3rd Grade Back to School Unit Plans

Food Allergies Awareness Education, Activities, Signs for BACK TO SCHOOL

By Teaching Dinos

Do you have students with food allergies in your classroom? If so, this is the Ultimate Food Allergy Awareness Education Guide and Resource for the elementary school classroom, perfect for back to school! It includes digital resources that can be used in Google Classroom, as well as printable options to fit your different teaching needs.

Students will be educated on what food allergies are, the top 9 allergens - with mention of mustard as becoming more common, signs of a reaction and what classmates can do if a reaction occurs, how to be a good friend to someone with food allergies, and ways to keep their food allergic friends safe.

****Click on the preview to see what's included**


Food Allergy Presentation Google Slides and PDF- Engaging narrated presentation featuring a silly duck, named Quackers who learns about food allergies with your students. The digital education portion is just under ten minutes long and includes a song to help students remember allergens and ways to keep food allergic students safe. (34 Slides or 34 Page PDF)

Digital activities - Students answer questions on food allergies by moving symbols over the correct answers, or writing in a text box. Everything digital is narrated with audio as an option for students, which will especially help the early elementary grades. (33 Slides)

Printable Activites in Color and BW - with an answer key available. These are different than the digital activities, though some ideas may overlap. Pick and choose the activities most appropriate for your student's level. (33 Pages)

Posters, Signs, Tags - reinforcing the lesson on food allergies with the Food Allergy Song, Top 9 Allergens, and a list of ways to keep friends with allergies safe. We are a _____Free Classroom for your doors and classrooms including the following allergens: Dairy, Egg, Wheat (additional Gluten Free sign), Soy, Peanut, Tree Nut, Shellfish, Fish, Corn, Sesame, Mustard, Latex, Fragrances. Template for you to make your own custom sign (not editable, you can print and write in the allergens you need). Tags for bookbags, lunches, field trips, whatever you need to pin them on. Includes the allergens and blank templates to write in what you need as well. There are additional tags that say "I am Gluten Free, Vegan, Dairy Free, and Lactose Intolerant" for students that don't fit the typical IgE allergy. There are also tags that read, "Allergy Alert Epinephrine Inside" and "Allergy Alert Emergency Medication Inside." (25 Pages)

Answer Keys - for both digital and PDF activities. (5 pages and 10 pages)

Teacher Education & Resources Packet - discussing ways to keep your student safe and some considerations to make as a teacher and classroom with a student with food allergies. Includes resources for educators as well. (22 pages)

Why do you need this in your classroom?

15% of all food allergic children have had a reaction in school. Over 40% of food allergic children have experienced a severe reaction. Children with food allergies NEED the help of their classmates and teacher if they experience a food allergic reaction!

Help educate your students on this important and necessary topic! It’s an important step towards awareness, increased inclusivity of food allergic students, and helping aid in keeping students safe so they can have the opportunity to learn the best they are able, without fear of their own safety.



✅You may download this as a printable PDF, use the Google Slides in Google Classroom, send copies out to your students, or download as a PowerPoint to upload to Microsoft Teams. 

✅The Google Slides version of this resource are fillable, meaning students can type in pre-made text boxes and move symbols to correct answers. It is NOT editable due to the clip artists’ terms of use. If you have any questions, please contact me at TeachingDinos@gmail.com before purchasing. 

✅You will need Google Drive in order to access this resource. Your students will also need Gmail accounts so they can access it. Sharing via Google Classroom is recommended, but sharing through Gmail is another option. Of course you can always use the print version instead. 

✅With this purchase, TeachShare will automatically make a copy of your folder, create a TPT folder in your Drive, and add the folder to your Google Drive. In this process, TPT will need your permission to briefly access your Google Drive. Here is a link to more information: https://www.TeachShare.com/Help/Buyer-Questions/Why-does-TeachShare-need-access-to-my-Google-Drive-for-me-to-use-certain-digital-resources

✅When assigning this activity to students, make sure you are logged into the account in which the resources were installed. 

✅ Please make sure your district does not block outside audio on your google drive. If your district does block outside audio, it is not necessary to benefit from the full resource. All the text is included and could be read instead.

⚠️This is not an editable document.


