3rd Grade Arithmetic Rubrics

3rd Grade Multiplication & Division Assessment & Quizzes: All OA standards

By E•Fish•ient Teaching


This has everything you need to assess your students on their knowledge of multiplication and division. There are arrays, fact families, square numbers, two step equations, area, and more. Students will show their mastery on multiplication and division by showing their understanding of different strategies. They will look at arrays and write a math sentence, and they will look at a multiplication sentence and draw an array. They will be able to show multiplication and division with equal groups. Each quiz and assessment comes with a standard based grading rubric. Each question is tied to a specific standard.

This combines Part 1 and Part 2 of the Operations & Algebraic Thinking Assessment & Quizzes for multiplication and division in 3rd grade.. Included in this bundle is 2 assessments and 9 quizzes. This bundle covers all the standards under Operations and Algebraic Thinking. It also includes NBT.3, and MD.7.

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