocacy Skills Practice Activity: Dice Game - Includes 36 different self-advocacy social problem scenarios + Blank Boards for Custom Games!
  • Self-Advocacy Skills Practice Activity: BINGO Game - Includes 10 Different Colorful Boards for Big or Small Therapy Groups, 24 Different Self-Advocacy Social Problem Scenarios with Picture Scenes, PLUS 3 Blank Colorful Boards & a Blank Clue Sheet to create your own Custom BINGO Games!

I am seeing significant improvement in my own students now that they are using this self-advocacy formula. Breaking it down into its parts and then practicing expressing themselves with detail is getting much easier for them! I hope it does the same for your students!

Thank you for your interest! Enjoy!

You may also be interested in:

  • Master Email, Phone, and Voicemail Skills - Formal Email Writing with Scenarios, Parts of an Email, Email Templates, Email Time Management, Public vs. Private, Online Safety Skills / Phone Call and Voicemail guided lessons and examples, visual aids, formulas, templates, scripts, practice activities, and scenarios
  • Perspective Taking To Guide Actions and Words - SEL Perspective Taking Skills Activities | Lesson, Visual Aids, 80 Scenario Cards
  • Nonverbal Communication Social Cues Dice Games - Dice Games with a Focus on Facial Expressions, Tone of Voice, and Intonation

Follow my page for updates and discounts on products! 

  • My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

SEL Executive Functioning Skills|Self-Advocacy Perspective Taking Nonverbal Cues

By My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

This SEL Executive Functioning Skills | Self-Advocacy Perspective Taking Nonverbal Cues BUNDLE includes 5 of my favorite and most used resources in one discounted bundle!

I am a high school speech language therapist in a special education school. I work with many students who find social emotional learning and executive functioning skills challenging.

My students often come to me with social problems or challenges they face in their real lives. With the help of the materials in this bundle, we are able to dive deep into each situation and problem solve through each one. This equips them with confidence to understand and face similar social situations moving forward.

This Bundle Includes:

  1. Self-Advocacy VISUAL SUPPORT Asking for Help Sentence Starter Prompts SEL Skills

  2. Self-Advocacy Activities & Games | Social Problem Solving Picture Scenario Cards

  3. Self-Advocacy Skills + Life Skills Problem Solving Scenarios for Older Students

  4. Perspective Taking Social Problem Solving Scenarios SEL Activities & Visual Aids

  5. Nonverbal Communication Social Cues Facial Expressions Tone of Voice Dice Games

These resources are useful for middle school and high school students and include mini lessons, visual supports, practice activities, and scenario cards.

Your students will grow in a variety of areas:

- self-advocacy, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-control, understanding, social awareness, social inferencing, situational awareness

- self-expression, empathy, maturity, professionalism, responsibility, relationships, friendships, and self-esteem

Thank you for your interest! Enjoy!

You may also be interested in:

  • Self-Advocacy BUNDLE - Lesson, Visual Supports, and Scenario Cards for Older Students - Scenarios covering a variety of situations that could arise at home, in school, in the community, at work, and during different seasons and holidays.  
  • Master Email Skills - Formal Email Writing with Scenarios, Parts of an Email, Email Templates, Email Time Management, Public vs. Private, Online Safety Skills
  • FALL/WINTER If You Could Only Choose One BUNDLE - Social Questions Opinion Sharing Game - Includes Classic Edition, Fall/Halloween, Fall/Thanksgiving, and Winter Editions

Follow my page for updates and discounts on products! 

  • My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

Self-Advocacy Activities Games & Scenario Cards BUNDLE - Social Problem Solving

By My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

This Self-Advocacy Activities Games & Scenario Cards BUNDLE - Social Problem Solving Practice resource was designed to provide lots of engaging and fun ways to PRACTICE and MASTER the skill of self-advocacy! Help your students gain the skills and confidence to effectively speak up for themselves in any situation, whether you have students that are beginners or more advanced self-advocates. This bundle will foster your students' independence turning their thoughts, feelings, and wants & needs into expressive self-advocacy statements.

