7th Grade Environment Lesson

Geography: Fast Fashion Culture & Environmental Effects

By Geography & Math Made Easy

How does fashion industry culture affect us as individuals and the physical characteristics of a place? The bigger picture is how is it going to affect our culture, practices, and the environment in years to come. Is fast fashion sustainable? This lesson Fast Fashion will engage students through the use of music and cooperative learning, providing students with a "big picture" surrounding fast fashion industry. Students will also understand the cause and effect of our choices today.

This lesson includes:

  • Detailed teacher instructions: Introduction, procedure, closure, evaluation
  • Lyrics sheet for song analysis
  • Teacher answers for song analysis
  • Reading activity
  • Problem-Solving activity
  • Problem-Solving activity teacher guide/answer sheet
  • Wrap-up activity
  • Exit tickets


  • The learner will explore the environmental impacts of consumer fashion choices, by investigating the concept of “fast fashion”.
  • The learner will demonstrate a growing understanding of the ways in which production and consumption affect people and the environment.
  • The learner will explore the environmental impacts of consumer fashion choices.
  • The learner will develop an understanding of how people, including themselves, can change and impact places through their choices, in this case, fast fashion.

Materials Needed:

  • Technology to play songs from YouTube
  • Technology to show the suggested YouTube video.
  • Highlighters, pens, & colored pencils for reading activity



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Earthquakes Analyzing and Interpreting Data

By Science and STEAM Team

With this NGSS lesson, students will be given an informational reading about earthquakes, look at data from reliable sites, get links to other sites, and have graphic organizers to help guide students with their research.

This is part of our MS-ESS3-3 unit and our MS-ESS3 Bundle: Earth and Human Activity.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

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Related Resources

⭐ Droughts: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Hurricanes: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Tsunamis: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Volcanoes: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Wildfires: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

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Earth Day: Debates, Discussions and Writings

By Beth Hammett

15 critical thinking group or individual Earth Day debates, discussions, and writing prompts. Includes visually stimulating graphics and thought provoking prompts, such as:

Earth's changes over the years

Alternative energy

Barren neighborhoods

Create a timeline

Compare and Contrast

Global Warming

Environmental Pollution

Invitation for Earth Day Celebration

Newspaper Advertisement writing for Earth Advocate

Water conservation

and more...

Excellent for assessment purposes or stimulating debates and discussions on Earth Day issues.


"Climate Change & Energy Usage" Inquiry-Based Grade 5-7 Unit Plan

By Mark Holmes

Welcome to "Climate Change and Energy Usage" unit plan - a comprehensive 6-week unit designed for Grade 6 students. This carefully crafted unit aligns with the Alberta Grade 6 outcomes and focusses mostly on inquiry learning, offering an in-depth exploration of the complex relationships between energy usage, climate patterns, and ongoing climate change. This also covers many NGSS, TEKS and Virginia standards.

This unit engages students in a journey of discovery, encouraging them to investigate how historical energy use has influenced climate patterns, examine societal and economic factors behind energy choices, and explore climate change mitigation strategies. Through a blend of research, hands-on activities, and project-based learning, students will develop a deep understanding of climate change causes and impacts.

Key features of this unit include:

  • Alignment with Alberta Grade 6 outcomes with an inquiry framework
  • Integration of scientific data with traditional knowledge
  • Exploration of extreme weather events and their connection to climate change
  • Investigation of climate change impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and human communities
  • Study of various energy sources and factors influencing energy resource selection
  • Development of critical thinking, research, and communication skills
  • Culminating project with multiple options for student choice

By the end of this unit, your students will have developed a holistic understanding of climate change issues, explored potential solutions, and reflected on their role in creating a sustainable future. This unit not only meets curriculum requirements but also empowers students to become active participants in addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Equip your students with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and act on climate change. Download this comprehensive unit today and inspire the next generation of environmental stewards!


Flow of Energy Adapted Notes and Review

By Sign with me TOD

In this product, students will learn how animals obtain energy. They will review vocabulary words and their meanings - ecosystem and organism. Students will learn about the importance of food chains and what each link entails - first link - sun, second link - producers, consumers and how they can be carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores, and what each of those consumers means, students will learn about where they get energy from, students will also label the 1st link, 2nd link, producers, and kinds of consumers on food chains. Students will then look at 4 picture cards. They will look at each card and write how each organism gets its energy. At the end of the product, students will fill out the exit slip that reviews the 1st link, consumers, and producers.

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Food Chains and Food Webs Adapted Notes and Project Templates:


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Protecting Florida!

