7th Grade Applied Math PowerPoint Presentations

Double Bubble Car Wash: Beginning of the Year Problem Solving Math Activity (PP)

By Geography & Math Made Easy

Note this is a PowerPoint Presentation & Activity, all in one.

Double Bubble Car Wash: Intro. to Problem Solving through Depth and Complexity

The beginning of the year problem-solving activity is designed to engage your students with mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.


Open-ended problem with no correct answer as long as students are able to prove their solution with mathematical evidence.

Part II:

Four unique extensions of the original problem using depth and complexity icons.

Can be used with multiple grade levels depending on their multiplication readiness. Originally designed for gifted 5th-grade students.

Solution: While it is likely not possible for a single-lane, single-franchise car wash to produce millions of satisfied customers each year, multiple-lane, multiple-franchise car washes could certainly support their claim.


One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.


Sieve of Eratosthenes

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

The Sieve of Eratosthenes...you've been teaching it for years! Here's a new twist on the concept. Check out nicely the numbers fall into place when you use this format.

This PowerPoint includes:
-A ten slide presentation of the Sieve of Eratosthenese.

-Slide progression is already inserted into the PowerPoint. All you have to do is click!

-The last slide is a printable Student Handout that allows them to follow along with the presentation...definitions, Prime Numbers, and Composite Numbers.

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Adding and Subtracting Integers Slideshow, Notes and Practice

By MsVisualizer

This includes a slideshow and corresponding notes sheet to help students really understand what happens when you add and subtract integers using a silly but relatable analogy. The slideshow and notes includes 5 examples with the question on one slide and the answer on the next. The practice includes guided practice (using the same analogy) and many more bare problems for students to internalize the thought process.


MYP Criterion D Math Examples for Students

By MsVisualizer

This is a google slideshow that I use to help students (and their parents) understand my expectations on an MYP Criterion D Assessment.

I use multiple specific examples to show what it means to

  • Describe vs. Explain the level of accuracy
  • Determine if the answer makes sense in the context

After teaching 6th grade math in a few years, I've learned that students often don't know what it means to "explain the accuracy" of their answer or to determine if it makes sense in the context of the problem. This is designed to help clarify the expectations that they will see throughout MYP.

I do this after our first Criterion D quiz. All examples are from the quiz.


MYP Criterion B and Criterion D Examples and Quizzes

By MsVisualizer

These quizzes and slideshows with good and bad examples are how I introduce the expectations of MYP to my 6th graders (MYP year 1).
This bundle includes a Criterion B quiz, Criterion D quiz and several examples and non examples of the following skills

  • Writing a general rule
  • Verifying your rule with examples
  • Explaining the accuracy of your answer
  • Determining if your answer makes sense in the context of the problem

After teaching MYP year 1 for 3 years, these are the MYP skills that my students have struggled with the most.


Shopping Math Create a Grocery List Project Based Learning Math

By Kyla McHenry

This product is a 10 day project based learning experience focused on addition, subtraction, real-world problem solving, and word problems. This is a great way to help your students get to know each other better by working in small groups and give them the opportunity to practice using their skills with real world applications.

This unit includes:

  • 10 day Unit Plan for instructor
  • Instructors manual outlining the activities for each day
  • Student Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation to accompany daily lessons
  • PowerPoint Game to review learning at end of unit

This project is a great way to give students the opportunity to work together and practice skills students will use in the real world, such as creating a list, using simple mental math, and creating a budget!

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