This Printable Self-Advocacy Activities and Games Bundle Includes:

  • Self-Advocacy Visual Support with Sentence Starters (Color & B&W Options)
  • Self-Advocacy Picture Scenario Cards (2 Task Card Activities and 3 Card Games)
  • Self-Advocacy Dice Game (with Color & B&W blank boards to create your own custom games)
  • Self-Advocacy BINGO Game (with 3 blank boards and a blank clue sheet to create your own custom games)

Self-Advocacy Scenario Topics Include:

  • Feelings
  • Self Regulation
  • Sensory Needs
  • Accommodations
  • Asking for Help
  • Wants and Needs

This Self-Advocacy Practice resource is perfect for Speech-Language Therapy, Life Skills, or Counseling sessions. I personally use it with my middle school and high school special education students who need extra practice expressing their thoughts, feelings, and wants & needs. It is a great way way to strengthen their assertiveness, communication, expressive language skills, life skills, social problem solving skills, executive functioning skills, and social emotional skills.

Don't let your students struggle in silence! Empower them with the confidence to self-advocate in all settings and situations and get their needs met and their feelings heard!

Thank you for your interest! Enjoy!

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You may also be interested in:

  • Self-Advocacy Lesson, Worksheet Activities, & Scenarios for Older Students
  • Perspective Taking To Guide Actions and Words - SEL Perspective Taking Skills Activities | Lesson, Visual Aids, 80 Scenario Cards
  • Nonverbal Communication Social Cues Dice Games - Dice Games with a Focus on Facial Expressions, Tone of Voice, and Intonation
  • Classmate BINGO - Social BINGO Game Customized to Your Students' Personal Information and Interests

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Follow my page for updates and discounts on products! 

  • My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

SPANISH - Pillars of Success - Self-Esteem Worksheets - TEENAGERS & ADULTS

By All Therapy Resources

Este libro de trabajo ha sido diseñado para que los adolescentes y adultos exploren, definan y se nutran a sí mismos a través del cuidado personal. Este recurso es motivador, inspirador y fundamentador. Este recurso brinda a los adolescentes y adultos una gran base para explorar dónde se encuentran actualmente en la vida, hacia dónde quieren ir (esperanzas / deseos / sueños), así como equiparlos con las habilidades, el conocimiento y la percepción para que estén equipados con las herramientas de autocuidado y los apoyos adecuados para hacer frente a cualquier cosa que les depare la vida.

Este libro explora lo siguiente:

¿Qué es el autocuidado?

Siete pilares del autocuidado (explorando cada uno individualmente y si alguno de nuestros pilares necesita reparación)

Cualidades y rasgos más fuertes

Explorar el sentido central del yo individual (intelectual, espiritual, física y emocionalmente)

Lo que es importante para ellos: sueños, deseos, metas.

Explorando barreras y superando obstáculos

Explorando momentos decisivos

Preguntas de reflexión guiada

Ejemplo de lista de verificación de Morning Headstart (y desarrollo de su propia rutina matutina que nutre su cuerpo, mente y alma)

Plantilla de autorreflexión diaria

Citas inspiradoras, analogías, hojas de trabajo y más.

This workbook has been designed for teenagers and adults to explore, define and nurture themselves through self-care. This resource is motivating, inspirational and grounding. This resource gives teenagers and adults a great foundation in which to explore where they currently are in life, where they want to go hopes/desires/dreams) as well as equip them with the skills, knowledge and insight so that they are equipped with the right self-care tools and supports to deal with anything life throws at them.

This workbook explores the following:

- What is Self-Care?

- Seven Pillars of Self-Care (exploring each one individually and if any of our pillars in need of repair)

- Strongest Qualities and Traits

- Explore individual core sense of self (intellectually, spiritually, physically and emotionally)

- What's important for them – dreams, desires, goals.

- Exploring barriers and overcoming obstacles

- Exploring defining moments

- Guided reflection questions

- Morning Headstart checklist example (and developing your own morning routine which nourishes your body, mind and soul)

- Daily Self-Reflection Template

- Inspirational Quotes, Analogies, Worksheets and more.

