Pósters de las partes del cuerpo - Body Parts Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn the body parts with these colorful Spanish posters.
They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.
The set includes:
22 color posters
22 black and white posters
Vocabulary used: la mano, el brazo, el codo, la cabeza, la cara, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo/el cabello, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la pierna, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago, el dedo and el corazón.
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
El cuerpo - Body Parts Bundle in Spanish
You may also like:
Bingo de las partes del cuerpo (Body parts Bingo)
Sopa de letras del cuerpo (Body Parts Spanish Word Search)
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de preguntas / Question Word Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This is a set of ten Spanish Question Words Posters. This resource is a great reference for your students during class.
10 posters with Spanish words
10 posters with Spanish words and English translation below
10 posters with Spanish words printed on a yellow background
10 posters with Spanish words and English translation below printed on a blue background
The following questions words are included:
¿Quién?, ¿Quiénes?, ¿Qué?, ¿Dónde?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuál?, ¿Cuáles?, ¿Cuántos?
You may also like:
Tarjetas de Conversación - Conversation Cards in Spanish, Questions and Answers
Cuatro Esquinas - Four Corners Game in Spanish
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de la comida - Food Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn the food in Spanish with these colorful posters.
They can be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.
The set includes:
40 color posters
40 black and white posters
Vocabulary used:
el pollo, el pescado, la hamburguesa, las papas fritas, el perrito caliente, el espagueti, la pizza, la salsa, los totopos, el refresco, la leche, el batido, la manzana, la fresa, la pera, las uvas, el limón, la naranja, los plátanos, el tomate, la lechuga, el brócoli, el maíz, la zanahoria, el helado, la dona, la galleta, la sal, la pimienta, el pan, los panqueques, la mantequilla, las palomitas, el huevo, el tocino, el queso, el café, la pasta, el pastel, el taco.
You may also like:
Bingo de comida - Food Bingo
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de emociones - Feelings Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn feelings with these colorful Spanish posters.
They can be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and assessing the vocabulary to your students.
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used:
aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Spanish Feelings Bundle
You may also like:
Mini libro de sentimientos/emociones (My Feelings Mini Book in Spanish)
Ruedas de emociones - Spanish Feelings Wheels
Sopa de letras de emociones (Emotions Word Search)
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Free Pósters de los meses del año - Months of the Year Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn the twelve months of the year with these colorful Spanish posters.
They will be useful for teaching, practicing, decorating and celebrating students' birthdays.
Vocabulary: enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre.
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
Spanish Calendar Bundle
You may also like:
Sopa de letras de los meses del año (Months of the year Spanish word search)
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Folder de Vocabulario en español - Vocabulary Review Activity Folder in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This resource comes in a zip file for easy printing and contains the following documents:
Vocabulary included:
You may also like:
Juegos de mesa - Vocabulary Board Games in Spanish
End of the Year Vocabulary Review Activities in Spanish
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Descripciones de animales - Describing Animals in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students describing and asking questions about animals in Spanish. These posters are not only a wonderful way to decorate your classroom but also to introduce how to describe and ask questions about animals in Spanish. This is a great tool to reinforce what your students are learning about animals.
The set includes:
20 Adjective Posters
20 Question Posters
BONUS: Instructions to print posters as flashcards and a memory game
The description words included in this set are: ¿Es ...?, ¿Tiene ...? (muy) grande, mediano, pequeño, rápido, lento, colores, dos patas, cuatro patas, muchas patas, bigotes, muchos dientes, orejas largas, alas, pico, cuello largo, manchas, rayas, caparazón y cuernos.
You may also like:
Pósters de los animales de la granja / Farm Animal Posters
Pósters de los animales salvajes / Wild Animal Posters
Adivinanzas ¿Qué animal es? - Animal Guessing Game
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de Saludos - Greetings Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Decorate your classroom with these colorful Greetings Posters in Spanish!
Print them smaller and ask your students to put them in order to recreate a conversation or play a memory game.
This set includes 27 one page greetings.