⭐⭐⭐Food Allergy BOOM CARDS™ - If you would prefer a more condensed version of this unit, take a look at our Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ Education presentation and digital activities hosted through BOOM Learning™. These do not contain printables, resources, posters...etc. This is strictly the presentation and self-grading and reinforcing, digital activities. Check out the Food Allergy BOOM Cards™ by clicking HERE. ⭐⭐⭐

⭐⭐⭐TeachShare CREDITS!!!⭐⭐⭐

Don't forget to leave a review to get your TeachShare credits! Whenever you give feedback on a purchased product, you receive credits that go towards future purchases on TPT. For every $1 spent, you receive 1 credit. 20 credits equals $1 towards future purchases! Believe me, THEY ADD UP!!! 


Related Products:
⭐Food Allergy Posters, Signs, Tags for Classroom Awareness

⭐BUNDLE of 90 Days Silly STEM and STEAM Challenges Distance Learning and PDF

⭐THE WILD ROBOT Building Brick Challenge Task Cards STEAM / STEM / Sequencing

⭐HATCHET Novel Building Brick Challenge Task Cards with STEAM STEM Sequencing

⭐Adventure STEM Building Challenge Task Cards BUNDLE for Elementary Students



You can follow my shop, Teaching Dinos HERE

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Please email me at TeachingDinos@gmail.com if you have any questions about this resource or experience any problems, I’d be happy to help you!


First Week of Back to School Lesson Plans Bulletin Board Activities & Worksheets

By Literacytales

Back to School & First Week Five Days of Lesson Plans and Activities for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Print and Go! This package includes 50+ printables, 5-day plans, checklists, reading passages, writing prompts, phonics pages, bulletin board projects, & more.

The detailed hour-by-hour lesson plans ensure a stress-free start to the school year. This Back to School Low Prep Packet lesson plan is the perfect way to kick-start the first week of school. To implement this product, follow the step-by-step lesson plans provided.


This pack has everything you need for the first week, including phonics pages, reading passages, a Venn Diagram-Word Search, checklists, lesson plans, writing prompts, math activities, and more.

  • Ready-to-use lesson plans for the entire first week of school
  • Engaging activities covering various subjects
  • Saves teachers time and effort in planning for back-to-school

The Ultimate Back-to-School Planning Kit for Second- to Fifth-Grade Teachers! I've got you covered with this First Week of School Print and Go resource, carefully planned and created to ensure a smooth and successful start to the school year. So pick and choose and start the first week of school with all your subjects covered, including lesson plans ready and prepared.

Don't delay— Start your first week of school off right with our comprehensive Lesson Plans and Activities. Save time and be prepared.

Please note that the printable pages are NOT editable.

What is Included:

*Teacher Resources

  • Teacher Directions
  • Who is this for?
  • List of What Is Included
  • Detailed (By Hour) Five-Day Lesson Plans
  • How to Checklist
  • Phonics, Reading, Writing, Math, Grammar, and Do Now Checklists
  • Answer Keys to all Activities - excluding Writing, which may vary by student.

*Student Resources

  • One Flap-Up Page
  • Four Phonics pages ( Long/Short Vowels, Syllables, Compound Words, and Vowel Assessment)
  • Four Reading passages (Fiction and Nonfiction)
  • Venn Diagram

*Bulletin Board

  • Crayon Box
  • Who Am I?
  • Math About Me


  • Seven Writing Prompts for 2nd& 3rd
  • Three Writing Activities for 3rd-5th
  • One Pick 6 Writing Activity
  • Punctuations and Verbs and Nouns for 2nd-3rd
  • Upper Elementary Hunting Activities Verbs, Nouns, & Punctuations


  • Nine Worksheets: Addition, Subtraction, Correct and Incorrect, Mystery Math, and Double Review.
  • Three Do Nows (I Spy)

Early Funushers

  • Two Secret Words

  • Three I spy

  • Four Word Search


All About Me Facebook Profile

- Terms of Use

  • All products are for single-buyer use only. Please purchase an additional license per teacher.

Thank you so much for your support and honest feedback!

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NYS 5th Grade Adapted Health Curriculum 10 Month Plans

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10 month adapted health curriculum plans that is based off of the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Health & Wellness materials from 2014 for students at the 5th grade level. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

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Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Remarkably You | Social Emotional Learning | Positive Affirmations | Self Care

By Sweet Maple Teaching

This social-emotional learning resource includes materials you will need to teach the book "Remarkably You". In Pat Zietlow Miller's book, she focuses on the personal beauty each student has and the gifts they have to share. Our engaging activities are set up to provide two weeks' worth of social-emotional learning and self-love at the beginning of the school year. The activities can be also be taught throughout the school year to build classroom community and student confidence.

