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Double Bubble Car Wash: Beginning of the Year Problem Solving Math Activity (PP)

Note this is a PowerPoint Presentation & Activity, all in one.

Double Bubble Car Wash: Intro. to Problem Solving through Depth and Complexity

The beginning of the year problem-solving activity is designed to engage your students with mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.


Open-ended problem with no correct answer as long as students are able to prove their solution with mathematical evidence.

Part II:

Four unique extensions of the original problem using depth and complexity icons.

Can be used with multiple grade levels depending on their multiplication readiness. Originally designed for gifted 5th-grade students.

Solution: While it is likely not possible for a single-lane, single-franchise car wash to produce millions of satisfied customers each year, multiple-lane, multiple-franchise car washes could certainly support their claim.


One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.

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