6th Grade Social Studies & History Webquests

Bundle Emergency Sub Plans Activities for English or History Substitute Teacher

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Do you need engaging last-minute activities for your History or ELA students? Do you want to support diversity and foster an inclusive classroom community? Then download this Bundle Emergency Sub Plans for English or History Activities for Heritage Months resource! These 5 no-prep WebQuests are perfect for that last-minute lesson!

You'll receive the activities in print and digital formats when you purchase this scavenger hunt resource. The research questions provided allow for scaffolded instruction that can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups. You can even use this lesson as a fun team-building or gamified activity. Your students are guaranteed to learn more about the diversity in our country with this high-quality, no-prep resource!

Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15 - Oct 15) - With this Hispanic Heritage WebQuest students will learn about the history, culture, people, and more of Hispanics living in our country.

Native American Heritage Month (November) - Students will learn about Native American and Indigenous People's history and culture as well as contemporary and local topics in this engaging Webquest scavenger hunt!

Women's History Month (March) - Students will learn about women's achievements, civil rights activism, and involvement in a wide variety of activities.

Black History Month (February) - Students will learn about achievements in politics, medicine, STEM, the arts, sports, business, and more.

Asian American and Pacific Islander History Month (May) - This activity will have students researching and learning about Asian American and Pacific Islander history, people, events, facts, and more!

Website evaluation form (located in each WebQuest)

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Mesopotamia, A Bundle of Resources!

By Gail Hennessey

Mesopotamia, means “Land between Two Rivers”.This area is called the cradle of civilization and is where archaeologists have found the remains of the oldest historic people(dating back around 3000BC)People called the Sumerians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Akkadians and Assyrians, all called the region of Mesopotamia home. These people left behind many ideas which we still have in our world today.

This bundle includes the following resources which I also sell separately.

1.A Unit of study includes notes, map work, a webquest, activities and resources to help you teach your students about the people of Mesopotamia. Click here to see a preview:Mesopotamia: First Historic People

2. A fun/informative Reading Passage with comprehension questions and extension activities on Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Check here to see a preview: Hammurabi, King of Babylon: A Reading Passage

3. A webquest on the Middle East. Check here to see a preview: Let's Explore the Middle East: A Webquest

4. My Mesopotamian Review Puzzler. An activity using vocabulary words for a unit of study on Mesopotamia. Check here to see a preview: Mesopotamian Puzzler(Secret Message Vocabulary Review!


Google Drive Research Projects MEGA BUNDLE

By Abigail J McClellan

All of my Google Drive Research Projects in one DISCOUNTED bundle! Save *BIG* when purchasing the Google Drive Research Projects MEGA BUNDLE!

This huge Google Drive Research Project mega bundle is everything you need if you are looking for online resources to assign to your students. Whether you are in person, distance learning, or a combination of both - you will find this bundle useful in your classroom!! These fun and engaging research projects  encourage research skills using National Geographic Kids & various graphic organizers, content-specific vocabulary knowledge, and self-reflection skills! This resource comes with over 12 pages per product of graphic organizers (with examples!), vocabulary terms, and Google Survey/Quizzes for easy grading. It is easy to use and an awesome independent research project that BOTH you and your students will love! Be sure to check out the following products for a more detailed description / preview of what is included :)

This bundle includes the following GOOGLE DRIVE research projects:

  1. Animal Classification
  2. U.S. President
  3. U.S. State
  4. Country
  5. Planets
  6. Habitats
  7. National Parks
  8. Native American
  9. Women Heroes
  10. African-American Heroes

What is included?

- Access to all 10 of my Google Drive research products, each containing the following resources (176 pages total):

  • How-to-Use Guide - Includes main ideas, student outcomes, materials, standards/curriculum connections, and assessment/grading.
  • National Geographic Kids Website Guide - Provides a detailed description of how to use the National Geographic Kids website, including pictures and steps. 
  • Vocabulary Terms - ½ sheet definitions of 8 content-area vocabulary words related to each project.
  • Vocabulary Quiz - This 8 question quiz assesses the students on their knowledge of the vocabulary words from the vocabulary terms given.
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 1 - Graphic organizer option 1 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Individual Research Graphic Organizer Option 2 - Graphic organizer option 2 for students to record their individualized research. It includes an example. 
  • Student Checklist and Project Reflection - This is the final part of the research project. Students are asked to fill out a checklist marking if they completed all aspects of the research project. They then can reflect on a few short answer questions.
  • Terms of Use page

See what others are saying!