The vocabulary used is: hasta mañana, me llamo..., gracias ¿y usted?, chao, ¿Cómo estás?, ¿Cómo está? igualmente, estoy excelente, buenas noches, mi nombre es ..., buenos días, estoy muy bien, hasta el lunes, buenas tardes, ¿Qué pasa?, buen fin de semana, ¿Qué tal?, hasta pronto, estoy así así, hola, mucho gusto, encantado/a, estoy más o menos, adiós, ¿Cómo te llamas?, ¿Cómo se llama?, gracias ¿y tú?
You may also like:
Cartel de Bienvenidos de Llamas - Welcome Banner in Spanish
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Attention Grabbers in Spanish | Back to School | Classroom Management Tool
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
These Spanish Attention Grabbers are call and responses sayings that I use in my classes for classroom management to help reduce disruptions and ease transitions between activities.
The set includes:
15 color posters
15 b&w posters
15 small cards in color (4 pages)
15 small cards in b&w (4 pages)
2 lists with all the attention grabbers
Spanish Classroom Management Bundle
You may also like:
Spanish Classroom Management Bundle
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de Autoevaluación | Self-Assessment Posters in Spanish | Back to School
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
These self-assessment posters in Spanish are a great tool to have students accountable. I use this set of posters in my classroom to have students self-assess themselves on how much they understand each lesson.
The posters include:
1 set with four posters showing simple explanation in four different colors and b&w.
1 set with four posters showing more explanation in four different colors and b&w.
Spanish Classroom Management Bundle
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Decoración de San Valentín - Valentine's Day Decoration in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Decorate your classroom or hallway for Valentine's Day with these colorful hearts in Spanish.
The bulletin board decoration set contains 24 color and b&w hearts to learn or review vocabulary about Valentine’s day.
Let your students color the hearts and then cut them in half with different patterns. Or they can just cut the color hearts as shown in the picture. Put all the half hearts on a bulletin board and let your students find the other halves.
The bulletin board that I put together with these hearts is on a hallway and it was really fun seeing students stop and look for the other half hearts.
These hearts are included in the Bingo set:
Bingo de San Valentín – Día del amor y la amistad (Valentine’s Day Bingo)
PRINTING NOTE: For best results please be sure your computer is fully updated. TeachShare also recommends printing from Adobe Acrobat for greatest success.
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Pósters de verbos / Verb Posters in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This poster set will help students learn verbs in Spanish. They are also a great way to enhance your classroom! These posters are an excellent tool to create your own stories. Students will learn the Spanish vocabulary for the verbs using these fun and colorful posters.
The set includes:
30 color posters
30 black and white posters
Vocabulary used: cantar, pintar, gritar, llorar, bailar, hablar, escuchar, comprar, pensar, cocinar, nadar, manejar, montar, saltar. cortar, volar, jugar, cerrar, caminar, trabajar, dar, leer, comer, vender, correr, beber, decir, dormir, escribir, abrir.
You may also like:
Bingo de los verbos - Bingo Verbs in Spanish
Sopa de letras de verbos (Verb Word Search)
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Days of the Week Posters in Spanish - Pósters de los días de la semana
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Help your students learn the days of the week using these fun and colorful posters in Spanish.
This resource includes:
8 color and b&w posters
7 color and b&w posters with a calendar to make it more comprehensible.
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Cartel de Bienvenidos VERDE AZULADO - Teal Welcome Banner in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Welcome your students and parents to your classroom this year with this colored teal "WELCOME" banner in Spanish. This welcome banner is perfect for back to school, open house or special visitors! Just print, cut, and string up!
This set includes:
Two printable Welcome banners
You may also like:
Pósters de Saludos - Greetings Posters in Spanish
Pósters de preguntas / Question Word Wall Posters in Spanish
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Cartel de Bienvenidos ROJO - Red Welcome Banner in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Welcome your students and parents to your classroom this year with this bright red "WELCOME" banner in Spanish. This welcome banner is perfect for back to school, open house or special visitors! Just print, cut, and string up!
This set includes:
Two printable Welcome banners
You may also like:
Pósters de Saludos - Greetings Posters in Spanish
Pósters de preguntas / Question Word Wall Posters in Spanish
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
Cartel de Bienvenidos VERDE - Green Welcome Banner in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Welcome your students and parents to your classroom this year with this colored green "WELCOME" banner in Spanish. This welcome banner is perfect for back to school, open house, or special visitors! Just print, cut, and string up!
