5th Grade Career and Technical Education Google Apps

College & Career Day Activities for Elementary Schools: Print & Go Resources

By Betsy Newmeyer

Get ready for your elementary school College and Career Day events with these printable activities. You'll get posters to hang, pennants to decorate, writing activities and note-taking foldables for kids to complete, and bookmarks to pass out.

BEFORE College & Career Day even starts, decorate your school with student-decorated pennants declaring their favorite college or career, and grad caps to declare each student's future plans. You'll also get a variety of cute posters you can hang up to hype up your event, and Goal Setting cards to keep kids focused.

DURING Career Day, kids older students can take notes on each guest speaker with these mix-and-match foldable note taking guides that allow for teachers discrete differentiation for students. You'll even get an editable Google Doc, which can be pushed out to your students through Google Classroom or other platform.

AFTER Career Day (or during lulls in the action), teachers can pass out a bookmark or two while kids complete one or more of the writing activities. The writing activity pages come both blank and lined, and intentionally do not include a specific writing prompt so that teachers can use their own age appropriate prompt.

What's Included?

  • Printable note taking foldables with 4 different note taking guides to choose from
  • Editable Digital Career Day Note Taking document on Google Docs
  • Goal Setting cards
  • Pennants: College-bound, Career-bound, Military-bound
  • Grad Cap: College-bound, Career-bound, Military-bound
  • Grad Silhouette: College-bound, Career-bound, Military-bound
  • Writing Activity Pages: Someday I will be, My Promise to Myself, The Future I See, Looks Right For Me
  • Posters

Had fun, but want more resources similar to this one?

Kindness Week Activities: Task Cards, Pull Tab Flyer, Note Cards, Bookmarks

I'd love to hear how you use this resource in your classroom! Feel free to email me at iteachiwrite@yahoo.com with any questions or suggestions you may have. And don't forget to rate this product in order to earn TeachShare Credits for future purchases!

Copyright © iTeach & iWrite by Betsy Newmeyer.

All rights reserved by the author.

**Permission to use for single school use only.

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AVID Close Reading Activity and Comprehension Practice - Marking the Text

By KJ Inspired Resources

Use these marking the text Instructional Practice slides with instructions to help students understand why we mark our text and learn to remember how to correctly mark a text in order to gain a deeper understanding of it's main ideas and important evidence. These slides provides step-by-step instructions to guide students in the process of marking the text!

⭐Save 30% with the year-long MEGA Games and Activities Bundle!⭐

⭐Save 30% with the year-long Team Building Bundle!⭐


  • Use the 7 teach slides to explain the what and why behind marking the text.'
  • Use the 9 marking the text steps to have students practice the skill through reading an article, prepping for a Socratic seminar, marking focused notes etc.


  • reading and analyzing articles
  • prepping for a socratic seminar
  • using the slides for practicing focused note-taking
  • marking notes from any subject
  • marking articles for discussion
  • informational/nonfiction texts
  • literature
  • any subject area
  • AVID
  • small group help

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle


AVID Would You Rather Activity - College and Career - DIgital Team Building Game

By KJ Inspired Resources

Do you teach a college and career course? Are you an AVID teacher or maybe a counselor? Do your students love to debate? Then your students will love this college and career would you rather game! Perfect for back to school or any time in the school year!

Allow your students to debate as they process and think about their futures in a college and/or a career. I promise it will leave your students both laughing and thinking!

What do you get?

15 College and career would you rather question slides

When to Use:

AVID, Counseling, Framework Friday, Middle or High school brain break

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle

*Note this product may be used in brick and mortar classes as well as virtual systems like Outschool


AVID Editable Guest Speaker Guide Template - College and Career Preparation

By KJ Inspired Resources

Our 13 editable Google Slide templates are perfect for AVID guest speakers looking to deliver engaging presentations on college and career topics to AVID classes. These customizable templates are specifically designed to help guest speakers share their personal experiences and expertise with students. Our templates include 13 different slides, each with its own specific purpose.

*Save 30% with the mega AVID bundle!


  • Share the Google Slides Presentation with your guest speaker prior to there speaking date.
  • The guest speaker will read the description under each titled slide and add in their own information.
  • Guest speakers can use the blank slide to add their own titles and information as well.
  • Guest speakers may use at their discretion as they prepare for their presentation to the class.

What's Included:

13 slides with headings for speakers to add their own information under.

What Headings are Included:



past jobs

current job

typical salary

other opportunities

skills used

typical day




Blanke Editable Template

Click HERE to see our other AVID resources. We also have several great AVID bundle options available down below!

AVID Mega Growing Bundle

AVID Teambuilding Bundle

AVID Writing Bundle


AVID | Back to school | After Summer Break Memories Bingo Activity Freebie

By KJ Inspired Resources

AVID | Back to school | After Summer Break Memories Bingo Activity Freebie: Perfect for the first week back, this fun and interactive after-summer-break icebreaker helps students share their vacation memories while building classroom community. Great for the first week of school, team building, Fun Friday, Framework Friday and more!

✨Get More with AVID Bundles✨

AVID Mega Bundle

AVID WICOR Choice Boards

AVID Team Building Bundle

✨Best-Selling AVID Resources✨

AVID WICOR Choice Board
Team Drawing Challenge

Focused Note-Taking Lesson- Animated Shorts

Would You Rather College & Career


  • Share a forced of the Google Slides with students.

  • Students edit each box and type in an activity or experience they had over the summer. For example, "Went to the beach," "Read a book," or "Had a barbecue."

  • Students continue until all text boxes are filled with different activities or experiences they had over the summer.

  • Last, students find classmates who share the same activities or experiences listed on their Bingo card and write their names on the line.

How to Share a Forced Copy
