3rd Grade Graphing Printables

GRAPHING AND DATA COLLECTING!! My Temperature Blanket (Fahrenheit)

By La Llama Bilingüe

There is also a Celsius version!

GUILTY!! I have tried to crochet a temperature blanket more than once but I never seem to finish them. That's why I have created this fun and unique resource for your classroom! Easier than crocheting :P !!!


With this product, your class will be able to track daily temperatures and record them in a blanket template.

This document includes:

  • 2 "How to" pages
  • 3 Thermometer Template Pages (with and without temperature ranges)
  • A Cover Page
  • 1 Temperature Blanket Template
  • Data Analysis Pages (1 for every month Sep-Jun)
  • 6 Compare and Contrast pages.

With this activity pack kids will learn and use different kinds of skills, such as counting, subtracting, collecting, analyzing, comparing, contrasting, reflecting, etc.


3rd Grade MD Quizzes & Assessments w/rubrics: Length, Volume, Mass, Graph, Time

By E•Fish•ient Teaching

This is a perfect bundle for the 3rd grade core of Measurement and Data. This bundle includes 3 different quizzes and 1 assessment. The assessment can be used as a pre/post assessment to test what the students know. The quizzes are broken down into Length, Volume, & Mass Quiz, Time Quiz, and Graphing Quiz. The assessment covers all quiz information and standards MD.1, MD.2, MD.3, and MD.4 for 3rd grade.

If you enjoyed this product, please leave a review and follow my store. If you would like to see more products by me follow the link Finding the Fish. Thank you for your purchase and I hope you enjoy!


Surveys & Graphs BUNDLE

By Basic Biz Teaching

These no prep math worksheets will be the extra practice your third graders need to master survey and graph math skills. These worksheets review skills with bar graphs, picture graphs, line plots, tally graphs, measurement, data collection, surveys, and more!

⏳Have you noticed that your students need a lot more practice with the math concepts you're teaching? Do you find yourself needing more worksheets to help students master skills?

How You Can Use This Product:

⭐whole group

⭐small group




⭐exit tickets


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→ Area and Perimeter Games

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If you see anything that needs modifying, or if you have any questions, please contact me through the Q&A section.

You can also email me directly at basicbizteaching@gmail.com.

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GRAPHING AND DATA COLLECTING!!! My Temperature Blanket (Celsius)

By La Llama Bilingüe

There is also a Fahrenheit version!

GUILTY!! I have tried to crochet a temperature blanket more than once but I never seem to finish them. That's why I have created this fun and unique resource for your classroom! Easier than crocheting :P !!!


With this product, your class will be able to track daily temperatures and record them in a blanket template.

This document includes:

  • 2 "How to" pages
  • 3 Thermometer Template Pages (with and without temperature ranges)
  • A Cover Page
  • 1 Temperature Blanket Template
  • Data Analysis Pages (1 for every month Sep-Jun)
  • 6 Compare and Contrast pages.

With this activity pack kids will learn and use different kinds of skills, such as counting, subtracting, collecting, analyzing, comparing, contrasting, reflecting, etc.