This set includes:
Two printable Welcome banners
You may also like:
Pósters de Saludos - Greetings Posters in Spanish
Pósters de preguntas / Question Word Wall Posters in Spanish
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Free Cartel de Bienvenidos AZUL - Blue Welcome Banner in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Welcome your students and parents to your classroom this year with this colored blue "WELCOME" banner in Spanish. This welcome banner is perfect for back to school, open house or special visitors! Just print, cut, and string up!
This set includes:
Two printable Welcome banners in Spanish
You may also like
Bienvenidos Spanish Welcome Sign - Cartel de Bienvenidos
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Teaching with Café con Leche ☕️
El cuerpo - Body Parts Bundle in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you need lots of body parts practice in Spanish? This bundle will help your students to learn and review Body Parts in Spanish in the four ways of communication: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
This Spanish Body Parts Bundle includes:
Bingo de las partes del cuerpo
There are two different sets in this bundle.
The first one includes 30 bingo cards with 16 pictures each.
The second one includes 30 bingo cards with 9 pictures each.
The sets include 16 calling cards with pictures and words.
The vocabulary includes: la mano, el brazo, la cabeza, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago y el dedo.
Colorea y escribe las partes del cuerpo
This set contains:
Two color board games.
Two black and white board games.
Two worksheets.
Hojas de trabajo de las partes del cuerpo
This set contains 64 worksheets (32 color and 32 black and white).
The skills included are: trace the words, label the pictures, write the words, find the right word, match the words with the pictures, choose the right answer, put the word in order, write the missing letters, and draw.
Pósters de las partes del cuerpo
The set includes:
22 color posters
22 black and white posters
Vocabulary used: la mano, el brazo, el codo, la cabeza, la cara, la oreja, el ojo, el pie, el pelo/el cabello, la boca, los hombros, los dientes, la nariz, la pierna, la rodilla, la lengua, el cuerpo, la panza/el estómago, el dedo and el corazón.
Ruedas de las partes del cuerpo
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the body parts words
1 black and white wheel with the body parts words
1 color wheel with the body parts without words
1 black and white wheel with the body parts without words
Sopa de letras de las partes del cuerpo
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the body parts and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
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Café con Leche ☕️
Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
Do you want to engage your students when presenting new vocabulary? This Vocabulary Poster Bundle in Spanish has colorful posters to introduce or review tons of vocabulary in Spanish!!! These posters will help your students learn and are an excellent way to enhance your classroom too!
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Café con Leche ☕️
By Teaching with Cafe con Leche
This Spanish Feeling Bundle contains:
Mini libros de emociones
The set includes:
- Book 1 color book
- Book 2 read and color
- Book 3 read and draw
- Book 4 trace the word and color
- Book 5 read, recognize and circle the right word
- Book 6 fill in the missing word and color
Vocabulary used:yo estoy feliz, triste, enojado, frustrada, cansada, avergonzado, sorprendido y asustada.
Pósters de dos tamaños
This product contains two pdf files, one for each size:
1. One color and black & white 8.5” by 11” Feelings Posters.
2. One color and black & white 11” by 17” Feelings Posters.
Pósters de emociones
The set includes:
20 color posters
20 black and white posters
02 color questions
Vocabulary used: aburrido, enojado, orgulloso, triste, tonto, seguro, avergonzado, malhumorado, sorprendido, preocupado, decepcionada, emocionada, feliz, asustada, tímida, confundida, furiosa, frustrada, agradecida, and cansada.
Ruedas de emociones
The set includes:
1 color wheel with the feelings words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings words
1 color wheel with the feelings without words
1 black and white wheel with the feelings without words
Sopa de letras de emociones
1. Trace the words and find them in the word search.
2. Connect the pictures with the words then find them in the word search.
3. Write the words according to the picture and then find them in the word search.
4. Write the feelings names and complete the crossword puzzle.
Each page has a different arrangement of the vocabulary in the word search and a corresponding answer key.
PLEASE REMEMBER to leave feedback, it is much appreciated! TeachShare rewards each feedback with credit points that can be used to purchase other TeachShare products! If you ever have an issue, please send us an email at cafeconleche123@yahoo.com and give us a chance to fix it before leaving a review! We love to have happy customers :)
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Café con Leche ☕️