What's included:

  • 17 printable activities available in full-page activity worksheets
  • 7 different writing activities to focus on self-confidence
  • Peer to Peer collaborative games
  • Confidence building activities
  • Individual choice activities
  • 5 character trait learning activities ending with a bracelet-making craft
  • Two classroom posters with book quotes and wall decorations
  • Affirmation wall art/affirmation station materials
  • Student reflection journal (use throughout the year)
  • Individual student affirmation ring cards
  • Parent/student survey for teacher tracking/assessment of student self-worth
  • Individual student cards to visually display in the classroom with positive teacher input about each child

You will learn so much about your students while using this resource. It's wonderful to watch kids build confidence in who they are. I hope this resource helps you build the necessary skills for your students to say "I'm remarkable" as well.

Thank you for visiting our store. We're thankful that you chose to stop by our page. We're a new TeachShare shop starting out. We would love it if you'd click on the green star next to our store logo to follow along with us! Be the first to know about our new discounts, freebies, and product launches through your email.

Related Resources:

Another SEL resource that we have in our shop is our "Kindness Boot Camp" resource which focuses on building classroom culture, kindness, and empathy at the beginning of the school year. Click on the link below to see more.

Kindness Boot Camp

We also have a resource to teach your students how to strengthen friendships, build new relationships, and learn what it means to be a great friend. Click on the link below to see more.

Build Friendships | Peanut Butter & Cupcake ELA Resource

TeachShare Credit to Use on Future Purchases:

Log into your account and find your my purchases page. Next to each purchase, you'll see a feedback button. You'll be able to click it, give a quick rating, and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you can use toward your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps us decide what is important to our wonderful customers.


Read Aloud - Good Neighbor Day

By Rachel Thiry

How can I incorporate poetry into my daily/weekly lessons? You may have asked yourself this question. Solid Read Aloud is the answer! Solid Read Aloud products connect poetry to your classroom read aloud. Solid Read Aloud products not only connect poetry but enhance your curriculum with monthly themes and national observance days. The Good Neighbor Solid Read Aloud is designed for a one week time period. However, the unit can easily be stretched into two or three weeks. During this time the read aloud will include: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction selections. The unit also includes: comprehension work, good friend/neighbor activity, art project. This product is designed to enhance your curriculum, incorporate poetry, and infuse common core state standards into your teaching. The Solid Read Aloud product can easily be completed in approximately a 15-minute mini lesson. Thanks for visiting, Judy & Rachel


Health Curriculum 10 Month Plans - Upper Elementary - Adapted & Editable

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10-month, 4 week layout per month of adapted health curriculum plans for students at the upper elementary level. This packet includes what health material students can learn and the instructional plan for what content can be taught during each month. Essential questions are provided for each week. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met. This product can be edited according to what is covered on a week to week basis.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

What is covered in this product:

Sept - Parts of health, personality, decision making, healthful self concept, and dealing with stress.

Oct - Respect in relationships, dealing with anger, healthy family function, and identifying true friendships

Nov - Body organization - different organ systems in the body and stages of life - life cycle from adolescence through death.

Dec - Nutrients and balanced diet and reactions to foods.

Jan - Taking care of your health, hair, skin, nails, etc., the kinds of physical activity, and being a good sport and teammate

Feb - Staying safe at home, school, indoors, outdoors, staying safe when riding a bike or when in a car, and staying safe from violence.

March - Handling emergency situations, using drugs safely, how drugs and alcohol affect our health, and drugs harming our health.

April - How diseases spread, how we treat diseases, causes of chronic diseases, how to reduce the risk of disease, and how to reduce the risk of cancer.

May - Being responsible with money, community health - healthcare, mental health, hospitals, etc., living in a health environment, and how to reduce pollution.

June - Saving water and energy

Margins in this Microsoft Word document are set at .7 for the top, bottom, left, and right.

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – Primary Level Plans


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – 5th & 6th Grade Plans


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – 7th & 8th Grade Plans


If you download these products, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 5th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 5th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 5th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Health Curriculum 10 Month Plans - Primary Level - Adapted & Editable

By Sign with me TOD

This product includes 10-month adapted health curriculum plans for students at the 2nd - 3rd grade level. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met. This packet includes what health material students can learn and the instructional plan for what content can be taught during each month. This product can be edited according to what is covered on a week to week basis.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

What is covered in this product:

Sept - Healthful behaviors to protect your health, sharing emotions in healthful ways, making decisions, and dealing with stress.

Oct - Respecting other people, getting along with others, Being a responsible family member, and making new friends.

Nov - How is your body organized - body systems, signs that your body is changing, taking care of your body, and how do you body systems work together in your body.