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



PERSONAL VALUES Workbook Unit - Health Education and Counseling Activities

By All Therapy Resources

This workbook allows you to reflect and gain insight into who you are – Discovering and clarifying your values, identity and sense of belonging. We say “discover” or “clarify” because our values are already a part of us. We just need to dig a little and find them. Knowing and living your values is essentially a map on how to be more authentic (or more yourself).

Your personal values are like a roadmap to live your life by. The destination is your authentic expression. They will provide you with clarity and vision, as well as confidence to stay the distance. Knowing your values means that you can easily get back on track even if you stray off the path.

Everyone has personal values. By acknowledging and living your values you bring an awareness and rhythm to your life, a sense of inner peace and understanding. Aligning yourself with your values can also help you to live an authentic life.

By exploring and narrowing down your personal values through this workbook you are clarifying what is important to you and show a commitment to making those values a priority.

This mini-lesson explores the following:

-Personal Values are important – why?

-I know who I am (worksheet)

-What are values?

-Living an intentional life (core values list)

-Questions about your core values (reflective questions)

-What are your Core Values (worksheet)

-Your Personal Values in Action (worksheet)

-What shapes our values?

-Experiences shape values

-Generational Impacts interview activity (3-part activity)

-Your values Question Summary

-Living Intentionally – Setting Goals

-Creating your personal values statement (craft)

-Inspirational Quote Poster


Relationships (Ex Book) Self-Help

By Beth Hammett

Ex-Book takes you on an interactive writing journey to help shed a broken relationship and your ex. Explore expectations for a new soulmate with these 25 color and writing reflective activities. Includes: About me... Defining love... I like... My future soulmate... My idea of a romantic date... About my ex... My ex liked... What I liked about you/annoyed me about you/what we were working on... Road Map of Love Unlocked Secrets Our Favorite Memories Our Favorites What we shared... A last letter to my ex... A Poem to Free My Heart Making My Own Break-Up Movie Tattoo Design Break Up Party We broke up over... YOU be the judge... The Dating Game My Dream Vacation My Positive Attributes: A Recipe My future without my ex... Reflective, fun activities to ease pain and tension of a break-up. Great way to move on from a relationship and focus on positive character traits!


Protective Behavior Question Cards - Relationship, Sexuality, Puberty, Teenager

By All Therapy Resources

These 48 cards were developed for children to learn in a non-threatening manner key areas relating to positive behavior, protective behaviours, relationships, sexuality and puberty.

By having children utilize these cards with others, an equal opportunity exists for role modelling, education and learning from others appropriate responses to the questions. Even when inappropriate responses are provided, it provides the foundation for reflective understanding and development of insight and learning. These cards allow for self-expression, enhancement of self esteem and confidence and brainstorming alternative behavioural and interactional choices and actions.

The questions also provide a framework to improve children’s ability to accept responsibility for their choices and actions around their behaviours and to reflect upon experiences and choices and explore and process the feelings and emotions.

These cards are great to utilize with just two people or a larger group. The questions are divided into a number of key areas which include:

- Getting to know others (initiating and maintaining conversations)
- Problem solving scenarios
- Protective Behaviours
- Puberty, Relationships and Sexuality
- Self-Esteem
- Learning appropriate social behaviours and interactions including protective behaviours.

These cards have been utilized for special needs children, autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and within mainstream classrooms. The use of this resource is highly versatile and only limited by your imagination!

Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you

WORKBOOKS – Just print!

Behaviour and Feelings Workbook

Self Esteem and Feelings Workbook

Emotions & Self Care Workbook

My Anger Management Workbook


Puberty Lesson and Activity Book

Appropriate V's Appropriate Things to Say

Learning about Bodies and Puberty Workbook

Protective Behaviours, Relationships and Puberty Special Game

Stranger Danger Education

Road Safety Social Story

Fire Safety Social Story

Safety In The Community Activity and Educative Book


How My Engine Runs Social Story

Teaching Children about Personal Space

Noises Hurt My Ears - Social Story - Sensory Defensiveness

When a loved one dies - grief and loss social story

Understanding Divorce Social Story

Being Nice and Making Friends Social Story

Doing a Poo on the Toilet Social Story


Supporting Students to Gain Insight through Reflection

Supervision and Reflective Practice Templates

Increasing a Child's Attention Span

Behavioural Strategies for Fostering Self Esteem

Anxious Children - Behavioural Strategies

Children with Attachment and Abandonment Issues: Behavioural Strategies

Recognising Defences in Children


Anger Management Plan

Anger Management Activity Worksheets

Anger Management Traffic Lights Activity

My Anger Management Workbook


Managing Aggressive Behaviours and Outbursts

Understanding Behavioural Triggers

Behaviour Reward Chart - Girls (editable)

