3rd Grade World Languages Posters

Spanish BINGO Bundle

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Have fun while learning and practicing a lot of vocabulary in Spanish with these bundle of bingos!!

1. El cuerpo

2. La escuela

3. La ropa

4. Las frutas

5. San Valentín

6. Las frutas y verduras

7. Las verduras

8. Los animales de la granja

9. Los animales (granja y salvajes)

10. Los animales salvajes

11. Los números

12. El calendario

13. La familia

14. Colores y números

15. Verbos

16. El tiempo y la ropa

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Café con Leche ☕️


Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish

By Teaching with Cafe con Leche

Do you want to engage your students when presenting new vocabulary? This Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish has colorful posters to introduce or review tons of vocabulary in Spanish!!! These posters will help your students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom too!

  1. Las partes del cuerpo
  2. El tiempo
  3. Los colores
  4. Los útiles de la clase
  5. Los animales de la granja
  6. Los animales salvajes
  7. Los transportes
  8. Las frutas
  9. Las preposiciones
  10. La familia
  11. La ropa
  12. La casa
  13. Las verduras
  14. Las formas
  15. Los meses (free)

PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)

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Mil gracias,

Café con Leche ☕️