"At times teaching remotely and in the classroom at the same time. At other times my entire class is remote. I am always looking for a variety of ways to teach,  practice skills, and cover standards. This resource is a great addition to my lessons. The students found it  easy to follow and enjoyed it as well. I found it to be an easy way to assess learning." - Christine E.

"I have loved this resource. During this period of distance learning, it has made it so easy to continue doing projects with my students without releasing my elementary students to the wide open web to stumble upon inappropriate content." - Mysti R.

"My students enjoyed the activities in this. The work was engaging and everything was easy to use." - Emily Y.

"Great resource. My students loved it. Very easy to use!" - Yvette J.

E-Learning / Home Learning / Remote Learning / Distance Learning / COVID-19 / Coronavirus / Paperless

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Bundle Native American Heritage or Indigenous Peoples Day Activities

By A World to Explore Store - A Heritage Month Depot

Are you looking for engaging activities to motivate your students to learn about Indigenous People? Do you want an inclusive classroom that fosters diversity? Then download this Bundle Native American Heritage or Indigenous Peoples Day Activities resource! This is the perfect activity bundle for Native American Heritage Month or Indigenous People's Day and all you need to celebrate!


This comprehensive no prep research project allows students to learn about Native Americans' and Indigenous People's history as well as contemporary and local topics. This research activity is perfect for small group instruction, substitute plans, homework, and more! When you purchase this scavenger hunt resource, you'll receive the activity in both print and digital formats. The research questions provided allow for scaffolded instruction that can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups. You can even use this lesson as a fun team-building or gamified activity. Your students are guaranteed to learn more about Native Americans with this high-quality, no-prep resource!

Live links are available on the last page of the resource. Website names have been kept brief so students can easily type the URLs into the search bar.


In this social-emotional learning lesson, students are guided through reflecting on the deeper meaning and modern relevancy of quotes by Native Americans and Indigenous People. Put SEL skills to use and improve student engagement by allowing a choice of three activities from the Tic Tac Toe Choice Board. Two different sets of quotes are provided. Also provided are extension activities. ➟ ➟ One set of quotes corresponds to the bulletin board included in this resource.


With 35+ interesting facts, each game has a regular round and a speed round to help students remember the information they learn. This resource is suitable for individuals, small groups, or for whole-class activities. Great for an attention-getter, brain break, engaging opener, or built into your lesson plans! ➟ A handout of questions is included to use as quiet seat work!


These 14 inspirational QUOTES by Native Americans are perfect for Native American Heritage Month or Indigenous Peoples' Day! For classroom décor, bulletin boards, or door decorations, they are a beautiful addition to any class. Quotes from Cherokee, Duwamish, Nez Perce, Hopi and others, these quotes will surely resonate with your middle and high school students.

Quotes included in this set:

  • ”Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it.” ~Duwamish
  • "We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” ~Dakota
  • ”It is no longer good enough to cry peace, we must act peace, live peace and live in peace.” ~Shenandoah 
  • And many more!

To Print: Print on regular 8.5 X 11 paper. No prep!


This handout of over 50 Native American Indigenous people can be used for biography activities, as a resource to deepen your understanding of Native American achievements, and more! From poets and politicians to actors, athletes, and activists, students will learn a lot about Native Americans' contributions to our society and culture. Accompanying each name is a brief description of the individual’s major life achievements, accomplishments, or what they are well-known for.

This resource includes:

  • 1 WebQuest (live links on last page of resource)
  • Website evaluation form
  • 2 unique sets of quotes with Choice Boards
  • Detailed instructions for differentiating instruction
  • Extension Activities
  • 3 trivia games with 35+ questions
  • List of 50+ Native Americans with information on their achievements
  • Grading rubric
  • 14 unique quotes by Native American and Indigenous People
  • 3 different "Title" posters for your bulletin board including the following:
    • "OCTOBER 11 is Indigenous Peoples' Day"
    • "NOVEMBER is Native American Heritage Month"
    • "NOVEMBER is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month"
  • Terms of Use

✈️ Click here to follow A World to Explore Store and be the first to know about brand-new games and activities!

Other Resources You'll LOVE:

  • Native American Reflection Activity
  • Native American & Indigenous People List of People to Know
  • Native American HUGE Activity BUNDLE with Bulletin Board
  • Native American 3 Trivia Games & Bulletin Board
  • Native American WebQuest & Reflection Activity
  • Native American Bulletin Board & Reflection Activity