Behaviour Reward Chart - Boys (editable)

Behaviour Thermometer - Incident Prevention and Response Plan (editable)

If you download it, PLEASE leave feedback!

Also – become a fan by clicking “follow me” at the top of this page. You will be alerted of new products and free downloads. Thanks!


TERMS OF USE - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here: https://www.TeachShare.com/Product/Terms-of-Use-Clarification-For-free-paid-purchases-All-Therapy-Resources-4714723


STORE CREDITS - Did you know...?

• Each time you give feedback on a product, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Feedback to TpT Sellers, just like feedback to students, is a valuable tool to aid improvement of future products. Go to your "My Purchases" page to view past downloads, and provide a rating and comment.

• You can be the first to know about new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to the TeachShare store logo and click it to become a follower and receive email updates about the store.



Social Media Safety|Reading Comprehension Passages|Questions|Digital|Internet

By LessonLink Teacher

This resource contains 3 Social Media Safety Reading Comprehension Passages with Written Response Questions that focus on the topic of social media, digital, or internet safety.

The passages are suitable for students in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades but can also be used by 9th and 10th grade students to teach them about online media safety.

The passages cover the following themes:

  • How to Recognize Unsafe Interactions on Social Media: This passage explains the signs of suspicious or harmful messages or requests on social media platforms and how to deal with them.
  • Identity Theft on Social Media: This passage describes what identity theft is, how it can happen on social media, and the various ways to prevent it or report it.
  • Cyberbullying on Social Media: This passage defines what cyberbullying is, how it can affect victims and perpetrators, and the strategies to stop it or cope with it.

Each passage is followed by written response questions that test the student’s comprehension and critical thinking skills. Answer keys are included for each passage.

You May Also Like

  • Artificial Intelligence Reading Comprehension Passages

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Social Skills Activities and Worksheets | Brainstorm Graphic Organizer | SEL

By Queen's Educational Resources

Social Skills Activities and Worksheets | Brainstorm Graphic Organizer | SEL

About This Resource

**★ Topic - **Social Skills

**★ **Brainstorming Social Skills Activity Worksheets

**★ **10 pages

**★ **PDF file

**★ **Suitable for Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School

**★ **Social Emotional Learning

**★ **Detailed Suggested Responses included

This resource includes:

**★ **1 General Note-Taking Sheet

**★ **1 Social Skills Word Dissection Worksheet

**★ **1 Good vs. Poor Social Skills Brainstorming Worksheet

**★ **1 Social Skills Word Web Worksheet

**★ **3 Bulletin Board Display Pages to showcase student work

**★ **Sample Responses for all activities to support instruction

Help your students develop a deeper understanding of social skills with this engaging and interactive note-taking worksheet! This resource guides students to break down the concept of social skills by brainstorming and reflecting on the meanings of “social” and “skills.” Through this activity, students will analyze each term, connect their ideas, and develop a clear, personal definition of social skills.

Additionally, they will reflect on their own experiences to identify examples of good and poor social skills, fostering meaningful discussions and self-awareness.

Bulletin Board Task Display Pages are included to showcase student work and definitions on your classroom bulletin board to reinforce learning and create a visual display of their efforts.

Sample Responses | Answer Keys Included: Provide guidance for brainstorming activities and examples of good and poor social skills, making it easy for teachers to facilitate discussions or support students as needed.


❌ Lesson plans are not included. This product can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.


Created by © Queen's Educational Resources | All Rights Reserved

Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.


Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!





Daily Communication Sheet for Special Education: Daily Communication Form

By Specifically Sped

Special Education Communication Daily Log: Daily School to Home Communication Form

This daily communication log is vital to any special education teacher. This easy to fill out communication log creates a collaborative relationship between staff and families while building trust and strong relationships.