By History Guru

Protect Our Landforms! Help Florida! Task Look out the window at the landscape of your area – what shapes do you see? Are there mountains? Flat land? Valleys or canyons? Every state has a unique shape. Did you know that the shape of the land around you will change over time? Wind, rain, or even human actions can cause the landforms around us to weather and erode. Sometimes, this is a natural part of the earth’s process. But other times, people can affect the earth by building, developing the land or pollution! Is this happening in your country? It’s up to you to find out how you can help your Florida home. You will be researching the Landforms in Florida, research how it has changed over the past 100 years, and what people are doing today that could hurt it. Then, you’ll create a Public Service Announcement to tell your family and friends how they can help to protect the Landforms in Florida.


Distribution of Natural Resources NGSS MS-ESS3-1

By Science and STEAM Team

With this earth science curriculum students will learn about how the uneven distribution of natural resources as a result of past and current geoscience processes. Students will review what they have learned and then focus on Earth's mineral, energy, and groundwater resources. This resource has six lessons. Included are a standards poster, photos for stimulating discussion, task cards to aid in student research, links to data, and informational articles about minerals and weathering & erosion. There are also short readings about oil, coal, and natural gas, 15 essential vocabulary cards, and more!

Lesson 1: What are Natural Resources and How Do We Use Them?

Lesson 2: Natural Resource: Minerals

Lesson 3: Natural Resource: Groundwater

Lesson 4: The Tectonic Plates

Lesson 5: Weathering and Erosion

Lesson 6: Show What You Know

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

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Natural Hazards NGSS: MS-ESS3-2

By Science and STEAM Team

  • Do you want to teach your students about natural disasters?
  • This is the perfect time to teach students to read, analyze, and interpret data.
  • Save yourself a tremendous amount of time by purchasing this unit.
  • This resource has 10 lessons. Included are: a standards poster, data charts/graphs for analyzing and interpreting, links to data, links to Youtube videos, informational articles about each of the disasters in the unit, and a rubric for group work. There are also 11 essential vocabulary cards.
  • Students will use this information to forecast the likelihood of future hazards. Students will also learn about the development of technologies to mitigate these disasters.

Lesson 1: What are Natural Hazards?

Lesson 2: Tsunamis

Lesson 3: Wildfires

Lesson 4: Earthquakes

Lesson 5: Volcanic Eruptions

Lesson 6: Hurricanes

Lesson 7: Tornados

Lesson 8: Blizzards

Lesson 9: Floods

Lesson 10: Droughts

✅ Please ensure you have YouTube access before purchasing this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

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Climate: MS-ESS2-6 Effects of Uneven Heating and the Earth's Rotation

By Science and STEAM Team

  • Do you want to teach students about the components of Earth's Systems that influence climate?
  • This resource has five lessons.

Lesson 1: What Causes Wind?

Lesson 2: Global Wind Data

Lesson 3: Ocean Currents

Lesson 4: Where Would You Live?

Lesson 5: Making a Model of Your Ideal Climate

Optional: The Greenhouse Effect

  • Included are standards, photos and posters for stimulating discussion, three reading passages, several investigations, data for examining, links to videos, and essential vocabulary cards.

  • Please check out the preview to see how we can save you valuable time and help your students!

Please ensure you have YouTube access before purchasing this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

"This product is thorough and ready to use. Thanks for putting this together.I'm telling the other teachers I know about this and am encouraging them to purchase it too."

"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

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Gravity in the Universe NGSS MS-ESS1-2

By Science and STEAM Team

With these science lesson plans, students will learn about the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and solar systems.
This resource has five lessons. Included are a standards poster, photos and posters for stimulating discussion, several reading passages, a Webquest, links to videos, and essential vocabulary cards.

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Universe

Lesson 2: What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Lesson 3: How Does Gravity Affect the Universe?

Lesson 4: Satellites

Lesson 5: Draw a Model of the Universe

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

"This product is thorough and ready to use. Thanks for putting this together. I'm telling the other teachers that I know about this and am encouraging them to purchase it too."

"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

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Earth's History and the Geologic Time Scale Unit MS-ESS1-4

By Science and STEAM Team

  • Do you need to teach about the Earth's history?
  • With these science lesson plans, students will observe tree rings, learn about ice cores, and create a geologic time scale.
  • Within this unit are 3 complete lessons, a standards poster, articles about ice cores, the geologic time scales and fossils, links to videos, and essential vocabulary cards.
  • Please check out the preview, and save yourself valuable time!

Lesson 1: What Do Tree Rings Tell Us About the History of the Earth?

Lesson 2: What Do Ice Cores Tell Us About Earth's History?

Lesson 3: How Does Studying Rock Strata Help Scientists Study the History of the


✅ Make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

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Biomes of the World Webquest

By Science and STEAM Team

With this WebQuest, students will learn about seven biomes using the NASA website. This engaging activity is perfect for distance learning and includes an answer key. It's also great for subs!