Dec - Nutrients the body needs to stay healthy, following Dietary Guidelines, keeping food safe, and being safe at the table.

Jan - Importance of medical check-ups, keeping your eyes and ears healthy, proper hygiene and why it is important, and the importance of being physically active.

Feb - Importance of following safety rules, staying safe when you are out in the community, staying safe outdoors, and staying safe around people.

March - Medical emergencies, using medicine safely, how alcohol affects your body, and how tobacco and other drugs are harmful to your body.

April - Causes of disease, common diseases that we may get, how your body fights diseases, and chronic diseases.

May - Where to get healthful information, people who help us to stay healthy (health helpers), healthy community activities, and organizing time and money wisely.

June - Taking care of our environment and fighting pollution.

Margins in the Microsoft Word document are set at .7 for the top, bottom, left, and right.

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – Upper Elementary Plans


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – 5th & 6th Grade Plans


10 Month Adapted Health Plans – 7th & 8th Grade Plans


If you download these products, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 4th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 4th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 4th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 3rd Grade Health Adapted Curriculum 10 Month Plans

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10 month adapted health curriculum plans that is based off of the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Health & Wellness materials from 2014 for students at the 3rd grade level. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Science Curriculum 10 Month Plans - 3rd Grade - Adapted and Editable

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10-month, 4 week layout per month of adapted science curriculum plans for students in 3rd grade. This product includes what science concepts students can learn and the instructional plan for what content can be taught during each month. Essential questions are provided for each week. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met. This product can also be used for on level learners. This packet can be edited according to what is covered on a week to week basis.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

What is covered in this product:

Sept - What are the parts of plants and how they are used?, how are plants classified?, how do plants survive in different environments?

Oct - How are animals with backbones classified?, how are animals without backbones classified into groups? what kind of animals lived long ago? what happens during plant life cycles?

Nov - How are animal life cycles different from each other?, what are the needs of living things?, how do adaptations help living things?, what changes to an environment can have good and bad effects on the organism?, and Why do organisms need energy to survive? and How are food chains different from each other?,

Dec - What is Earth's surface made up of?, What causes Earth's crust to change?, and Where does soil come from?

Jan - What do humans need natural resources for? What are energy resources?, What is the water cycle?, What does weather include? What is climate?, Hygiene, physical activity, staying safe when playing sports, sportsmanship

Feb - What is the solar system?, What are the patterns of day and night caused by?, What are the phases of the moon?, and What is a star?

March - What are physical properties?, How can you use matter to identify physical properties of objects?, What are physical changes in matter?, and What is a chemical change in matter?

April - How are mixtures made?, What are solutions?, How is energy stores and released?, and What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

May - What are waves?, What is the difference between sounds?, What is electrical energy?, and What do electric currents flow through?

June - How do heat, temperature, and light relate with each other?, How do forces affect objects?, and What are simple machines?

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Digestive System Vocabulary Review Freebie


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Circulatory and Respiratory System Vocabulary Review Freebie


The Heart Notes and Review


Skeletal and Muscular System Notes and Review


If you download this product and enjoy it, please leave a positive review! :)


NYS 4th Grade Health Adapted Curriculum 10 Month Plans

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10 month adapted health curriculum plans that is based off of the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Health & Wellness materials from 2014 for students at the 4th grade level. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 6th Grade Adapted Health Curriculum 10 Month Plans

By Sign with me TOD

This packet includes 10 month adapted health curriculum plans that is based off of the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Health & Wellness materials from 2014 for students at the 6th grade level. This packet is useful, organized, and focuses on what should be taught weekly and monthly for students that need material broken down or taught at the adapted level to ensure their individual learning needs are met.

**Please note, activities, project templates, or lesson materials are not included in this product**

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 6th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 6th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 6th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 3rd Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 3rd Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Positive Self Talk Social Emotional Learning Lesson

By Sign with me TOD

In this product, students will be provided with a list of positive words and will choose 10 positive words that describe themselves. Students will then narrow that list of 10 positive words down to 3. They will explain why that word describes them. Students will answer questions about themselves - Example: What is your favorite color? What is your favorite hobby? etc., Students will then describe themselves - what color eyes they have, what color their hair is, what their favorite thing about themselves is, what is something they want to improve on, etc. Students will draw a picture of themselves, and complete the activity of choosing a mirror, printing it out and putting a picture of themselves in the mirror and can share what they like about themselves. This product can be used independently or when students are working in a group. Students can keep their responses private or can share them with their peers.