☏Keep parents informed of how students are doing at school and which activities they are completing each day while giving parents the opportunity to share vital information such as medications given and how students slept the night before.

☑This form is in black and white and can be printed on white or colored paper.

★I recommend print large sets, hole punching, and placing in folder for easy on the go log completion.

Related Products

• Special Education Teacher Daily Schedule with Columns for Paras (editable)

• Retro Teacher Planner Printable 2024-2025 - Groovy Planner Pages and MORE!


Special Education Teacher Daily Schedule with Columns for Paras (editable)

By Specifically Sped

Scheduling students and staff members can be difficult in a self-contained classroom. This editable schedule allows for you to customize your daily activities so that you can look at a glance and know where everyone of your staff and students should be. This really helps classroom staff as well as administrators know where to find teachers, paras, and students.


Self-Advocacy VISUAL SUPPORT Asking for Help Sentence Starter Prompts SEL Skills

By My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

Teach your students to effectively self-advocate with this Self-Advocacy VISUAL SUPPORT Asking for Help Sentence Starter Prompts SEL Skills resource. Help your students speak up and get the help they need with these sentence starter prompts.

This visual aid will best serve students if used across various settings - in therapy rooms, classrooms, worksites, at home, and beyond. The more carryover, the more generalization will occur!

Students can quickly reference it when they need help self-advocating. It is designed in a simple way to quickly and easily guide students as they generate self-advocacy statements.

Help increase your students' confidence to get their voices heard, ask for help, and get their needs met!

Color and B&W versions included.

Thank you for your interest! Enjoy!

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Looking for more Self-Advocacy/Problem Solving Resources?

  • Self-Advocacy Skills BUNDLE - A collection of resources dedicated to helping older students confidently and effectively self-advocate in a variety of settings.
  • Self-Advocacy - Learn to Self-Advocate - Lesson and Practice Activities for Older Students
  • Self-Advocacy At WORK - Self-Advocacy at Work Scenario Cards Expansion Pack
  • Self-Advocacy At SCHOOL - Self-Advocacy at School Scenario Cards Expansion Pack
  • Self-Advocacy in the COMMUNITY - Self-Advocacy in the Community Scenario Cards Expansion Pack
  • Self-Advocacy at HOME - Self-Advocacy at Home Scenario Cards Expansion Pack
  • Self-Advocacy SEASONS & HOLIDAYS - Self-Advocacy Seasonal and Holiday Scenario Cards Expansion Pack

You may also be interested in:

  • Nonverbal Communication Social Cues Dice Games - Dice Games with a Focus on Facial Expressions, Tone of Voice, and Intonation
  • Describing Action Photos | WHO WHAT WHERE Sentence Building Template Visual Aid - A visual aid designed to help students easily describe action photos and target sentence expansion.
  • Classmate BINGO - BINGO Game Customized to Your Students

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Follow my page for updates and discounts on products! 

  • My Speech Therapy Go-Tos

Vaping Lesson

By teachingtheteens

An informative lesson for Years 7, 8 & 9 which focuses on improving their understanding of vapes. Lesson includes: teacher tips, links to resources, a worksheet and an enjoyable educational game to finish.


Assertiveness Training: Empowering Teens and Adults

By Behavior Highway

Unlock the power of assertive communication with our comprehensive Assertiveness Training program, specially designed for teens and adults. This engaging and interactive resource includes a detailed PowerPoint presentation and a complementary handout, offering practical exercises and strategies to help learners develop and practice assertiveness in various situations.

What's Included:

  1. PowerPoint Presentation: An informative and visually appealing PowerPoint that covers the fundamentals of assertiveness. Each slide is designed to educate and engage learners, featuring key concepts, real-life examples, and interactive exercises.
  2. Interactive Exercises: Embedded within the PowerPoint are exercises that encourage active participation and practical application of assertiveness techniques. These exercises are designed to build confidence and reinforce learning through practice.
  3. Handout: A comprehensive handout that summarizes key points from the presentation. This handout serves as a valuable reference tool for learners to review and practice assertiveness techniques on their own.