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this.

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Solar System Analyzing and Interpreting Data NGSS MS-ESS1-3

By Science and STEAM Team

  • Do you need your students to analyze and interpret data while learning about the solar system? With these science lesson plans, students will analyze and interpret data to determine the scale properties of objects in the solar system.
    This resource has four lessons. A standards poster, datasheets, links for collecting data for stimulating discussion, links to videos, and essential vocabulary cards are included.
  • Save yourself valuable time and energy. Check out our preview to see how we can help!

Lesson 1: How Big is the Sun in Relation to the Planets?

Lesson 2: The Planets - Collecting and Analyzing Data

Lesson 3: Asteroids and Comets

Lesson 4: Engineering Advances


✅ Please ensure you have YouTube access before purchasing this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

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Volcanoes: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

By Science and STEAM Team

With these NGSS lessons, students will be given an informational reading about volcanoes, data from reliable sites, links to other sites, and graphic organizers to help guide students with their research.

This is part of our MS-ESS3-3 unit and our MS-ESS3 Bundle: Earth and Human Activity.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

What others are saying about our science units,

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Droughts: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Earthquakes: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Hurricanes: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Tsunamis: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Wildfires: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Earth Sun Moon System NGSS MS-ESS1-1

By Science and STEAM Team

  • Do you want to teach students about the components of the
    Earth - Sun - Moon System?
  • Would you like to save time and energy?
  • This resource has six lessons.
  • Included are a standards poster, photos and posters for stimulating discussion, several reading passages, several investigations, opportunities to create models and collect data, and links to videos, and essential vocabulary cards.
  • Check out the preview to see if this resource is right for you and your students!

Lesson 1: What is the Relationship Between the Earth, Sun, and Moon

Lesson 2: Why Can We See the Moon?

Lesson 3: Moon Phases

Lesson 4: What is an Eclipse?

Lesson 5: Cyclic Patterns of Seasons

Lesson 6: Creating a Scale Model of the Earth - Sun - Moon System

Optional: Assessment: What Did You Learn?

✅Please ensure you have YouTube access before purchasing this Unit.

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Related Resources

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

Customer Tips:

Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Wind Nonfiction Text About a Day at the Beach and Activities for MS-ESS2-6

By Science and STEAM Team

Students will learn about what causes wind through a variety of activities. Then they will read "A Day at the Beach or the Science of Being Cool!'

*This lesson is part of the MS-ESS2-6 Unit.

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Air Pressure and Wind Nonfiction Text and Activity

By Science and STEAM Team

With this earth science lesson, students will learn the basics of air pressure and how it affects people. There is an activity for them to do as well as in nonfiction text for them to read.

*This lesson is part of the MS-ESS2-5 Unit.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this.

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Types of Rocks and Their Properties

By Science and STEAM Team

With this earth science lesson, students will learn about the properties of rocks. They will use the MOHS Scale of Hardness to determine the hardness of rocks that you provide. You will need a variety of rocks, a penny, and a nail, as well as computer access for students. After testing rocks students will look at photos of famous rock formations and determine what type of rocks they are made of.

*This lesson is part of the MS-1ESS-1 Unit.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this.

What others are saying about our science lessons.

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Sun Earth Moon System Scale Model

By Science and STEAM Team

With these earth science lessons, students will learn about the relationship between the sun, earth, and moon. After learning about this and doing some calculating they will create a scale model using paper (you will need large bulletin board paper or butcher block paper for the sun).

*This lesson is part of the MS-1ESS-1 Unit.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this.

What others are saying about our science lessons.

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"Great resource for NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Groundwater NGSS MS-ESS3-1

By Science and STEAM Team

With this NGSS lesson plan students will learn about groundwater. They will learn about a specific aquifer; the Ogallala.

This is part of our MS-ESS3-1 unit and our MS-ESS3 Bundle: Earth and Human Activity.

✅Please make sure you have access to YouTube before you purchase this Unit.

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Related Resources

⭐ Human Impact on the Environment - Focus on Plastics: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Global Climate Change: NGSS: MS-ESS3-5

⭐ Environmental Issues Research Project: NGSS: MS-ESS3-3

⭐ Ecosystem Populations: NGSS: MS-LS2-4

⭐ Endangered Animals: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Endangered Plants: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Animal Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Invasive Plant Species: NGSS: MS-LS2-4 and MS-LS2-5

⭐ Middle School NGSS Checklist

⭐ Back to School: Common Science Misconceptions for Middle School

⭐ Famous Scientists Bulletin Board Posters for Middle School

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEM Posters for Middle School BUNDLE

⭐ Famous Engineer and Inventor Posters for Middle School

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