3rd Grade Psychology Assessment

Texas History: "Remember the Alamo!" Texas History Comic Coloring Book

By Beth Hammett

54 pages of Texas History fun to learn about the 13 day Battle of the Alamo. Uses critical thinking, inferencing, reading, writing, assessment time order, and more to help students understand and comprehend basic facts and timeline of the Battle of the Alamo for English and History/Social Studies. Includes: 25 blank speech template pages with coloring images for writing 25 Comic Coloring Pages that have: Calendars to fill in Famous Historical Figures: Bowie, Crockett, President Jackson, Travis, and more... Fact Boxes with unusual and well-known tips 13 Day Progression with labels and numbers on pages Letter by Lancelot Smither List of major Participants Texas Declaration of Independence 13 Days of Glory Timeline Victory or Death Letter by Travis Students will enjoy learning about the Battle of the Alamo with these 54 coloring basic info handouts and fact-based writing sheets!