Empower teens and adults to communicate with confidence and clarity through our Assertiveness Training program. Download today to foster a culture of respect, self-assurance, and effective communication!


Social Skills Activities | Success | Social Emotional Learning | Social Awareness

By Queen's Educational Resources

Social Skills Activities | Success | Social Emotional Learning | Social Awareness

About This Resource

**★ Topic - **Exploring Social Skills

**★ **Activity Worksheets

**★ **8 pages

**★ **Print and Digital

**★ **Suitable for Middle School and High School

**★ **Social Emotional Learning

**★ **Detailed Suggested Responses included

This resource includes:

**★ 3 ***Exploring Social Skills Web *Worksheets (Same Worksheets | 3 Variations)

**★ 1 **Exploring Your Social Skills Reflection Worksheet

**★ 2 **Bulletin Board Task Display Pages to display with student work on Bulletin Boards

**★ **Sample Responses

**★ **Google Slide link

Enhance your students' ability to communicate and interact effectively with this Essential Social Skills for Successful Interactions SEL activity, perfect for middle and high school classrooms! This resource is designed to help students brainstorm, understand, and practice the key social skills needed to succeed in relationships, academics, and future careers.

Students will brainstorm key social skills needed for successful interactions. They can work individually or in pairs to identify and discuss skills such as active listening, empathy, and clear communication. This activity helps students develop awareness of effective interpersonal behaviors while encouraging collaboration and discussion.

Also included is an Exploring Your Social Skills Reflection Worksheet with three thought-provoking questions designed to help students examine their own experiences with social skills. Sample responses are provided to guide students in crafting meaningful and personal answers.

This resource can be a helpful addition to any lesson or activity you’ve planned for your students. The worksheets provide a simple way for students to take notes and brainstorm ideas about important social skills for interacting with others. They can also be used for class discussions, pair activities, group work, or small group tasks.

Also included are two Bulletin Board Task Display pages, perfect for showcasing student work on bulletin boards as soon as they’re finished. It’s a great way to save time and highlight students’ efforts!

Who’s It For?

✔️ Middle and High School Teachers

✔️ School Counselors

✔️ SEL Coordinators

✔️ Advisory Period Facilitators

✔️ Sub Plans


❌ Lesson plans are not included. This product can be used in addition to your own lesson plans and in such a way that best meets the needs of your students.


Created by © Queen's Educational Resources | All Rights Reserved

Your purchase includes one copy to be used in a single classroom. If you are looking for multiple copies, please be sure to purchase additional licenses.


Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!





AVID Monthly Grade Tracker

By Teach Savvy Store

AVID Monthly Grade Tracker: This tracker is designed for tracking grades across all student's classes. Students will need one copy per each class they are taking so students can easily monitor their progress throughout the year. This encourages organization and accountability. Perfect for storing in the AVID section of their binders, promoting academic success and goal achievement!

Monthly Early Finisher Packets✨****

AVID Growing Bundle

What's Included:

  • One monthly grade tracker for each student


  • Students will need one copy per each class they are taking so they can easily monitor their progress throughout the year.
  • Perfect for storing in the AVID section of their binders!


Early Finisher Packets

*Note all products may be used in virtual systems like Outschool without the purchase of extra licenses



By Richard B Williams

It's that time of the year where you teach RESEARCH PAPERS. Well, this product will help students to understand the concepts and shine in your class!

The WHAT IS A RESEARCH PAPER? product can be used for comprehension of the process of writing one. Indeed, this FREEBIE has 6+pages definitions and descriptions, an characteristic pages delineating writing a RESEARCH PAPER, and a 1-page SUGGESTED USES to help students navigate this genre of English and writing. This RESEARCH SERIES product can be used for 6th - 12th grade students. Check it out!

This Product Includes: ********FREEBIE*********

1. a 1 page SUGGESTED USES

2. 6+ Pages of Clarification and Explanation Of Uses of this Item in your class.

3. Identifying and understanding the parts of RESEARCH WRITING to make your classroom GREAT!

You may also appreciate:





Hey guys, I'm Richard Williams, The Angry Teacher. I've been teaching for 18+ Years , and have amassed quite a bit of knowledge to share. Please consider joining the Angry Teacher family; we'll enjoy having you in the fam!






TeeSpring Merchandise



SUBSCRIBE to Youtube

Please consider checking out the other short story materials and resources in my store.

Also, guys, remember that leaving REVIEWS is a way that TeachShare gives you credit on products! So let's do it!

Thanks for stopping by!



By Richard B Williams

It's that time of the year where you teach BIOGRAPHIES. Well, this product will help students to understand the concepts and shine in your class!

The BIOGRAPHIES product can be used for comprehension of other's person stories. Indeed, this FREEBIE has 4-pages definitions and descriptions, an characteristic pages delineating BIOGRAPHIES, and a 1-page worksheet to help students navigate this genre of literature. This LITERARY SERIES product can be used for 6th - 12th grade students. Check it out!

This Product Includes: ********FREEBIE*********

1. a 1 page worksheet

2. 4+ Pages of Clarification and Explanation Of Uses of this Item in your class.

3. Elements of Adventure Fiction to make your classroom GREAT!

You may also appreciate:





Hey guys, I'm Richard Williams, The Angry Teacher. I've been teaching for 18+ Years , and have amassed quite a bit of knowledge to share. Please consider joining the Angry Teacher family; we'll enjoy having you in the fam!






TeeSpring Merchandise



SUBSCRIBE to Youtube

Please consider checking out the other short story materials and resources in my store.

Also, guys, remember that leaving REVIEWS is a way that TeachShare gives you credit on products! So let's do it!

Thanks for stopping by!



By Richard B Williams

It's that time of the year where you teach MYSTERY LITERATURE: The WHODUNIT's and DETECTIVE Stories. Well, this product will help students to understand the concepts and shine in your class!

The MYSTERY LITERATURE product can be used for comprehension of a Mysteries and Detective stories. Indeed, this FREEBIE has 4-pages definitions and descriptions, an characteristic pages delineating Mystery Literature, and a 1-page worksheet to help students navigate this genre of literature. This LITERARY SERIES product can be used for 6th - 12th grade students. Check it out!

This Product Includes: ********FREEBIE*********

1. a 1 page worksheet

2. 4+ Pages of Clarification and Explanation Of Uses of this Item in your class.

3. Elements of Mystery Literature to make your classroom GREAT!

You may also appreciate:






Hey guys, I'm Richard Williams, The Angry Teacher. I've been teaching for 18+ Years , and have amassed quite a bit of knowledge to share. Please consider joining the Angry Teacher family; we'll enjoy having you in the fam!






TeeSpring Merchandise



SUBSCRIBE to Youtube

Please consider checking out the other short story materials and resources in my store.

Also, guys, remember that leaving REVIEWS is a way that TeachShare gives you credit on products! So let's do it!

Thanks for stopping by!



By Richard B Williams

It's that time of the year where you teach ADVENTURE FICTION and the Hero's Journey. Well, this product will help students to understand the concepts and shine in your class!

The ADVENTURE FICITION product can be used for comprehension of a Adventure stories and The Hero's Journey. Indeed, this FREEBIE has 4-pages definitions and descriptions, an characteristic pages delineating Adventure Fiction, and a 1-page worksheet to help students navigate this genre of literature. This LITERARY SERIES product can be used for 6th - 12th grade students. Check it out!

This Product Includes: ********FREEBIE*********

1. a 1 page worksheet

2. 4+ Pages of Clarification and Explanation Of Uses of this Item in your class.

3. Elements of Adventure Fiction to make your classroom GREAT!

You may also appreciate:





Hey guys, I'm Richard Williams, The Angry Teacher. I've been teaching for 18+ Years , and have amassed quite a bit of knowledge to share. Please consider joining the Angry Teacher family; we'll enjoy having you in the fam!






TeeSpring Merchandise



SUBSCRIBE to Youtube

Please consider checking out the other short story materials and resources in my store.

Also, guys, remember that leaving REVIEWS is a way that TeachShare gives you credit on products! So let's do it!

Thanks for stopping by!
